Blood type and Rh factor tattoo - full description, locations, sketches and photos

  • The history of the origin of the image
  • Interpretation of the image
  • Choice of location
  • Symbolism and stylistic execution
  • Video of the blood group tattoo

The blood group tattoo is one of the few images that, apart from the aesthetic component, are of practical use to the wearer. The importance of such a value in times of war is incredibly great, and in peacetime, it will act as a complement to the image and character of the person.

Appearance of blood group tattoos and their purpose

Initially the tattoo designs looked rather primitive: a letter or number indicating blood group, the letter R (rhesus) and a minus or plus sign indicating negative or positive rhesus. These tattoos were attributed to the military, although in essence they also had medical meaning.
Properly speaking, the blood type tattoo gave a theme to put useful symbols on the body. People suffering from serious illnesses (diabetes, asthma, allergies, epilepsy, and so on) put the word cues to medics, and in case of an unexpected attack, they can help save their lives. Such a tattoo is best done on the wrist so that the information is easily accessible. This distinctive sign says that its owner is attentive to his health.

The first tattoos with blood type appeared in the forties of the twentieth century, when the rhesus factor was discovered. Then they were actively applied during the wars: in Vietnam by American troops, in Afghanistan by Soviet soldiers. It was not a tribute to fashion, but a vital necessity.

For example, a wounded soldier is taken to the hospital and urgently needs medical attention with a blood transfusion. No documents are available. The blood group tattoo will save valuable time, facilitate the work of doctors and keep the soldier alive.Apart from the military, the blood group tattoo is also applied by those whose activities involve danger, including extreme athletes. It can be useful for people in an emergency situation, such as being in an accident.

In conclusion: Why is a bullet tattoo the best choice for you?

If you have a strong character, you are not afraid of difficulties, you know what you want to achieve and how to get to your goal, the bullet tattoo is the perfect choice for you.

Such an image will be the best characteristic of you as a person and will tell others how firm and straightforward you are, able to protect your loved ones.

Tattoo or tattooing is the application of both permanent and temporary image on your body, carried out by means of local application of dye pigment to the skin.

This method of artificial decoration of the body has been known since ancient times. There is still debate about its original purpose, but it was clearly of a practical nature, defining class, occupation, clan or tribe, and so on.

Drawing on one of the parts of the body image in the form of a barbed wire is one of the most popular types of tattoos, which have gained great popularity in recent times. Variants are presented on the photo in the free access.

Choosing the place for the tattoo

Traditionally, the blood type sign is put on the chest or on the arm in the armpit area, less often on the wrist. Today, along with men, women also serve in the army and also put the sign of their blood type on their body.

What is the best place to choose for such a sign?

Let's speculate:

  • The most conspicuous place is the wrist.
  • Traditional - chest, ribs, armpit, forearm, shoulder, neck (when choosing as a place to apply the image of the neck you need to consider, its visibility under the hair).
  • The bend of the elbow - the veins are located here and the sign is difficult to miss
  • The back of the hand

When determining the location of the tattoo, it is important to remember that the sooner the medics get important information about the person, the more chances for a favorable outcome.

The military most often tattoo on the chest adhering to the principle that the arm can be lost in combat, and the main part of the body has a better chance of remaining intact.The size of the tattoo depends on the place of application. It is important to ensure its legibility.

The painfulness of applying a tattoo

Of course, the pain threshold is individual. But there are some rules: if the tattoo area is close to the bone or it has thin skin, the process of applying will be sensitive, but if in the place of applying a lot of muscles and fat layer, the session will be less painful.

Tattoo blood type and Rh factor (63 images) - meaning, tattoo designs on the arm, chest, heart

Decorativeness of the Blood Type Tattoo

Not counting the practical value, tattoos are sometimes applied as a decoration to other designs. Often combined with drawings of the army badge, cartridge, machine gun belt and other military symbols. There is a combination with a drop of blood or on a flap of torn leather.

Be sure to remember that the drawing should look distinct and clear, the main information should not get lost among the details and decorative elements.

The meaning of the bullet tattoo:

- A sign of physical and moral strength - firmness - self-confidence - the ability to stand up for oneself

This article provides not only a description of the meaning of the image, but also a variety of bullet tattoo sketches. Looking at them, you will determine which type of drawing you like more than others.

Immediately we would like to note that the tattoo bullet is sometimes rated as a military, army, but today only such a meaning of the image is no longer relevant. Such a drawing on their bodies are worn by both men and women, sometimes not even related to the power structures.

