Cerberus tattoo - full description, meaning, sketches and photo ideas

Cerberus tattoo

Cerberus tattoo

Tattoo with Cerberus Will not leave anyone indifferent. The appearance of this unusual creature is really frightening and at the same time attractive. The dog has three heads, and the torso is completely dotted with snake heads and a snake tail. Cerberus is the offspring of Typhon and Echidna. One interpretation says that this mythical creature symbolizes all-consuming time in its three aspects.

Cerberus tattoo on legs

Tattoo Cerberus on the leg

Tattoo cerberus graphic on chest

Cerberus head tattoo on male stomach - photo

Cerberus head tattoo on male stomach - photo

Color tattoo of Cerberus

Colored Cerberus tattoo

Cerberus tattoo on stomach

Cerberus tattoo on stomach

Cerberus tattoo on shoulder

Cerberus tattoo on shoulder

Cerberus allows one to enter the realm of death, but allows no one to leave it. That is why Heracles' last feat, the journey to the netherworld, was one of the most difficult. Thanks to the help of Persephone he was able to bring Cerberus to Tirinth. The king, however, gave orders to return the monstrous guardian of the underworld to his place. The dog was so terrifying that any living thing would turn to stone at the sight of him.

Cerberus tattoo on back

Tattoo of a Cerberus on his back

Cerberus tattoo on male side

Tattoo of a Cerberus on the side of a man

The myth about Cerberus has been known since ancient times. It is known that this creature has a strong willed character. And this means that and a tattoo with his image will have its own special meaning.

Cerberus in mythology. Symbolism

Cerberus is a dog with three heads that lives in the realm of the dead. A popular image in Greek mythology. Symbolizes the past, present and future time, ruthless and all-consuming. The main meaning is vigilance and cruelty, the connection with the afterlife.
In Greek mythology Cerberus guarded the kingdom of the dead, where Hades ruled. The three-headed dog had a terrifying appearance. Instead of wool and tail, the dog's body was covered with hissing snakes. Its paws were enormous, its gaze penetrating directly into the soul. Poisonous foam oozed from its mouth. It is known from some sources that the cerberus was a man with a dog's head.

In his hands he held the heads of a bull and a goat, which killed with his breath. Cerberus met the dead in the afterlife. Those who chose to leave the realm of the dead were met with terrible retribution. The dog would tear the flesh to pieces and devour it.

Uninvited guests could not pass into the underworld. The monster would stop them with one look. There is a legend that the Cerberus bites all who enter the underworld. To placate it, a gingerbread cake was placed in the coffin with the deceased.

In Christian myths, the image of the dog is the most memorable and vivid. Cerberus dwells in the third circle of hell. It has teeth instead of eyes. It devours the souls of sinners, gluttons and gluttonous people.

Scandinavian myths tell us that the kingdom of the dead is guarded by a dog named Garm. He is covered with the blood of his victims. The creature is cruel and ruthless. Possesses great strength, which can measure with the gods.

In Buddhism, evil dogs live in the afterlife and serve the god of death. Monsters have four eyes. The souls of sinners who have gone to hell will be torn apart by the teeth of huge dogs.In medieval times the cerberus was represented as a demon. He was a stern guardian of the gates of hell, stern and incorruptible.

Features of the image

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo

lies in the manifestation of strength, not only physical, but also moral, in great cruelty, and also in the belief of his ideals. Therefore, a person who wishes to make himself a tattoo with this mythical dog must have:

  • A stern, tough and firm character;
  • to be faithful to his ideals;
  • to have an unshakable will.

The main semantic meaning of all the sketches with this beast is that the bearer of this tattoo is a dangerous and aggressive man, who often defends his interests by force.

This image can be performed both in color and in monochrome, regardless, where to make a tattoo Cerberus

prefers a client. But the most successful places for the placement of a small version are considered the forearms of the hands, and for a large - the best approach is the back. However, choosing sketches with this mythical beast, it is worth considering the hypostasis in which it is depicted, ranging from a dangerous guardian of the Underworld and ending with an imperturbable guardian of the moral values of its bearer, as these factors can soften or strengthen the original meaning.

The Cerberus tattoo has been popular among brutal men for quite a long time. It is a real challenge, showing the inner strength, aggression, courage of the wearer. But what lies behind the external "fearfulness" of the picture? To understand the symbolism and history of these tattoos will help you our review article.

Is the devil, or rather - a hellhound, so scary? If we believe the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the dog Cerberus (in some sources Kerberus) guarded the entrance to the kingdom of the dead. According to one theory, the monsters Typhon and Echidna were the dog's parents, and according to another, the goddess Gaia and Tartarus (the personification of the abyss). The creature was of enormous size, but the three heads and tail of the serpent are traditionally considered to be distinctive. Heracles, the legendary hero and son of Zeus himself, was able to defeat the dog. But the authors of the myths disagree on what happened to him next. Some believe that the hero killed the beast, others argue that he was led on chains out of the realm of Hades, shown to the "customer" and returned back relatively unharmed.

