Tattoo Heart - meanings and designs for girls and men

The heart is an ancient symbol that signifies the full range of deep spiritual feelings and human qualities. The tattoo can have both positive and negative connotations.

In the first case, the drawing means love, courage, friendship, loyalty. It is a symbol of the unity of loving hearts, the source of human vitality. In the second case, the tattoo can be a sign of heartache, suffering, disappointment, tragic love, betrayal by a loved one.

The popularity of the tattoo heart in different times

Even in ancient tribes, tattoos were stuffed on special occasions. Each of them had a certain meaning and often corresponded to a certain status in society.

So the heart tattoo has been very popular since the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. For example, in biker culture. The image of a heart with wings to this day symbolizes freedom, heroism in the name of love. Sailors had a similar meaning with this tattoo. The military stuffed the heart with the names of loved ones for whom they fought at the front.

Since the late 90s, the white heart became widespread among volunteer organizations, symbolizing assistance to the sick.

Sad symbols of love

Hearts are used in tattoos not only to tell about their love, but also to convey the pain of loss for a loved one who has passed away. For such options, hearts will do:

1 Cross pierced, with drops of blood.

Often a banner is depicted on the cross, on which they leave the date of passing and the name of the loved one. Men more often choose a Celtic-style cross for such a drawing. Women in the Gothic style.

2 With the wings of an angel.

The wings can grow out of the heart, outline it, and soar upwards. Usually, this version is preferred by men, as it takes up a lot of space on the body. The drawing is placed on the chest and back.

If the deceased person was the owner of the tattoo a spouse, wedding rings are depicted on the wings. About the remaining children together tell the stars in the sky, on the tattoo.

3 With a portrait of a loved one who is no longer alive.

But the portrait inside the heart does not always speak of death, only if a date or a sad inscription is written next to it.

4 A bleeding heart.

The drops of blood symbolize pain, the unhealed wound of the soul from the loss of a loved one. Most often, such a picture is painted in bright red. If the symbol of love as well depicted by a crack - then the owner of the tattoo will never come to terms with the loss.

Such sad tattoos are more often imposed men, for them it is the best For them it is the best way to keep a memory of a loved one who passed away.

In guys.

The heart-shaped tattoo, like any other, has a special meaning for its owner. Therefore, it is often concretized by adding elements to the image in the form of an inscription. The tattoo may contain:

  • names (a loved one, the word mother in the form of the inscription MOM);
  • Abbreviations (religious symbols of the XB);
  • separate phrases (in Latin, tattoo in the form of hieroglyphs);
  • Text fragments (quotes, etc.).

The meaning of the tattoo depends not only on the image itself, but also on its location. The closer to the heart, the greater the significance of the tattoo.

The image of a heart pierced by an arrow through, as a rule, is printed on the back and means that the guy is tempted by the girl forever. If there is a blackthorn in the picture, it means that love brings both joy and pain.

A bleeding heart also speaks of heartache.

Brutal versions of hearts for men

From women's, men's tattoos differ in style of execution and size.

Among the male subjects, images of hearts are in demand:

1 Anatomical drawings.

The circulatory organ of the human body is depicted realistically, with great detail. Particular attention is paid to the vessels and channels. When looking at the tattoo, it seems that another second, and the heart will beat.

Such a tattoo, made in the style of realism, indicates the sincerity of feelings, a fiery temperament, a strong passionate nature.

2 A heart with a sword.

Located near a symbol of love weapon, indicates a brave person, ready to risk life in order to defend justice. If the picture is complemented by a shield, it means that the owner of the tattoo will defend the family and loved ones to his last breath.

3 Geometry

- The last trend of tattoos in the current year. The drawing will look restrained and stylish on the male body.

4 Engraving.

In the contours of the heart, experienced tattoo artists inscribe entire paintings: a kissing couple, silhouettes of lovers, a portrait of a girl. Sometimes animals are placed inside the symbol: a lion, a wolf. A lion can symbolize the desire to protect one's family and beloved.

5 A heart topped with a crown

- In combination with a maiden name, means that among all women, a man has found the best, his ideal. In other variations, the tattoo indicates the enamored character of its owner, the successes on the love front.

6 Rose in combination with the heart.

The flower can overlap the symbol of love, be next to it, frame its contours. The red color of the rose - love, white - sympathy and friendliness, yellow - separation.

Usually such tattoos men put on the whole chest, on the shoulder, forearm, shoulder blade, in the area of the ribs.

Cross under the eye - a tattoo with meaning

A small, compact and well-recognized symbol is the tattoo of a cross under the eye. The meaning is most often associated with religion, because it is the most common Christian symbol. Of course, in places of imprisonment, they attribute a certain "criminal" meaning to everything, but we will talk about the sacred.

A cross under the eye is a tattoo that is quite rare. In the underworld, crosses are applied, as a rule, larger and on other parts of the body. So characteristic of this image is more often for "civilians". Interpretation can be reduced to religion, if the cross under the eye (tattoo) in shape resembles a Catholic. In such a situation, it is a symbol of humility and readiness to endure any test of fate. Sometimes people try to show that they put their life in the hands of God. An inverted cross means the opposite - denial and protest against religion, even a mockery of Christianity.