Although, it is clear that in the first place the bullet tattoo is found on the bodies of military people. For example, servicemen applied not only a bullet, but also a weapon, and accompanied the image with other "accessories" and elements indicating in what kind of troops the person served or was serving.

Pay attention!
That is, we have to say, the image was a kind of "stigma", by which servicemen "identified" each other.

The meaning of the tattoo in civilian life

From the army, the Blood Band tattoo came to civilian life thanks to the band Kino and Victor Tsoi and the legendary song "Blood Band". This song is not dedicated to war, which means the tattoo designs are civilian in nature. Victor Tsoi's fans began to actively apply tattoos with his portrait, the name of the band and of course with their blood group, thus showing their love for the song's author.

There are cautious people (or perhaps suspicious) who put the blood type on for insurance - you do not know what fate will bring you and under what circumstances you will need urgent medical assistance.

The meaning of the tattoo with barbed wire

This image appeared several decades ago, its original meaning - "boundary of freedom", "flesh tearing". It was often used by underground anarchist organizations, as well as in places of detention.

Quite widespread recognition of this type of tattoo has gained in connection with the emergence of new musical trends.

The main classic meanings are:

  • willfulness;
  • love of freedom;
  • desire for independence;
  • sacrifice;
  • struggle;
  • mercy;
  • the destruction of the old order.

Often, the image is accompanied by a kind of addition that carries a hidden meaning, but here it is important to understand that the place where it is applied may also contain a hidden message:

  • the center of a flaming or bleeding heart speaks of the loss of a loved one, may include a name;
  • angel with a crown of barbed wire symbolizes deep repentance for wrong-doing;
  • the wrapped cross is an image of faith in God, the rose in this case denotes obstacles;
  • the crown of thorns is a sign of readiness for redemption.
  • symbolism of the state under the barbed wire one of the types of tattoos popular with the military, means patriotism and devotion to their country;
  • tears in the wire - the end of certain stages of life, in the case where there is an image of a dove or butterfly direct denial of war, the desire for peace;
  • intertwined hearts - love accompanied by trials, hardships.

Choice of tattoo design

The choice of the part of the body for the tattoo Blood type depends largely on the purpose of the tattoo. A lot has been said about the purpose above, so everyone decides for themselves. If it is a civilian tattoo, the future owner needs to hear himself and feel the place where it should be.

When choosing a tattoo sketch, it is worth listening to your inner voice and follow your intuition, proceeding from your judgments and priorities. It is also worthwhile to see a catalog with a photo of the performed tattoos.

An experienced artist can adapt the sketch to the desires of the future owner and perform his work so that you will leave in a good mood. It makes sense to be with the master in a dialogue. Choosing a tattoo, it is important to remember that the tattoo is applied once and for all and in order to have no problems with the removal of the image in the future, talk to the master. He will help you pick the right sketch.

How to choose a bullet tattoo for your body

When choosing an image, people are often guided by momentary impulses. Although, as experienced tattoo masters say, you should pause for a few days to finally comprehend your choice and then do not regret it.

If you look at our website bullet tattoo sketches, you can see that there are a huge variety of options for such a drawing.

For example, one of the most popular options is not just a drawing of a bullet, but also realistic traces of it on the body. As an option, the master draws protruding blood. If the tattoo is made in the style of realism, it will even look somewhat intimidating!

By the way!
Such a drawing will choose those who prefer extreme actions. And those who do not care about the opinion of others - so they are willing to even shock them.

Another popular option is the drawing, which depicts a bullet in flight. Such an image can be done in an animated style. A bit humorous. To do this, the "projectile" is drawn with hands and feet, eyes, a sarcastic smile. It is clear that such an image on the body is applied only to those who are in harmony with a sense of humor.

It is not uncommon to find an image of a "projectile" in the style of old-school. Such a natal drawing of a bullet will delight:

  • brightness;
  • colorfulness;
  • animation;
  • and unique uniqueness.

If, of course, you prefer to order a unique sketch, rather than just copying your favorite image on the Internet.

By the way!
The old-school bullet tattoo is relatively often depicted in the mouth, sandwiched between the teeth.

Meaning for girls

The presence of a girl's body tattoo states her adamant freedom-loving character.

In combination with a rose - denotes innocence. As a rule, girls wearing it emphasize their purity and unapproachability, willingness to share the only love. The meaning in the prison environment is somewhat different - a symbol of reaching adulthood in captivity.

