How a tattoo can affect a person's fate and character

Tattoos are becoming more popular every year. But the image on the skin people began to apply long before the invention of special equipment and ink - the signs adorned the body in ancient times. The esotericists and spiritual leaders are sure that the pictures have a magical power. Therefore, before going to the salon, it is worth to understand how tattoos influence a person's fate.


Why tattoos are so dense in people's lives

People agree to the introduction of ink under the skin for a variety of reasons. For some, the tattoo is a way to express their own individuality, to draw attention to themselves, to add confidence. For others, it's a method of struggle, a protest against public opinion. Others perceive drawings as jewelry. There are also those who with the help of symbols try to change their destiny or remember some important moment of their own life.

But tattoos are not a modern invention. They have been used by man for thousands of years. North American Indians painted their bodies in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, to gain strength and courage. In ancient Rome, each soldier had a tattoo with information about belonging to a particular army unit.

Tattoo in people's lives

In Asian countries, tattoos were used to protect people from disease and attract prosperity to their lives.

Such patterns were forbidden only in the Middle Ages, thanks to the rapid spread of Christianity. But in the XX century the fashion for tattoos came back and is unlikely to disappear in the near future.

The strong influence of

Even today, knowledgeable people claim that tattoos have a very serious impact on our lives and on ourselves, because they are a kind of way of programming our destiny.

There are two types of tattoo influence - external and internal. External influences change the attitudes of others toward the bearer of the tattoo and, at the same time, change the bearer's position and behavior in society.

Internal influence leads to the fact that there are subconscious adjustment of mentality, with a high probability the hidden mechanisms of destiny are started, and sometimes happens the change of work modes of internal organs, which can have consequences.

Factors of influence of a tattoo on destiny and character

People draw different images on the skin, including ancient patterns, images of animals and plants, inscriptions, symbols of the zodiac signs, etc. Each tattoo carries a sacred meaning and changes a person's life. For example, a butterfly symbolizes metamorphosis, rebirth, the emergence of something beautiful. A snake is associated with flexibility and sophistication. The eight-pointed star symbolizes prosperity, and the image of hands folded in prayer indicates a sincere hope for a better future.

Not only the pattern, but also its position on the body is important. Depending on the location, the tattoo is divided into 2 groups.

Visible images are located on those areas of the skin, which most of the time are bare, visible and to its owner, and to others. With such patterns, people, albeit not always consciously, are trying to influence both themselves and society, to change the attitude of society towards themselves.

It is worth paying attention to this area of the skin with a pattern, as it carries the following meanings:

  • right foot - selfishness of the wearer;
  • The left foot - the search for a partner, a soul mate, which will become a support in life;
  • left foot - a picture of something important for a person;
  • right leg - a goal, a direction, which will lead to the fulfillment of dreams, achievement of set tasks;
  • the back - the desire to protect oneself, to hide from the influence of the public;
  • the loin - an unusual view of the relationship with the opposite sex;
  • The stomach - the desires and aspirations;
  • the neck - a firm belief in own importance;
  • The head - a desire to achieve status in society or in one's inner circle;
  • right hand - aspiration to achieve more, clear-cut desires;
  • left hand - confidence in the importance of their desires (that's why people often put the same symbols on their hands).

Tattoo on the left leg

If a person has chosen a place on the body, which is often hidden from the eyes of others, then we can talk about the internal, secret influence of the symbols.

Tattoos in this case acquire the following meanings:

  • Left hand - stereotypicality, limited thinking;
  • left foot - lack of support and understanding from loved ones;
  • left foot - dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • right hand - stubbornness, stubbornness, inability to be flexible and compromise;
  • right foot - problems with relatives and friends;
  • right foot - limitations on one's goals;
  • loin - desire for more in romantic relationships;
  • back - desire to demonstrate his achievements to others, desire for public recognition;
  • buttocks - self-esteem problems, insecurity, unfulfillment;
  • Genital area - desire to achieve sexual harmony;
  • the chest - withdrawal, problems with finding relatives and friends;
  • the neck - tension, emotional instability;
  • the head - a sincere desire to find one's talents, to realize one's own potential.

