Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin with translation in English, French, Italian

Tattoo inscriptions in Russian - a traditional element of body art, a reflection of the thoughts, goals of the person, or a demonstration of commitment to a particular idea. In addition, it is a sign of respect for their native language.

Today, doing tattoos in Russian has become no less fashionable than in English, Hebrew, Latin or Japanese. Native speech, put together in elegant phrases, as melodious and euphonious as a foreign language. Often Russian tattoos combine inscriptions and images. The font and pattern are chosen in the same style.

Meaning of tattoo inscriptions for girls

Phrases for girls' tattoos can have different meanings.

The most common female nudes are:

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin with translation, in English, French, Italian

  • Oberag. Tattoos can protect the girl from the evil eye, spoilage and negative energy of the people around her. For a body image to work, it is recommended to apply it to areas of the body that are invisible to outsiders.
  • Talisman. Girls also stuffed tattoos as talismans, bringing good luck in work, love and building life in general. Such body drawings are usually images of clover, ladybug or lilac flower with 5 petals, which are part of a multi-component picture with text.
  • A reminder of a significant event. It can be, for example, the date of a wedding or the date of a child's birth, etc.

Religious themes in tattoos

The key to the decision to get such a tattoo is devotion to a certain faith and the desire to be closer to one's God. Images and symbols have different meanings in each religion. Many religions consider tattoos unacceptable, for example Islam or Judaism, but in Christianity, let us say, there are no certain restrictions on this subject. Such tattoos are a demonstration of one's views on life, encapsulating the meaning of the wearer's existence, often depicting prayers or the laws of being.

Rules for choosing the place for the tattoo of the inscription

It is recommended to choose a place for making tattoos as an inscription according to the standard algorithm:

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

  1. Decide on the idea of the future tattoo (whether the body image will be a talisman, an amulet or just a decoration).
  2. Develop a sketch of the picture. To do this, it is important to understand whether the tattoo will be multi-component (that is, consist of an inscription and a picture) or will include only text.
  3. Taking into account the first two points to choose the optimal place for tattooing. For girls, tattoo masters consider the most successful options for placing inscriptions on:
  • shoulders;
  • collarbones;
  • Wrists (tattoos in this area require frequent correction because of the excessive mobility of the skin and its thinness);
  • hips;
  • back;
  • Abdomen (if necessary to hide the scars, for example, from a C-section).

Tattoo care

Proper care for a tattoo after it is applied is a very important component. In order for the tattoo to remain bright and clear, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the healing and restoration process. On average, the recovery process takes from 7 to 10 days, but the time may be different, depending on the location of the tattoo, the structure of the skin and the speed of skin recovery. After the session, you should listen carefully to the recommendations of the master and stick to them.

How to choose the language?

Tattoo inscriptions can be inscribed in any language. If there is a need to leave the meaning of what is written incomprehensible to outsiders, the text should be written in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or Hebrew.

The only thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages of such variants of body art is the need to compose the phrases with a native speaker or professional translator. Otherwise, in the printed text can be a mistake, which will not only affect the appearance of the image, but also can provoke negative feelings on the part of the owner of the tattoo.

If the purpose is to hide the meaning of the figure is not, you can choose any language to compose the phrases for the sketch. The phrases in English, French or German will look stylish.

Types of tattoo inscriptions

Conventionally, people can be divided into several types: those who stuff the sign of infinity, and those who write "eternity". Inscriptions are one of the most popular types of tattoos because it can accurately convey the meaning behind it. Due to the diversity, beauty and number of turns of speech in the Russian language, each sketch can be made unique and inimitable. It can be a whole text, a single sentence or even a short phrase. You can place letters and words on your body in a chaotic order, vertically, horizontally, spirally, to complement the drawing or to arrange separately.

How to choose a font depending on the location of the tattoo?

