Types and meaning of Celtic designs. Meaning of Celtic tattoos

Who are the Celts?

Celtic designs are a legacy of a great civilization that left continental Europe back in the seventh century BC and gradually became isolated (or settled) on the islands that are now part of Great Britain.

Thanks to the rich representatives of the people, art developed successfully under their patronage, and the meaning of the symbols was multifaceted.

It represented the history, religion, and social background of life at the time, while at the same time embellishing it and fulfilling a kind of educational function. Mysterious, mysterious and beautiful, they have become part of modern culture.

Tattoo variations

The Celts were a freedom-loving and brave people. It is these primordially masculine qualities that attract many guys who dare to put an authentic Celtic pattern on their bodies. The most popular tattoo locations:

  • Back;
  • Shoulders;
  • Chest.

Girls also have a weakness for Celtic tattoos, including large-scale full-body patterns. Popular locations:

  • Back;
  • Arms;
  • Stomach.

Celtic tattoos are not only abstract patterns, but also more complex images made by the same technique of interweaving lines and curls. Among the possible variants of the sketches, let's note the most interesting, such as:

  • A bird with outspread wings in the area between the shoulder blades;
  • Patterns with the effect of applying to medieval armor;
  • Lotus flower made of Celtic patterns.
  • Sun in Celtic style;
  • Tree of Life.

Meaning of symbols and incredible Celtic patterns

Today it is already difficult to understand what the patterns of people from the distant and glorious past mean, but in modern life they have found a use not only for decorative utilitarian function, but also for the awareness of the surviving remnants of culture.

Many people resort to the ancient Celtic patterns simply because they are decorative and unpredictable, without thinking about what they might mean.

Such plagiarists have a false idea of the purely decorative function of the patterns displayed by the ancient people. But each sign had its own deep meaning, and it could be different, even depending on the place on which it was carved.

Celtic Patterns

The main symbols of the knots and their meanings

Traditionally, there are several basic symbols distinguished in Celtic patterns.

  • Braided knots, which symbolized the continuity and intricacy of human life. Each woven knot meant the life of a certain person.
  • In the view of the Celts, labyrinths were similar to the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. The Celtic cross symbolized the unity of the opposite.
  • The Celtic cross symbolized the unity of the opposite. This, too, is associated with the symbolism and inseparability of all that occurs in the world around us. For example, masculine and feminine, the firmament and earthly forces. Sometimes it is just an opportunity to expand one's consciousness in order to understand it.
  • The image of the spiral signified the trinity of the forces of water, earth and sky. But, at the same time, also the trinity of the human spirit. It is initially concentrated in one point and then, unwinding, rushes into infinity.
  • The sacred tree symbolized the unity of the earth and the sky, with its roots on the earth and its crown in the sky.


  • The trefoil, which later transformed into a clover leaf, also has the meaning of the trinity of the main natural forces - heaven, earth and water;
  • The meaning of the bird is detachment from all earthly things, the release of the spirit from the mortal body, the coming connection with God. The bird is a symbol of the death of the human body, and a symbol of the unpleasantness of dreams.
  • The Celts, on the contrary, regarded snakes as an optimistic and good symbol. It promoted healing and regeneration. It was a source of vitality and a sign of rebirth, healing. With their help, they tried to protect the health of the body and find the coveted wisdom.
  • The Celtic dragon was a protective spirit, which did not allow the appearance of hostile forces on earth.

Celtic Symbolism

Scholars who have studied Celtic symbolism have described a huge number of signs, which were later relocated in manuscript books of later layers of civilization.

It is almost impossible to describe all the types, even the most common in Celtic culture, because combinations of them were used in different semantics, and they are not just decorative symbols.

2 symbols

It is a means of storytelling, a language of symbols whose meaning changes when used in a certain context. It is also a way to ask the higher powers for blessings and prosperity.

They are accompanying signs in the transition to the other world, a means of decorating and recording historical events, knowledge and religious beliefs.

