Tattoo of a skeleton - description, interpretations, options sketches, creative designs and photo ideas

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Drawings of the skeleton, bones, skull have always been popular. It turns out that these symbols have a deep philosophical meaning, which can not be disclosed and cognized by many. These tattoos are unique and inimitable, they can even have positive interpretations.

Let's tell you what the meaning of tattoos, and determine how best to depict the skeleton and bones on the body.

Symbolism and meaning of the skeleton

The drawing of the skeleton in meaning does not own anything in common with death. On the contrary, it is the embodiment of life. This is due to the fact that the bones are neroyanno a solid substance that can not be decomposed. Scientists who study alchemy believe that the drawing of a skeleton symbolizes rebirth.

In Mexican culture, the skeleton, like the skull, refers to the holiday of the Day of the Dead. On this holiday, they pay homage to deceased ancestors and relatives and make offerings to the goddess of death, Mictlanciuatl. Likewise, Mexicans keep real bones or moulage of a skeleton in their homes, images decorate the walls.

The people treat skeletons with love and reverence. It is a symbol of connection with ancestors, a family value. This is how they communicate with deceased relatives.

There are elements of bones in the costumes of shamans, for hereditary transmission of knowledge. A relative's bone helps them establish a connection with their shamanic ancestors. Thus, receive strength, knowledge, patronage. The skeleton is believed to be a naked person through whom the power of the cosmos flows. Because of this, the shaman can pass through worlds and be infused with power.

The skeleton looks like a tree. In the Kabbalah there is the Tree of Life. It also occurs in the Tarot. The skeleton is depicted on all the cards.

There is a rite of initiation in some religious practices. Their symbol is a skeleton. For Buddhists, it means to get out of the wheel of samsara, i.e., to completely abandon base desires. The ritual is rebirth, obtaining a new body to continue life.

In astrology, the skeleton is associated with the planets Pluto and Saturn, which harbor enormous powers of destruction and creation.

There are many examples where the image of the skeleton appears. In all parts of the world the figure is present in religion.

The skeleton tattoo symbolizes:

  1. Endurance
  2. Longevity
  3. Reborn
  4. Protection
  5. Prosperity
  6. Good Health

Distinguishing Characteristics

Skeleton tattoos have several distinctive features:

  • They are often complemented by Latin inscriptions.
  • Not only human skeletons, but also skeletons of fish, cats and dogs are very popular
  • Several recent years there is a steady trend of ironic or even sarcastic concept of the picture.

Perhaps it is difficult to name one particular place that is allocated for this tattoo:

  • Forearm;
  • Side;
  • Chest, back and so on.

No restrictions - the sketch can be applied anywhere.

The meaning of tattoos for men

In ancient times, the image of a skeleton on the body was very common among warriors. They believed. That the picture gives an indication of death, she was already here. Thereby themselves were protected. Pirates and sailors wore a skeleton tattoo.

Such are the qualities of the owners of the tattoo:

  1. Humility
  2. Strength of will
  3. Acceptance of new things
  4. Courage
  5. Determination

The drawing on a man's body speaks of his reverence for the higher forces. He is not selfish and spiritually developed man, trusting fate.

Differences between the female and male versions

The widespread belief that the image of a skeleton on a girl means sorrow is already a thing of the past, being replaced by the concept of philosophical acceptance of reality. Now we can say that the skeleton has become a symbol of the victory of life over death, and some styles even refer us to the world of fantasy or post-apocalypse. Guys prefer to think about masculinity and playing with death.

Remember that each tattoo owner puts his or her own notion into the tattoo, even if it does not coincide with the general standard.

Experienced masters believe that you should not look for a photo of the tattoo on the Internet. The client, fixated on one particular beautiful drawing, does not perceive the master's advice and in the end risks getting a pathetic semblance of what he actually wanted.

The meaning of tattoos for women

The tattoo is suitable for girls and women who live reality. The image means respect for universal laws. The owners of the tattoo have a well-developed intuitive thinking. They are able to assess things soberly and objectively.

