Basic Meanings of the Spider Web Tattoo (in Mass and Prison Culture)

Who is suitable for a spider web tattoo?

A tattoo depicting a spider web has many readings. Far from always related to prison culture. So, the Native Americans attributed this picture the ability to serve as a spiritual defense of the person who wears it on the body. In Hindu folklore, the harmonious lines of the web were considered a sacred reflection of the world order.

This is interesting: the negative meaning of the "spider's web" tattoo originated in Christianity. This sign was identified with "devil's nets" and gave it a strictly negative meaning. Therefore, it was used by convicts and strengthened in the thieves as a symbol of a person stuck in a criminal environment.

spider web tattoo

Today it is no longer possible to say unequivocally what a tattoo with a spider's web stands for. Much depends on the artistic execution, on the objects that complement the picture, on the location of the image. But in any case, the bearer of such a picture is a strong person with his own particular view of the world.

Spiders in the United States

Tattoo in the form of a spider weaving a web is widespread in the United States. This image is peculiar to drug addicts who are behind bars. Also, this image is preferred by those who reject authority and law. This is a favorite tattoo for people who are addicted to drugs. A tattoo in the form of fingers tied with a spider's web indicates that the person needs a dose of the drug.

In a number of countries, the tattoo with the image of a spider's web is applied to those who took the life of a member of sexual minorities. In Russia such tattoos are imposed by informals, skinheads and some nationalists.

The meaning of tattoos in men and women

Often, in order to understand what the tattoo with a spider web means, it is necessary to take into account the sex and life credo of the carrier. In most cases, such a drawing is chosen by men. They are attracted by the aggressive connotations, as well as the ability to emphasize the spider web lines advantageously muscle relief.

Often the spider web tattoo on the arm or other part of the male body reflects a commitment to a particular system of values, loyalty to a particular ideology:

  • For right-wing and left-wing skins, the threads of a spider's web signify the bonds that bind the members of the cells, loyalty to the ideas of the organization.
  • Aggressive soccer fans put a similar meaning into this designation. The spider web should not only emphasize their loyalty to their favorite club, but should also instill fear in the hearts of supporters of other teams.
  • A spider web placed on the fingers or hand can mean addiction to drugs. In the subculture of drug addicts, this symbol has been known for decades.

tattoo spider web

Although the catching net is a predominantly male symbol, girls sometimes make it as well. Of course, such a sign is definitely not suitable for a "good girl". Tattoo with a spider web is carried on hands by supporters of "free love", confident in the ability to entice men in the networks. And if a spider's web knits two hearts, the image declares an indestructible fidelity to the beloved person.

Recommendations about the placement of the spider web tattoo

In our time for the tattoo is practically "do not ask" - it is a thing of the past. However where to stuff up a particular image still need to know. So, for example, skinheads put spider webs on the elbows. Therefore, if a person does not consider himself a member of this subculture, it is not worth putting such a tattoo on this part of the body. On the neck the web is applied to those prisoners who do not respect the prison rules.

spider web tattoo

On the chest

On the muscles of the chest are tattooed, as a rule, large webs. Women, for obvious reasons, are tattooed on this place much less frequently. The spider web on the chest looks spectacular and is often done in multicolor techniques.

spider web on hand

On the shoulder

The sleeve in the form of a spider's web looks favorably on the forearm of a man, emphasizing the musculature. Spider nets on the shoulders can act as a good background for any images.

tattoo spider web on hand

On the arm

On the hands, as a rule, small images are printed. Nakolka spider web can be both bright and black and white: the choice of shade depends on the taste of the person.

tattoo cobweb

On the knee

The knee is the second most popular place after the elbow to put a spider web. The figure in this area is placed by men, but it is possible to meet also representatives of the fair sex. Women prefer to strike a spider web tattoo on flowers.

cobweb on flowers

On a brush

On the brushes stuffed web people who wish to be noticed in society, although this part of the body is not popular for the application of such an image. The brush is a conspicuous place, so the drawing will be seen by everyone.

a spider web on the hand meaning

On the head

On the head, spider nets are stuffed by the most extravagant personalities. It is rarely possible to see a drawing in this area. Not everyone will agree to do a tattoo on his head. After all, not only does it look provocative, but it is also painful to stuff.

cobweb tattoo meaning

The meaning of the prison tattoo

One of the reasons why a tattoo with a spider web on the arm can cause a negative reaction is the prevalence of such symbols in prison. In Russian prisons, this is one of the most significant and respected symbols. Each row of nets indicates the year that the convict has been in the colony. If there are several nets, they show that the inmate is a recidivist. But a spider descending the thread expresses the desire to break with the criminal past.

tattoo spider web

Important: In the past, the drawing of a spider in a spider web was a symbol of the "general of the underworld", the leader who creates a criminal network. Unauthorized infliction of such a tattoo was very dangerous, because the bearer had to answer for the appropriation of regalia not due to the status. Today, however, this meaning is a thing of the past.

