Latin love phrases with translation, beautiful, short, with meaning

Per aspera ad astra (per aspera ad astra) - through thorns to the stars. Everything in life that is obtained simply, is not appreciated, easy, fickle. Only regular work, purposefulness, persistent overcoming of problems, solving difficult problems ("thorns") can become the basis for serious, long-term success - "reaching for the stars".
The author of the expression "through thorns to the stars" is considered to be the Roman philosopher Lucius Anna Seneca the Younger (4 B.C. -65 A.D.). Naturally, according to the laws of Internet everyone refers to him and his alleged work "Cruel Hercules", though there is no such tragedy written by Seneca

    "Medea" ("L. Annaei Senecae Medea"); "Phaedra" ("L. L. Annaei Senecae Phaedra"); "Oedipus" ("L. Annaei Senecae Oedipus"); "Phoenicians" ("L. Annaei Senecae phoenissae"); "Hercules in madness" ("L. Annaei Senecae Hercules furens") "Hercules on Eta" ("L. Annaei Senecae Hercules [Oetaus]"); "Fiest" ("L. Annaei Senecae Fiest"); "Trojans" ("L. Annaei Senecae troades"); "Agamemnon" ("L. Annaei Senecae Agamemnon")

But there is no such phrase in "Hercules...", if one is guided by Wikipedia ("from the work "The Furious Hercules", 441 (437)"), so the authorship and origin of the winged expression are unknown for certain

Latin phrases for tattoos with translation

  1. Custos meus mihi semper. My angel is always with me.
  2. Fac quod debes, fiat quod fiet. Do what you must, and be what you will.
  3. Per aspera ad astra. Through thorns to the stars.
  4. Fortes Fortuna Juvat. The strong are helped by fortune.
  5. Audaces fortuna juvat. Destiny helps the brave.
  6. Non sum qualis eram. I am not the man I was.
  7. Sono nata per la felicita. Born to be happy.
  8. Nihil verum est licet omnia. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
  9. Mea vita, mea leges. My life is my rules.
  10. Mea vita, mihi bellum. My life is my war.
  11. Fortunam suam quisque parat. One finds one's own destiny.
  12. Ego sum perfecta imperfecta. I am totally imperfect.
  13. Pedes in terra ad sidera visus. The feet are on the ground to see the stars.
  14. Sub alis angeli. Under the wing of an angel.
  15. Salva et serva. Save and keep.
  16. Cum me est semper. God is always with me.
  17. Impossibilia non sunt. Nothing is impossible.
  18. Dominus esse tua fata. Be master of your own destiny.
  19. Viam supervadet vadens. The road is for those who walk.
  20. Subsequi sua somnos. Follow your dream.
  21. Fortuna semper mecum est. Fortune is always with me.
  22. Gaudeamus igitur. So let us have fun.
  23. Totus mundus ante pedes meos. The whole world is at my feet.
  24. Somnia eveniunt. Dreams come true.
  25. Gloria victoribus. Glory to the victors.
  26. Crede in te ipsum. Believe in yourself.
  27. Sic parvis magna. Great things begin with small things.
  28. Vel caelus mihi limes non est. Even heaven is not the limit.
  29. Non Ducor Duco. I am not guided, I lead.
  30. Scio me nihil scire. I know that I know nothing.
  31. Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I exist.
  32. Non progredi est regredi. Not to go forward is to go backward.
  33. Homo liber. A free man.
  34. In hac spe vivo. This is the hope that I live by.
  35. Malo mori quam foedari. Better death than dishonor.
  36. Memento quod es homo. Remember you are a man.
  37. Ne cede malis. Don't be discouraged by adversity.
  38. Nil inultum remanebit. Nothing will go unpunished.
  39. Noli me tangere. Do not touch me.
  40. Procul negotiis. Away with trouble.
  41. Sic volo. That's the way I want it.