It is interesting that psychologists agree that these or those patterns on the skin affect the state of its owner.

If a person looks at an image with a sacred meaning for him every day, it cannot help but affect his emotional state - over time, there are global changes in personality characteristics.

Ariana Kazarinova

I got this tattoo during one of the most meaningful periods of my life. It divided it into before and after.

This tattoo is about acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your essence and your possibilities. What does the third eye mean? For some it's just a definition from Wikipedia, for some it's something quite tangible. For me, it became a symbol of something that helped me look at familiar things differently.

At a certain point in my life, long before this tattoo, I realized that I was not alone. I had my whole universe with me, my whole world. I began to see things that until then had been hidden from my eyes, to feel things hidden from the material world. What cannot be touched can only be felt. Thus began my esoteric journey, full of all kinds of discoveries, ups and downs. I was immensely grateful to the Universe for this opportunity to feel the subtle plane, for trusting me. I could not leave it without a sacred mark on my body. In response to my desire, the world gave me the best master, I didn't even look for him, he found me. I came with just an idea, he drew me a sketch that exceeded all my imaginable and unimaginable expectations. He drew what my soul felt and to this day I am so grateful to him for that.

Should I get or get a tattoo?

The appropriateness of putting images on the body is something that each person evaluates for themselves. A tattoo is rarely the result of a momentary whim: most often people analyze information for a long time, select the pattern, the skin area, the salon and the master. It is important to consider the meaning of the symbol and be aware of the impact the tattoo will have on the future.


Changes in life happen not only after the drawing, but also after its removal. New technologies make it possible to remove the tattoo in a few hours. But if the applied symbol has already managed to affect the life and personal qualities of the person, its disappearance will also lead to consequences, which can be both positive and negative.

Victoria Sorokina

I have always liked tattoos. Since I was 17 I already knew that I would make something special on my body. But for a long time I could not find something that resonated with me. I didn't want to just paint a beautiful picture, for me tattoos have a sacred meaning.

Only after 8 years I found what I was looking for. Now on my left hand is a mirror of Venus with flowers. The tattoo looks very delicate but to me has an incredible power. It clearly shows who I am. The sign of Venus is often stamped by feminists, women who fight for equal rights with men. Who believe that each of us is visible and meaningful to the world. That stereotypes that clearly tell us what we should be and what we should do are a thing of the past.

Before getting a tattoo, I was afraid to talk about being a feminist. But now I've accepted it as part of who I am. I stopped hiding what was important to me. I became more open, I started to stand up for my interests more clearly and to talk about feminism more boldly. Because this movement is still associated with a lot of stereotypes. For example, people tell me that I can't be a feminist - I'm married! The tattoo, by the way, was a wedding gift from my husband. But this means that we still have a lot of work to do. And the tattoo gives me strength and confidence that I can cope with everything.

Stories of people who got tattoos

Drawings on the body affect a person's life. They are meant to emphasize the individuality of their wearer, but not to change it.

For example, creative people put a tattoo on their skin, which adds inspiration and creativity to their lives. In the future, patterns help them find new ideas and reach heights in their work.

But other things are also possible. For example, a person puts images of an eagle or a tiger on his body, which are symbols of courage, leadership, strength, but he himself is quiet and withdrawn. The tattoo does not endow him with new abilities.

The meaning of the images will come into conflict with subconsciousness, as a result of which their owner will be even more closed in himself, will suffer from depression and a sense of failure.

Therefore, it is worth understanding: the tattoo should suit you, motivate you, correspond to your type of temperament and personality traits.

Ekaterina Ivanova

I wanted a tattoo for a long time, I pondered over a small, but meaningful to me drawing or inscription. I really wanted to get a tattoo on my wrist, but my mother talked me out of it, insisting that it had to be a place that could be easily concealed under clothing. At the time I thought she was worried for nothing, but now I'm very happy that I listened to her opinion, because a visible tattoo hardly added any bonuses at work in a government office. There is some dress code and appearance requirements here. Although the tattoo would not be a reason for denial of employment, but also would not help in the workplace.

