Tattoo on the belly for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks - Fashion, Style, Makeup, Manicure, Body and Face Care, Cosmetics

Pregnancy and motherhood is one of the best periods in a woman's life. But every coin has two sides. In addition to tender feelings, external changes in the body often make themselves felt.

Proper diet, massages and sports can help you get back into shape. But the thing is Stretch marks (stretch marks) can not be corrected and, after the appearance, remain forever. Such inconveniences include the scar after a cesarean section, which can appear on the abdomen, even on which there are no stretch marks.

Tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks. Pros and cons

But you should not get upset, because many moms know how to fix this visual defect:

  • the most common method for girls after childbirth is considered a tattoo on the belly;
  • Massages are well suited to restore the skin;
  • The use of special creams and masks.

Tattoo on the abdomen for girls after childbirth is a good way not only to disguise the unaesthetic appearance of the skin, but also to emphasize your individuality.

But before the procedure, it is necessary to choose a qualified master, the pattern, as well as learn all the possible nuances and contraindications.

Girls should remember that the main task of the tattoo is to mask the postpartum consequences, so the pattern should be suitable in size and shape. It can not only cover some areas of skin on the abdomen, but also smoothly move to the back or thighs.

Tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks. Pros and cons

Floral compositions, abstracts or personal symbols are often chosen as a sketch. An inscription or a significant date can be applied to the site of the postoperative scar. The drawings can be colored or monochrome.

Tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks. All the pros and cons

Pregnancy and motherhood is one of the best periods in a woman's life. But every medal has two sides. In addition to tender feelings, often make themselves felt and external changes in the body.
Proper nutrition, massages and sports will help to return to its former form. But the problem is that Stretch marks (stretch marks) can not be corrected and, after the appearance, remain forever. To this kind of discomfort can be attributed and the scar after a cesarean section, which can appear on the abdomen, even at which there are no stretch marks.

But do not get upset, because many moms know how to fix this visual defect:

  • The most common method for girls after childbirth is a tattoo on the abdomen;
  • Massages are good for skin recovery;
  • The use of special creams and masks.

Tattoo on the abdomen for girls after childbirth is a good way not only to disguise the unaesthetic appearance of the skin, but also to emphasize your individuality.

But before the procedure, it is necessary to choose a qualified master, the pattern, as well as learn all the possible nuances and contraindications.

Girls should remember that the main task of the tattoo is to mask the postpartum consequences, so the pattern should be suitable in size and shape. It can not only cover some areas of skin on the abdomen, but also smoothly move to the back or thighs.

Floral compositions, abstracts or personal symbols are often chosen as a sketch. An inscription or a landmark date can be applied to the site of the postoperative scar. Drawings can be colored or monochrome.

What side effects can occur when getting a tattoo?

The procedure can cause side effects. The most common side effect of injecting pigment under the skin is allergies. An allergic reaction can occur not immediately, but after several weeks, and even after several years.

Studies by French dermatologists show that even after several decades, pathological changes in the skin may occur (e.g. pseudomembranous colitis). Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis) can also occur after tattooing. Less frequently mentioned side effects include skin cancer, such as - melanoma (dye injection causes a cellular mutation that leads to melanoma).

Medical contraindications

Since tattooing damages the top layer of the skin, a small wound forms in its place, which is covered with a crust.

If during the drawing or during the healing period an infection got into the wound, taking some medications will be contraindicated, especially if the baby is breastfeeding.

Experts say that the ink can not get into the blood in the plasma and breast milk, but it is better to postpone the procedure, at least until the baby begins to eat independently and completely rejects the breast.

Before you decide to get a tattoo in the abdominal area, you should think about your next pregnancy. When stretched, the skin behaves unpredictably, and there is no guarantee that the design will remain in its original shape.

Can a tattoo be done while breastfeeding?

