Tattoo Rose Meaning: What is the meaning of the tattoo rose? 50 photos and sketches

Among the variety of tattoos, perhaps more often than others, there is the tattoo rose meaning, which is used as body decoration, both men and women - as a separate image or in a complex with other images. The meanings of the rose symbol are mostly positive and romantic, among which are:
  • love;
  • beauty;
  • holiness;
  • virgin purity;
  • rebirth, etc.

Tattoo Rose Meaning of Rose Parts

For example, while the lotus is considered a sacred flower in Eastern countries, in Western countries the rose occupies this place, though admittedly along with the lily. Also, the rose tattoo on the brush is often found in funeral rites - in such situations, it denotes the eternal life of the deceased, the eternal memory of him. In some cases, this flower can symbolize some special mystery or silence. It is noteworthy that certain symbols are endowed with certain parts of the flower:

  • The leaves are joy;
  • The thorns represent sorrow, sadness, melancholy;
  • The inflorescence is fame.

The color of the petals is also very important. For example, the golden flower used on the Pope's emblem speaks of perfection. The red flower has different, romantic meanings:

  • desire;
  • love;
  • attraction and passion.

The rose tattoo for girls symbolizes innocence, spiritual purity, and blue symbolizes the impossibility of anything. The yellow rose represents longing, sadness and sadness from separation.

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Tattoo roses photo: exquisite rose tattoos on the body

The area of a right triangle

One of the most important characteristics of a geometric figure in the plane is its area. We have already derived the formula for the area of a triangle using the formula for the area of a rectangle. Consider a right triangle with sides and , which form a right angle (see Fig. 1). These sides in a right triangle are called the cathetuses

, and the third side is the hypotenuse .


Figure 1. Rectangular triangle with cathetuses and

Now consider a rectangle with sides and . Draw the diagonal (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. A rectangle with sides and a extended diagonal

It is easy to prove, using the sign of equality of triangles (by two sides and angle between them), that we have two equal right triangles. Equal triangles have equal areas, so we get:

From whence:

So we have obtained that The area

of any of a right triangle

is equal to the half product of the lengths of its cathetuses.

Tattoo of a rose meaning in different countries

Note that in the culture of different countries, the male rose tattoo also has different meanings. Thus, in China, it is considered an undeniable symbol of prosperity. And in Ancient Egypt, this flower was a pure love, the desire to get rid of carnal desires. In Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome, the rose was the constant companion of Aphrodite, and therefore represented love. The rose was also used in Ancient Rome to "signify" the so-called kingdom of shadows, or to indicate the rapid flow of life.

The significance of the legendary Baghdad Rose deserves special attention:

  • the first spiral is the law;
  • the second spiral is the road;
  • The third turn is wisdom.

And all three coils denote fidelity to the truths of Allah. Incidentally, it is worth noting that in many ancient mythologies the rose represents:

  • a source of inspiration;
  • unrequited/unattainable love.

The median perpendicular and the circumcircle of a triangle

Consider a practical problem. Suppose we have three settlements . And we have to place an ambulance station so that it can serve all three villages (see fig. 33). Obviously, the station must be located so that the distance from it to each of the three settlements was equal.

Figure 33. The ambulance station should be located so that it can serve all three townships

First, let us solve a simpler problem. Suppose there are only two settlements - and (segment ). Where should the station be located in this case?

Consider a line that passes through the middle of the segment and is perpendicular to it. This line is called the midpoint perpendicular

(see fig. 34).

Fig. 34. Midpoint perpendicular to a line segment

Consider any point which belongs to the midpoint of . Triangles and are equal by the first sign of equality of triangles (two cathetuses and the angle between them): , because , is the midpoint of , is common, . Thus (see Fig. 35).

Figure 35. Equal triangles and

It is not difficult to prove that any point, for instance, which does not lie on the midpoint perpendicular, does not satisfy this property, i.e. (See Fig. 36).

Fig. 36. Point , is the median perpendicular:


How can we prove that any point that is not on the midpoint is not equidistant from the ends of the segment? Again we use the contrary method.

Let the point not lie on the midpoint perpendicular to the segment , but it is equidistant from the ends of the segment: (see Fig. 37).

Fig. 37. The point is the midpoint perpendicular to ,

Connect the point with the midpoint of the segment - point . Consider the triangles and .

Fig. 38. Triangles considered and

In them: (by our assumption), , since , is the midpoint of the segment , is common. By the third sign of a triangle (three sides) the triangles and are equal.

