Interpretation of the symbol "Heart with Arrow" in Indian Solitaire

All of us once or romantically repeatedly thought about the symbol of love. How to express that boundless and dimensionless feeling that overwhelms you from morning to next morning in one drawing? Do many people know that the cross is also a symbol of love and family, fidelity, love for people? But send your chosen one or chosen one of your heart a cross, what will he think? That's right. However, the last phrase spontaneously led us to the true symbol of love - the heart. It is also commonly depicted as being pierced by an arrow. Why?

Can flowers or even a single flower be a symbol of love, fidelity and family happiness? Roses, daisies, lilies, other plants from the family of flowering plants? Absolutely. They are, in fact, this sign of special affection of one person for another. They are given to those they love. Can birds be a sign of love? Such as the white graceful bird, the swan? Of course it can. About swan faithfulness man has created entire legends. And a dove is not a symbol of love and fidelity?

As you can see, the choice is rich. We only want to prevent you from one misconception, that the tattoo is also a symbol of love. Alas, painful self-mutilation, which some may like, has nothing to do with eternal love. Life is short-lived, so what's eternity got to do with it? Have pity on yourself and leave love alone. Your desires are about something else entirely.

But the symbol about love in everyday life is different, not a flower or a bird. It is known to all, universally accepted - a heart pierced by an arrow.

Sketch ideas.

A laconic, austere sketch looks most effective on a slender maiden finger. If guys choose the aesthetics of the heart sign, its significance does not become less.

Since the hands can be called the most "walkable" part of the body, the drawing placed on the finger can fade over time, and the clear lines risk becoming a blurry dotted line. To maintain the novelty, shape and brightness of the minimalist heart, the best option is monochrome black.

Those girls who prefer colored sketches will have to often correct the tattoo because of its rapid erasure or soon to blot out the colors. In addition to black, a more practical choice would be the saturation of blue or burgundy pigment.

The plot with a little heart on the finger is not forbidden to complement the intricate intertwining with other characters, then the meaning of the main element is added to the supplement. For example, the sketch of a heart, the outline of which on one side is broken with an image of a miniature violin key, is chosen by girls who are passionate about music. Inside the heart young lovers of tattooing often inscribe the capital letter of the name of the beloved guy.

The side of a lady's phalanx is sometimes decorated with complex subjects, where over the marked outline of a small heart is superimposed a cross, the base of which ends with the image of an anchor. To decipher such a drawing, you will have to figure out the meaning of its constituent elements.

Tattoo heart on the finger - this is mainly the choice of the female audience of tattoo lovers, despite the painful process of application. Particularly sensitive area is the lateral surface of the phalanx, despite this is where girls place combined motifs. For example, a tattooed print of the infinity sign, one side of which is torn with a small heart. This version of the tattoo can be interpreted as a desire for eternal love.

On the outer surface of the finger is sometimes printed heart, consisting of two halves, one of which is depicted with a treble clef. A small painting on the back of the phalanx in the form of an alien head with blackened almond-shaped eyes, with the head depicted as a heart, looks unusual. In any case, to give tenderness and softness to the female composition, the masters traced the fragments of the tattoo with smooth lines to create a streamlined shape.

The ancient symbol about love has become universal

In ancient times, the heart, pierced by an arrow, symbolized exclusively with the sacrificial, high-spirited love of Christ for people. But time has made its adjustments. The symbol of the heart pierced with an arrow began to be numbered among the saints who suffered for their faith in God's son. Finally, around the time of the Renaissance, this sign established itself as a symbol of love between a man and a woman.

Today we are used to images of Cupid or Cupid with a bow and arrow in his hand. With wings behind their backs, soaring through the air. They are always at the ready, like hunters, looking for prey day after day. According to ancient beliefs Cupid and Cupid had power over the hearts of men. They were originally depicted with a torch. But how can one visibly, in a single picture, depict a lighted heart and a flaming love? Not coals after a fire.

And so the bow and arrow, instead of the torch, established itself in graphics. The origins of the image of a heart pierced by an arrow are rooted in the sacrifice of the Son of Man. Today it is generally accepted that as soon as Cupid or Cupid's arrow hits someone's heart, the fire of love immediately flares up. It won't pass you by, either, for sure.

Ivan Ivanovich A.