A tattoo is applied with the help of coloring pigments capable to penetrate into the blood, hence, to be in the breast milk as well. It is not known how this may affect the child, as no research has ever been done in this area.

The coloring pigments used in tattooing can penetrate the bloodstream

If a nursing mother has nevertheless decided to get a tattoo, precautions should be taken.

What is a tattoo, how it is applied

A tattoo is the result of a permanent drawing on the body by traumatizing the skin with the use of dye pigment. This process requires the following preparation:

  • Only sterilized tools and disposable materials should be used during tattooing,
  • Body in the place of tattooing is degreased with alcohol, antiseptic is applied.

After preparation of tools and skin the master starts the process, the duration of which depends on the complexity of the image, the number of colors and other factors. Modern technology allows tattoos to be applied without the use of anesthetics. If anesthesia does occur, lidocaine is most often used.

Lidocaine is not recommended for use during breastfeeding, but it is not prohibited. It is relatively safe because it is local and short-lived. For a short period of exposure to the skin, the concentration of lidocaine in milk will be minimal.

The process of tattooing itself is as follows:

  1. Pre-prepared sketch is applied to the skin, pressed, after which its contours remain on the body.

    First, the sketch for the future tattoo is applied to the body.

  2. A tattoo machine needle is dipped into the paint and the master draws black contours. The surplus of paint from a body he removes with a cotton disk or a napkin.

    The needle of the machine is dipped in paint, and the master draws the picture

  3. With the paint machine, the drawing is filled with color.

    To fill in the pattern with color, use a paintbrush

  4. After the process is completed, the injured skin is treated with antiseptic.

Contraindications to tattooing nursing mothers and possible consequences

As such, there are no medical contraindications. However it is possible to allocate the following moments about which it is necessary to know for the nursing mom:

  • The first month after childbirth it is the most dangerous to do tattoo. After childbirth the recovery of the organism and lactation is going on, which can be affected by the strong pain and worry of the mother. In addition, the substances from the paint enter the body of the baby, whose immune and digestive systems are immature, the child can not cope with poisoning..
  • It is necessary to remember about the influence of the hormonal background of a woman who has changed with the onset of pregnancy and the formation of lactation. Hormones can cause the paint to wash off quickly, at best, and at worst, it can be uneven or change color beyond recognition.
  • Even if lactation is already established, pain can reduce or block milk production.
  • The risk of infection is not excluded both during tattooing and during its healing period.

    To be on the safe side, milk should be decanted for 12 hours after the procedure. During this time, as a rule, it is possible to understand if the body is infected or everything is normal.

  • The dye may contain synthetic pigments based on heavy metals. Despite the lack of research, it is intuitively clear that this is not good for the baby's body.
  • The body may perceive the paint as a foreign body. The result will be an allergic reaction, the elimination of which is sometimes incompatible with lactation.

    Tattooing with henna is considered safer because it has a natural composition, but the risk of allergies in this case is very high.

Aesthetic issue

Immediately after childbirth, the skin becomes flabby, soft and stretched, and the muscles, without proper exercise, lose their tightness. In addition, during pregnancy, girls often gain excess weight, which is reflected in the amount of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen. With such a state of the body, no master will undertake the work.

The first thing to do is to return the elasticity of the skin and the strength of the muscles that were there before pregnancy. Tattoo on the abdomen for girls after childbirth - a wonderful incentive to take care of yourself and restore the good shape of your body.

How quickly the recovery will happen, depends on genetics, personal condition and perseverance of the girl. To accelerate the result, it is desirable to visit the gym or a swimming pool, watch your diet and do not stop until the result is fully satisfied.

Warning! Whatever the condition of the girl's body, it is recommended to apply a tattoo in the abdominal area, not earlier than a year after childbirth.

By this time, the stretch marks will acquire their permanent appearance, and the scar will be completely scarred. This is necessary to assess the overall picture of the condition of the skin and the choice of a suitable pattern.

