They can bring balance or wealth to your life: what some drawings of Chinese dragons mean

Dragon (character.

, a traditional character.

) - one of the most famous symbols of China, the hero of ancient myths, the possessor of power and the most noble qualities.

The Chinese people endowed their object of worship with kindness and wisdom, in contrast to representatives of other countries where these creatures have become the embodiment of evil and danger. This is why they were often told that dragons can bring you good luck, wealth, and prosperity.

The most interesting things about dragons

The nine creatures of the Chinese dragons

The physical features of nine different animals combine to create a simply unbeatable creature - the Chinese dragon.

Often this creature is depicted with flames around its body or surrounded by water. The image can also often include one of the five elements, namely water, fire, wood, earth or metal.

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Many people wonder, How to draw a Chinese dragon with a pencil step by step, When the eyes are already outlined. The first thing to note is the nostrils. Also, as in the case of the eyes, you only need to put two dots. Draw Teeth easier to draw small triangles.

The canines are more pronounced. To nose does not look cartoonish, it is worth rounded. Drawing should turn out harmonious, so it is worth adhering to the proportions, as in the photo.

Dragon Pearl

In many images of traditional Chinese dragons, you can see that they are holding a pearl. Many have associated this pearl with the moon and other celestial objects. While others believe that such an image indicates the dragons' love of gold and gemstones. Pearls represent immortality, energy and wisdom.

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Chinese dragon (photo above) looks complicated at first glance. However, by painting it from the eyes, you can simplify the process. Taking a look at the pencil drawing You can see that the elements are arranged at a slight angle. The eyes have an oval shape. For this with a pencil it's worth making two points. They should be in the center of the sheet. The ovals should not be set too much, later they can be corrected a little.

Dragon head

If you want to get a "portrait" of the dragon, you can try to draw just his head.

Work steps:

  1. Draw two circles so that one goes a little beyond the other - this is the head. On the left and slightly below draw a small square - the nose. Connect it to the circles with three trapezoids, expanding as you approach the circles.
  2. From the right circle draw down three curved lines - the neck of the dragon.
  3. On top of the head add two figures, resembling rolled paper sleeves, and on the right - sticking out a triangle.
  4. From the goblet lines extend to make horns, and under the right sketch the outline of the eye.
  5. Protruding triangle make curves - these are fins. Continue to make jagged lines on the neck as well.
  6. Draw the nose in more detail, adding nostrils and two fangs sticking down.
  7. Divide the left side of the neck into segments with horizontal lines.
  8. Erase unnecessary lines.

You can start painting the picture.

Girls are unlikely to be interested in such work, but the boys you work on the dragon will not be able to tear away. The main thing - tell and direct, what to do and in what sequence, so the picture turned out to be really beautiful.

Dragons with Character

The image of the dragon can be so elaborate that the character is manifested in the external signs. In the features of the dragon is a resemblance to a human face, distorted by some vivid emotion.

Characters known from movies and books have their own lives and elaborate stories. Artists have noticed similarities with reptiles and other animals and use this in their work.

You can emphasize a dragon's aggressiveness and vicious intentions by choosing an appropriate pose. The dragon groups itself before throwing, pulling its tail and paws up a bit. And before releasing the flame, it draws in air, causing its chest to expand.

The reptile's eyes are good at conveying feelings. The gaze can give away cunning, indifference, or even rage. Apply some tricks. Surprise can be expressed by making the pupil very thin and elongated with a stripe. An angry dragon will squint its eyes. And if the dragon is watching closely, the eye will be wide open, the pupil dilated, and look straight ahead.


