Celtic tattoos - mythology, designs, patterns, where to score (on the arm, shoulder, as the sleeve)

Throughout the world for many years, Celtic-themed patterns have been especially popular. They are unusual, bright, beautiful and endowed with meaning. If you are interested in Celtic tattoo patterns - this article is for you. In it we will talk about the meaning of the designs, as well as talk about which images are the most popular and why. Also on our site you can look at examples of work of the best masters specializing in Celtic themes.

What do the Celtic body designs mean?

The Celtic symbols on their bodies always stand out, which is why people have a desire to put mystical designs on their bodies, while showing their distinctive style. The Celts themselves adorned weapons, stones and kitchen utensils with such designs. Each ornament, inscription, animal has its own meaning, just such patterns ancient Celts wanted to make marks in order to denote something or strengthen a certain action in life.
History tells us that the Irish kings in the distant 800 were able to draw ornaments that belong to the ancient Celts. They were able to reproduce not only all of the designs exactly, but also their full meaning, creating the "Celtic Book." The patterns have some common meaning, which is infinity. After all, the beginning of a new curl is taken from the end of another ornament.

And since the ancient Celts were ferocious, sometimes even too brutal, conquering other territories, it is for this reason not everyone is ready to adorn themselves with such a tattoo.

The general meaning of the ancient Celtic drawings:

  • Continuity, the interconnectedness of the universe, the soul and the body are inseparable - the infinite lines speak of this;
  • ancient people believed in the immortality of their people;
  • The earthly and the celestial are inextricably linked. This is indicated by the knot in the tattoos;
  • the cycle in action is the struggle of life and death;
  • the labyrinths represent the path a person takes through life.

It is necessary to understand the meaning of the ornament, going to put the pattern on the body. Especially the tattoo suits people who have a strong character, persistence, going to the goal, sweeping away all obstacles. Often, they have a commanding nature and a desire to bend their will to the people around them.

Many experts say that the body painting directly affects the destiny of the person. Therefore, it is worth to think before you put such ornaments on your body or choose less aggressive options, so that this style of images did not carry in itself violence.

What justifies the choice

If you believe sorcerers, magicians and other specialists of the unknown, the presented patterns and images on the human body contribute to the following changes in life:

  • Any braids and spiralsAny braids and spirals, closed in a circle, will lead a person in a "circle" of life. A kind of circle of life's troubles, misfortunes, followed by joy will be swept throughout life. Such patterns should not be applied if a person wants to change something in his life. Otherwise he will go back to the beginning.
  • The tree of life Will lead to an increase in social circle. If the branches will be intertwined in the sun, it means that new acquaintances can be united into one team and continue to communicate on their interests.
  • Nodes will attract joys, sorrows and misfortunes, failures, successes, new friends, prosperity and financial well-being, which will merge into a single ball of a person's life.
  • Crosses are not recommended to be applied to the body, even stars are forbidden. This symbolism "to put a cross on yourself," which will indicate the end in the spiritual and temporal life. No, the person will not die, but his development will cease. It is not uncommon for people who are incarcerated to put crosses on themselves. A small fraction of them are able to return to a normal life; most commit another crime and are sent back to prison.
  • The desire to display animal must be for peaceful and friendly purposes. One should not apply a tattoo depicting a predator, even a dog has a tendency to bite. Such tattoos contribute to a change in a person's character - he becomes aggressive, angry with the people around him.

Choosing a tattoo pattern correctly

If an experienced master of tattoo from a proven salon, which is popular, advises something to his client, you should listen to it.

For women, the master recommends:

  • Celtic sun - round ornament, which has a small size, applied to the shoulders, back or wrist, where the pattern looks successful;
  • Celtic symbols on the hands looks interesting. The type of pattern depends on the place of application. For example, a small image looks great on the wrist, for the image of an animal will suit the forearm;
  • small knots or labor-intensive two-part weaves are applied to the leg;
  • A butterfly motif is also suitable for women. Such a pattern is applied with the help of paints with different shades. And the butterfly itself has a certain meaning - boundless love, the unity of man and woman. Such a pattern helps a woman to meet her other half.

