The most popular tattoos in the world: photo sketches with descriptions and symbols

The craving for beauty lives in man since prehistoric times. Therefore, already in the era of ancient civilizations people decorated their bodies with various drawings. It was a peculiar way to stand out of the crowd, to express your individuality and peculiarity. The pictures drawn on different parts of the body carried a certain symbolic meaning. You could learn a lot of useful information about a person from these drawings.

Today we do not know exactly who first came to the idea to decorate the body with drawings. But drawings on the walls of ancient caves and pyramids show that most of the images were on the bodies of kings and leaders. Apparently, it was this method that distinguished the superior from the general mass.

The first drawings on the human body were washed away, and people invented a more durable way of drawing on the skin - the tattoo, which could stay with a person for his entire life. The elderly bearer of numerous tattoos with their help could tell a lot of interesting things about himself.

Tattoo designs meaning: photo tattoos with images of people and body parts

In today's world, the fashion for tattoos does not go away. Even on the contrary, every day there are more and more people who want to leave some kind of memory on the body. For some people it is the memory of a great love, someone in this way says about his hobbies, and someone generally tries to hide behind various drawings on the body their fears and complexes and become a completely different person. In any case, even today, before making a tattoo, people think a lot about its significance.

Let's see together beautiful photos with images of tattoos and try to unravel information about their owners.

Very often on the human body there are images of people or individual body parts. For example, it can be a face, an eye, a mouth, or a silhouette of a person. Also, a person can be depicted in full height. Often used on the body are drawings of people of various professions. The phenomenon of such images has long been studied by specialists in the field of psychology. And the explanation of the meaning of such a tattoo depends most likely on the way in which the person is depicted.

The girl .

Perhaps one of the most common of these types is a tattoo depicting a girl.

The bearer of such an environment in society is considered a very dangerous person, more often than not, he received a tattoo in the form of a girl in places not so distant.

If you do decide to choose this image, then let the girl be with angelic wings.

This promises good fortune, kindness and purity of heart to the owner of the tattoo.

Samurai .

Courageous, unbending and steadfast in spirit people often choose for their tattoo image in the form of a samurai.

Also, such an image symbolizes loyalty, loyalty to tradition, honesty, willingness to go to the end for their beliefs on one chosen path.

Japanese tattoos in recent years have gained in our compatriots in great popularity.

Although, before making such a tattoo, you need to decide whether it suits you according to your beliefs.

If the samurai traits are contrary to your character, and you are not inclined to sacrifice, then from such a tattoo is better to give up.


The first tattoos depicting Indians were made by respected Indians themselves, thus showing the symbol of unity and power of its owner over other people.

Later, this image began to mean the search for his second self with the help of spirits.

Today, such a tattoo is interpreted as wisdom, courage, unity with nature, willpower, freedom.

Classic tattoos with images of Indians are performed in black and white, but recently colored drawings have become fashionable.

The Eye

Since ancient times, the image on the body of the eye symbolized the third human eye, which allows you to see what is not visible to other people.

It's like an all-seeing eye that can observe everything that's going on in the world.

In some cases, the eye tattoo is interpreted as protection against envious people.

With such a tattoo you can express any feelings, because the image of the eye itself is very attractive to the eyes of others.


The image of the skull on the body has always caused quite mixed feelings among people.

After all, not everyone can calmly accept and discuss the subject of the bitter truth about the danger and the transience of time, which puts everything in its place.

Many people do not even think about such questions of life. In the Age of Discovery, the image of a skull and crossbones symbolized the pirate movement, which for many people was the ultimate horror.

Such tattoos can most often be found on the bodies of people prone to excitement, adventure, whose life is full of risk and dangerous adventures. To some extent, the skull also symbolizes despair.

But some sources interpret the image of the skull as a symbol of forgiveness and sacrifice in Christianity.

Not for nothing today on many icons in the form of a crucifix under the cross you can see a skull with crossed bones, which symbolizes the grave of Adam.

Tattoo sketches on the arm and other parts of the body: photo tattoos with animals, their meaning

Great popularity today are gaining tattoos with the image of various animals: from small insects to the largest animals. Such tattoos also have certain symbols, because by decorating with such a drawing of his body, a person tries to endow himself with such character traits, which the drawn animal possesses.