But then : they are adjacent (i.e. they form an unfolded angle and their sum is equal to ). So . But then the line is perpendicular to the segment and passes through its middle. Hence it is the midpoint perpendicular to .

We get a contradiction (the point must not lie on the midpoint perpendicular). So the initial assumption is wrong, and if the point does not lie on the midpoint perpendicular, then it will not be equidistant from the ends of the segment.

Let us formulate an equivalent definition of of the midpoint perpendicular

- is the geometric location of points (GMT) equidistant from the ends of the segment.

It is clear that the ambulance station must be located on the midpoint perpendicular to the segment (ideally, at the point in the middle of the segment, because in this case the distance from it to the points will be the smallest).

Tattoo a rose on your leg: a unique tattoo of a rose on your leg

Many famous writers, poets, and other artists have used the rose in their works:

  • Omar Khayyam was convinced that there was no better place for a rose to grow and bloom than where the king's blood was spilled;
  • The playwright William Shakespeare claimed that only a dying rose could exude the best fragrance;
  • Dante's Alighieri used the rose in his works as a symbol of the pursuit of spiritual rather than carnal love.

The flower is often used in official heraldry as well. For example, it was applied to the coats of arms of the Freemasons, Templar Order, but not as a single element, but in combination with a cross. In Christianity, the flower denoted mercy, while in Islam it was the blood of the prophet, in Buddhism it was a symbol of truth.

The area of an arbitrary triangle

Let's use this formula to get the formula for the area of an arbitrary triangle. Let us drop a perpendicular from the vertex of triangle to the side (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Arbitrary triangle with the perpendicular dropped on the side

Our triangle is divided into two right triangles and , and its area is equal:

We use the distributive law from right to left and take the common factor out of the brackets:

So we obtained that the area of an arbitrary triangle can be calculated as the half-product of the length of the perpendicular dropped from the vertex to the opposite side of the triangle and the length of this side.

But such a formulation is too cumbersome and the formula is used quite often, so a special name was invented for the perpendicular - height of a triangle


The side to which the altitude is drawn is called the ...the base of a triangle...

. The point at which the perpendicular descends is called the is the base of the altitude

. Then
the area of an arbitrary triangle
- is the half product of the altitude by the base:

Men's rose tattoo: stylish men's rose tattoos

Comments Off on

  1. There are other variants of the transcription of the surname Reuleaux. For example, I. M. Yaglom and V. G. Boltyansky in their book "Convex Figures" call it a "Reuleaux triangle".
  2. The reference line passes through one point of the boundary of the figure, not dividing the figure into parts.
  3. ↑ The center of a Rello triangle is the intersection point of all the medians, bisectors and altitudes of its right triangle.
  4. For a R¨olo triangle this circle coincides with one of the three circles that form its boundary.
  5. This statement follows from the combination of two theorems - the classical isoperimetric problem of Didon and the Barbier theorem.
  6. This property is quite characteristic of
    figures of constant width. In other words, any figure around which a described square can be "rotated" will be a figure of constant width.
  7. In the original. "We have all heard about left-handed monkey wrenches, fur-lined bathtubs, cast-iron bananas. We have all classed these things with the ridiculous and refused to believe that anything like that could ever happen, and right then along comes a tool that drills square holes!"
  8. In other words, equal to these arcs.

Tattoo Rose: what colors are used and what they mean

The tattoo of a rose on the hand can be applied in different colors. It is not necessary to use the traditional red tones and shades for this flower, but when choosing you should consider what exactly the meaning of the picture will acquire if you use a particular tone.

Check out what a particular color adds meaning to the rose tattoo:

  • red - passion, health;
  • Yellow - joy, but also jealousy;
  • Black - sadness, decay;
  • White means youth, freshness, purity of thoughts;
  • orange - charm;
  • Peach - modesty, meekness, self-control;
  • blue means enthusiasm;
  • Pink: naivety, virginity, purity of thought;
  • Purple - love, sincerity, charm.

Pay attention! This is not all of the meanings that possess this or that color. You can learn more about this by mastering the science of the meaning of color.

However, taking into consideration the fact that tattoo has long ago become a separate direction in contemporary art, it is not necessary to concentrate too much on color. All the same, the tattoo of a rose on the arm is just a decoration of the body and no more than that. This is how we recommend to evaluate these images.