How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
Today we're going to learn how to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. What is it? It is a long snake-like animal that has more animal or humanoid features than dragon abilities. They are very different from Western dragons. The Chinese dragon is a kind and beautiful creature. The Koreans claim to have developed the Chinese Dragon. In fact, the Chinese created Chinese dragons and passed the legend on to the Koreans and Japanese. Based on the Chinese dragon, the Japanese created their own variety, calling it the Japanese dragon. Japanese dragons are skinnier. All three types of these animals have in common four or five claws and a serpentine body. All of these dragons are friends and guardians of clouds, sea, weather, fire, and earth. The strongest Chinese dragon of all is the horned dragon. They are completely deaf and produce rain. The Chinese claim that the horned dragon's head points south and its tail points north. These magnificent creatures are the friendliest of dragons. Chinese male dragons are larger and have larger horns than females. Now that I have told you about these extraordinary animals, I will tell you how I draw them. The dragon we are going to draw today is a horned dragon. First, I drew everything schematically on paper. Then I added additional effects and colored in Photoshop. It took me three hours to draw this dragon.

Step 1: In this step, I'll sketch the dragon we're going to draw. First, draw a circle for the dragon's head, then draw five small circles for the arms, mouth, and legs. Then draw the shape of the future ear in triangles, and the shape of the face. After you have drawn all this, proceed to the next step.

How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
Step 2. Now draw the external structure of the snake for the body.Add facial details - eyes, eyebrows, jaws, etc.. Make the horns thicker, sketch the arms and legs with claws.

How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
Step 3.In this step, we will make the drawing more detailed.First, add details of the dragon's face. He has wide open eyes. You can draw them with equal circles. Make a sketch of the hair around the face. Then detail the tail, body and sideburns that these dragons have. Detail the claws on the arms and legs and add hair at the end of the arms and legs.

How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
Step 4: Detail the hair. Then erase unnecessary lines.

How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
Step 5. the dragon is done. I colored it in shades of orange, but you can choose any other color.

How to draw a traditional Chinese Dragon. *
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. Source:

Dragons in Chinese culture.

The Chinese believe that they are descendants of dragons.
The progenitors of the Chinese people, central to Chinese mythology, are the leaders Yandi (炎帝) and Huangdi,(黄帝) who lived more than 5,000 years ago. Both legendary emperors-inventors are inextricably linked with the fire-breathing creature of Chinese mythology: Yandi was born from the union of an earthly woman and the Dragon, and later united with his brother Huangdi with the help of the Dragon, laying with their union the foundation of the centralized Chinese statehood. Since then the emperors of China have been called "Dragons" or "sons of the Dragon," and their throne "the seat of the Dragon.

Fire-breathing dragon

How to draw a dragon in pencil and why not in paint. It is easier to make changes in a pencil sketch, but a drawing written in paint can be ruined.

For convenience, you can paint how to draw a dragon step by step. The first step is to decide whether it will be massive, clumsy or thin. What will be drawn, large muscles or armor with spikes, how many paws.

They make a schematic drawing of the skeleton. The body is a large oval, the head of the beast is an elongated, smaller oval. Connect the two lines that form a long neck. Draw a thick tail tapered to the tip. Dragon stands on his feet, head slightly raised.

Go around the contours of the dragon, removing unnecessary lines. From the back go two wide open wings. Paws are drawn, they end in a brush of four toes with curved claws. From the head to the middle of the tail, a fluted ridge is drawn. At the base of the neck, a mane of sharp spikes is drawn. On the head make a small oval to indicate an open mouth. Work through the jaw. Dragon releases a blob of flame into the air.

Outline of the lighter areas. Along the neck, tail, across the chest and belly, the area is marked with horizontal stripes. When the color is applied, it will become lighter than the pelt. The chest turns out wide, the muscles on the paws are visible.

On the wings depict strong bones, which holds the fabric of the skin. Painting the dragon, highlight the inner part of the wings and chest lighter shades. The armor can be emphasized with large scales.

Dragon Feast in China

The Dragon Boat Festival ( 端午节 "duānwǔ jié") is an occasion to remember dragons.

dragon boat festival.jpg

This is one of our favorite traditional festivals, celebrated according to the lunar calendar on the 5th day of the 5th month of each year. This colorful festival symbolizes the beginning of summer, so people perceive it with special joy, organizing competitions in rowing boats. Rowers compete not only in who reaches the finish line first, but also in decorating their boat (龙舟 "lóngzhōu"). On the bow of the boat is the head of the dragon and on the stern is the tail. The rest is the torso, which is also brightly and colorfully painted. Such competitions are held in many cities in China and are remembered by viewers for their unforgettable beauty.