Tattoo with the image of a butterfly most often choose active and lively girls who appreciate freedom and know what they want from life.

A favorite place for this tattoo is the back or neck.

Using bright colors for the drawing, the bearer of the tattoo as a butterfly underlines his elevation over the grayness of everyday life and the desire to make life brighter.

Tattoo in the form of a butterfly on the hand of a girl symbolizes determination to character, the ability to confront events.

A symmetrical image of a winged insect indicates the harmonious character of its owner.


Tattoo with the image of a wolf in the world is very popular, especially among men.

Most often, such a picture is printed on the shoulder or back.

The attitude to the symbolism of the image of the wolf in different cultures can be completely contradictory.

Some interpret it as a symbol of a leader, leader, other wolf seems to be a dark and secretive animal, carrying in itself a kind of danger.

But most often, people tend to identify this animal with loyalty, because the wolf chooses its mate once for life.

That is why, to prove his great and deep love for the other half, this tattoo is often made by young people.

But the wolf with a grin, drawn on the body speaks of hidden aggression, or the loss of a loved one.


This mythological creature, invented in the form of an animal, is quite famous and popular all over the world.

In many cultures of the world we can find the image of the dragon in different over the genre works of art.

Although the image of this non-existent animal on the body most often has oriental motifs that came to us from China and Japan.

Such tattoos are popular among both men and women.

Decorating his body with the image of the dragon, his owner wants to reward himself with nobility, mystery, power and magic, the ability to do the impossible.

The dragon also symbolizes wisdom, loyalty and beauty. The dragon depicted on the back is associated with the attribute of imperial power.


Different cultures interpret the image of a cat on the human body in different ways.

For some people this animal is the guardian of the moon, for the second - a cat means maternal origin, among sailors - it is a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

In many ways, the understanding of the tattoo of a cat depends on how exactly it is depicted.

For example, a black cat indicates the mystique and attraction of the bearer of such a tattoo. In addition, a cat in combination with the moon symbolizes peacefulness.

But the drawn claws or teeth of a cat show some aggressiveness of the owner of the drawing.

Tattoo in the form of a cat is popular among members of both sexes. Men prefer such an image on the leg or scapula, and women most often choose the hand, shin and wrist.

The lion

Before you score on the body with a tattoo of a lion, it is necessary to understand its meaning, because the interpretation of such a tattoo has a rather rich symbolism.

Since ancient times, the lion was quite a revered animal, it has always been considered the king of beasts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that above all the image of a lion on the body is interpreted as a symbol of royalty and respect, majesty and power, wisdom and justice.

In addition, the tattoo in the form of a lion can symbolize loyalty, nobility, greatness of spirit, a symbol of sovereign power and impregnability.

If the lion on the body is depicted growling, it speaks of possible danger and aggression.


Choosing to tattoo the image of a bear, a person wants to show everyone his strong enough character, or wants to have such.

After all, the bear has always been considered the master of the forest, so people interpreted his character as fierce and powerful, in some ways even dangerous.

Also, this image on the body may speak of rebirth, reminding that the bear hibernates in winter and awakens every spring.

But a bear imprinted on a person's skin can also mean resilience and courage.

After all, it is known that these animals always fight their enemies to the end, showing the strength of their character.

On the body of a girl such a drawing means fertility, as bears have always been the best of mothers.


The eagle today is the most popular bird depicted in the form of tattoos. And there is an explanation.

In the world, the eagle is a symbol of heavenly power, a fearless predator and a majestic bird. Even the ancient Greeks endowed the eagle with majesty, royalty and good luck.

An eagle inscribed on the body signifies the wearer's vitality, perseverance, strength of mind and ability to express one's self in the great beyond. The symbol of the eagle on the chest indicates power and ambition. An eagle on the shoulder hints at the belligerence of the owner, the ability to protect in a difficult moment.

Who always strives for a perfect result, always chooses for the eagle back. But the eagle with open wings speaks of the sovereignty and power of the host.


Tattoo in the form of a scorpion is also gaining popularity in tattoo parlors.