The font for the tattoo inscription should be selected not only taking into account the individual preferences of the girl, but also based on the location of the image, as well as the overall design of the sketch. Large printed fonts are recommended if the tattoo is planned to be placed on large areas of the body.

Volumetric letters here will be the most appropriate, because with their help it will be possible to fill in a large part of the skin on the selected for the tattoo area. Small and neat fonts are most appropriate for tattoo writings on the wrists, forearms or feet. Large letters here will look rough and inorganic, throwing in the eyes of others (especially relevant for fragile slender girls).

Paired tattoos

Dating tattoos are a very responsible step for every man, these tattoos mean full confidence in their partner and the longevity of this relationship, the desire to leave this period of life in the memory forever. When looking at such a tattoo there is a feeling of a lack of some fragment, an important detail. The meaning of such tattoos owners choose themselves. Speaking of the tattoo-scripts, in paired tattoos, you can use lines from your favorite songs, where the first lines on the body of one person, and the continuation on the body of another. Dialogues from favorite movies or TV shows, sharing lines for two. Interesting sayings and quotations, the initial part and continuation of which will share a couple.

Tattoo phrases with meaning for girls

Phrases for tattoo girls can be about different topics, the most popular of which are:

  • love;
  • friendship;
  • life;
  • freedom;
  • religion and faith;
  • philosophy.

About love

Tattoo inscriptions with a love theme might look like this:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort Description
I love your smile.This phrase is usually stuffed not only girls in love, dedicating a natal image to their other half, but also those who want in this way to emphasize their awe for parents, brothers or sisters. This phrase illustrates the dependence of positive emotions in the owner of the tattoo on the happiness of her loved ones.
Only time can tell if you will be mine again"Only in time will it become clear whether you will be mine again. Such a tattoo is usually dedicated by girls to their other half - a boyfriend or husband - whom they had to part with due to external circumstances. Despite the separation, the owners of such body art believe that they can be reunited with the object of their feelings again.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

About life

The most common phrases about life among girls are:

A variation of the inscription tattooShort Description
Make my own destiny"Make my own destiny". Such a tattoo is chosen by girls seeking to emphasize their independence from external circumstances. They are self-confident, goal-oriented, but, like all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, need a reliable partner.
The sun always shines on meThe tattoo means that the girl is confident in her choice of life path. The owners of such body art are always used to achieve their goals, being sure that the whole world helps them in this. The inscription is a reminder for them, increasing inner strength in the moments of overcoming difficulties.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

About friendship

Phrases for tattoos for girls, dedicated to the theme of friendship, usually come in pairs.

Options for such inscriptions can be:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionBrief description
Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant"Friends appear at happy times in life, but are tested by misfortune" (from the Latin). Such an inscription as a sketch for a tattoo is chosen by girls who consider themselves devoted friends. Despite the fact that they are always open to their friends, they are often betrayed and left alone with the difficulties of life.
True friendship has no time limit.Such a paired tattoo is inscribed by girlfriends who communicate for many years, for example, since early childhood. This body image is a reminder for them that there is always a friend near them, ready to come to their aid, provide support at any time of day, as well as someone with whom you can share joy without worrying about being jealous.

About Freedom

The most popular freedom-themed inscription tattoos are:

A variation of the inscription tattooShort Description
Freedom"Freedom" (English). This phrase is rarely tattooed in isolation. Most often, it is part of a multi-component image. Next to it, it would be appropriate to draw an eagle, a wildcat, a wolf or other symbols of freedom meaningful to a particular girl. Girls who have decided to strike such a tattoo, value their independence and do not seek a partner for life.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves"The stars don't determine our destiny. Everything is in our hands. Girls who choose this phrase as a sketch for a tattoo, they realize that everything in life should be achieved by their own efforts, not referring to the predetermination of fate. They have a tough character, they are stubborn and determined.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

About Religion and Faith

Tattoo inscriptions dedicated to the topic of religion and faith can also be stuffed both in Russian and in foreign languages, depending on the place of the potential placement of the image.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin with translation, in English, French, Italian

For example:

A variant of the tattoo inscriptionBrief description
Fear ends where faith beginsSuch a sketch for a tattoo choose the girls, assured that they are under protection of the higher forces. Staying in harmony with themselves, they do not worry about the upcoming events, relaxed relying on the will of God.
God will calm the storm.This phrase suits girls who have an explosive, impulsive character. It is difficult for them to respond calmly to external stimuli. Therefore, such a tattoo inscription will be a reminder to them that all events are temporary, and after a few months or years God will help them to forget about the "storm" lived at the moment.