I'm happy with my mini tattoo, I wear it with joy, I don't want to change it. On the neck tattooed inscription Sic volo, which in translation from Latin means "According to my will. This inscription did not appear by accident, in my opinion, it is very important for everyone to be aware of themselves, their desires and needs, and to try to live in accordance with them. Will is what separates us from animals. Through its efforts we can change our lives. I like the idea that something we can leave on ourselves according to our ideals and thoughts according to our will.

Esoteric Opinion

Esotericists and magicians say that you should not treat tattoos as something insignificant, even if you do not believe in the magical power of symbols.

To avoid trouble and misfortune, it is worth observing some precautions:

  1. It is not only the chosen symbol that has significance. During the application of the image, the master charges it with his own energy, so it is worth responsible for the choice of the salon and the artist. It is better if you and the master will be similar temperaments and outlook on life.
  2. Do not put on your skin drawings, the meaning of which you do not understand. This is especially true of Scandinavian runes, hieroglyphs or inscriptions in other languages. If you are not versed in writing and cannot feel the meaning of certain written signs, it is better to refuse to use them.
  3. Patterns should please you, give you positive emotions.

With the right approach, tattoos enhance the positive qualities of personality, improve the quality of life, bring harmony, add self-confidence.

And do not forget about the practical advice. Together with a needle under the skin can get infected, so when choosing a salon, pay attention to the sterility of tools and facilities, as well as on whether the tattoo artist adheres to the rules of hygiene.

Varvara Popova

I am 26 years old, I have four tattoos, and I teach Russian language and literature. The first tattoo, a glyph that I designed myself, I made at a difficult time in my life. For me it symbolized rebirth and transformation, my initiation through dying.

For me, a tattoo is one way of appropriating my body for myself. I see my body as a repository of unique experiences and at the same time as a canvas that carries a message to the world. My message to the world is a message of love for what you do, freedom and dreams that deserve to be fulfilled.

The largest and most visible tattoo is a mountain in the clouds, framed by ice axes. It represents the collective image of the Han-Tengri and the Matterhorn. I got it as a sign of my love for my main passion, the mountains, which for me represent strength, beauty, eternity and the path to the divine. I got this tattoo - and that same year I climbed the Khan-Tengri, and that encounter turned my life upside down.

Is it realistic to change one's destiny?

The method of correctional chiromancy was discovered by the famous Russian chiromancer Boris Akimov. How efficient is the technique? Exactly as much as it is possible in principle to change a person's destiny. To take an eraser and erase everything on your hand and then draw a new life, turning a bum into a banker, is unrealistic. But if you are a millionaire without five minutes, those five minutes can sometimes be reduced to five seconds. However, you shouldn't try to change the lines on your hand yourself. It's dangerous! Look for an experienced specialist, ask your friends, read the reviews.

How to influence the future, knowing the date and time of your birth?

It may be a matter of faith.

Speaking of influencing the psyche, of course, you can not exclude the faith factor. If you believe that a tattoo will change something in your life, most likely it will. It is human nature to believe in mystical forces that can help, protect and even fundamentally change your life.

Probably there are people who believe that if they get a tattoo, something will greatly change in their life for the better, but such people, in order for witchcraft to work, need a ritual, candles, skulls and certainly a shaman with a tambourine to do them a tattoo. Personally, I think it's all psychosomatic, and it works if you have a lot of faith in it. I've heard that something similar is being done in Thailand by Buddhist monks. Roman Lemekh, tattoo artist at Black Bird Salon, Moscow

Thailand does have such a tradition. In March, the Bang Pra Monastery holds a festival of magical tattoos, sacred drawings that only men can get. The Thais believe that the tattoos Sac Yant with a prayer and blessing, provide protection from all adversity.

It probably does help them if they believe.