This rather dangerous representative of the animal world is becoming more and more attractive to those who want to paint their bodies.

But before deciding to take such a step, it is necessary to determine the symbolism of the scorpion in different countries.

Some consider the scorpion a symbol of death, for some it is a sign of marital fidelity. In Russia, a tattoo in the form of a scorpion can mean ownership of something, militancy.

In prisoners, the scorpion on the body indicates that they were in solitary confinement. But most often such a tattoo is made by those who were born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio. In this case, such a picture means only the belonging of a person to a certain zodiacal period.

Most often, the image of a scorpion is performed in a realistic manner.


For a long time, only men could afford a tattoo in the form of a tiger, but in recent years this tattoo is increasingly popular among girls.

In addition to the strength and majesty, this animal is endowed with a beautiful coloring, which is perceived as a symbol of primitive, unrestrained, naturalism.

From the earliest times, the tiger's image indicated an affinity with Eastern culture. Its meaning was perceived as belligerence, power, fearlessness of a warrior.

To accentuate such traits, wearers depicted the tiger on their bodies with a grin. If the tiger is depicted on the body of a prisoner, it shows his dislike of law enforcement.

More often than not, men make a tattoo in the form of a tiger with an open mouth, which indicates the aggressive and complex nature of its bearer.

A favorite place to stuff the tiger tattoo is the back or shoulder.

Because they look good

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a tattoo simply because it looks beautiful. People show themselves in different ways; some prefer to do it through clothing, others through makeup, and some through tattoos.

A tattoo is a great way to show people a little bit about you in a unique and aesthetically pleasing way. I firmly believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether you choose to ink your skin or your skin remains unmarked by that tattoo needle: if you are pleased with yourself, it doesn't matter what others think of your decision.

Tattoo sketches meaning: photos of tattoos depicting objects and symbols

In addition to people and animals, tattoo lovers also stuff images of various objects and symbols on the body. Each of them, as a rule, carries a certain informational load. Therefore, before you get a tattoo, you should thoroughly study its meaning, because the tattoo will remain with you for life.

The bow

In our lives, the bow is a symbol of a holiday, a decoration, a gift. Therefore, it occurs to many people to make a tattoo on the body in the form of a bright ornament. Traditionally, the bow is chosen for its tattoo girls, using it in compositions with flowers, butterflies, hearts.

But it can also be used as a separate independent tattoo. Of different shapes and colors, the bow looks great on any part of a woman's body. Most often, such an image symbolizes jewelry, gives the girl's image of tenderness and infantile, hints at glamour and sexuality.

When choosing such a tattoo, it is still worth thinking about how you depict it on the body in order to avoid future unambiguous interpretations by others.


The star tattoo will have meaning depending on its type and the way it is represented. The star on the body is very attractive to both women and men.

In the modern interpretation, the star tattoo symbolizes the sky, prosperity and good luck. Sea stars on the body said that the owner of such a tattoo is a sailor, always returning home.

The six-pointed star has deep religious meaning, especially in the Jewish faith. The five-pointed star in protective symbolism speaks of harmony and magic, but the inverted pentagram is an emblem of Satan.

If you want to depict a star on your body, it will tell those around you about the changes in your life. But each person will interpret this symbol at his own discretion.


Tattoos depicting Chinese and Japanese characters are now very popular in almost every country in the world except China and Japan. Residents of Eastern countries do not make themselves tattoos with inscriptions.

These inscriptions on the body are very attractive to people for their mystery and enigma. Of course, the meaning of such tattoos is clear to the person, if he knows its meaning. And in general, to translate the hieroglyph is very difficult, this requires specialists in Eastern linguistics.

A person who made such a tattoo, tries to protect himself from various life obstacles and failures. Many lovers of hieroglyphs do such tattoos with the meaning of the signs of the Zodiac, under which they were born.

Yin-Yang .

The Oriental symbol "Yin-Yang" in the modern world is a fairly common element. This image more and more often can be seen in the design of interiors, clothing and other objects, the main reason for this is the popularization of Feng Shui movement.