A side note! How to choose curtains


The meaning of the tattoo "Celtic patterns" is inextricably linked to the beliefs of this ancient ethnic group. Totemism in the culture of the ancient Celts was very developed, but the Celts hardly ever depicted flora and fauna on their bodies. The art of Celtic tattooing is unique in that the paintings used symbols rather than specific images. Note that the Celts were among the first to begin using signs in body art. And this is not without reason, because the symbol carries in itself a much deeper meaning than the traditional image. Celtic tattoos can be briefly described as a combination of abstract figures and sacred symbols.

Symbolism beautiful or dangerous

Many people now wear bracelets (both men and women), a scarf with a Celtic pattern, or use ornaments to make an original tattoo.

The meaning of animal symbols

In such cases, it is not only the number of animals depicted that matters, but also the place where the tattoo is located, the angles at which the images are distorted, and the dynamism of the image.

Interesting. If the spiral ends with an intersection of lines, it denotes a continuity of events. And if a zoomorphic image (dragons or a lion) becomes the end of the spiral, the spiral acquired another meaning. It became a symbol of the possible intersection of incompatible events or phenomena.

The Celts recognized only seven primordial life forms that came out of the hands of the creator. They were birds, fish, animals, insects, plants, people and reptiles.

An ancient amulet could contain any image of primordial forces, but not in a naturalistic style, but in a mediated and reinterpreted, or distorted and supplemented.

Naturalism was unthinkable in Celtic drawings because they believed that by repeating a divine creation, they were offending the God who invented and created it.

Geometric patterns

Geometric Patterns.

Celtic art contains a variety of motifs. But geometric patterns prevail because the desire for infinity and eternity can be portrayed in this way.

You can symbolically depict the infinity and at the same time the finality of any process. How did they express the interrelationship and intricacies of events and natural forces?

  • Using geometric patterns, the Celts used one continuous thread. They believed it was the thread of a separate life.
  • In animalistic depictions, each bird and each animal not only symbolized a certain quality, but also belonged to a separate god. And he, as in any pantheistic religion, was responsible only for certain aspects of the universe.
  • Fantastic creations were insecure because they could not be seen in real life. Except for the dragon, which acted as protector of the surrounding real world from otherworldly forces.
  • Real birds and animals depicted indirectly meant different things. For example, pigeons were a symbol of love and spiritual life. A heron was a sign of wariness and vigilance. The duck was a symbol of the duality of earth and water.
  • Some geometric patterns had double meanings. And what now appears to be a mere intricacy of threads of heavenly beauty, can bring trouble upon a person. This can be the case if the second meaning of the pattern is hostile to him by the time of his birth. Or, for example, by belonging to another patron.

How amulets were made

One amulet was made for gaining health. Another one was made for gaining material wealth. A third was not only to ward off the evil eye, but also to send a certain negative message to its source.

If a Celtic pattern designed for men is placed on the neck of unintelligent girls who have not bothered to find out its meaning, it is unlikely to help achieve the desired goal or find what they are looking for. Rather, tattoos or a woman's ring, made on the demand of fashion, will give the opposite effect.

Animals in Celtic Tattoos

The Celts believed that animals were closely associated with humans and passed on their knowledge sent from above by nature. And therefore among the tattoos there are often drawings of animals. In each individual animal - there is its own symbolism:

  • a dog - good fortune;
  • bull - incredible strength, not only physical, but also spiritual;
  • wild boar, ferocity;
  • The horse is beauty;
  • fish - joy of life;
  • raven or crows - death;
  • The wolf - the desire for leadership and the successful achievement of it.

    Tattoo of Celtic patterns on the arm sketches

How to draw a Celtic love knot

The most common and most famous of the ornaments of the ancient culture of weaving is the Celtic love knot. It is a tight weave of loops that has neither beginning nor end. Its origin, at the level of probable speculation, dates back to Egypt or Syria.

It is a binding mark that was used to cover holy books, commemorative crosses or jewelry with a special meaning.

Celtic knot

Its meaning is interpreted presumptively, and not always reliably, but correlates with:

  • Christianity's tenet of helping one's neighbor;
  • the hunter's conspiracy for good prey on the hunt;
  • a bond that binds one loving heart to another;
  • an amulet against hostile forces.

It is hardly appropriate to place such an image on the foot. But on the shoulder or wrist is appropriate if it is not a love symbol. Two Celtic knots, if on the forearm or somewhere else, woven together, mean the inseparability of the material and spiritual, but not love feelings.