What does the cross mean

What is luck


A long-range weapon, the symbolism of which is determined by its correlation with flight, speed, penetration of the target and the unexpectedness of its defeat. The plumage of arrows, giving them stability in flight, originally could also have a magical (na) meaning, giving the arrow the qualities of a bird (speed, lightness).

Like spear and sword, is a solar symbol, meaning the rays of the sun. Thus, an arrow piercing the snake, symbolizes the Sun penetrating its rays through the dark clouds of the wet element.

No less important and inherent phallic symbolism arrow, which can be traced not only in Indian tradition (for which it is extremely important), but also in Christian art (Bernini "Ecstasy of St. Teresa," 1645-1652 gg.).

  • Arrows inflict a "sweet wound" to the deity of love (Greek Eros, Latin Cupid, Ind. Kama).
  • The arrow is "the most common folk symbol of the heavenly Father and the fathers of mankind.
  • A heart pierced by an arrow is a common symbol of love connection.

On the other hand, the arrow is the carrier of disease, especially the plague.

The parable of one single arrow, which can easily be broken, while a bundle of arrows remains unharmed, symbolizes not only in the West, but also in China the power communicated by unity.

As a symbol of surprise attack, the arrow corresponds in military emblematics with the missile forces (it also has a structural similarity), bomber aviation, airborne and subversive units.

Currently, the arrow is used primarily as a directional marker.

The symbolism of the arrow underlies the symbolism of the obelisk.

The main meanings are:

  • solar symbol, rays;
  • ascent, ascent to the heavenly - the flight of the arrow
  • the masculine principle, the phallic element, masculinity;
  • lightning, rain, fertilizing element of nature, fertility;
  • power, war, hunting;
  • actions, the consequences of which cannot be changed - released from the bow;
  • retribution, inevitability, purposefulness;
  • spiritual weapons;
  • death (sudden, by lightning, etc.), pestilence, transient diseases, plague;
  • penetration - light, death, love (both human. and divine);
  • energy, the overcoming of space;
  • martyrdom - Christianity;
  • peace - broken or bound in a bundle;
  • impulse, swiftness, threat.
See also:

Weapon Obelisk Death symbols Death Sagittarius, zodiacal constellation

Combination with other symbols

  • "Balloon" - your feelings towards the object of interest cannot be called unrequited, but the desired reaction will not follow due to complex and confusing circumstances. Indian Solitaire suggests that this is even for the best.
  • "Question Mark" - the absence of mutual feelings will put you in a stalemate and generate a lot of questions.
  • "Queen of spades" - your relationship with the object of interest will not work out because there is a rival who clearly sees your intentions.
  • "Chest" - the combination is a perfect illustration of the wisdom "unlucky at cards, lucky in love" - only the other way around. Always remember that somewhere you will find and somewhere you will lose.
  • "Bonfire" - an overly tumultuous affair can turn your head and you will take your ardent lover too seriously, when to him it could all just be entertainment.
  • "Glasses" - your feelings will not be reciprocated due to the fact that you simply chose the wrong person to whom you should have opened up.
  • "Libra" - the combination speaks of a lost balance when you put too much effort into arranging your personal life, leading to another unpleasant misunderstanding.
  • "Bed of hearts" - a bed is not a reason to get to know someone, and if you thought the opposite, it was probably the last time.
  • "Snake" - in the early stage of dating, it is very important not to take an interesting young man to a company where there may be bad rumors about you or just people who have old scores with you.
  • "Necklace clasped" - you can avoid the pain of unrequited love if you come to your senses in time and ask yourself if this is really your man and how much you really have in common.

Application Locations and Styles

With thin lines, the pictures are applied in fragments on minimal areas, and some masterpieces occupy, for example, the entire side or spine. Tattoos usually occupy areas:

Unobtrusive looks the image on the fingers of the hand. Equipped with additional details complicates the picture. Minimalism with dark shades is popular, but also bright watercolor looks stylish and attractive. Girls love the Boho style, where objects symbolize not war, but the divine rays of the sun, a way out of the ordinary frames. The design looks like Greek canvases or Renaissance creations.

The color is chosen taking into account the nibs present, because harmony must be maintained between them. As you can see, the inner content of the subject is very diverse, although directly it is a demonstration of clear principles of life, where the tip states a sharp mind. In addition, the arrow tattoo acts as a talisman against evil forces and plots.