The modern criminal interpretation of this tattoo is closer to the ideas brought from the British and American criminal environment. There, spider nets adorning the shoulder, elbow or face indicate a rejection by the bearer of the drawing of the generally accepted rules, the desire to resist the pressure of society. Representatives of the punk movement also used this image as a symbol of struggle against the system.
It was from the American prison environment that spider nets made their way into the subculture. They are worn by modern Nazis, anti-fascists, and bikers. Each wearer gives its own meaning to the "Spider Web" tattoo. But, choosing such a picture, think about whether you are ready for the misunderstandings that can generate such an ambiguous symbol.

Tattoo man spider: meaning

This tattoo is only common among modern youth, fond of Comics and movies. Stamping a picture or symbolism of fictional hero Spider-Man ".people want to acquire the character, traits and special abilities of this character.

Of course, this can not be achieved in real life. However, such a tattoo attracts the attention of the opposite sex and others. The main goal of the person who tattoos "Spider-Man" is at least in this way The main purpose of the person getting a tattoo of Spider-Man is at least in this way to bring himself closer in real life to the non-existent hero.

The most common type of tattoo is applied on the hands. (they were the ones that had the peculiarity of "letting the web" in the comic book character): the wrist, forearms and shoulders. On the other hand, young people try to imitate the presence of a characteristic superhero costume under the skin. That is why another popular type of chest tattoo is a black image of Spider-Man on a red background with a webbing net.

Spider-Man tattoo, option #1

Spider-Man tattoo, option #2

Tattoo of Spider-Man, Option #3

Technique of execution

tattoo spider web

With the similarity of the composition, the tattoo depicting the spider's tenets can have a different look. The most common in the image are applied to the workings of the styles of oldskul and tribal. Their characteristics are:

  • Dense lines.
  • Sharp contrasting colors.
  • Geometric clarity of shapes.

However, today there is an opinion among masters that this set of techniques is outdated and looks too boring and conservative. An alternative is the techniques of linework, Dotwork, Blackwork and New Sculpture. Often other symbols are added to the pattern: images of a dragon, heart, cross, skull, etc.

The strong sex

To meet the tattoo of a spider web at the male half of society can be much more often than at girls. Tattoo is applied very often as the independent image, for example, on an elbow. But this tattoo optimally blends in any composition, complementing and emphasizing the other tattoos.

Located on the elbow tattoo, is constantly in motion and means danger and brutality of its owner.

Many guys lay down the meaning of devotion to the cause they love. Loyalty to one's principles is symbolized by the web on the elbow. Satisfaction with his way of life and unwillingness to change it, can also be anchored by a spider web.

What does the spider's web tattoo on the arm mean?

Tattoo "spider's web": meanings and meaning of the image

In today's world, quite a lot of importance is given to tattoos and piercings. Young guys and girls focus on their sketches and body modifications for the purpose of self-expression and directly the very establishment in society. However before to stuff up the first tattoo, it is necessary to study in detail all aspects of this action and to think over the future sketch. Many masters do not recommend to beat the first available drawing, as more often such ill-considered actions can lead to a variety of situations.

What sketches are popular?

To the most popular sketches of future tattoos can be attributed small inscriptions and hieroglyphs, cats, geometric figures, as well as uncomplicated patterns that smoothly flow into any object. Quite popular in recent years and tattoos in the form of spider webs. Such images tattoo-masters advise their customers to apply in the neck, collarbones, as well as on the bend of the elbow and ankles.

Tattoo "spider web": meaning and significance

Many fans of tattoos and piercings in the first place are interested in the meaning of the image that they are stuffed with. In most cases, before the session, the client already knows approximately what he wants, as well as learns the meaning and significance of the future tattoo in advance. Some masters offer their sketches with ready-made explanations and unusual ways of applying the image: dotwork, blackwork and so on.


For women

For men