Advantages and disadvantages of tattooing in the abdominal area

How to hide stretch marks on your stomach after childbirth and C-section.

No matter how well-publicized the way to get rid of stretch marks, they can be removed only by surgery. However, not every woman after pregnancy it is available, and voluntarily go under the knife will not agree to not everyone.

Miracle creams and cosmetic procedures can only make stretch marks less noticeable, so sometimes the best solution is to get a tattoo on the problem area. With this method you can forget about stretch marks and not be complexed about the ugly scars after pregnancy, surgery or weight changes.

An experienced master selects a tattoo for the individual characteristics of the client and even for those who are skeptical about the drawings on the body, you can choose the perfect option in the form of a dim pattern.

The tattoo in this part of the female body has its own advantages

  • The figure can be easily hidden under clothing from prying eyes or the dress code, even the most strict.
  • To show off your body decoration, if the situation requires it, you can at any time or just on the beach during the holidays.
  • If a girl's figure is far from ideal parameters, and she really wants to make a tattoo on her belly, this is a good incentive to work on yourself. That it (the pattern) looked neat and attractive need to first lose extra pounds and continue to monitor your weight, so that the tattoo did not deform.

To show off your body decoration, if the situation requires it, you can at any time or just on the beach during the vacation
Of the disadvantages, it is worth noting that:

  • Having a tattoo on the stomach, girls have to look after themselves, or rather, their forms every day.
  • The tattooing procedure is very painful, so they do it for a long time and with stops.
  • Beauty does not come without sacrifice and many girls who have decided on a tattoo, endure pain for the sake of the desired result.

Popular drawings of tattoos for the abdomen after childbirth

For a colored image, masters recommend the theme of floristics. Various flowers, various plants, berries or fruits characterize the tenderness of its bearer, conveying her inner world, which she felt, becoming a mother.

The image can be smoothly transferred to the sides, lower back, chest or outer part of the thigh. Thus, the emphasis is transferred from the problem area of the abdomen to the entire picture.

Butterflies, small birds or small bugs (dragonflies, ladybugs, etc.) are often added to the flowers. You can depict popular mythical animals or favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales.

Variously use children's themes (pacifier, booties, photo of baby with an inscription of the date of delivery, etc.).

Drawing a tattoo on the abdomen after childbirth, for girls is not just a whim, and a real salvation from unaesthetic stretch marks

Black and white tattoos are suitable for masking scars. Judging by the appearance of long and thin strips, you can camouflage them with an inscription made in an ancient language or hieroglyphs. You can write the baby's first word or a wish for him or her.

Bird feathers, domestic or wild animals, trees or simply chaotic abstraction will also be suitable. However, before drawing the picture masters advise to find out what it means, so its symbolism coincided with the intended purpose.

When you can not do a tattoo on the abdomen after childbirth: contraindications

Whatever the desire to hide stretch marks or a scar under a tattoo, it is necessary to know that the body during pregnancy and childbirth has been under great stress and its recovery requires a long time, and numerous skin punctures and dye can have a bad effect not only on health, but also on overall health.

With the following risk factors, it is necessary to categorically refuse the application of tattoos:

  • Menstrual cycle period;
  • HIV, hepatitis, or HPV infection;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • a fresh scar;
  • skin or blood disorders;
  • The effects of alcohol, coffee, strong tea, narcotics, or painkillers.

Be attentive! Even a healthy girl is recommended to have a consultation with a medical specialist before the procedure.

During Pregnancy

During the period of carrying a fetus, going to a tattoo parlor is strongly not recommended:

  • There is a risk of transmitting all kinds of diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV.
  • Even a simple tattoo done in complete sterility is likely to provoke a fever or take too long to heal.
  • There is a danger of ",pain shock," causing premature labor.
  • Given the unaccustomed nature of this type of pain, it can get bad during the session.
  • The paint can lead to an allergic reaction and even penetrate the placenta.
  • The condition of the skin, as stated above, will not be the best. It will take some time for it to come to its normal state.

