Tattoo on the Arms - Tattoo on the Brushes for Men and Women

Drawing on the brush requires special accuracy and caution - if the master does not get to the required depth of padding pigment, the result of the client will not please. In addition, with this part of the body can be difficult to care for, as it is difficult to protect it from external influences.

It is necessary to be patient and follow all the recommendations exactly. Only in this case Healed tattoos on the hands For a long time keep a clear outline and the saturation of the shade.

How long does the tattoo on the hand heal?

Normally, the recovery process lasts 3-4 weeks. At the end of it, the tattoo is considered healed, as it no longer requires special attention, and the epidermis takes on a normal appearance. But the process of skin remodeling still continues, it can last from half a year to two years. During this time, the clarity and brightness of the pattern may change, but if it was stuffed with quality, the changes will be insignificant.

How much will heal a tattoo on the hand in days, partly depends on the professionalism of the master and the individual characteristics of the client. But it is necessary to be guided by the following norms:

  1. The first 3-5 days. In the first day profuse exudates. Inflammation and swelling are observed, which should completely disappear by the end of this period.
  2. Subsequent 2-3 weeks. Intense desquamation and itching are characteristic.
  3. Last 7-10 days. Flaking gradually stops, although dry skin may still be present.

Features of padding the back of the palm

The padding of a tattoo in general is a very responsible decision. As for the hand area - it is worth thinking carefully before deciding to draw. In today's society there are unspoken rules for certain circles, according to which a person with a tattoo on the palm will be perceived ambiguously.

Nevertheless, the popularity of tattoos is gaining momentum. A wide variety of images, miniature and concise as well as large, detailed, are being applied to the hands. The meaning behind the tattoo is also diverse - there are entire phrases and quotes in such a delicate place. Also on the brush often apply individual words and symbols with a meaning that is clear only to the owner of the drawing on the body. Some extraordinary personalities also choose to do a drawing on the fingers of their hands.

Small tattoo on hand

What care is required during the healing of a tattoo on the hand

Without proper care, a month after the session, the pattern can look like this:

To avoid this, you need to follow the recommendations for each stage of the recovery process.

  1. In the first few days, you should gently wash the skin 3-4 times a day with an antibacterial agent, apply an ointment, cream or gel and apply a disposable diaper or food wrap. Before each application of the healing agent, leave the tattooed surface open for some time (about half an hour). At this stage it should not be wet, rubbed or left without a bandage for a long time.
  2. During the following two-three weeks the bandage is not required, but one should continue to apply healing means and try to wet the tattooed area less.
  3. In the last phase of the recovery period special care is no longer needed, but to avoid re-peeling it is recommended to use a moisturizer 2-3 times a day. During this time, you still cannot expose your skin to sunlight, steam, or mechanical action (no rubbing, no scratching).

Since it is difficult not to get your hands wet, and considering that the skin on this part of the body is easily damaged, at the stage of primary healing, during the first 5-6 days, it is recommended to use a special healing film (Protective Tattoo Film Tattoo Revive, Suprasorb F, DermalizePro). It will not only create the right micro environment and allow the skin to heal naturally, but also due to its properties allows you to wash your hands. If the film is used, no other products are needed until it is removed.

Tattoos on the foot

The bottom of the foot is also not a very suitable place for a tattoo. Because of the proximity to the sole of the foot, low-lying tattoos will constantly "erase", and because of this, trips to correction will be quite frequent, if you want your tattoo to have an attractive appearance.

Tattoos on the foot

What products are recommended to use

You can use such apothecary products as "Panthenol" or "Bepanten", but the best option would be special products created especially for the tattooed surface:

  • antibacterial, for washing - FOAM Tattoo Revive, foam Tattoo UP, Clarity Druid Tattoo;
  • healing and/or moisturizing - Olastic and Cream Tattoo Revive, Druid Tattoo healing balm, Mustang Tattoo Healing Cream, Dr.Pro Tattoo Pharma.

Not only the quick and trouble-free skin recovery, the exclusion of infection, but also the preservation of pigment depends on the right choice.

Pros and cons

Nowadays, many people turn to quality body art. Fortunately, today there are many, really, talented and experienced tattoo artists, capable of bringing to life almost any ideas and ideas for original tattoos. Lovers of unique and creative solutions often prefer to score beautiful sketches on unusual places. For example, it can be knees, elbows or palms.

Tattoos, applied on the palms, as well as any other options sketches, have their pros and cons, with which it is advisable to familiarize, before you go to the tattoo salon.

Let's learn about the main advantages of such solutions.