Original phrases

Tattoos - inscriptions can also be original, not having a single theme:

A variation of the tattoo-inscriptionShort Description
Fortuna mecum."Fortune is always by my side" (Latin). This sketch for the tattoo is suitable for girls who believe in the protection created by the natal image. These people are brave, determined, love to take risks and are not afraid to lose. A strong character develops in their case, thanks to the confidence in their luck.
Arrive ce guilpourra."Let it be as it should be" (French). This French saying as a sketch for a tattoo will suit girls who do not like to make fateful decisions, afraid to take responsibility. It's easier for them to rely on chance, which is what they remind themselves when they decide to type this phrase.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

Philosophical inscriptions

The most popular philosophical inscriptions that girls choose as their tattoo designs are:

Tattoo inscription optionShort Description
Aquila Non Captat Muscas"An eagle has no interest in hunting flies" (Latin). Such a phrase, a girl selected as a sketch for the tattoo, reflects her motto in life, according to which it can not knock out of the rut of small troubles in life. The owner of this body image is confident in herself, values her time and is very selective in her relations with others.
Educa Te Ipsum"Educate yourself" (Latin). The owners of this tattoo consider it necessary to work on themselves throughout their lives. These people are usually self-critical and objective not only about their own actions, but also about the actions of others. They do not like limited people, preferring to keep them at a distance, regardless of the prevailing circumstances (for example, if they have to spend 24 hours a day together).

With what and how they get tattoos

Since ancient times people used in the application of tattoos natural pigments, such as ochre, coal, vermilion and others, later people began to use a powder mixture. Currently, thanks to the development of the chemical industry, there are more and more special safe pigments for tattoos. However, despite the fact that there were high-quality and non-allergy-inducing dyes, you should carefully choose the salon and the master, look at his competence and experience.

Beautiful sketches of women's tattoo inscriptions in world languages with translations

Phrases for tattoos for girls, the meaning of which is necessary to hide from others, it is recommended to be printed in foreign languages, the most popular in the world.

In Latin

In Latin, the most common phrases are:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort description
Haec fac ut felix vivas"One must do things in life in order to feel happy." Such a phrase will suit girls who are not used to living in their own pleasure, preferring to think about what others will say.
Potius sero quam nunquam"Better to be happy late than never." This inscription will be a reminder to girls who get caught up in relationships, ignoring their own interests and desires.
Ne cede malis."One should not despair in the moments of life's difficulties." This sketch for tattoos is suitable for girls who need support. In its absence, the owners of these natal images are lost, succumb to fears and are unable to think soberly. The tattoo in their case will be a reminder that they should not despair.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning in Latin

In English

Among the phrases in the English language, girls are the most commonly tattooed:

A variation of the inscription tattooShort Description
You can't make your heart feel something it won't"You can't make your heart feel something it won't." Such a body image reminds its owner of the need to listen to herself, to give up the habit of suppressing emotions and increase inner harmony.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none"Love should be everyone, trust a few, but do wrong to no one". This tattoo is chosen by girls who prefer to live according to their conscience. They are sincere and kind to those around them, so they expect a similar attitude in their address.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend"It is much easier to accept an enemy after betrayal than a friend." The meaning of this statement is that one can expect meanness from an enemy, which means that such an act will not bring much pain. From friends betrayal is unexpected, which means that it will be extremely difficult to forgive them afterwards.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

