Tattoo of a Puppeteer: meaning and performance options

Tattoo Puppeteer

Tattoo of a Puppeteer

Tattoo of a puppeteer can easily create a unique image of its owner. First, its plot component, to some extent, is unique and quite rare. From this grows a huge plus, as the probability to meet something similar is significantly reduced.

Tattoo puppeteer and puppets on the brush

Tattoo puppeteer and puppets on the hand

Tattoo of a puppeteer and marionette

Tattoo of a puppeteer and marionette

Puppeteer and Puppet Master tattoo

Tattoo of a puppeteer and marionette

Tattoo of a puppeteer on his arm

Tattoo of a puppeteer on your arm

Secondly, it is an excellent means to convey the meaning and sentiments invested by its master.

Puppet: meaning

Such a tattoo may have different meanings, but there is one common point: the owner of this body image is convinced that his fate is sealed and all of life's events are written from above. Such a person believes that nothing can be changed, so he floats downstream and shows no resistance.

The tattoo can have both positive and negative connotations. It depends on how the bearer of the tattoo relates to life. If a person trusts the world, has optimism and believes in the best, the tattoo will be endowed with positive meaning and be a talisman reflecting life beliefs. But if the owner of the picture is a fierce pessimist, dissatisfied with his fate, who sees the world in black, the tattoo symbolizes despair and deep disappointment. Such people live their lives as a sentence, and are confident that they have no ability to influence the course of events.

There are tattoos in which the puppet holds scissors and cuts threads. Such a tattoo symbolizes liberation, getting rid of other people's influence and a new perspective on the world. This figure is stuffed with people who have rethought life's goals and no longer wish to go along with others.

Who fits the tattoo

Puppeteer is a theatrical profession, in which the artist voices the puppet and controls it. In a figurative sense, this word symbolizes a manipulator or a gray cardinal. A person who applied such a tattoo to his body should be treated with great caution.

He has power, insight, and purposefulness. At the same time, this person seeks to control people, but does it cunningly and cleverly, unnoticed by others. His interests he puts above all, building everything as he would like.

Such tattoos are usually preferred by men. They emphasize determination and willpower and at the same time are an original body decoration. Large-scale sketches turn into a tattoo arm, so sometimes it is a good option to overlap an old tattoo. In addition, the image of puppets and the puppeteer is a unique and rarely seen subject.

A symbol of freedom.

Often the tattoo can be found in people who for too long have been doing things they do not like under the influence of their authority, but have always felt that they do not want to do it. The cut strings of the puppet are a symbol of the beginning of a new life. The person is no longer going to participate in the pursuit of someone else's goals, intending to live by their own rules and follow their own goals.

If the threads between the puppet and the puppeteer are completely severed, and the puppet itself has not fallen, the tattoo symbolizes liberation from the power of the person, whom the tattoo owner feared all his life and believed that the termination of interaction with him is a threat to existence. In this case, the tattoo represents an important step through which one has gained freedom. The tattoo informs that instead of being afraid all your life, submitting to others and doing someone else's will, you need to overcome your fear once and start living for real.

The powers that be: the tattoo of a puppeteer

When choosing a drawing for a tattoo, people most often seek to emphasize their inner world, to show any traits of character or worldview, to draw attention to their personality. Tattoo puppeteer - a prime example of such an image on the body. It can hardly leave anyone indifferent to its owner. People who choose such an image are divided into two categories:

  • The first want to show that they are used to control those around them, to achieve the desired and stop at nothing in achieving their goals. In ordinary life, they are authoritative people, confident in themselves and firmly aware of what they want;
  • The other category, on the contrary, with a tattoo depicting a puppeteer pulling people's strings, emphasize the fact that most often circumstances or higher forces control people's choices, and sometimes we are powerless to change anything. Such a view of life is often characteristic of adolescents, who seek to escape from the influence of parents and the environment.

Thus, the tattoo of the puppeteer, the meaning of which at first glance seems unambiguous, may have a different interpretation. In any case, a person who chooses to decorate his body with such an unusual pattern can be considered an interesting personality. Such people are clearly not indifferent to high matter, they like to reflect on life and the motives of the actions of others.

Puppeteer is a tattoo that requires enough space, because most often it is applied on the forearm, side or back. The color and black-and-white versions of the picture look equally good. Be prepared for the fact that the application of the image will require quite a lot of time. It is worth noting that such tattoos are often chosen by members of the stronger half of mankind.


Sketches of puppeteer tattoos

Circumcised threads

A completely different meaning has a tattoo of a fallen puppeteer with trimmed threads. This drawing means that the owner of the tattoo feels lost and deprived of patronage. Such people are driven and do not know how to live independently. They are used to being guided and told what to do by others.

They find it difficult to make decisions without consulting someone. Such a body image means that the person has lost his or her bearings in life. He does not know what direction to go in and what to strive for. This state of affairs may end well if the tattoo owner meets a new patron who will channel his energy in the right direction.

Tattoos with puppets can be found among artists, singers, dancers and members of other professions whose success depends on a particular person.


If the main figure in the tattoo is a puppeteer, this figure symbolizes power and management of people. The owner of the tattoo informs those around him that he is the master of the situation and can influence the fate of others. In a positive way, the tattoo means patronage and assistance in self-actualization. The owners of such a tattoo are looking for talented people to make them known to the world. Negative meanings - arrogance, arrogance, vanity. Such people use others for their own purposes, using intimidation, manipulation and sweet lies.

A dangerous body drawing is a puppeteer controlling a voodoo doll. The tattoo means the possession of secret knowledge and the ability to influence others through black magic. Such a tattoo can be imposed only by people who really belong to witches and magicians. Otherwise, the dark forces will perceive such a gesture as a challenge and a sneer, and the owner of the tattoo will have serious problems.

If the puppeteer controls the puppet, but does not look at her, the picture symbolizes the imposed power. The bearer of such a tattoo has to lead someone or something against their will. On the other hand, the tattoo means a belief in the dependence of life events on chance.

Meaning of the tattoo for men and girls

Tattoo with a puppet has the same meaning for both sexes. Girls can use such a body drawing of a puppet with cut strings as a symbol of resistance to prevailing circumstances. They do not want to put up with the role imposed on them and seek to break stereotypes. Often tattoos are given to women who are tired of being housewives and no longer intend to live for the sake of others.

A tattoo with a puppet in a man reports that the man is bound by many obligations and has long forgotten about his own desires. Such an image is characteristic of men who have devoted their entire lives to creating well-being for their family, but his intentions have turned into obligations. The skeleton in the hands of the puppeteer symbolizes inner death. Young people with such a tattoo have a deep resentment against their puppeteer, but they obey him implicitly, because they have no strength to resist.

On what part of the body to do

In the vast majority of cases, the sketches are focused on large parts of the body. This includes the arms, chest, back, hips or sides. This is because the work contains many small details that require careful tracing. They look quite spectacular and freely convey the meaning and value inherent in them. But lovers of small images should not be upset: a professional artist will not have much difficulty in developing for you a small-scale sketch that will look no less colorful.

Tattoo puppeteer

Tattoo puppeteer

Puppeteer tattoo

Tattoo of a puppeteer

This tattoo can be performed in almost any style. The decisive factor determining the stylistic solution will be the subject content. It strikes the number of all kinds of images. These can be realistic hands with threads; depicting various poses of puppets; other objects tied with threads instead of dolls - a human heart, a skull, a zombie.

Both monochrome and bright colors can be used as a color scheme. Both look great.


For women

For men