God of love and passion

I get the impression that in ancient Rome, as new legends about Cupid appeared, their main character invariably matured, which is, of course, logical. If early legends describe him as a little prankster accompanying Venus, in later myths Cupid is a rather mature young man who even demonstrates disobedience to his mother-goddess.

This change in Cupid's image caused the god to be identified not only with the thrill of love, but also with passionate desires. What is remarkable is that one Roman name of the god, Cupid, comes from the Latin "cupido," which means desire, but the other name, Cupid, means "love. As you can see, the son of Venus symbolized all aspects of love.

Hans Zacka Cupid's Victory Location: Private Collection
Hans Zatzka "Cupid's Victory" Location: Private Collection

The significance of the tattoo

First and foremost, it is an expression of finding one's true purpose and harmonious existence. The wearer does not swerve from the intended road and does not change his personal opinion. It is a symbol:

  1. Accuracy, the ability to see the target in a concentrated way.
  2. The ability to wield a weapon.
  3. Willingness to defend oneself.
  4. Calmness and equanimity.
  5. Aggressiveness to foes.
  6. Determination.

There is also another side of the coin - an arrow of Cupid. This body signifies femininity and eroticism. Ancient Roman mythology tells of Cupid, equipped with two arrows, one - the embodiment of true love, the second - of discord and parting. With such an item, the wearer speaks of his love, having finally chosen his chosen one.

Revealing the deep meaning of the object, it is necessary to take into account its location and direction, which states:

  • north - connection with reason, wisdom, knowledge;
  • south - the presence of innocence;
  • east is farsightedness;
  • West - flair and intuition.

The silhouette allows you to learn your own inner world and follow the right path. Although in criminal circles, the cross arrows are a trait of a thief. Influential authority draws a lion surrounded by armor, where the accessory in question is a sign of power. Three cards pierced with it indicate a gambler or card cheat.


The image of a broad arrowhead is an ancient mark of royal property, often identified with the flower of the lily.

An arrow plunged into the center of a shield hanging on a tree branch and bearing the motto: "PAU OUTCOS" is the emblem (impresa) of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (1520-1589), patron of the arts (Galleria Farnese, Rome).

A sheaf of arrows is the motto of the Queen Isabella of Castile (1474-1504) and from the 16th century the Spanish royal house. It is included in the national coat of arms of Spain (respectively Spanish "phalanx" ?).

Interpretations in different types of divination

On love and relationships

Your affection and sympathy that will arise for a new person in your environment will not find the same resonance and depth in it now. Probably, you are just rushing things and rushing to reveal everything as it is, but Indian Solitaire recommends taking an observant position to avoid pressure on the object of your interest. Remember that the time will come and the flowers will bloom on their own.

For the future

Chances are that the feeling of unrequited love and heartbreak will be in your head, making plans for some travel, new hobbies, possibly even a move and a change of place of study/work. Well, maybe it's for the best.

To work and to business

Having experienced the bitterness of the lack of mutual love, you can find an outlet in the workplace and this is not the worst alternative. Just avoid excessive fanaticism.

Meanings specific to men.

Since ancient times, members of the stronger sex were engaged in the extraction of food and land grabbing, so it is an omen of the extractor and master. Also the tattoo reflects:

  1. Masculinity.
  2. Militancy.
  3. Cold wit.
  4. Restraint.
  5. Self-control.
  6. Cunning.

A stretched bowstring with an arrow has the meaning of masculine health, resilience. Guys prefer black and white tones. Most often, the simplest form is taken as the basis, excluding additional ornaments. The sketch is supplemented with a killed animal symbolizing victory, a bow, an eagle. The sign is peculiar to hot active individuals.

Meaning of the colors of smiley hearts
Smiley faces are a modern way of communicating and can sometimes convey a whole range of emotions. One of the most commonly used emoticons is Heart, which can also mean different feelings depending on the color.

The most commonly used emoticons are hearts in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black and white. In addition, there are several styles of the heart itself (such as a broken heart or a double heart).

Let's understand the meaning of these emoticons so you'll never get in trouble for sending someone the wrong message.

Red heart smiley face

The classic red heart represents love, but it's not just for lovers.

In general, the red heart is used to express love, affection, gratitude, happiness, joy, and all similar warm feelings that you feel.