Peculiarities of Valcnut amulet usage

Valknut in the runic circle was rarely used as a protective sign, but due to its tremendous power, it can change a person's life to ward off bad luck, problems, and the evil eye.
But in order for the amulet to bring good luck, its owner will have to endure certain tests, during which will be tested determination, will to win and strength of mind. At the same time, each test will be generously rewarded with good luck. It should be said that Valknut tattoo should not be applied in the heart area, as the energy of the symbol is very strong, and not everyone is able to cope with it.

Obereg is a universal amulet, so it is suitable for everyone. The only recommended restriction is that you should not wear it on children, because their energy protection is very weak. You will be able to use a silver Valknut (one of the strongest metals from the energetic point of view) to reveal your inner strength, get a constant feeding of energy from all three worlds, become stronger in spirit and not to be afraid of problems. Buy Valknut - this means to obtain the patronage not only of Odin himself, but the entire pantheon of Scandinavian gods.

Tattoo a rose on your arm: fashionable rose tattoos on the arm

Tattoo of a rose in combination with other elements

Tattoo rose is invariably popular among the fairer sex of mankind. However, and men choose such a tattoo, albeit rarely. The strong sex necessarily uses along with a rose and other elements that make the tattoo original and unique, giving it some special meaning. If you like the tattoo rose sketch must match your character, your perception of the world. Remember about that!

Now for more details on the individual elements that can be used with the flower:

  • Barbed wire - indicates unrequited love, a relationship that led to suffering;
  • cross or skull - indicates the loss of a loved one who was dear;
  • Dagger, dirk - passion in a relationship;
  • crown - indicates a person's desire for domination, supremacy;
  • an airplane - desire for freedom and independence;
  • scorpion - desire for freedom in relationships, emphasis on the beauty and passion of relationships.

Pay attention! There are also paired tattoos of roses - such nail on his body put a husband and wife, as evidence of their strong, eternal love, loyalty.

In any case, the rose tattoo photo which you can see on this page, differs in its beauty, brightness, uniqueness. It contains the emotions of man, his feelings and experiences.


1. Meaning of the Tattoo with the Rose 2. Meaning of Color in Tattoo with Rose 3. Location Tattoo with Roses 4. Tattoo with Rose for Girls 5. Tattoo of the Rose for Men

Rose tattoo can be done in any size and style you choose, it can be large or small, colored or monochrome, realistic and as simple as possible. Depending on your desire, you can depict only the flower or add spikes for character.

Tattoo Rose - Tattoo Rose

Rose tattoo sketch: popular rose tattoo sketches

What does the rose tattoo with thorns mean

Now let's talk more about the most common variant of the natal drawing - about what the rose tattoo with thorns means. After all, they are an essential element of the beautiful flower. They protect it from external enemies. Therefore, and on the tattoo are perceived as an element of protection.

Pay attention! On the tattoo spikes talk about the true masculine beginning. They show their owner as a person with a strong, resilient character.

Worn tattoo rose on a leg or other part of the body with thorns, as if talking about how not possible beauty without sacrifice! Tattoo rose sketch with thorns indicates a desire for harmony. If the combination of two flowers - with thorns and without - it indicates the desire for a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman.

By the way! Flowers can be used as individual elements of a picture that has a semantic meaning. For example, a phrase or word "lined" with rose petals. In general, it all depends on the imagination.

Remarkable lines and points of the triangle

Earlier we highlighted four important lines in the triangle:

  1. altitude
    - the perpendicular dropped from the vertex to the opposing side;
  2. the median
    - the line connecting the vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the opposing side;
  3. bisector
    - the line that divides the angle in half;
  4. median perpendicular
    - perpendicular to a side drawn through its midpoint.

Of course, we can think of and derive properties for many lines in a triangle (for example, a line that divides an angle with respect to ). But the lines we've considered are the most common in solving various practical problems (some of which we've looked at today), so they will be the focus of attention in planimetry lessons. They are even called the remarkable lines of a triangle.