The meaning of the tattoo:

  1. Respect for life
  2. Objectivity
  3. Advanced intuition
  4. Protection and help of ancestors
  5. Philosophical attitude towards life

3D Tattoo

The latest "fashion" of skeleton tattoo lovers is 3D - the image that exactly replicates the human skeleton in full size.

As an example of the famous bearers of such a tattoo can be called a unique personality - Rick Genest. Probably not many people know him by that name, but everyone has heard about the Zombie Boy. This is a unique example of applying a tattoo to his body, the basis of the composition of which is his own skeleton.

Russian celebrities do not often indulge us with tattoos, but the performer Timati has many tattoos, including a skull with microphones located on his back.

Most of the tattoos are applied with regular ink, but there are real fans who ask to perform the tattoo with luminous ink to achieve the most flamboyant effect.

Tattoo of a fish skeleton. Meaning

The fish skeleton tattoo is popular in the world. The image has the character of a reference point. The head shows the right direction, the spine acts as a guide on the way, and the fins prompt the necessary information. Suitable tattoo for a person who hesitates in the correctness of his choice or hard to make decisions.

There is another interpretation of the tattoo. The image of the skeleton of a fish is similar to the male reproductive organ. Guys put it on their bodies, believing that the drawing will emphasize attractiveness and strength. Some tend to believe that the tattoo can bring bad luck in love.

Who is suitable for a Skeleton and Bones tattoo, and should such tattoos be chosen by women or men?

Skeleton art tattoo by Inessa Kefir. The tattoo is made on the side of the girl, sketch by the master. The work took about 4 hours
Determining the choice of a tattoo sketch, you should pay attention not only to the meaning of the symbols, but also the combination of meaning with your character. Coming to tattoo salons St. Petersburg, you will hear from any master advice on the choice of tattoo.

Typically, the skeleton and bones are applied strong-willed and strong menBut in recent years women try to keep up with the representatives of the stronger sex and asked to "fill up" and them such tattoos.

Also a tattoo in the form of a skeleton and bones will do:

  • Those who forget about real life and should strive to live now. Such a tattoo will be a great reminder of the transience of time and life.
  • To those who want to learn not to put things off.
  • Responsible and strong-willed people who take life seriously.
  • Courageous and brave.
  • Believing in the magical properties of tattoos, dreaming to find a connection with their ancestors.
  • Those who wish to frighten people around them and warn them against making an unwanted acquaintance.
  • Dreaming to change something in their lives. By the way, people are pushed to unusual, inappropriate actions such tattoos (Petersburg).
  • Although they want to start to live anew, forgetting about the past.
  • Trying to be useful to others.
  • People who take risks.
  • Wishing to become famous, to find a talisman for good luck and victory.
  • Occupying a leadership position or seeking a rapid climb up the career ladder.

You may safely "stuff" a tattoo in the form of a skeleton or bones if you fall into this list.

В Maruha Studio They will always help you create a unique sketch that will help you stand out from the crowd and impress not only you, but also those around you.

Styles of execution and locations of tattoos

Tattoo owners tend to stuff the skeleton image in old-school, new-school, traditional, and realistic styles. They choose different locations for the tattoo. Some stuffed a picture of bones on the fingers or completely on the outside of the brush, which looks good and original.

The view of the brush from afar resembles a skeleton. Since the image has an elongated shape, the hand, forearm or shoulder are good places to apply it. On the calf on the leg image of the skeleton looks advantageous. The military wear a skull tattoo on the shoulder or on the shoulder blade, which can be seen in life and in many photos.

In many people the image of a skeleton causes a repulsive feeling. All because the bones are the remains of a formerly living creature. And someone in general thinks that this is the devil's symbolism. It is not necessary to pay attention to prejudices. If indeed the image is to your liking, character traits are appropriate and the symbolism of the figure is close, then making such a tattoo on the body will benefit the future owner.

Peculiarities and types of tattoos - what to complement a tattoo with the image of a skeleton and bones?

In order for you to have a truly unique and spectacular tattoo, it is necessary to think through every detail of the sketch and pay attention to the peculiarities of execution of such tattoos.