Knit things with a Celtic ornament

If knitting is your hobby, then feel free to create unique warm things for yourself and your loved one. Men's things look especially beautiful, giving the stronger sex even more masculine and noble.

For a men's sweater, you can use a thick yarn. Look at a simple example of knitting, which uses two types of loops: the back and the front. The pattern is created by shifting the front loops on the cloth, which is tied with the back loops. The pattern shifts symmetrically with respect to the vertical and horizontal line that runs through the center of the pattern.

Due to the crossed knitting loops, the desired pattern is obtained.

Patterns in knitting and weaving

If the pattern is woven into the knitting, it is appropriate to use the basic colors of ancient Celtic. These are usually green, white or red, but not black. If you decide to use an ancient ornament and are looking for a way to tie it, you should first study the photo.

The knot for the bracelet and earrings

A step-by-step execution of the bracelet on the arm can look like this, as shown in photo 1.

Knot in earrings

And the step-by-step execution of the knot for women's earrings is as follows.

Celtic Patterns: Meaning of Symbols

Trickwurst .

The triquetra is one of the most recognizable symbols of Celtic culture. To draw it, first depict a triangle. Then add three petals to this figure so that their edges coincide with the tops of the figure.

Black and White Celtic Pattern

Draw an extra line near the contours of the petals and inscribe two concentric circles in the triangle. Draw the contours of the pattern and wipe the extra lines so that the petals and the ring intertwined.

The Mystery of Patterns

Each Celtic pattern has its own special meaning. In the modern world, Celtic ornaments and symbols are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets and pendants.

The Celtic beliefs held that each individual was a part of the World Tree. This amulet was used to amalgamate with the Celtic knot at the end of his journey, through death and rebirth.

Celtic amulets are only good amulets

Each Celtic chose a special print for their amulet. It was believed that this was his destiny. Each pattern carried separate concepts of health, prosperity, power, money, love. The lines of the Celtic patterns are all fantasy intertwined, becoming one or another ornament.

The Celtic pattern visually resembles a complex and cunning labyrinth. This is the main idea: a person wanders through life in search of truth and self-discovery.

Celtic patterns in jewelry are a great way to express yourself

All Celtic patterns are distinguished by their artistry and filigree. It is their unimaginable aesthetics, mystique and symbolism that enjoys enormous popularity in the modern world.

Criteria for choosing Celtic talismans

When choosing amulets, it is necessary to consider some features, such as:

  1. Material. Suitable copper, silver, wood. Wood attracts warm and positive energy, and metals are strong conductors of magical power.
  2. Wearing time.. For maximum effect, a talisman (such as tattoos and jewelry) should be with the wearer constantly. Jewelry with the image of the Celtic cross is shaped like a circle. Suitable rings, pendants, bracelets.
  3. Manufacturer. It is desirable to know the craftsman well and trust him or create an amulet with your own hands, as he absorbs the energy of the one who touches him.
  4. Personal sensations while wearing. It is important to observe your mood, well-being, emotional state, and the events of life. If discomfort, fear, panic, deteriorating health, negative changes in affairs and relationships should stop using the sign.
  5. Color. Blue, gray, brown and black help to fully reveal the potential of the amulet.

Selection Criteria
When choosing an amulet, take into account its material and color.

At the same time, it is important not to do any harm and achieve a positive result.

Areas of application of symbolism

To ensure close and long-lasting interaction with the amulet and achieve the greatest effect, many people put symbols on clothing or create stable drawings on the skin.

Tattoos .

Before the procedure it is necessary to find out the meaning of the selected symbol. Do not be guided only by the external appeal.

Improperly chosen image does not cause harm, but to use it as a talisman will not work. It also matters the location of the image.

The most favorable options:

  • back - protection from evil forces;
  • the chest - purification of the soul and heart;
  • neck - success in creativity, ability to see the future;
  • head - enlightenment;
  • right shoulder, arm - knowledge of the value of life;
  • Left shoulder, arm - strong connection to the netherworld.

Symbols applied below the waist carry no information and have no magical power.


For women

For men