For men, the recommendations may be as follows:

  • Celtic meanings look great on a man's neck. Use large ornaments that emphasize the features of the character of the owner;
  • dorsal body patterns speak of determination manly character;
  • on the strong will indicate a strong will and body designs marked on the hands - shoulders, forearms, as well as the wrist;
  • the ancient Celtic ornaments successfully focus attention on the male musculature, and in this case, the most successful are considered knotty patterns or a large weave. Such patterns attract women and make a man mysterious and mystical.

Often, the Celtic symbols are drawn on the shoulders, regardless of gender identity. Especially interesting look dragons in black and white tones, as well as colored tattoos. The drawn character with mystical overtones makes its owner mysterious and interesting.

Celtic tattoos on the arm, shoulder and other parts of the body

As we know, the Celts are a brave, warlike and freedom-loving people. All of these qualities are considered primordially masculine, so Celtic tattoos are particularly attractive to men. Anyone who wants to score a tattoo with Celtic tribal designs, wonders where the image will look best. Experts believe that Celtic tattoos look on the following areas of the body:

  • Back.
  • Chest.
  • Shoulder.
  • Arm.
  • Abdomen (preferred for girls).

The meaning of Celtic symbols

The people who first combined symbolism with animals and plants in the fine arts were the Celts. Thus, they were able to give their ornaments a very deep and symbolic meaning. Celtic imagery has a special meaning, which is intertwined not only with mythology but also with religion.

Celtic shamrock

Weaving a three-leaf clover is a symbol not only of the ancient Celts, but also of other European peoples - the Frisians and Scandinavians, as well as the ancestors of the Scots. It symbolizes the worship of the god of power of the seas and healing Manannan. Such a tattoo is suitable for people who like Irish culture. The image will bring luck in life, good luck in new endeavors.

Celtic bracelet

This ornament is drawn in the form of a crown and heart in the middle of the image, which is supported by two hands intertwined with each other. This is a symbol of fidelity of lovers, symbolizing a close relationship. Such a pattern is inscribed on the hand.

Celtic cross

This is probably the most popular Celtic symbol today. The image is very similar to the cross used in Christianity, although it has its own distinctive features. He is depicted in a circle, thus outlining the earthly elements. The triad also has its meaning - the Virgin, the Mother, the Old Woman. It denotes eternal life on earth, the inseparable connection between man and the universe, the rebirth of the soul.

If Celtic mythology is to be believed, the cross was given to the ancients thanks to St. Patrick, who brought Christianity to the pagans. The tattoo is suitable for people of faith or those who want to protect themselves from spoilage and the evil eye. Also, the cross means the memory of loved ones who have already died.

Celtic inscriptions

Images of the ancient Celts also have encrypted inscriptions - these are messages runes. This script can be traced back to the I-II century and the XII century. It is an angular form of writing. The runes give a special meaning to the main ornament, emphasizing and amplifying its semantic meaning.

Images of animals

Animals in Celtic patterns are depicted in a specific way - they are peculiar caricatures, which also display a single line.

The animals symbolize the following:

1Hare - in most mythologies depicts well-being materially and spiritually. The Celts believed that drawing a picture of a hare on the house would attract the prosperity, rebirth and immortality of the Almighty, as well as the souls of the inhabitants.

2Snakes - The most interesting variations used for tattoos take the lead. The symbolism of snakes is to help man in giving spiritual support - a person living on earth, like the represented reptile, is endowed with vital energy to live on the planet. The Celts believed in the magical property of the snake - in its presence, you can count on the protection of man from enemies.

3Deer - symbolize courage and prosperity, promotes independence. A person who gives himself a tattoo depicting a deer can attract a rebirth of the spirit.

4Horse - a long-standing symbol of fertility that appeared in most mythologies. Such images promote physical activity with attainment.