Sometimes you can find a small Celtic cross under the eye - a tattoo, the meaning of which is quite difficult to establish. Generally, in Celtic culture, the cross meant wisdom and the ability to resolve difficult issues, the connection with nature. Today, this symbol is a sign of Celtic Christianity.

In any case, such a tattoo under the eye speaks of the determination and strong spirit of its owner. The tattoo has the same meaning for both men and girls.

Tattoo of a cross under the eye photo

Women's tattoos on the ribs: reasons for applying, features of such drawings

Tattoos on the ribs look very effective and feminine

These days, the tattooing of the ribs among girls is very popular. A subtle or unusual tattoo, placed in this area, allows you to emphasize the beauty of the waist and the figure as a whole. Most often the pictures on the ribs prefer sports fashionistas, because the right sketch is able to give some spice to the pumped up body and emphasize the relief of the abs.

"Lonely Day."

However, decorating the body with a tattoo is not a privilege, but a conscious choice. Therefore, girls with shapes, if desired, will also be able to pick up a suitable option, including on the zone of the ribs. In addition, an experienced tattooist always helps to define the sketch and the place of application, taking into account the peculiarities of the physique and taste preferences of the client.

Interesting fact: singer Rihanna is the owner of a tattoo inscription. On the star's ribs is painted a saying in Arabic, the literal translation of which is "freedom in God."

"Enjoy every day."

The body art is easy to hide under clothing - here's another important argument in favor of rib tattoos. Even the brightest or largest picture on this part of the body will not be a barrier to employment.

Such tattoos are easy to take care of on their own. Because the healing process usually goes quickly and without complications. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the master.

Choosing this area on the body for a permanent pattern, you should understand that the procedure will be very painful. First of all, the bones are very close to the skin. And secondly, the lack of a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat only aggravates the situation, making it impossible to muffle the unpleasant sensations of hitting the corners.


Girls with a low pain threshold should pay attention to miniature sketches. In addition, experts do not recommend visiting the tattoo salon seven days before menstruation and during the period of critical days, because at this time, the female body is extremely vulnerable.

Tattoo point under the eye

We've already talked about the fact that only compact and simple images look good on the face. What could be simpler than a "dot" tattoo under the eye? Ideal for those who do not dare to apply a larger sign on the area under the eyes. Especially since there are plenty of options: one point or several, lined up in a row, different in size, arranged in a triangle and many other ways to arrange them. But some of these symbols have, again, a certain meaning.

The advantages of a dot under the eye tattoo are simplicity. To disguise a small simple image is easy, and it is suitable for almost any image. It's more difficult if the dots have any bright colors. So it's better to choose tattoos in neutral shades that go well with any image and style.

Tattoo point under the eye - meaning

This type of tattoo under the eye looks good, especially at the outer corner of the eye. It also occurs quite often. And in general, if you are sure that you are not threatened by meetings with the criminal world, you can not even think about the meaning of such a tattoo. However, no one is immune from the occasional and unpleasant encounters. In particular it is worth to think about such a decision for men, and here's why.

This to the primitive simple sign in prison is applied most often by force, much less voluntarily. Do not enjoy great respect for the owners of the tattoo "dot" under the eye, the value does not allow us to treat them with respect. The explanation is quite simple - such a stigma put passive homosexuals, the lowest caste among the prisoners. So the representatives of the stronger half of mankind should think carefully about their decision, because it can provoke not the most pleasant situations and meetings.

Common elements often depicted with the heart

The interpretation of the meaning of the symbol of love varies considerably, from the objects and objects surrounding it.

Among them, with a heart are popular:

1 Skull

. The Gothic symbol will give the tattoo a dark meaning, pointing to the dark side of the personality. Sometimes, it means that for the owner of the tattoo love is dead forever. But if there is a red rose, there is still hope for the rebirth of the soul.

2 The eagle

- indicates a person who has passed away, who follows the wearer of the tattoo on earth with love and care.

3 Snake

- Sign of seduction, seduction, the ability to use other people's feelings for their own benefit. If the snakes encircle the contour of the heart, biting it, then the person has fallen victim to love deception. When they encircle the contour, it is believed that this will protect the owner of the tattoo from insincere, deceitful relationships.

4 Wolf

- A wolf is a symbol of loyalty, devotion, readiness to protect their loved ones and relatives. The howling wolf tells of loneliness, unrequited love.

5 Two hands holding a heart

- The two hands holding the heart indicate that the bearer of the tattoo has found his perfect match. This is a sign of mutual love, harmony, mental and physical unity.

6 A cat's paw

- Inspired by a cat's paw, this tattoo denotes warm feelings for the pet.

7 Feathers

- elevated and bright feelings, striving for spirituality, self-knowledge. Combined with wings can indicate religiosity.

8 Needle and thread

- reflect the desire of the owner of the tattoo to keep something in his heart. Nakolka can be interpreted as a desire for revenge, the denial of confidence in others, sadness.


For women

For men