We will help to understand with a choice of color solution, style, and also we will tell where it is better to place a tattoo in the form of a skeleton and bones.

Style and design of the skeleton and bones tattoo

Sketch of a tattoo (St. Petersburg) with a skeleton or bones can be performed in Several styles:

  • Organic or 3-D tattoo. The images will seem to be an integral part of the human body. There are tattoos of human bones on the places where they are located. For example, the bones of the foot are drawn on top of the foot, on the hand - the bones of the hand. In this way, the tattoo imitates the structure of the human body and shows what processes occur in the body. The most spectacular tattoo is all over the body, even on the face.
  • Classic. Tattoos (St. Petersburg), made in black, are especially popular among both men and women.
  • Chicano. Pictures in the Mexican style are usually made ominous, intimidating, brutal.
  • Realistic or Realism. Skeleton or bones in white or light shades look beautiful, if you add a bright flower, emphasize the scarlet heart.
  • Portrait. One or two skeletons framed look very beautiful and elegant.
  • New cheekbones. Bright, colorful tattoos in this style mesmerize and excite the imagination.

Other styles are less common.

When choosing a style, you must remember that the bones and skeleton must be clearly drawn, otherwise the image will be blurred. For example, with the watercolor style it is worth paying attention to the combination of colors, as well as a clear pattern of bones.

Color solution of the skeleton and bones tattoo

What color to depict a tattoo - it is up to you to decide.

Of course, most often men and women choose black images, in which the game of light and shadows is clearly traced, but you can "refresh" and diversify the tattoo with bright colors. For example, a juicy red color Highlight a flower or a heart, located inside the skeleton.

Location and size of the skeleton tattoo, bones

When choosing the size of the sketch, also consider the location of the tattoo (St. Petersburg):

  • Often a skeleton or bone tattoo is placed on the arm, shoulder, legs, doing medium work.
  • On the back, side, thigh usually "stuffed" tattoos of large size.
  • And miniature drawings are transferred to the hand, wrist and feet.

The importance of details in the tattoo of the skeleton, bones

A huge role is played by the experience of the tattoo master in the creation of the sketch. Skeleton, bone or skull professional must necessarily work in detail, otherwise the effect of the tattoo will not be.

It is important that the author of the work imagined how the bones look like in reality, and was able to convey them in such a way.

Without a sense of proportionality it will be difficult to create a good job. Therefore, choose a master by studying his experience and skill.

Specialists studio "Maruha" will be happy to show you their skills, taking into account all your requirements. If you are unsure of your choice, ask the master for several tattoo options and choose the best sketch.

Dice Meaning

The name of the attribute "dice" is not accidental, the prototype of modern dice for the game were "dice" - small parts of the skeleton of an animal, which, when thrown, form different combinations. In today's Mongolia still use dice for games and divination.

Dice players were frequent guests in drinking establishments during the heyday of the Roman Empire. Although the game was forbidden, its popularity only grew, adventurers made dice with an offset center of gravity, with the help of frauds winning a lot of money.

The Greeks entertained themselves by playing with two or three dice during holiday feasts. Particularly fond of this activity were nobles and dignitaries, along with theatrical performances, games were considered a sacred act. Games organized and at memorial ceremonies, this tradition scared away evil spirits that intend to harm people, scare the living.

In the ancient world, the game of dice was considered the most noble, as the opponent was not only a person, but the fate itself, which intervened, creating unpredictable situations. The accessories for games in the eyes of man possessed miraculous, magical qualities, helping in magical rituals, divination. People believed that the gods themselves ruled the dice, transmitting their will to them.

In the Middle Ages, gambling dice were ascribed both devilish and divine meanings. In an entertainment for monks invented by Bishop Vibald in the twentieth century, various combinations of dice facets denoted a virtue. The winning monk received the right to teach this wisdom to others. For others, the attributes of the game represented the creation of the devil, who wins people's souls, luring them with the possibility of easy enrichment.

The knights of the Middle Ages played very often, honing their skills in specially educated schools. Entire guilds were created, although the law forbade gambling for money. Ladies often participated in gambling entertainment on a par with men, and the dice were decorated with exquisite carvings depicting people and animals.