In French

The most common phrases for tattoos in French are:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort description
Cacchee ta vie."Happiness loves silence." Girls who chose such a sketch for a tattoo prefer to hide their happiness, as they are sure that by telling about it, they will scare away good luck, and joyous events will become much less frequent.
Pour découvrir le monde tourne autour de toi"To understand life, you must first understand yourself." The meaning of this saying is that it is impossible to find harmony with oneself and with the surrounding world if one does not understand the nature of emotions and thoughts that constantly haunt one.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin with translation, in English, French, Italian

In Italian

The most common phrases for tattoos in Italian are:

A variation of the inscription tattooShort Description
Con i nostri pensieri costruiamo il mondo"All events in life are created by thoughts." This saying implies the fact that thoughts are material, which means that in any situation you should try to think positively in order not to attract bad things in your life.
Non so cosa mi riserva il domani. L'importante è essere felice oggi"What does it matter what happens tomorrow, the main thing is to be happy in the moment." Such a tattoo reminds its owner that life is fleeting, which means it is extremely important to live in a way that makes you feel like a happy person every day.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin with translation, in English, French, Italian

In German

The most common phrases for tattoos in German are:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort Description
Vergeben und vergessen heißt kostbare Erfahrungen zum Fenster hinauswerfen"It is impossible to forgive people and forget their despicable actions, as in this way the experience gained from communicating with traitors is devalued. Such a sketch for tattoos is chosen by girls who survived the betrayal of a loved one, but found the strength to live on, having crossed him out of their lives.
Du kannst von den Umstanden und Menschen weglaufen, nie kannst du aber von deinen Gedanken und Gefühlen fliehen"We can ignore external circumstances, but hiding from ourselves is unrealistic." The meaning of this phrase is that a person can abstract away from the people around him and their actions, but he cannot run away from his own thoughts. This means that the goal of everyone's life should be to find harmony with oneself.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

In Spanish

The most common phrases for tattoos in Spanish are:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort Description
Los sueños se hacen realidad"Dreams tend to come true." This statement will suit girls who are used to making grand plans for the rest of their lives.
Todo lo que pasa es para major"Every event changes life for the better." This phrase as a sketch for tattoos is usually chosen by optimistic girls. They don't give up when faced with life's difficulties, extracting valuable experience from their overcoming.

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in Latin translate in English, French, Italian

In Arabic

The most common phrases for tattoos in Arabic are:

A variation of the tattoo inscriptionShort Description
لا تأخذ شخص آخر ، لا تعطي لك"You can't take what's not yours, but you can't give what's yours either." Such a tattoo would look appropriate on the body of a girl who knows her worth. These people are honest not only to others, but also to themselves. Their straightforwardness and openness they consider their main advantage.
العائلة هي الشيء الأكثر قيمة في هذا العالم"You have to understand that there is nothing more important in life than your family, and there never will be." This tattoo is used by girls to emphasize their reverent attitude toward their loved ones.

In Greek

To develop tattoo inscription sketches girls use phrases in the Greek language.

The most popular ones are:

Option tattoo inscriptionBrief description
Ελεύθερη σαν άνεμος."Don't have the limitations of life." This tattoo is suitable for girls who do not want to part with their freedom. They are not looking for a serious relationship, preferring to remain independent.
χαμογελο της κορης μου ειναι πιο πολυτιμο απο τον καθενα σας"The most precious thing in life is a daughter's smile." This is the inscription that girls put on their skin to emphasize the importance of a child, as well as to capture the turning point in their lives when they became a mother.

In Hebrew

The most common phrases for tattoos in Hebrew are:

A variation of the inscription tattooShort Description
אני מקבלת כל מה שרוצה"I will get whatever I want." This tattoo is a reminder for a girl that nothing in life is impossible, which means that when faced with difficulties on the way to your goal, you should not give up.
אתה לא נצחי"Remember that you are not eternal." Such a tattoo reminds its owner of the need to live life to the fullest, without setting yourself limits and restrictions, which can have a negative impact on the quality of her life.