  • Tattoos printed on the palms of the hands are highly visible. They will always remain in sight of their owners. Qualitatively executed image can be enjoyed by both its owner and people around. Thanks to this, even the simplest handshake will turn into a more interesting process.

How will the tattoo on the hand look like after the healing

After 3-4 weeks, when the main recovery phase is over and the skin stops peeling, you can assess the result. If the picture was stuffed professionally and care was correct, there should not be observed "floating" contour and "sputters" (indicating a strong loss of pigment).

Pay attention: the shade, especially of colored tattoos, is not as bright as it was immediately after application. But the pigment is not yet fully assimilated and manifested, to judge whether the desired result is obtained, it will be possible not earlier than in six months. However, it is already possible to understand that the tattooed surface has healed correctly, so there should not be any unpleasant surprises.

If the picture looks like on the photo below, it means either a mistake of the tattooist or (what is more often) negligence of care. In this case, it is obvious that correction will be needed, and to a large extent.

Examples of sketches

Beautiful work can be seen in the photos.

Lightweight images.

It is easier to depict non-large, minimalistic pictures. Uncomplicated sketches include inscriptions, hieroglyphs, geometric figures, abstract patterns with a decorative meaning. It is possible to write the date of birth of a child, a wedding, moving or other important for the owner of the tattoo event.

Tattoo Sketch
If necessary, the sketch can be adjusted.

Complex variations

Works in the style of realism should be trusted only to good masters. Specialists are able to convey with the help of halftones the features of the depicted object (for example, the movement of an animal).

Images of space will also require the skills of the tattooist.

Pictures in the style of watercolor become complicated in the performance. This direction is often chosen by girls. Popular subjects are animals.

Geometric patterns require accuracy and precision in execution. If the master makes even a small mistake, the line will cease to be even.

Small tattoos

In recent years, small tattoos have become especially popular among young people. They are placed in fairly secluded places (under the ribs, on the wrist, on the neck) and usually only please their owners. Putting a small tattoo on the hand is a great way to keep something memorable and especially important for yourself.

Some lovers, for example, thus perpetuate their feelings - they draw wedding rings on the ring fingers.

For the less romantic, they opt for something more classic. Floral motifs, tiny images of planets and stars are all placed either on the fingers, or in the center of the hand. It's also very common to get tattoos on the wrist. Here the imagination of the masters is directed towards minimalism.

Often these are sketches, simple geometric figures, symbols or punctuation marks.

A Handprint: How to interpret it?

A handprint can tell you as much about a person as a fortune-teller's hand. In this case, there is no danger of you being influenced by the client's reactions, his remarks, etc. And if you save the prints, in a few years you'll be able to tell if and how your palms have changed, and what that might mean.

How to make a handprint

The easiest way to get a good handprint in chiromancy is to use a small roller. Apply ink (preferably water-soluble - it washes off better) to a smooth surface and run the roller over it several times (a).

Then use the roller to transfer a thin layer of ink as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the palm (b). Make a print (c) by gently but firmly pressing the palm of your hand onto the piece of paper, making sure to imprint the center of the palm, the fingers including the thumb - it's good to have a rubber mat under the paper. Carefully lift your hand, making sure the print is not smeared (d).

A Handprint in Chiromancy: An Example of Interpretation

Example of interpreting a handprint

Consider an interesting example of handprint divination. Looking at a brief interpretation of Miss X's hands, we can see how the meaning of the individual characteristics can be combined into an overall picture.

The left hand (A) shows that X is both artistic and practical. The clearly visible head line shows a talent for self-expression; the lines on her fingers show that she needs to express herself; and the long, broad first phalanx of Apollo's finger shows that she is gifted literary.

The straight finger of Saturn, in good proportion with the other fingers, shows a prudent and sensitive nature; the first and third fingers of the same length show that she is poised and confident.

The head line begins a short distance from the life line, showing that X is an independent and enterprising person. A clear line of fate arising on the Hill of the Moon shows that she is ambitious and will succeed using her imagination-though not without some struggle, as shown by the low-lying fourth finger.

On the X hand, the fate line stops below the heart line, suggesting that her career may become less important to her after she reaches age 40; her marriage lines suggest that this may happen when she gets married.

This woman's close relationship or marriage can only be successful if she can lead an independent life at this time: her broken and branched life line shows a dynamic personality and may also suggest problems in personal relationships.

How to interpret lines and hills in a palm print

Interpreting the lines on the hand

The heart line is straight and shows that she has a reserved nature and tends to put her interests first. The torn arc of Venus suggests that she may be hypersensitive; the Venus Hill lines show a tendency toward restlessness.