Preparing materials for painting

Inexperienced masters often wonder how easy it is to draw such a complex figure in practice. You can draw a dragon both on plain white paper and on large posters, for example, for a creative writing contest.

However, it is better to start learning art with the simplest projects, for which you should prepare:

  • Album sheets.
  • Eraser.
  • A simple pencil. The simplest drawing techniques are projects using a pencil (of varying thickness of the rod).
  • Colored pencils.
  • Floureshers.
  • Paints (watercolor or gouache) and brushes.

A marker can be used to highlight small details in an image. Very often in practice, masters use gel pens, which allow them to create drawings in the style of animation or comic strip.

For novice artists, a master class on drawing different compositions with a dragon will come in handy.

Good dragon

To begin work on the fabulous creature, you need to start with a sketch. It is not necessary to depict the dragon as evil and intimidating. You can draw a plump little do-gooder with a happy smile on his face.

Step by step lesson:

  1. Place a sheet of paper vertically in front of you. Draw two circles with a pencil at a certain distance at a 45 degree angle. The upper circle - the head - should be one and a half times smaller than the circle - the tummy.
  2. Connect the circles arched line, marking the back. Under it draw another line connecting the head and stomach with the neck so that near the head the neck was thin, and closer to the stomach expanded.
  3. From the large circle deduce a line like an infinity sign - it will be the tail. Dorischete another such line, so that the base of the tail was thicker, and the end of it thinned.
  4. On the side opposite the tail, draw two small vertical ovals - the future paws.
  5. Next step: Draw a shape resembling inverted beans on the head of the dragon - this nose.
  6. On the head add two more circles-eyes and finish the nostrils at the end of the bean. Under the nose should be visible mouth on the left and a little bit on the right.
  7. Next, proceed to tracing the wings, finishing drawing teeth and vertical rulers - crosspieces.
  8. At the end of the tail add a triangle - the tip. At the top draw more triangles, denticles, and bottom of the tail, outline the part and divide it into segments by parallel lines.
  9. Ditto - teeth and stripes - must be done on the body of the dragon.
  10. To the oval soles add two arcs on the right and left - the knees of the beast, and on the soles themselves add one more oval, and on top draw three circles - fingers.
  11. It remains to add the hands, bent at the elbow and folded on the stomach (two elongated ovals and one circle - palms).

Now it remains only to paint our hero, adding to his skin circles of more contrasting shades.

A dragon for coloring.

For those who have difficulty how to draw a dragon for children, there is an easy way. Draw a cartoon dragon, and it will be interesting to color.

How to draw a dragon in pencil for novice artists is an obvious choice. The simpler, the better.

  1. Draw a curved line, which will be the torso. Small circle will be the jaw, a circle large - the head. Stomach and hind paws also mark the circles.
  2. Draw lines around the edges of circles. The body will be three-dimensional. Doris curved tail with a spike on the end. Paws and stomach dragon rests on the ground. Draw the wings open, relief comb, claws on his paws. On the head painted eyes, bulging nostrils. Auxiliary lines are removed.

To make a child to portray him, you need tips on how to draw a dragon easily. Dragon will be standing sideways.

Draw a sketch. Geometric shapes schematically draw the body parts. Head oval, elongated shape. So necessary to draw a long jaw. Stomach round shape, lower paws ovals and a tail of a chain of balls, ending with the smallest. A rectangular neck is attached to the head.

Connect the figures in the outline of the dragon. Draw a round belly, massive jaw with two upper fangs. The back is long and straight, with triangles of ridge stretching along it. The tail is elongated and the tip is sharp. Eyes are drawn on the head, with two dots marking the nose.

Wings narrow at the base, wide at the outer edge. On the abdomen vertical stripes. Draw a short front leg, it begins at the neck. Lower paws are depicted flattened ovals, on which the dragon stands.