Most likely, a certified specialist with knowledge and experience will refuse you a drawing. And bearing the responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the future baby, it is advisable to postpone the procedure.

Alternative to tattooing: with what else you can disguise stretch marks after pregnancy

If there is no possibility or health condition does not allow to make a tattoo on the abdomen, and look beautiful you want - you should learn other possible ways to improve the skin.

In tattoo parlors, can offer to put a tattoo under the stretch marks or scars themselves, the color that best matches the color of the skin.That will make them almost invisible, without the pronounced natal drawings.

Experts recommend contacting a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. Many girls use foundation, a little lighter than the base color of the skin, self-tanner or special stickers, which last about a week and are not afraid of water.

Pay attention! If none of the above options will not work, you should opt for a piece bathing suit, which will hide all the visible skin defects on the abdomen.

The tattoo remains for life, so you should treat this procedure responsibly. Weigh all the pros and cons, choose a pattern and a master, follow all the recommendations for its care, and then instead of stretch marks and scars, the surrounding people will see the result in the form of a beautiful pattern.

Tattoo on the stomach for girls after childbirth. Beautiful tattoos:

Tattoos for girls on the stomach - interesting and unusual:

Author: Valentina Konstantinova

What kind of tattoo to choose: paint or henna

Any external change to the body in an artificial way has consequences. We should not forget that the tattoo remains on the skin for the rest of her life.

Tattoo on the belly for girls after childbirth to hide stretch marks. Pros and cons.

If the girl is satisfied with her appearance, but there are complexes during a visit to the beach in the summer, you can use a temporary tattoo, which do henna.

Below is a table for a visual comparison of the two different methods.

Paint TattooHenna drawing
LongevityDrawing stays for lifeLasts 1-7 days
Body ReactionRejection or allergic reaction possibleNo consequences
Application procedureSmall punctures of the skin are made. Prolonged, painful. Sometimes there are several sessionsDrawing is applied with a brush, painless. Does not take much time
ImageAny sketch can be chosen. Tastes and preferences change, the image remains the original and can be unpleasantIt is possible to apply a new design each time
The lookThe skin ages, which can adversely affect the quality of the image. Colored tattoos "burn out" and require correction every 3-4 yearsDoes not change throughout the entire period. Leaves no mark on the skin
RemovalPainful and expensive process. Leaves a scarWashes off on its own or as desired. Leaves no residue
Contact with the outside worldDoes not fear external stimuliWashes off on its own or optional. Leaves no residue
Color schemeVariety of colors or monochrome patternApplied in one color
PurposeBesides the usual expression of individuality, tattoo paint is good for girls to hide stretch marks and scars on the abdomen after childbirthTo introduce variety, to decorate the body for a holiday or in the summer, if the tattoo paint is contraindicated

How to achieve a beautiful figure: Alpha Lipoic Acid can help

What explains the tattoo on the belly

Tattoos on the abdomen have practical and aesthetic uses. In the female body, this area of subcutaneous fat deposition.

In the process of gaining and losing weight, the delicate skin can be covered with stretch marks. Such a defect is easily closed by a tattoo.

In addition, tattoos on the lower abdomen are performed over the scars after surgery or cesarean section.

Doctors rarely care about the aesthetics of the skin stitching area. As a result, ugly scars prevent women from revealing their charms.

A tattoo in the navel or bikini area has an erotic appearance. Masterfully made image creates an attractive image. It's a chance to create a unique touch by spurring your partner's imagination.

How to choose the right design according to your style

Choosing a lower abdomen tattoo for girls, it is worth proceeding from the temperament of the owner. Tender young people will suit inscriptions, images of plants and flowers.

The location of the image on the "V" shaped line will help to visually extend the contours of the body.