In Christian mythology, the sign of the dice is a symbol of the passions that corrode human souls. It was believed that it was in the dice between the soldiers that the garment torn from Christ was played. In biblical legends there is more than once the quote "the lot is cast", meaning the predestination of fate. In the magical properties of the dice sacred believed, used their clues, trying to get the right answer to the question of interest.

Dice tattoo

Tattoo on the forearm, photo from:

The dice tattoo on the arm demonstrates that the owner considers gambling his characteristic trait. A dashing disposition, extravagant behavior and risky decisions mark out the wearer. The tattoo has a multifaceted meaning that it has acquired over centuries of development.

What does it mean to tattoo dice?

The tattoo of dice originated during the formation of tattoo culture. Gambling was the only entertainment aboard ship. At the end of the voyage, the successful player could receive 1/3 of the crew's wages, doubling the profits of the voyage. That's why the original meaning: gambling, in which everything is put on the line.

The meanings of a tattoo of dice:

  • adventurousness;
  • sexuality;
  • Fortune's lover/favorite;
  • mad passion;
  • attraction to risk;
  • healthy aggression;
  • emotional lift.

People with a tattoo depicting bones know how to impress. They are bright and emotional personalities with strong charisma. In them one can feel the ability to fight, to go all out to achieve victory. At the same time, they are strong individuals who know how to take advantage even of a loss.

Tattoo meaning for girls

On a woman's body tattoo cubes have the meaning of a dangerous heartbreaker. Girls of this type have the fatal image of a "vamp woman". They are able to fully absorb the general attention, concentrate on themselves. At the same time soberly think and do not allow praise to cloud the mind.

Tattoo on the arm, photo from:

A strong and independent girl wears a tattoo to emphasize her qualities as a socialite. She confidently takes her own, knowing how to make high stakes. There are many actresses, singers, sportswomen and media workers among tattoo bearers.

Tattoo meaning for men

For men, the tattoo of dice brings good luck in personal life and on the professional front. They have a flexible mind and a lively imagination. Among the connoisseurs of the tattoo there are many architects, stagehands and jurists.

For men, the tattoo means:

  • Loyalty to his principles;
  • a strong personality;
  • a dangerous adversary;
  • an ironic man;
  • perseverance;
  • perseverance;
  • independence;
  • love of the vivid life;
  • the power of euphoria, etc.

The tattoo shows not only a love of gambling, but also in general a desire to get a strong return on the effort expended. The owners of the tattoo strive to achieve their goal. They are distinguished by their high intellectual potential and ability to think strategically.

Tattoo Meaning in the Penitentiary

In prisons, tattoos of dice denote a "lucky" recidivist. They were punched on the hands of professional cheaters, whose activity was aimed at beating people at gambling. The value of the dots on the dice showed the status of the player.

The higher the total number, the greater the talent of the convict. For those who specialized in gambling with foreigners the tattoo was supplemented with a chain or a dial. The gambler who learned his craft in the prison had a barbed wire wrapped around his bones.

Image variations

Cubes themselves have a laconic design. The clear geometry of the drawing allows us to put them in the field of geometry, abstraction and sketch style. The advantage of bones is that they will perfectly fit any area of the body. For example, a minimalist pattern will adorn the wrist and a large panel will adorn the shoulder.

Bones look favorably in black and white technique. The shading style of the graphic is also suitable for the geometry of the drawing. If you decide to do the work in color, it is worth opting for realism and 3D.

In the spirit of the image suits the style of chicano, dotwork and thrash polka. Composition vividly express the meaning you want to convey, if you complement it with additional attributes. In the theme of dice fit four-leaf clover, cards, a glass for whiskey, a bowling ball and Pierrot. Symbolic look clock face and a horseshoe.

Places to apply

It is advantageous to place the tattoo on the hand - the bones attract luck to the owner. Materialistic tattoos in the form of dots printed on the wrist. The area between the thumb and forefinger is suitable for this. Shifting the pattern to the phalanges can lead to a negative association with convict culture.