The red heart can be sent to family members and friends, although in correspondence with the person you like, it should be used carefully, at least in the beginning. Moreover, there are other emoticons that convey less intense emotions that can scare away the object of your attention.

Orange heart smiley

This heart emoji is for people who are probing the ground and are wary of sending a red heart emoji just yet. If your date sends you an orange heart, he likes you but is still afraid to express his feelings.

Yellow heart smiley face

The yellow heart symbolizes happiness, positivity and hope, as well as love.

  • Picture emoticons - different moods, funny, sad, joyful emoticons

As a rule, this heart is more appropriate for friends or family members. It is better not to send it to a person you are infatuated with, because he may understand that you are only interested in friendship.

Green heart emoji.

This heart is sometimes used to support various environmental and conservation movements, but more often it means volunteering.

Blue heart smiley face

Usually a blue or blue heart is sent to new acquaintances or superficial friends. If you get to know the person better and they will become your close friend, it is better to use a heart in a different color.

Purple heart smiley face

The purple heart has several meanings:

  • romantic love and sexual attraction
  • Glamour and wealth
  • soldiering on
  • encounter for the sake of bed
  • Love for the color purple

The meaning will depend on the context in which you use it. For example, a gorgeous vacation photo might be a good reason to use a purple heart. But you can also post it next to a post in support of veterans.

Brown heart emoji

The brown heart represents quiet love, similarity, romance and similar emotions.

Some people use it to declare their love of chocolate. Also, many people send it to express their support for people of color.

Black heart emoji

The black heart also has a wide variety of meanings. It can represent sadness or other moody emotions, a dark state of mind, or black humor.

You can also send it to a friend who is going through a difficult time.

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Some argue that A black heart expresses love even more than a red heart.

And it can only be sent to the bride or groom, husband or wife, or to a person you consider to be your soul mate.

White heart emoticon

A white heart is most often sent to express your sympathy to someone facing the death of a loved one.

Relevant Kaomoji


are very popular in Japan. Japanese grammatical punctuation and symbols are used to show emotions and their actions. For example: ( ˘ω˘ )☞♡☜( ˘ω˘ )! Use similar creativity in messengers and online to impress your friends.

Click / click to copy

  • ( ˘ω˘ )☞♡☜( ˘ω˘ )
  • ( ◜◒◝ )♡
  • ( ๑ ' ڡ ' ๑ )
  • (◍-ᴗ-◍)♡ ✧*。
  • (♥→o←♥)
  • ^•^*
  • ♡〜ლ(๑癶ᴗ癶๑)ლ〜♡
  • ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
  • ♡^▽^♡
  • ♡ლ(-༗‿༗-)ლ♡
  • ♥╣[-_-]╠♥
  • (✿ ♥‿♥)(♥ω♥*)
  • (°-°)
  • (◍-ᴗ-◍)❤️( ˘ ³˘)♥
  • ヾ( ̄◇ ̄)ノ〃
  • ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
  • +Add.


The arrows of the gods can be both bountiful and fertile, as well as scorching and damaging. Homer uses arrows as a symbol of suffering and disease inflicted on humanity by the gods, especially Apollo.


  • Apollo and Artemis as a symbol of creative and destructive forces (male and female);
  • Erot(s) (Cupid);
  • Venus;
  • Putti.

> China

Arrows were often broken at the conclusion of an alliance, which served as an expression of renunciation of war.

> North America

The arrows are the rays of the sun. Bound in a bundle - peace. Often at the conclusion of an alliance the arrows were broken, which was an expression of renunciation of war.

> Shamanism

The feathering of an arrow is a symbol of ascension to heaven. A sign of light. A feathering arrow is the flight of a bird to Heaven, the transition from an earthly state.

> Iran

The emblem of Mithras as the god of light.

What the yellow heart means.

Yellow has always stood for friendship, so it is appropriate to send a yellow heart to your friends. In doing so, the user can use it as and know to show a friend-zone, that is, strange and mixed feelings about the person. If a girl can't be with a guy for different reasons, she might as well send him a similar heart.

You can also put a yellow heart when sending a message to a friend. It is advisable to do this when wishing a good morning or a good night. It is up to the user to decide how he or she wants to use the symbol. If he marks this heart with a phrase, you can draw an analogy with the phrase "let's stay friends.

Note: This designation is characteristic of Russian society. Perhaps in another country with different traditions, the color yellow can mean something completely different.


For women

For men