Tattoo with Hercules defeating the Cerberus dog

Since then, the Cerberus tattoo has often appeared on the body of various people, sometimes in no way connected with Greece or its history and culture.

Another literary source from Europe is the Harry Potter books. There is such a three-headed dog there, too. His name in the Russian translation was Pushok. It's the pet of Hagrid the forester.

A still from the movie, Harry Potter and the three-headed dog

In both the myths and in Rowling's book, the beast was put to sleep by means of certain sounds made by a lyre. At one time, it was in this special way that Orpheus was able to pass the guard.

The meaning of the Cerberus tattoo

The tattoo will suit a person who is not afraid of judgment and frighten those around him. The body image in the form of a Cerberus signifies a strong-willed nature, cruelty, loyalty to his ideals. Cerberus is a mythical creature, so you can tell about the man that he is passionate about science fiction. Perhaps interested in mythology or the dark forces.

You have to be careful with the bearer of the tattoo, he tends to solve conflict situations by force. He looks at how a situation develops, and may start to act suddenly.

The bearer of the tattoo does not tolerate betrayal and otherwise is ready to take revenge. But not everyone puts an aggressive meaning in the tattoo. It is not uncommon for a cerberus to be chosen as a tattoo because of the efficacy of the design.

Tips for sketches

Before you start, you need to decide on a specific image. It is always necessary to specifically determine its exact meaning, what would not have to get into any - or unpleasant situation. Especially since in the future the tattoo will influence your life credo. So always treat with full seriousness in the choice of a drawing.

Recommended reading: Pentagram tattoo

Meaning for men

The representatives of the stronger sex tend to choose the Cerberus tattoo and the drawing carries such meaning and designation as:

  1. Strong-willed character
  2. Brutality and harshness
  3. Aggression
  4. Belief in his ideals
  5. Daring
  6. Courage
  7. Cold-bloodedness
  8. Persistence

Often the bearer of the tattoo solves conflicts by force or can calmly repress his opponent morally. Tattoo, made in the style of realism, will tell about the owner, that he is a hot-tempered, vindictive.

A small monochrome image cerberus means a strong man's character, he is calm, but does not sag under others. Calculates every step, does not make mistakes. For fans of mysticism and believers in the afterlife, the image means a connection with higher forces.

Where will the tattoo look good?

The choice depends on the size and detailing of the picture, the style. If the picture has a lot of small elements that will be better visible at a large scale, the best options - back, shoulder blade, forearm, lower back. A small tribal style tattoo will easily fit on the leg, or on the arm.

The rarest and most interesting pictures with cerberus tattoo for your viewing.

Cerberus tattoo means perseverance, aggression, equanimity, fearlessness, physical strength, cruelty, strong-willed character, mysticism, versatility, menace, devotion to his ideals, shrewdness, dodgy, loyalty, evil, ruthlessness.

Meaning for women.

The meaning and significance for women is almost identical:

  1. Strong-willed nature
  2. Toughness
  3. Physical superiority
  4. Aggressiveness
  5. Belief in one's ideals
  6. Vigilance
  7. Development
  8. Attention
  9. Cautiousness

The owner of the tattoo is faithful not only to the family, but also to the beloved cause of life. Laconic black and white cerberus image on the body chooses a serious and balanced nature. Girls with tattoos have a good sense of humor. They like to epathet and watch the reaction of others.

In life cautious and do not get involved in dubious cases. Have an excellent memory. Are able to analyze, make deliberate decisions and draw the right conclusions. Of itself derive the girl with a tattoo Cerberus difficult.

Tattoo style and compositional solutions

Tattoo do in style, realism, graphics, new-school, black-work. The decision is taken by the future carrier. Depends on what value will be the cerberus image on the body. Basically, future wearers want to show how serious and brutal they are.

In this case, the choice falls on the style of realism. The sketch of the tattoo is chosen in black and white or in color, adding red, yellow, orange. Red fill the eyes or mouth of a three-headed dog, and yellow - tongues of flame. The place for the tattoo selects the chest or back. The large-scale image looks spectacular and mesmerizing. In the tattoo studio master will embody any idea.

Cerberus is an impressive and strong tattoo that attracts much attention. Suitable for a strong and brutal man with a firm character. Drawing on the body without words tells about the nature of the bearer of the tattoo. It is necessary to think carefully and weigh up whether or not the future owner of the tattoo Cerberus.

Options, styles, compositions

In the images of Cerberus in most variants of execution are used dogs of fighting breeds. Such as:

To give a menacing look to the tattoo, the execution of the drawing of the dog with burning red eyes and a bloody mouth is used. Images of Cerberus, fans of ancient tales and mythology like to complement:

Producing a hypnotic and intimidating effect on those around them.

Cerberus tattoo can be performed in a multicolored version or in monochrome. It all depends on what features the future owner wants to show to others.

Where to apply the tattoo "Cerberus"?

In addition to the figure itself and its meaning, it is necessary in advance to think about where exactly to stuff it on the body. One and the same tattoo can look beautiful in one place. And completely unsuccessful on the other, depending on the shape, size and composition.


For women

For Men