Chinese mythology interprets Yin-Yang as the unity of opposites. Yin is a symbol of femininity, earth, moon, death, even numbers, darkness. Yang represents masculinity, life, sky, sun, odd numbers, light, etc.

But these two signs are always depicted together, which means the indivisibility of the universe with all its aspects.

This sign on the human body helps to solve all the problems and contradictions of life, gives strength to the person to solve inner contradictions and get out of difficult situations.

These two signs are always enclosed in a circle, which is a symbol of infinity. Such an image is explained by specialists as infinite opposition and unity of opposites.

A person who chooses a tattoo in the form of this oriental symbol, tries always to live in harmony with himself and be happy in any situation of life, no matter what streak in life pursues him.


Since ancient times, crown-like headdresses have been a symbol of nobility and aristocracy. They were worn by those who were endowed with a certain power. The crown always had to be unique and, preferably, precious, which indicated the almighty power of its owner.

From this comes the meaning of this symbol for the tattoo. The image for the body in the form of the crown choose themselves ambitious, eager to take a leading position of the person, about the great personal achievements.

If a crown is depicted on the body, it can also mean that the person has talents. The crown with pointed ends speaks of the triune God, "Faith, Hope, Love," and so on.

The Cross

The cross is one of the oldest symbols in human history. In every culture it has been ascribed different meanings and interpretations. In ancient times, the cross was considered a symbol of death, because people were crucified on it, mostly villains.

But with the advent of Christianity, the image of the cross began to signify the suffering one must experience on the way from the earthly realm to the heavenly realm. In addition, the cross is considered a symbol of destiny. But since ancient times, the cross also symbolized the cosmos. The intersection of the two lines can be interpreted as the four sides of the world, the four seasons, the four phases of the moon. The Chinese called the cross the road to heaven.

Deciding to do a tattoo of a cross, be sure to think in what form it will depict and at what part of the body it will be located. From these important points and will depend on the subsequent interpretation of your tattoo.


Before you place on your body tattoo in the form of a cathedral, church and any other temple with cupolas, it is worth to study its meaning in details. After all, the presence of such a sign on the human body spoke about his prison past. And the number of domes indicates the number of years spent behind bars.

Another version says that the domes indicate the number of walks, and the years can be counted by the windows of the temple. Although originally such body art had to do only with religious prisoners. And they came into fashion in the 20s of last century, when the Soviet authorities began a total struggle with the church. And those who resisted the anti-religious policy of the new government were condemned and sent into exile.

As a protest against the regime, prisoners tattooed domes on their chests, thus showing that they would remain with God forever. Tattoos with domes are sometimes requested by former paratroopers as a reminder of their years of service.


The image of the mandala comes to us from Buddhist mythology, and is a concentric diagram of the structure of the universe.

It is a very important sacred symbol in which all Buddhist saints are encoded.

Such images on the human body speak of the integrity of the whole world. To draw such an openwork circle, the master tattooist must have certain skills and know all the patterns of its depiction, so as not to disturb the harmony of the universe that will be present on your body.

Although a mandala tattoo is a good enough idea to immortalize the higher reality and spiritual integrity of a person.

Such drawings are most often done by people who are into Buddhism.

But the main thing is to choose the right drawing that you will like and comply with all the rules of its depiction.


Tattoo designs meaning: photo tattoos depicting objects and symbols

The knife or dagger drawn on the human body indicates power, dexterity, betrayal, revenge, loneliness, wit and determination. And the interpretation of such an image on the body depends on the combination with other images.

If the stuffed knife is depicted with drops of blood, it speaks of the readiness of the person to make the most decisive sign. A dagger with a skull symbolizes death and acts as a talisman against misfortune. And if the knife is pierced through the heart, then the owner of such a tattoo clearly experienced a love betrayal. Often such drawings on the body can be observed and people who have been imprisoned. Here, too, there are certain semantic groups according to the method of depiction.

For example, a knife entwined with a snake speaks of belonging to a group of thieves. Often the knife tattoo is made by people who act as a victim, or themselves wish to die. Therefore, before you put such a picture on the body, it is worth very well to think about all the options for its image.


Tattoo in the form of notes or treble clef appeared in the art of tattooing relatively recently, so their value is formed still not enough.