Per aspera ad astra in literature

    "My grandmother gave me a watch in honor of my early graduation and engraved: Per aspera ad astra" (Andrei Bitov. "The Gamble, or the Inevitability of the Unwritten") "For him the Great Threshold will be only an opening veil to the great Light. "Per aspera ad astra" (N. K. Roerich, "Undated Sheets") "The hard-willed man must strive per aspera ad astra - through a thousand precipices to the high clear stars..." (P.N. Krasnov "Soul of the Army") "Per aspera ad astra" used to be the saying of those who liked to "speak beautifully" (Nikolai Ustryalov, "Under the Sign of the Revolution"). "One unlucky Dorn retained a sense of shame in his soul and, when I was subsequently appointed Chief Procurator, came running to congratulate me, shaking my hands with joy and nervously repeating as "novelist": "per aspera ad astra, per aspera ad astra!" (A. F. Kony. "Memories of the Case of Vera Zasulich")

Beautiful quotations in Latin

  1. Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas. Happiness is easier to find than to keep.
  2. Fidelitas et virtus. Fidelity and strength.
  3. Fac fideli sis fidelis. Be faithful to one who is faithful.
  4. Facta sunt potentiora verbis. Acts are stronger than words.
  5. Nil permanent sub sole. Nothing is permanent under the sun.
  6. Fide, sed cui fidas, vide. Be vigilant, trust, but watch whom you trust.
  7. Silentium videtur confession. Silence equals confession.
  8. Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris. Expect from another what you yourself have done to another.
  9. Somnia vera facit, quia qui in eis credunt. Dreams come true for those who believe in them.
  10. Dum spiro spero. While I breathe I hope.
  11. Omne magnifico est. All that is unknown seems great.
  12. Inveniam viam aut faciam. Find a way, and do it.
  13. Magna res est amicitia. Friendship is a great thing.
  14. Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia. Life is not governed by wisdom, but by luck.
  15. Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae. A good name is better than great wealth.
  16. Cuiusvis hominis est errare. Every man makes mistakes.
  17. Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus. Worse than slavery is remorse.
  18. Consultor homini tempus utilissimus. Time is man's most useful counselor.
  19. Memoria est signatarum rerum in mente vestigium. Memory, is the trace of things fixed in thought.
  20. Faber est suae quisque fortunae. Everyone is the smith of his own destiny.
  21. Quod non me destruit, me nutrit. What does not kill us makes us stronger.
  22. Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. The wise man is the one who says little.
  23. Homo homini lupus est. Man is a wolf to man.
  24. Injuriam facilius facias guam feras. It's easy to offend, harder to bear.
  25. Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est. Man is born for thought and action.
  26. Rara est adeo concordia formae atque pudicitiae. Beauty and chastity rarely meet together.
  27. Casta est quam nemo rogavit. Chastity is the chaste one who has not been molested.
  28. Quod licet, ingratum est. The permissible does not attract.

Who gets a "Through Thorns to the Stars" tattoo and why?

The "Through thorns to the stars" tattoo is one of the most common body art images. The aphorism is often used as a motivational phrase that supports its bearer in the pursuit of dreams when things do not go as smoothly as one would like. How does a person who adorns his body with such an inscription feel? Perhaps, the humility before the need to move mountains on the road to happiness.

  • A tattoo on the side

Someone ironically encourages himself with these words, trying to keep faith in his lucky star when he has to overcome a series of trials, falling like a snowball on his head. Sometimes such a tattoo is complemented by a drawing, the plot of which allows you to determine exactly what the expression "Through thorns to the stars" means for its bearer.

  • Tattoo on the arm

The meaning of the tattoo

The main meaning of the tattoo can be reduced to the following tenet: you want something - make an effort, and your dream will certainly come true. In all other respects, the meaning of the inscription on the body can change dramatically, depending on the desires and life goals of the bearer. The "star" to which the bearer of the tattoo seeks to reach, overcoming obstacles-terms, may be the achievement of a certain status, the acquisition of knowledge or skills that can dramatically change life, romantic good fortune.

  • Tattoo on the forearm

What to one person seems insignificant or unimportant, to another sometimes is the meaning of a lifetime. Therefore, if you want to know exactly what the owner of the tattoo was thinking when he ordered the tattoo master this work - it is better to ask him himself.

  • Tattoo on the arm

Latin phrases about love and pain

Inscriptions in Latin about love and pain are distinguished by their

Latin inscriptions about love and pain have a deep meaning that is not clear to everyone. Therefore, the meaning of certain sayings requires certain explanations. We will take apart popular phrases in Latin about love and pain, about passion and the madness of love.

The madness of love

Per aspera ad astra - Through thorns to the stars!

Amantes sunt amentes - The mad in love

Amare et sapere vix Deo conceditur - To love and to be reasonable can hardly the gods themselves

Insano nemo in amore videt - In the madness of love everyone is blind.