Motivational and philosophical statements

Such tattoos can be very meaningful to their owner. They make you think and rethink your life, to understand yourself. Motivating tattoos make you go on, no matter what. They can be made in difficult periods of life, or, conversely, in good times. They warm the heart and remind you of the meaning of existence. They can be statements of famous personalities, oaths and commitments, or even anniversaries.

A tattoo is first of all a reflection of your inner world and yourself, so it is worth to choose a tattoo responsibly. It is important to remember that permanent tattoos are applied not for a day or even for a month, they remain with you for life, so it is important to think about whether it will carry meaning for you or remain cute in a few years.

What sayings should not be written on your body?

As sketches for tattoos, it is not recommended to use:

  • phrases, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to the wearer;
  • text written in a foreign language with the help of automated services for translation;
  • runes.

For tattoo girls usually use phrases filled with deep meaning. With the help of such personal drawings they not only give uniqueness to their appearance, but also protect themselves from the negativity of others. In order for the tattoo to evoke in its owner exclusively positive emotions, to think over its sketch should be together with the master, capable of not just offering ready-made images, but also to help determine the location of the tattoo and its size.

Name tattoos

The origin of the name tattoos refers to mythology. According to legend, Zeus, as punishment for pride, divided people's hearts into halves and forced them to be in eternal search. Only when people find their other half do they find true happiness. In modern fantasy art, each person's body displays the name of his or her soulmate. This is the meaning people gave to tattoos when they put the names of their loved ones on their bodies. Show your love and leave an imprint on your heart forever. Such tattoos are done not only out of love for the partner, but also for parents, children, loved ones and friends, thus showing their affection.

Aphorisms in English for tattoos

Those who are not interested in popular word combinations and fashionable expressions can use an aphorism as a motif for a tattoo. This is not just a cool sentence, but an utterance full of meaning. Such tattoos are chosen by individuals who appreciate originality, unpredictability and an unconventional approach to life in other people.

  • The best way to succeed in this world is to follow the advice you give to others. The best way to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others.
  • The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
  • Coffee and passion taste best when hot. Coffee and passion taste best when hot.
  • Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
  • Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
  • You never fall until you stop trying. You never fall until you stop trying.
  • Prepared for the worst, but still pray for the best. Prepared for the worst, but still praying for the best.
  • Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power. Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.
  • The insatiable heart finds no mercy. The unthankful heart discovers no mercies.
  • Happiness is not always rosy. Learn to appreciate the rainbow. Happiness doesn't always come in pink. Learn to appereciate the rainbow.

Phrases for men

Men tend to make motivational inscriptions that will manifest his character. More often than not, statements filled with life experiences and spiritual meaning are chosen. Many believe that after getting a tattoo, life changes completely. The inscriptions can be performed in all languages, most often it is Latin or English. Men perform such tattoos on the chest, back or forearm. Basically, the phrases are performed in the independent execution, but sometimes there are additions in the form of small patterns. For the stronger half it is characteristic to perform the following phrases:

"Vivi. Lotta. Amo" from Italian "Live. Keep fighting. Fall in love."

The tattoo "Das Leben ist ein Spiel" in German means "All life is a game".

Colored tattoos from elbow to hand

The inscription on the arm as a tattoo choose quiet girls, not seeking to stand out against the background of other people and not inclined to challenge society. For extraordinary people the most suitable option would be a colored tattoo from elbow to hand - the so-called "sleeve". Most often "sleeves" are printed in a single style, as if creating a coherent composition.