When selecting a tattoo, it is best to pay attention to the shape of the abdomen, the presence of folds and volume. Drawing should hide defects and emphasize the advantages.

The drawing can cover all spaces, be symmetrical or one-sided.

The lower the position of the image, the more intimate the message it carries.

For women aged from 25 to 55 can choose colored images with a large number of elements. It will not look rude if the lines are made elegantly.

The master, who will be tattooing the tattoo, will help to make the right choice. It will orient on a condition of a skin and will select the best variant according to your preferences.

The most popular tattoos on girls' bellies

Popular tattoos for girls on the abdomen include:

  • peacock tails;
  • butterflies;
  • roses;
  • dolphins;
  • with various inscriptions ;
  • bows;
  • phoenixes;
  • birds;
  • stars;
  • crystals.

Traditionally, tattoos of flowers denote femininity, the desire to give life and joy. These drawings are perfect for any age.

What is the masking of stretch marks with a tattoo?

The masking of stretch marks with a tattoo consists in the introduction under the skin of a dye that matches its tone. Special ink visually evens out the skin tone, and stretch marks become almost imperceptible. The Brazilian artist Rodolfo Torres uses this technique. His method is loved by celebrities, models and show-businessmen. In our country it is less popular.

Tattoo on the abdomen on the scar

The elimination of scars on scars has become an effective method of dealing with defects. Numerous photos before and after the procedure prove that it is the best way to get rid of the negative effects.

In addition to aesthetics, confidence and comfort return to the woman. Because even after the appearance of the flaw, she continues to look seductive and attractive.

With the help of a tattoo, both small and convex scars are closed. Working with this type of damage requires skill, so that the introduced paint does not become a source of inflammation. That is why before going to the salon choose the master carefully.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on a stomach?

Before the procedure, you should have patience. Masters use anesthetic ointments. However, this does not eliminate all discomfort.

Because the abdomen accumulates a lot of nerve endings, the sensations can range from itching to nagging pain.

In addition to this difficulty is the soft structure of the muscles and tissues. If your abs are untrained, the work will take longer.

The master will have to go through each line carefully. However, these nuances are not terrible if your tattoo artist has experience working with such areas.

Recommended to read: Stomach for tattoos in men Recommended to read: On the scar tattoo

How are they done?

Each examination has four stages (phases):

Phase I.

- Researchers first test a drug or treatment with a small group of people
(20-80 people)
. The purpose of this phase is to find out if the drug or treatment is safe and to identify side effects. This step may involve
Healthy people as well as those with the right condition.
. To begin phase I clinical trials, scientists have conducted hundreds of other tests over several years, including safety tests involving laboratory animals whose metabolism is as close to that of humans as possible;

Phase II

- researchers assign a drug or treatment to a larger group of people
(100 to 300 people)
to determine its effectiveness and to further study its safety. This phase involves people with the right disease;

Phase III

- Researchers provide the drug or treatment to a large group of people
(1,000-3,000 people)
confirm its effectiveness, compare it to the gold standard (or placebo)
and to gather additional information that will allow it to be used safely. Sometimes other, rarely occurring side effects are identified at this stage. People with the right disease are also involved here.
If phase III is successful, the drug is registered with the Department of Health
and doctors are able to prescribe it;

Phase IV

- researchers continue to monitor information on the safety, efficacy, side effects, and optimal use of a drug after it has been registered and made available to all patients.

It is believed that the most accurate results come from a study method where neither the physician nor the participant knows which drug, new or existing, the patient is taking. Such a study is called "double-blind."

. This is done so that doctors do not intuitively influence patient allocation. If only the participant does not know about the drug, the study is called
"simple blind."

To conduct a clinical trial (especially a "blind" study), physicians may use a technique such as randomization

- randomly assigning study participants to groups (new drug and existing drug or placebo). This method is necessary to minimize subjectivity in the allocation of patients. Therefore, this procedure is usually carried out using a special computer program.