Style and variants of the image

There are many ways and styles of tattooing nowadays, but usually tattoo artists follow a few basic directions when depicting barbed wire:

Types of barbed wire images:

  1. Ribbon - is a strip with jagged edges;
  2. Yogoza - there are blades all along the barbed wire line. The image of the hedgehog is forbidden in some European countries and characterizes the owner as a person prone to organizing rebellions
  3. Thread - two or one narrow strips with twisted barbs.
  4. Chicano - a style originated among the representatives of Latin American criminal groups. Predominantly used black and its shades, thin lines, but clearly drawn contours of shapes and objects, a preference for shadows.
  5. Realism - requires a good skill to work with the image of shadows, shadows, blurred images. Tattoo master must be a professional in his business and have considerable experience. The style is characterized by the absence of clear contours, used smooth transitions in a rich color palette, there is a volume and realism of the picture.
  6. Old school - originated in the XIX century. Images are colored, the theme is more romantic. Does not have a volume, clear thick lines, rich colors.
  7. Treble is a style of African tribes, presented in the form of patterns. More often monochrome pattern, looks like tongues of flame.
  8. Traditional - a traditional style, bold lines, colors are not too varied, the shadows are not transferred.
  9. Blackwork - mostly black paint is used. Perfectly combines with other directions. There is no clear theme. This type of tattoo is more suitable for people determined to overcome any restrictions.

To make the drawing qualitative and expressive it is better to entrust it to a professional, according to a pre-approved sketch with specialized equipment.

Types of blood

What blood groups a person has, how many there are, and the very notion of them is the responsibility of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. This organization has the most complete information on all these issues. For example, the blood types are divided into 33 classifications, and this is not the limit.

The rarest group, definition, compatibility, character
12 facts about blood: Tsuzmer A.M., Petrishina O.L. Biology. Man and his health. Textbook. 26-th ed. - M.: Prosveshcheniye, 2001. - 240 с.

The most widely used today remain blood groups by Karl Landsteiner. In the early twentieth century, the scientist experimented by mixing blood from different donors. In some cases it clotted, in others it did not. Based on the findings, the following designation of blood type was obtained:

  • 0 blood type (I);
  • blood type A (II);
  • B (III);
  • AB (IV).

12 facts about blood: rarest group, definition, compatibility, character
Blood Groups: General Surgery: textbook / Petrov S.V. - 3rd ed. revised - 2010. - 768 с.
What is the difference between blood groups? Based on practical experience, let me explain in simple words: different groups have different substances on the surface of the red blood cells. If they are absent, you get blood group 0. Blood group A2 is endowed with only one type, etc. The main thing affected by the blood type in this approach is the impossibility of mixing them in any combination, says WebMD. And that's a very important parameter. To find out what your blood type is, contact a medical facility for professional advice.

Characteristics of blood groups are variable among different peoples and populations, the article says. For example, the first and second blood groups are the most common. This is due to the fact that human blood groups are inherited. It is not for nothing that there are many requests on the Internet about what blood type the Chinese have, what blood type the Jews have or what blood type the Japanese have. These numbers do vary.

Interestingly, scientists even tried to find out what blood type Christ was. They analyzed samples from the Shroud of Turin and determined that Jesus' blood type was AB (IV).

Thus, blood type is an individual characteristic of each person. After understanding how blood type is designated, we learn what is behind the designations "B positive", "3 positive", etc.

Rh factor compatibility

Compatibility of partners in blood type and Rh factor is an important factor in pregnancy. The fact is that in some combinations, the mother's body begins to react to the fetus as a foreign object and reject it. Rh factor is associated with this phenomenon. Compatibility for this reason is tested immediately after pregnancy.

Practical experience shows how important the blood type and Rh factor compatibility of parents is. Problems occur if the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive. With this combination, the baby can inherit the rhesus of the father, resulting in a conflict in the woman's body.

Luckily, nowadays blood type and Rh compatibility is not a contraindication for conception. I personally witnessed how timely individual Rh factor compatibility test and appropriate therapy helped to save a child. Therefore, a Rh factor compatibility chart should be familiar to every expectant mother.

When planning to conceive, be sure to ask the doctor for professional advice. This will avoid problems in the future.

Meaning for men

Men apply a tattoo in the form of barbed wire in an effort to emphasize their independence, individuality, the ability to stand up for their ideals.

The sensitivity of the nature can be expressed in a drawing with flowers wrapped around the wire. In this case, its owner is trying to convey to others about the inner world going against conventional notions and lack of understanding, as well as a demonstration of strength of mind.

The enveloped skull usually denotes an irreparable loss, may be accompanied by a name.


For women

For men