Recommended reading: Freedom Tattoo

Drawing on the forearm, chest and shoulder can attract good luck. Drawings over the shin or calf look beautiful. For small works, localized areas on the lower back, rib area, and shoulder blade are suitable. Large panels are placed on top of the back, abdomen and chest. Girls will go for a miniature tattoo behind the ear.

Tips for sketches

Sketches of tattoos with bones in large quantities posted on the Internet. Use them as a basis. Be sure to discuss the composition and detailing with the master. He can work on the sketches to select the most successful version.

- Tattoo of dice, photo gallery


The meaning of the tattoo for women:

  • Liveliness, love of life
  • Modesty
  • A real outlook on life, "groundedness"
  • Intuition, ability to sense energies and "know from within," access to mystical power
  • Patronage and protection of ancestors
  • Vision of the essence, a philosophical attitude to life

At a choice of a place it is necessary to consider, on how much will be visible a tattoo in everyday life, not to provoke the philistine superficial opinion. As a secret talisman, not for decoration and playing in public, it is expedient to hide it under clothes. With this approach, it brings the desired effect.

The drawing has an elongated shape. The arm, forearm, leg, and calf will be well suited for it. Especially good would be such an image on the left forearm. In principle, the skeleton can be depicted on any part of the body and be almost any size. This symbol is so popular that it is found in almost every style of tattoo. Most often it is done in the style of photorealism, old school, new school and traditional.

Tattoos on the hands and their meaning

Wrists, metacarpals and phalanges are hands in terms of anatomy. From the point of view of psychologists, the hand is the "eyes of the body. Through them, a person's mood and character traits are transmitted.

The main thing is to be able to read gestures and recognize physiological data. For example, cone-shaped hands indicate a strong character and purposefulness.

The oval shape of the hands indicates passion and impressionability. A pronounced bony hand, not related to the disease, indicates indecision. What do tattoos on the finger, palm and wrist mean?

The meaning of a tattoo on the hand

Tattoos on the hand Choose, as a rule, kinestheticians. These are people who experience the world by touch. Visual and auditory images are not as important to them as tactile sensations.

Kinesthetic constantly something to rub, trying to touch the interlocutor, to feel the couch, but not to ask about its performance characteristics. All the time their hands are involved.

This is felt at the subconscious level, and a person tends to make special marks on the hands. Tattoos draw attention to the leading points of the body of the kinesthetic and emphasize their individuality.

Tattoos on the hand are able to affect the active points of the palms and fingers for short periods of time. Bioenergeticians claim that the extremities are a projection of the entire body. Thus, the liver and stomach are influenced by acupuncture massage at the base of the hand.

The centers of the lungs are located along the lower border of the thumb, and the heart is located between them. The thumb itself is responsible for the head. Tattoo inscriptions on the hand Touch those or other biologically active points, improving not only appearance but also health. It is desirable to touch the figure, to study it and after the procedure of piercing. This prolongs the massage effect of kitty acupuncture.

The choice of a place for a tattoo is largely subconscious. People rarely understand why they want to make a pattern exactly on the hand. Meanwhile, sketches of a tattoo on a hand are requested by open-minded people who are "attuned" to their surroundings. Psychologists call them extroverts.

Instead of digging into themselves, they choose communication. Extroverts need an audience, seek company and are happy to present themselves to it. Tattooing is one of the means of presentation. Therefore, the most open part of the body is chosen - the hands. The images on them are public domain, not something personal.

Specific interpretation Sketches-tattoos on the hand Depending on the symbolism and manner of execution. For example, the revival represents frogs, snakes, bears and other animals that can return to life after a long hibernation. In cold-blooded animals it is called anabiosis.

Feathers, butterflies and dragonflies - symbols of lightness, airiness. The language of plants can convey not only emotional outbursts but also the nationality of the person. Slavs, for example, are assigned daisies, birch earrings. With Asia, the people of China, lotuses, bamboo and peonies are associated. The Spanish symbol is the red carnation and the French symbol is lavender.

Nuances of a tattoo on a hand

Photos Just made tattoos are spectacular. But, this can not be said about many pictures with a couple of decades of experience. The skin of the palms of the hands is quickly renewed. In part, mechanical influences - washing, shaking hands, working with hands - contribute to this.