In any case, such a tattoo most often makes people for whom music is a huge component of life. Also indicates an extraordinary creative nature of the owner. Tattoo with the image of notes is very popular and fashionable today, mostly thanks to the representatives of show business.

Although such images can be found in the representatives of the criminal world. Therefore, the best thing for yourself is to choose the image of notes in combination with flowers, stars, the heart. Such an image will carry a positive symbolism.

Rose .

One of the most popular images for tattoos among girls is a rose, although today many men use such an element in a full tattoo plot.

The meaning of this symbol is wide enough, so also for the drawing on the body rose has its own symbolic interpretations. A beautiful image of a rose without thorns means great and beautiful love. And the presence of thorns in the picture indicates that love can bring a person a very great suffering.

Sometimes it is a kind of symbol of protection from the outside world, which can cause pain. The color of the rose is also very important in the art of tattooing.

Black rose means tragic love, white rose means loyalty, purity, red rose means love, passion, romance, burgundy rose means complete harmony of the soul of its owner.

The rose of the winds

Tatoo with the image of the Wind Rose carries a deep meaning and a certain sacred meaning. As a rule, this tattoo is preferred by those who spend a long time in travel.

For the first time they began to be worn by sailors, who were considered to be the real sea wolves. The image of the wind rose on the body of seafarers said that they would always return. Later, this image received a completely different meaning. The presence of such a tattoo on a person's body indicates that he will never bow to anyone.

Among prisoners, the rose of the winds was stuffed only by prison authorities. Today, it is not necessary to go to sea or sit in prison to wear such a tattoo. All it takes is the desire of the person himself.

The Heart

The heart has always been a symbol of love, romance and the embodiment of all human strength. A heart tattoo most often means passionate love for someone, or something very close and dear to a person's heart.

Even in ancient times people understood that this human organ is able to accept and give out different feelings: love, hate, feelings, sadness and joy. Now in vogue are heart-shaped tattoos with various inscriptions, which determine the semantic load of the image.

In the second half of the last century such tattoos could be found among sailors and bikers, and the soldiers at war a packed heart on his chest always reminded of loved ones.

A broken heart speaks of a lost love, and a winged heart alludes to the life flight of a person who soars in the sky over earthly problems.


This type of tattoo appeared in the modern world quite recently, but has already gained popularity among fans of tattoos. Such images on the body can be met even by many celebrities.

Apart from the bar code images in the form of a QR code, by means of which it is possible to read some information from the smartphone, are also gaining the popularity. Most often a tattoo with codes is applied on the back of the neck or on the wrist. Such an image contains a message.

Therefore, before you apply such a tattoo, be sure to study its symbolism. Sometimes people do a tattoo in the form of a bar code, protesting against the consumerism of the society and the uniformity of the grey mass, which is easily controlled by the popular marketing technologies.


The image of an anchor on a tattoo has always indicated a person's affiliation with the maritime cause. In the West, such a tattoo has been popular for two centuries in a row.

The symbolic meaning of the anchor depicted on the body is deciphered as the ability not to go astray, the ability to resist the winds and to be unshaken in all conditions of existence.

This tattoo has become popular thanks to the sailors who nabbed anchor as a talisman in the long haul. The meaning of this symbol can be interpreted depending on the decomposition and place of its placement on the human body.

Nazi signs, runes, eagle and skull. Germany and Russia

In Germany and Russia, these signs cannot be applied. In a good and expensive tattoo salon a real master of his craft will not dissuade you from this, but will offer to reconsider your views on the drawings for a luxurious body. Not every salon has the opportunity to employ good masters, so it is worth asking in advance why you can not apply eagles and skulls in a tattoo. In principle, you can apply tattoos, but you can not show them casually or demonstratively, in any case. This applies to going to the doctor - surgeons, anesthesiologists, etc. A doctor in Germany can refuse to see a patient despite having taken the Hippocratic oath. There have been cases where surgeons have left the operating room if they saw Nazi symbols on the bodies of patients. In Russia, for such tattoos can receive not only a fine, but also a prison sentence, though it is unlikely anyone else practices this.


For women

For men