How to hide stretch marks on the abdomen?

Pregnancy is one of the happiest stages in the life of every woman. With the arrival of the baby in the world at the new mom becomes a little more concern and a little less time for yourself. As the baby grows up, the woman more and more often pays attention to her reflection in the mirror, noting some changes in the abdomen. And then the girl thinks about how to hide stretch marks on the abdomen.

Because of certain features of the skin in the abdomen and hips can appear so-called stretch marks (stretch marks), which are a problem of non-aesthetic nature. There is another problem - the stitches after a caesarean section.

It is not surprising that many girls after childbirth begin to think about how to hide stretch marks on the abdomen or hips, as well as to camouflage other skin imperfections. There is a solution - to get a tattoo on your stomach.

And if you find a really good master, you can forget about the problem forever. A professional will make the scar or stretch marks a part of the whole picture itself, which will look very harmonious and aesthetic.

Pros and cons of the tattoo

The female body reacts to tattoos as well as the male body. However, if the goal is to score a sketch on the abdomen area, then immediately there are a number of positive and negative aspects, which will affect as a result of a long time wearing a tattoo below the abdomen.

The main advantage is that after childbirth the image on the underside of the abdomen is able to cover all possible scars or scars. Many girls after childbirth have unsightly skin lesions as a consequence of a cesarean section or other medical manipulations.

A serious disadvantage is also associated with childbirth. After the baby is born, the skin on the abdomen becomes stretched and not elastic. The tattoo definitely spoils and changes the appearance for the worse. It is recommended to choose a tattoo after childbirth.

The skin at the navel level is constantly in contact with jeans or sweatshirt. A beautiful illustration on the body will take much longer to heal because of the constant friction with clothing.

Hide stretch marks on the belly. A bit of physiology.

Tattoo on stretch marks is often the only sure and affordable way to hide the traces of pregnancy and return the body to an attractive appearance after the birth of a child. But this does not mean that the new mom should immediately after the maternity hospital to run to the tattoo parlor.

Many people wonder if it is possible to get a tattoo on the seam after a cesarean section or to cover stretch marks after pregnancy.

There are several points to consider before going to the tattoo parlor:

  • First,Firstly, a tattoo on your tummy or thighs after childbirth is contraindicated for breastfeeding women. This means that only after the cessation of lactation can you choose the sketch of the future drawing.
  • SecondThe skin and muscles after childbirth are capable of regeneration. During pregnancy the abdominal area can accumulate a certain amount of fatty deposits - no master will take up the work until the girl brings her body into shape. No, this does not mean that it is necessary to torture yourself with workouts and diets, but it is necessary to lose a few pounds and pump up the abdominal muscles. But what will be the result! You can forget about stitches forever.
  • ThirdStretch marks can appear a little later - the thing is that the skin after childbirth stretches a lot, and it recovers in about a year after delivery. This means that a woman has as much as 12 months to pump up her tummy and choose a really nice tattoo that will no longer stretch along with the skin and the seam.

That's as far as caveats go. And there are also specific contraindicationsThe tattoo on the abdomen after childbirth should not be performed by those with poor blood clotting:

  1. You can not do a tattoo on the abdomen after childbirth to those who have poor blood clotting. Consequences: partial washout of the pattern (as a minimum) or bleeding (as a maximum).
  2. A number of cancers - Well, everything is clear here.
  3. Benign neoplasms on the skin in the intended area of the tattoo on stretch marks. Simply put, if there are moles on the abdomen - it is better to refrain from drawing or bypass this place. No one can say how the nevus will behave after the introduction of pigment into it.
  4. HIV, hepatitis. No self-respecting or respectful tattooist would give a tattoo to a carrier of the virus. No, he's not a sociopath - he's just thinking about other clients who might get infected from his tool.
  5. Allergic reactions to metals and their compounds. Depending on the degree to which the client tattoo salon is allergic, this contraindication can be attributed to a relative or absolute. The fact is that allergies to the dye pigment can manifest as the usual rash or runny nose, and may end up very poorly.
  6. Some skin diseases. After all, it is not aesthetically pleasant to go to the master with pimples on the stomach or other unpleasant rashes. In addition, again, the reaction to the pigment can be the most unpredictable.
  7. Menstruation. A fresh tattoo will bleed a lot. Is it necessary? It is better to wait for a week or two, and then to go to the master.