Accelerates cell regeneration and contact with creams, household chemicals. Together with the dead epidermis goes and tattoo dye. It dulls, loses sharpness of contours. To maintain the aesthetics of the picture, it must be updated every 5-10 years.

It is necessary to take into account the rapid aging of the brush skin. Their skin reveals age more intensely than the face. Is it necessary to draw attention to the years?

Asking this question, many people choose Tattoos from the elbow to the hand.The forearm area is less vulnerable to winds, cold, scorching sun and household chemicals. The skin above the radial bone slowly ages, preserving the beauty of the body art.

Tattoos on the hand for girls

Girls often take the risk of rejecting A tattoo from the hand to the elbow. Sketches Choose just for fingers and palms. Common sense overcomes the desire to emphasize the elegance of the hands.

Nakolki become a complement to the manicure and jewelry. It creates a holistic image, reflecting a sense of style and grace. In addition, it is the tattoo becomes an incentive to maintain the youthfulness of the hands, do not skimp on caring for them.

Tattoo on the hands - photoMany stars are posted on the network. In Rita Ora, for example, from the little finger to the wrist stretches a feather. The British singer likes to take pictures with her right hand to her face, the edge facing the camera.

This way the pattern is visible to the audience. Cara Delevingne does not lag behind Ora. The top model had a tattoo on her right index finger. This indicates the power and determination of the British girl. The desire for leadership, as noted by psychologists, can be seen in the selected sketch - depicts a lion's head. The king of beasts is placed instead of a ring.

Scarlett Johansson's tattoo goes on the wrist as well. She put an elegant bracelet on her right wrist. From it descends a pendant - mielnir.

This is the name of the hammer of Thor - the god of Scandinavia. This is the birthplace of the Hollywood diva. Scarlett loves her homeland and had a tattoo made to commemorate it. And what do star men remind of with their tattoos?

Tattoo on the hands for men

Tattoos on the hands of men - Is a rare phenomenon. Guys prefer to emphasize with the help of tattooing the power of his body, its reliefs. Therefore, the choice of gentlemen falls on Tattoo on the hand from hand to elbowFrom elbow to neck.

Decorate the pumped up torso and back. To brushes, as a rule, proceed when the most part of a body is already filled with drawings. This is confirmed by the case of David Beckham. In 2011, he had a daughter.

On his arms, chest, back, and abdomen the athlete already had pictures of his sons, his spouse, and pictures of the religious plan. Therefore, a tattoo in honor of his daughter was placed on the free left hand. David requested words of love and an image of a swallow. The bird with outspread wings is a symbol of family happiness.

There are also many tattoos on Johnny Depp's body. The tattoo on the hand is one of the later. At the base of the thumb on the front side of the palm is the number 3. The actor considers it his mascot. Joe notes that 3 is a mythical number. The explanation Depp gives is, "Two people make three. Isn't that mystical?"

As you can see, for men, it's not the ornamentation of the brushes that matters, but the meaning carried by the patterns on them. Guys rely on the philosophical implications of the chosen symbols.

The representatives of the stronger sex do not need to emphasize the elegance of their hands. Therefore, the meaning of the tattoo comes to the forefront. Johnny Depp, for example, made a tattoo on his index finger. The meaning of the three rectangles is security and protection. Geometric shapes are a symbol of stability and solidity.


The painfulness and practicality of such a tattoo

Undoubtedly, it should be mentioned that doing tattoos on the hand is incredibly painful, and all because in this part of the hand there are a lot of nerve endings. In addition, the skin on the hand is almost devoid of fat and muscle tissue. Due to the fact that the skin is close to the bones, the pain is very strong.

In the process of applying the tattoo you will have to use painkillers to sit up to the end of the session. In addition, a lot depends on the person, because it is very difficult to draw in such an area.

Choose a qualified specialist who has extensive experience and is aware of all the details of drawing on such sensitive areas. He can also clarify how to care for the tattoo, what is recommended to do and what is not.