We are well aware that it is not the tattoo that changes a man, but only the man himself. And the belief that a tattoo will help in this, like some kind of amulet or talisman, just helps. As you remember, in Ryazanov's famous film "Beware of the Car" there was a phrase that all people believe: some believe that there is a God, others believe that there is not. And so it is here. Andrey Lord, tattoo artist, UFO art studio, St. Petersburg

So if you believe in mystical powers, a tattoo is a great choice. Unlike a talisman, you won't lose it, and if something helps you, why not?

Not good tattoos.

There are a number of images that carry the maximum danger for a person. For example, pentacles - magical drawings with which it is possible to carry out rituals of submission, and in general all drawings in one way or another associated with black mysticism and the devil.

Any numbers are extremely undesirable as tattoos - they can either "bind" the wearer with the intention to some specific date, or they will "tick" like a timer, counting down the time to death.

Images of people are also not the best option. If the depicted people are still alive, for example, relatives or objects of admiration, then the tattooed "portrait" will have a powerful influence and all depicted person's failures will become yours, and also all his/her illnesses and problems will be transmitted to you.

If a portrait of a deceased person was tattooed (for example, some idol or a great figure), then things are even worse - such tattoos can lead to misfortune.

Meaning of Place

The strength of a tattoo's impact depends on its location. For example, the impact of a tattoo on the neck manifests itself in the difficulty and inability to overcome certain life difficulties. The tattoo on the chest provokes isolation and reluctance to be among people because of the conflict of perception of the world around and the person wearing a similar tattoo.

It is possible that by getting the tattoo on the lower back, the wearer will begin to doubt his partner, and he will also have a desire to get more out of life than what is already there.

A tattoo on the right arm will make a person strive to take as much as possible from the world, but in this case he will learn to find compromises, and on the left arm - to act according to a template, losing the ability to see a variety of ways out of different situations.

Tattoo on the right leg will make it difficult to move forward in life, and on the left - the wearer will receive too little support from loved ones.

Tattoo on the stomach is dangerous because a person may lose some good acquaintances and will be limited in important contacts, and on the buttocks - he will cease to adequately assess themselves and their capabilities.

The tattoo on the back will force its bearer to constantly strive to show himself and his "awesomeness", and the tattoo on the head will generate an excessively strong desire to gain weight in society.

Some tips

In connection with all of the above, we want to give some tips about tattoos:

Let's see who we are.

When you have chosen a drawing that should appear on your skin, consider it in detail: all the details that are in the drawing, especially if it is complex, the general feeling of it. Since you have chosen it, it reflects some of your character traits, personality traits. Think about it, do you want these character traits to stay with you for life? And another thing: the process itself can be fascinating, because it is a kind of "impression of your nature.

No names are better.

Everyone goes their own way in life, and it's almost impossible to share it with someone else. People often break up, and affection is replaced by indifference or hatred. Tattoos with the name of the ex-lover(s), of course, you can score new ones, but if even photos can cause a lot of negative emotions, let alone a drawing on the skin. And lest you want to do like British woman Thorz Reynolds, who cut out a piece of leather with her ex-boyfriend's name on it, it's probably best to choose something else.

Careful with the symbols

Unless you are a logical, impenetrable nihilist whose rational mind so rejects mysticism that it flees him in terror, it is better to be careful about using ancient symbols, gods, and spirits, which, at one time (or still), were not neglected by believers.

I had a mystical story once. An acquaintance of mine decided to get a tattoo of a kapa-Japanese waterman. It's a harmful spirit that lures people into a lake and suffocates them there. On the morning of the day I was supposed to do his tattoo, he had a sea tank of a thousand liters burst. Anyway, he decided not to get that tattoo. Roman Lemekh, tattoo master from the Black Bird salon, Moscow


Probably few people will agree to do a tattoo that will initially symbolize something negative, but there will be those. As you know, anger and fear lead to the dark side of the force, and the constant reminder of the negative is unlikely to make you happy, even if it would look megakool.


For women

For men