Correction of deformed tattoo-work

What to do if the tattoo is still deformed? Here are a few solutions:

  • Retouch the design and fix the distorted details - the simplest and most popular way;
  • Add new elements to cover the places you don't like;
  • completely overlap the old image with the new one;
  • remove the tattoo by laser.

If you choose the latter option, keep in mind that you will not be able to remove the pigment without a trace. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, ink, depth of application, you will get either a very light version of the current figure, or small islands of color.

Recommendations of the tattoo master

Color or black and white? Here everything depends on the desire of the client herself. It is worth only to remind that the color has the property to influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. Green calms. Red - on the contrary, stimulates to action.

Modern colors are pretty high quality - fear about the fact that the picture will be less bright after some time, it is not necessary. Tattoo photo eloquently testifies that even tattoos "with age" do not lose their attractiveness.

Truly high-quality drawings can not only cover the seams, but also create a unique image.

Choosing this or that sketch, you should be guided by the subject of disguise. So, to hide a scar after a cesarean section, it is better to choose an inscription, an original ornament that will cover the seams, or symbols in black and white.

To disguise stretch marks, it is better to pay attention to three-dimensional images along the seam with a lot of small details - they will effectively hide all the imperfections of the skin. Here you can also choose symmetrical sketches, which will visually align the tummy area.

A very clever trick is to choose a vertically curving ornament or lettering that will hide unaesthetic formations. This will help make the "waistline" and also camouflage postpartum marks. Some people prefer symmetrical elements that successfully hide the stitches after childbirth.

The size of the tattoo and its color, peculiarities of choice

You can not just get a tattoo. It is necessary to think thoroughly over the drawing, discuss it with the master and ask to make a sketch on the abdomen with a regular pen and marker.

You can infinitely many times to consult with him - after all, at least he and the master to know how to properly and accurately camouflage the marks after childbirth.

The fact is that the size of the pattern, its location and symmetry literally "make" the figure. A large-scale image on the abdomen in a petite girl will "eat" the waist and emphasize a small stature. Therefore it is worth paying attention to a few recommendations that will help you choose the size and location of the picture:

  • Compact girls are better to choose elegant tattoos with carefully traced details. This can be an ornament, original symbolism, separately located elements.
  • Chubby girls with a short stature should give preference to small drawings or vertically curved patterns. A large tattoo on the abdomen after childbirth will "add" a few pounds.
  • But tall, slender ladies are much luckier - on their body almost any tattoo will look spectacular, provided that it was done by a real professional, and not the guy from the neighborhood.

Someone can just choose a beautiful drawing, and someone is looking long and painstakingly for something that best suits their character and lifestyle. A tattoo is a sign that will last a lifetime. Therefore, it is worth very pedantic when choosing it. In addition, the girl who gave birth, there is plenty of time to think about how to harmoniously hide the stitches after surgery.

What is a tattoo?

Permanent makeup or tattooing is called the introduction of coloring components into the superficial skin tissues to a depth of a tenth of a millimeter.

This guarantees the durability of the resulting image to various external factors, as well as the duration of its existence.

However, when talking about makeup itself, permanent makeup should not be taken literally, because Permanent makeup is not a tattoo or a "permanent mark".. It is "makeup for the long term", for several years.

Thanks to it, women have the possibility to emphasize all their advantages and make facial features more expressive, as well as to hide small defects.

Tattooing: pros and cons. The program "Housekeeping".


For women

For men