Odero, si potero - Hate if I can

Odi et amo - Hate and love

Da mi basia mille - Give me a thousand kisses.

Amorem canat aetas prima - Let youth sing of love

Animae dimidium meae - Half of my soul

Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - Love conquers all, and we submit to love.

Sed semel insanivimus omnes - One day we are all mad.

Sic erat in fatis - It was destined to happen.

Prima cartitas ad me - The first love is me

Amoris abundantia erga te

Amata nobis quantum amabitur NULLa - Beloved by us as no other will be loved

Love and pain

Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me

Odi et amo - Hate and love.

Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem - Anger begets hatred, concordia nourishes love

Amor dolor Love is suffering.

Antiquus amor cancer est - Old love is not forgotten

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you but because I love you

Amantium irae amoris integratio est - The anger of lovers is the renewal of love

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - In love, pain and joy always compete


Desideria carnis - Carnal Desires

Jus primae noctis - The right of the first night

Peccare licet nemini! - No one is allowed to sin!

Juvat inconcessa voluptas - Pleasant inaccessible pleasure (Forbidden fruit is sweet)

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negate - We always seek the forbidden and desire the forbidden

Ad delectandum - For pleasure

Nil magis amat cupiditas, quam quod non licet - Passion loves nothing more than what is forbidden

Quod licet, ingratum est - The permitted does not attract

Sickness of Love

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - There is no remedy for love / love cannot be cured with herbs

Febris erotica - Love fever

Corda nostra laudus est - Our hearts are sick with love

Antiquus amor cancer est - Old love is as tenacious as cancer

Use of the expression "Through thorns to the stars" in literature

    "The Tatars helped keep the Russian spirit alive. Through thorns to the stars! Hear that?(Vladimir Kornilov "Demobilization") "Yes, it's hard now, there are terrorists now, but 'through thorns to the stars,' if you use the ancient wisdom"(Alexander Bovin "Five Years Among the Jews and the Midlands") "And waiting for me to blow my nose and turn my wet face to him, she added both sadly and pompously: 'If to the stars, then through thorns, motherfuck them...'" (Kira Surikova "Outsider romance") "Her favorite phrase, which became the nightmare of my childhood and adolescence:" Through thorns to the stars! "(Dina Rubina "brass box")

Script and production

Of course, in Soviet times the famous saying "through thorns to the stars" had a very distant meaning from the Christian one. The film was shot in 1980 from a screenplay by Kir Bulychov and tells the story of man's uneasy paths across the universe.

The essence of the story the picture comes down to the fact that in the deep expanse of space scout ship earthlings found the only surviving creature, raised artificially. The film reveals the journey of the clone girl Nessa and shows the search for her true destiny. The film was very popular among Soviet moviegoers and even won several valuable art awards. Perhaps now, three decades later, the scenes in the film may seem naïve, but the overall message is that each of us must go our own way in life, and each has his own, individual goal, which we must achieve.

Bottom line

Of course, each of us is free to seek our own understanding of the phrase in "through thorns to the stars." The meaning of the phrase is clear enough, and it can be revealed according to our own understanding of the path to success. Perhaps some of us will like the original meaning of Seneca's creation-the path of the common man to heaven, to the realm of the ancient gods. From the work we can conclude that through the accomplishment of feats every mortal can ascend to glory and recognition.

♪ through thorns to the stars meaning ♪

Believers will be closer to the symbol of the crown of thorns, reminiscent of the tortures of the Savior. Here recognition and fame come not through exploits, but through the agony and hardship that can come in the path of every Christian.

And many of us will think of the meaning of "through thorns to the stars" as a reminder that everyone's path to the cherished dream lies through many obstacles, overcoming which we become, better, wiser, and stronger.

Origin of the phrase

The phrase "through thorns to the stars" was first coined in Latin. The meaning of the phrase is revealed in the work of the Roman philosopher and thinker Seneca. This figure made a significant contribution to history, literature and philosophy, and his writings are still studied in the departments of the world's leading universities. In his work "The Furious Hercules" the philosopher describes the exploits of the legendary hero, and the outcome of his journey he emphasized the phrase: "The way from earth to the stars is not smooth. In Latin the slogan was: Non levis astra vitam terrae. The readers really liked the phrase, because everyone's life path is not strewn with roses. But for greater effect, the verbal construction should have been somehow strengthened. The dull, original terra - the earth, should have been replaced by a more capacious word.


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