. And the points at which these lines intersect are. the orthocenter, the center of gravity, the centers of the incircle and the circumcircle,

- ...are called...
the remarkable points of a triangle

Rose tattoo on the hand: beautiful tattoos on the hand

Tattoo of a rose: an excursion into history

Now let's talk about what could mean a tattoo of a rose on the hand or other part of the body many centuries ago. That is, let's make an excursion into history and consider what the rose tattoo means, which was the reason for its popularity. In general, tattoos of roses for girls were almost the most popular many centuries ago. However, if today, such a picture is perceived as a symbol of tenderness, sophistication and gentleness, then in ancient times, it was not so simple. For example, in the 16th century, the rose was used as a stigma for prisoners who had been sentenced to death. But let's not talk about the sad events. Let us look at ancient Greece. Mythology says that the rose was associated with Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess who patronized lovers. In ancient Rome, the rose was a symbol of Diana, another goddess. Although she was not so kind - she turned her lover into a flower. If we talk about our religion, Christianity, the rose flower symbolizes the blood of Jesus. Much depends on the culture, history, religion of a particular country or region - many factors and aspects influence and have influenced the meaning of tattoos. Including the ancient legends, ballads, and parables. For example, among such we can recall the story of the beautiful nightingale, who was in love with a rose, but when he embraced it, he stabbed his neck with its thorns and died. But it was the nightingale's blood that made the rose red! So, as you can see, there are many legends around the flower, which provide it a special meaning. But in any case, the flower is beauty, love, purity. Although the rose is used not only in marriage ceremonies, but also in funeral ceremonies. But there is no need to concentrate on sad associations - if the symbolism of the tattoo is important to you, it is better to choose positive characteristics of this flower. For example, the male rose tattoo can be perceived as a man's desire for beauty. Men also wish to live in a beautiful and bright world! And here on what part of the body to wear such an image - decide for yourself, based on your wishes and preferences. Just remember about the size. So, the tattoo of a rose on the thigh must necessarily be large, and on the wrist - a small, small one. If you want to put it on the back, then choose a large sketch that will cover the whole back. Or a small picture, located under the shoulder blade. Both the first and the second option will be very attractive, if you happen to have a unique sketch, over the transfer of which on the body will work an experienced and qualified master.

Variations and generalizations

Reuleau polygon

Main article: Reuleau polygon

Reuleau's heptagon, built on an irregular star-shaped heptagon

The underlying idea of the Reuleau triangle can be generalized by using not an equilateral triangle but a star-shaped polygon formed by line segments of equal length to create a constant-width curve. If we draw an arc of a circle from each vertex of a stellar polygon that connects its two vertices, the resulting closed curve of constant width will consist of a finite number of arcs of the same radius. Such curves (as well as the shapes bounded by them) are called polygons of Reulo


Right polygons of Reuleaux

The family of Reuleaux polygons of definite width a{{displaystyle a} forms a dense subset everywhere in the set of all curves of constant width a{{displaystyle a} (with a Hausdorff metric). In other words, one can use them to approximate any curve of constant width with any precision.

Among Reuleau polygons, there is a class of curves based on regular star polygons. This class is called regular Reuleaux polygons.

. All arcs of which such a polygon is composed have not only the same radius but also the same length. A R¨olo triangle, for example, is a regular triangle. Among all Reuleaux polygons with a fixed number of sides and the same width, regular polygons restrict the largest area.

The shape of such polygons is used in coinage: the coins of a number of countries (in particular, and 50 pence Great Britain) are made in the form of a regular heptagon Reuleau. There is a bicycle made by a Chinese officer, the wheels of which have the shape of a regular triangle and pentagon Reuleau.

Three-dimensional analogues

The R¨olo tetrahedron.

The three-dimensional analogue of the R¨olo triangle as the intersection of three circles is the a Rayolo tetrahedron

- is the intersection of four identical spheres whose centers are situated at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron and whose radii are equal to the side of this tetrahedron. However, the R¨olo tetrahedron is not a body of constant width: the distance between the midpoints of the opposite curvilinear edges connecting its vertices is 3-22=1,02494...{\displaystyle {\sqrt {3}}-{\frac {\sqrt {2}}{2}}=1{,}02494\ldots } times as much as the edge of the initial regular tetrahedron.

Nevertheless, the R¨olo tetrahedron can be modified so that the resulting body turns out to be a body of constant width. For this purpose in each of three pairs of opposite curvilinear edges one edge is "smoothed" in a certain way. The two different bodies obtained in this way (the three edges on which the substitutions take place may be taken either coming from the same vertex or forming a triangle) are called Meissner bodies, or Meissner tetrahedrons. The hypothesis formulated by Werner Fenchel in 1934 also states that it is these bodies that minimize the volume among all bodies of a given constant width, but (as of 2011) this hypothesis has not been proven.

Finally, a body of rotation obtained by rotating a R¨olo triangle around one of its second-order symmetry axes is a body of constant width. It has the smallest volume among all constant-width bodies of rotation.

Tattoo roses for girls: delicate rose tattoos

Tattoo a rose on the hip for girls


For women

For men