Example of a tattoo "sleeve"Intended meaning

Tattoo inscriptions on girls hand. Photos, sketches in Latin with translation, meaning

This tattoo is done in the style of "Polynesia". The red flower on a black background symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a natal drawing to preserve their femininity. These girls, despite their explosive character and leadership inclinations, as their life partner are looking for a guy who can let them be weak.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls. Photos, sketches in Latin with translation, meaning

Goldfish, printed on the hand, reveals the dreaminess and infantilism of a daring, at first glance, man. Such a tattoo is also a way for a girl to keep warm memories of her childhood. The main character of Pushkin's fairy tale serves as a kind of protection for the bearer of the tattoo from the negativity of the "adult world".

English inscriptions for men: full list here

  • A life is a moment. - One life is a moment.
  • Demon. - Demon
  • Don't break up with your past until you're sure in your future.
  • Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.
  • Enjoy every moment - Enjoy every moment
  • Everyone has one's own path
  • Everyone is the creator of one's own fate
  • Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak I will get everything I want
  • I'll get everything I want. - I'll get everything I want
  • Illusion is the first of all pleasures
  • Just do it - Just do it.
  • My angel is always with me
  • My dreams come true
  • My life - my rules
  • Never say never - Never say never.
  • Remember that the most dangerous prison is the one in your head
  • Remember who you are. - Remember who you are.
  • Respect the past, create the future! - Respect the past, create the future!
  • Success doesn't come to you. You go to it - Success doesn't come to you. You go to it.
  • Success is not in what you have, but who you are. - Success is not in what you have, but who you are.
  • The most dangerous demons live in our hearts. - The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  • The strongest one who has power over oneself. - The strongest one who has power over oneself.
  • To live forever - To live forever.
  • Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. - Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.
  • Wait and see. - We'll wait and see.
  • While I'm breathing - I love and believe.

Phrases for women

Incredibly romantic and gentle phrases are suggested for girls. They are performed in a subtle and flowing font. Quite often there are tattoos with additions in the form of butterflies, birds, flowers or subtle patterns. The most common phrases for girls are considered:

"All we need is love" from English translates as "We only need love".

Sketch of a tattoo from the French "Croire à son etoile" - "Trust your star".

In the fair sex such tattoos can be seen on the foot, rib, neck, hand or under the breast.

Types of tattoos on the wrist

The wrist is accepted to decorate for a long time. After all, beads, bracelets or talismans, worn on the hand, can emphasize the subtlety and grace of a woman's hand. To decorate their hands girls seek and today.
A tattoo on the wrist always attracts attention. Small in size, it is almost always in full view.

Plus, the girl has the opportunity to put in a picture of a certain meaning.

Tattoo on the wrist always attracts attentionSmall in size, it is almost always in sightPlus the girl has the opportunity to invest in a picture of a certain meaning

The most common tattoos on the wrist for girls (see photos), are:

  • bracelets in the form of all kinds of patterns or hours, symbolizing the transience of time;
  • Symbols of luck and success, amulets;
  • Inscriptions: catch phrases, oaths, anniversaries or mottos of life, very relevant tattoo on the wrist for girls, applied in Latin or a foreign language, phrases in Russian are less popular and are used only to "perpetuate" names or initials of loved ones;

Often you can find inscriptions on the wristIt can be a winged phrase, oath, a memorable date or a life mottoIt is very relevant tattoo on the wrist for girls, applied in Latin, foreign language or in the form of hieroglyphs

  • Animal drawings: the most ancient method of tattooing; according to beliefs, each such image carries the deepest meaning; its owners are even believed to adopt the properties of such an animal;
  • Images of birds and butterflies: such drawings most often symbolize the desire for freedom;
  • Abstract drawings and geometric patterns (tribes): the latter kinds of drawings are done mainly in black ink; these motifs came to us from the tribes of Polynesia and New Zealand;

Often a flower is a symbol of tenderness and femininity. There are also abstract paintings and geometric patterns.

  • They can also be constellations or shooting stars. By the way, it is considered that a single star behind the wrist indicates a woman who is inclined to same-sex love;
  • 3D tattoos: performed by a professional, they can be very realistic and look like objects on the body.


For women

For men