The difference in the right hand lines between 1966 (B) and 1983 (C) is small, showing that there were no major changes in X's life during this period. The area between the life, fate, and head lines is less marked on the later hand, showing her greater maturity and understanding of how her life was going.

While the life line is broken and has crosses, showing a period of change, her maturity may have been shaped by the difficulties of her life.

The clear fate line and lack of travel lines show that there were no money problems and no major changes in her environment; there may have been emotional problems. Changes may have been precipitated by earlier experiences, but the unusually clear beginning of her life line shows that her early childhood was a happy one.

The biggest change in X's life probably occurred before 1966 and was a change in her spiritual state--the head line was severed and reformed.

Instead of the broad V shape as on the left hand, the V is now much smaller, suggesting that X sacrificed part of her creative nature to be more practical and businesslike.

Interpretation of the hills on her hand.

The lack of flexibility in her palm and fingers shows the need for both the physical (money and home) and emotional aspects of her life and emphasizes the prudence and common sense we have already noted in her hand.

The large lower hill of Mars and the inflexible thumb show that she is a self-directed person, that she has a strong will and is able to plan. The warm color of her hands and her shovel-shaped fingers suggest considerable reserves of energy.

The outer spheres are the strongest parts of X's hand, showing that her energy is focused more on the outer world than on the intuitive realm and intimate relationships.

The high lower part of Venus' hill shows that her emotions are channeled into artistic interests. This hill is softer on the right side than on the left, showing a possible lack of emotional expression.

The presence of the mystic cross on her hand also suggests that she may be seeking some form of self-expression not found in work and personal relationships - she may have a successful career, but she does not feel fulfilled.

The marriage shown on her palm will not end her problems, but it will ease them - her life line is never quite clear, but the obstacles on it become less frequent.

Since no travel lines are noticeable and there are no breaks in the larger lines showing sudden changes in her future life, it is likely that any changes will be gradual and determined by her own choices.

And the Left Hand, at 2/3 actual size. Since Miss X is right-handed, this is her leading hand. B Right hand, actual size. This print was taken in 1966, when she was 20 years old. C Right hand, actual size. This print was taken in 1983, when she was 36 years old.

Fingerprint interpretation

Fingerprints of the hand

Fingerprint patterns are formed by the 18th week after conception. Unlike other lines on the hand, they remain unchanged from then on.

This, as we know, makes them very useful in detecting crime, but they can also be useful for studying personality.

When more than one type of fingerprint appears on a hand, their different characteristics will mix in one person. The number of fingers involved can give us an indication of the balance of this mixture; a person with more than one finger showing arches is thought to be significantly more stubborn than a person who has only one such finger!

A) Low arc Hard-hearted, insensitive, skeptical, unemotional, limited by material interests.

B) Tent-shaped Very tense, artistic, impulsive, but stubborn. C) Loop Soft character, simple, honest, with a lively and versatile mind.

D) Twist Individualist with a strong, defined personality. Possibly brilliant. Better when working alone.

E) Blended A frightened, goofy person. If you have trouble distinguishing one type from the other, see triadus

F). The arch imprint has no triad, the hinge has one, and the curl has two.

Interpretation of the shape of the human hand

The hand has three basic shapes: cone-shaped, shovel-shaped, and square. There is also a mixed type of hand.

A cone-shaped hand is characterized by long fingers that taper toward the ends, a slim rather than thick palm, and usually elongated fingernails. If your lover's hand is shaped like this, it is very likely to be a love impulsive person for whom the spiritual and sensual aspects of life are important.

A shovel-shaped hand, characterized by flat, shovel-shaped fingertips (the fingers are wider at the tips), a thicker palm and a large thumb, is the sign of a hard worker. It is a person who takes love seriously.

A square hand is wide, with large fingers, square at the tips; the palm itself is often square, especially at the wrist; the hand as a whole is quite large, the palm is neither thick nor thin, but medium, with some depression.

People with this form of hand are creators, implementing their mind in actions. They are energetic, adventurous people who prefer action in love.

The mixed type hand is much more common in nature than any of the three "pure" types; in this hand there are features of each variety. For example, a square hand with tapered fingers should be examined carefully and determined what is dominant - the shape of the palm or the shape of the fingers.

The predominance of one or the other trait reveals which "pure" type the personality is inclined toward. When reading a hand of mixed type, it is better to analyze specific signs separately.

Starfate Magazine Articles " Chiromancy " Handprint - how to interpret?


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