Tattoo of the bones. The meaning of the tattoo bone. Sketches and photos of tattoo bones

Tattoo bones Is listed in the top 10 most tasteless tattoo celebrities. Britney Spears distinguished herself. She made a tattoo on her wrist. Playing dice came out uneven, in addition, painted in bright pink.

Tattoo Bones-3

The public thought the tattoo was tacky. Critics commented, "Being successful doesn't mean you have to be fashionable. However, even an unsightly tattoo has a meaning.

The meaning of the bone tattoo

The Bible mentions the casting of lots 77 times. In particular, dice appear in the scene of the division of Jesus' garments. They were torn apart after Christ was crucified.

The legionaries, who had been guarding him during his execution, decided to determine which of them would get an item of clothing by drawing lots. Therefore, The tattoo of dice, photo tattoos, evoke associations with the Passion of Christ.

Rolling the dice is a way to choose between several equally correct choices. Drawing is a kind of assistant in defining yourself in life and your position on this or that issue.


The image is also a symbol of risk, as part of the gambling culture. Tattoos are applied by those who are ready to put everything on the line, to dramatically change their lives.

"All our life is a game," said Shakespeare and made gambling symbols a sign of being. The dice is a tattoowhich indicates the perception of being, as a coincidence of circumstances. Their combination depends only on luck. She and then decided to call, causing a tattoo on the body.

Tattoo of dice can be associated with Shine, Happiness and Joy. This is the name of the three daughters of Venus. More precisely, they are called Aglaia, Talia and Euphrosina. In the first case, the translation of the words is indicated. The girls are also known as the three Graces. Goddesses were depicted with roses, branches of peace, or dice.


The meaning of the tattoo "dice" is different from the usual dice. The ancient Celts began to depict parts of the skeleton on the body. They pinned skulls and also surrounded their dwellings with real remains. The tribes believed that the bones of the head contained the human soul.

People were driven by a desire not to part with the ethereal bodies of their ancestors. In addition, the Celts believed that the skulls on the body deterred their own death. Why take away those who already looked dead?

The bones on the arm are a tattoooften applied by Buddhists. For them, skeletal parts are a reminder of the frailty of life, the need to strive for spiritual enlightenment, nirvana.

The bone tattoo for women

The example of Britney Spears is illustrative. The celebrity painted the playing cubes in girly pink. Women adapt any symbol according to gender. For example, singer Rihanna wears a skull on her foot with a crimson bow on top. Doing tattoos on the pelvic bone., arms, back, ladies do not forget to decorate them with flowers, hearts, strawberries, beads.


Transitional images are popular among girls. In them, part of the painting is done in color, showing the flesh. The other half of the picture is black and white, exposing the bones.

For example, a sketch of a woman's face with marbled skin, long eyelashes and a languid gaze is in demand. The image is marvelous, except for the corrupted tissue on one side of the countenance. The jaw is visible, the eye socket gaping with emptiness.

Tattoo of dice for men

Tattoos with playing cubes and skulls are a classic in many salons. Masters in them, as a rule, men. So, some gentlemen are able to formalize their bodies themselves. One such guy is Dmitry Rechnoi.

He runs a salon in Moscow "Bone Crunch.». Tattoo There they wait for half a year. Dmitry is considered the best master of the capital, so customers are willing to stand in line.

On tattoos with bones specializes and Tomich Kostya. Tattoo master advertises his services online on his page in "Odnoklassniki". The scale of the business and the prices are not great. However, the guy is known in his town. Konstantin not only decorates the bodies of others, but his own as well. The Tomsk resident has several tattoos, including one with bones.


Johnny Depp also has a tattoo with bones. He himself does not do tattoos, but likes to wear them. The actor has almost 20 drawings. One of them is near the wrist of his right hand. Skull with crossed bones black and white. Gentlemen rarely choose colored sketches.

A similar skull with Nick Carter's bones, for example, is done in monochrome. The musician covered the image with another tattoo - the name of Paris Hilton. She was Nick's girlfriend. The couple broke up. Harter immediately went to a tattoo parlor and had the love tattoo painted over. Bones became a symbol of the "death" of the relationship.


For women

For men