5Dolphins - In most cases, such tattoos are applied to their body girls. But men do not lag behind in their choices either, as this sea animal protects humans in the seas. The Celts believed that dolphins helped man in his spiritual formation by engaging the waters of the ocean.

6Dogs - are a symbol of loyalty, devotion, and protection of man physically and spiritually.

7Wolves - Drawings are similar in appearance to the dog, but have a different message. The wolf is aggressive, so it protects the human and spiritual space by attacking enemies. This animal also indicates successful hunting, attacking enemies.

Celtic tattoo - the image of a wolf

8Fish and other sea creatures - is foresight and wisdom. The presence of the represented animals on the human body helps to anticipate situations and develop intuition.

9Dragons - These animals in all the mythologies of the World had the gift of divination, were the faithful guardians of the gates to the secular and divine Worlds. In some cultures it is dragons protect the Earth from invasion of foreigners - in Celtic culture under strangers perceived all the enemies (other nations, wishing to conquer the territory of the Celts).

It is necessary to understand the meaning of each imageIn order to make the right choice. It is better to be guided by your own style and appearance. For example, the image of a wolf in a Celtic style would look ...vulgar and ridiculous... at the same time on the fragile back of a petite girl.

Animal Celtic tattoo themes

Other drawings or what do they mean?

The ancient Celts have many different drawings and ornaments, and it is impossible to determine what each one means! Above we have outlined the most popular images, but there are others that people wish to put on their bodies.

  1. Weaving is a unity of spirit and Mother Earth. Such a symbol can be both inside and outside the image. The weave adorns the hand and emphasizes the overall image with beautiful swirls.
  2. Talisman carries good luck and prosperity. People who want to make a prosperous business make the pattern. Talisman is applied to the shoulder.
  3. Medallion is a symbol of protection, which protects its owner throughout life, gives him true friends and mutual love.
  4. The sign of the triquetra (Holy Trinity) is the gift of immortality, the unity of the earthly and the heavenly.
  5. The knot is the infinity of life.
  6. The spiral represents spiritual perfection.
  7. The tree of life speaks of eternal life, knowledge and wisdom. Pictures of beautiful and unusual sketches will help you choose the right drawing, symbolizing the special knowledge and understanding.

Each animal carries its own meaning:

  • The bull is power, and not necessarily physical, but also spiritual;
  • the dog is good luck;
  • the horse speaks of bodily and spiritual beauty;
  • The wolf speaks of a person's leadership qualities;
  • wild boar symbolizes cruelty, rejection;
  • the raven represents renunciation, oblivion, even death;
  • the wild boar is a cruel character;
  • fish - joy.

The uniqueness of the fine art of the ancient Celts inspired modern artists with masters of tattoos to create new drawings, bearing a special meaning.

Before you decide to decorate your body with a Celtic ornament, it is worth finding out what it means, and what it can bring in the life of its owner new and interesting.

Remember that only in a good salon, about which there are many positive reviews, the master will be able to make a beautiful and meaningful Celtic pattern.

Feature of the style

The Celtic style has up to 20 directions. The drawings for tattoos are borrowed from the traditional culture of the tribes of Central and Western Europe of the I millennium B.C. That's why there are a huge number of expressions. A characteristic representative of the style is considered a Celtic ligature, which has become popular for its originality.

Tattoo in the Celtic style is beaten with a dense outline. This is partly an imitation of the techniques of drawing on the stone. It is thanks to granite monuments that unique examples of the art of the ancient tribes have come down to us.

Not much history

Until now, historians are amazed by the accuracy with which the unknown masters deduced drawings. All lines and outlines were of equal width. The symmetry in the creation of the pattern was striking. The entire surface was covered by multiple patterns, smoothly flowing into each other.

Researchers believe that the key to the creation of the pattern was the sign. The symbols depicted animals, faces, plants, and river lines. The figures are divided into groups. Some depicted specific phenomena: wild animals that inhabited the Celtic territories, trees, grasses.

Another had a sacred meaning. Among them was the knot of infinity and eternal youth. This abstract concept proved the high degree of development of the Celtic worldview and culture.


For women

For men