Styles of application

The Chinese dragon tattoo is usually done in the following styles: oriental, new-school, traditional and tribal.
  • Through the Oriental style, the outline of the dragon can be as thick as it is more elegant and decorative. A combination of bright colors that are tightly spaced prevails. The style is widespread among lovers of Oriental culture. Often a dragon in this style is used for compositions on the back, chest, hips, often done in the form of a "sleeve.
  • New-sculpture depicts a dragon in the form of graffiti. The main characteristic of this style is brightness, clear and thick outlines, volume, lack of realism and incongruity of colors.
  • Traditional is famous for its thick outline and use of bright colors. Chinese dragon tattoos, made in the style of traditional, among men look favorably on the back or arms, among girls - on the ribs and shoulder blades.
  • The tribal is characterized by black or gray color. Clear geometry is characteristic. Sharpness of lines is replaced by smoothness and roundness of the figures. The dragon in the style of tribal is most popular among men. Preferable places for the application of tattoos in the style of trayblade are the shoulder and forearm.


Curious, How to draw a Chinese dragon, So that he will be similar. To do this, it is enough to note all his features. There is a semblance of deer horns on his head. When the muzzle is outlined, it is worth noting the two sticks in the drawing.

Step by step You should make the first branch, and then the other. Drawing Not yet finished, so do not press hard on the pencil. It is not necessary to make the horns symmetrical. As in the photo, they can be with different branches.

Dragon character

dragon character.jpg

Dragon (character in simplified spelling

, the traditional spelling of the character

(pronounced lóng) has become a symbol of Chinese culture and influences virtually every aspect of society in China. From a traditional perspective, the dragon symbolizes positive elements in life such as wealth, success, power, etc.


The image of the Chinese dragon can be intimidating to some people because the body resembles a snake. In order to to draw it, it's a good idea to follow a plan. One thin strip should mark its direction. It is necessary to use smooth lines and then the curves look natural. Draw abdomen will succeed after separation of the body. The next thing to do is to mark the strips with a pencil, so that they are at the same distance.

The dragon on the national flag of China

From 1888 to 1912, the dragon was depicted on the official flag of the Qing Empire.

dragon flag.jpg

A blue dragon on a bright yellow background with a red fruit became China's first National Flag (黄龙旗 "huánglóngqí") at the end of the last Chinese Qing dynasty. After the overthrow of the monarchy and the Xinhai Revolution, China abandoned the dragon illustration because of the ambiguous perception of the creature by other countries.


From photo it is clearly visible that only one paw is shown. The dragon from China four fingers, stands step by step show them with the claws. To do this, it is important to pencil to outline the general lines. Next, you need to add volume. Draw claws easier from a triangle.

When the workpiece is ready, it remains a little rounded base. Looking at pictures, small curves of the fingers are noticeable. To make them look as plausible as possible, it is better to finish drawing the folds. Claws draw at different angles.

Final touch-up

Step by step The general features are shown, but only the finishing touch-up will allow you to enjoy the image. The eye in the picture it is better to paint over it in black. It is important to put small triangles on the nose. From the muzzle on picture Comes from the muzzle two mustaches.

Just like the body of the snake, they have an ornate base. To begin with, it's easier to draw one stripe. Then it will be possible to make dragon more drawn. Behind his muzzle, he has a kind of lion's mane.

At photo You can see that it's better not to draw a big mane. The mouth should be painted black. It is more pleasant to look at image, when the fangs are clearly highlighted. Dragon is a good gift for for children, but it is worth a little more refinement.

Small marks are shown on the horns. They are best to draw them in the form of vertical and horizontal stripes. The image looks complete when a semblance of sweetness is visible above the eyes. At illustration shows that they are at a slight angle.

The second point is to finish drawing the torso. The lesson for children includes stage, when it is necessary to draw the torso. Triangles are depicted at the top. When looking at the picture, you can see that they are at a slight angle. According to picture the dragon has black claws. When they're filed down, the picture can be considered complete.


For women

For men