Scandinavian symbol Valknut: sacred amulet value

In the images of geometric shapes concealed unimaginable number of sacred meanings. The symbol Triangle, also referred to as Trigon and Hexagram, refers to the hierarchy of the universe, where the sign itself is the world, and its top is the Great Unrevealed or the god Absolute. The figure represents man, Heaven and Earth or mother, father and child. Sometimes the triangle is interpreted as soul, body and spirit.

The triangle in the scheme of the Universe

The Tetractis of Pythagoras.

The Pythagoras tetractis denotes the universal structure of the universe. The 10 points of the triangle are the 10 spheres of existence. Everything is built according to the analogy of this structure. The upper point is the monad, the source of all existence. The next two points are a dyad, a sacred pair of opposite beginnings. The next three points are the triad: spirit, body, and soul, born of their interaction. The last four are the tetrad, the four elements of nature...the basis of physical existence.

Symbol of the hierarchy of the world

The triangle is a symbol whose meaning reveals the principle of the hierarchy of the world. Its apex is the Great Unrevealed, God the Absolute, the source of all things. It is not without reason that God as the supreme consciousness is symbolically depicted with a triangular halo over his head.

The triangular halo over God's head; the Seal of Solomon is a symbol of two intersecting triangles.

A sign of spiritual superiority

The triangle with the image of an eye In its upper part - a sign of the domination of the spiritual essence over the dense material worlds of the lower levels of reality. The Freemasons have proudly taken this symbol into their use, although it can also be found on some Orthodox churches.

A miniature pyramid found in Egypt; The eye in the triangle above the entrance to a cathedral; The eye, triangle and pyramid on U.S. currency bills.

Other marks on clothing tags

Similar universal markings are also used, which are identical in all countries and on all continents. They are clear and can be explained without words, you only need to know the system of symbols.

The washing process on things will show a picture of a bowl of water with the temperature and washing methods, drying is indicated by a square, dry cleaning by a circle with different letters inside it, and ironing by a schematic picture of an iron.


The schematic depiction of a trough of water is the symbolism for the washing process.

Inside it, the labels may contain such numbers and drawings:

  1. 95 - wash and boil. Suitable for cotton, linen and light-colored garments.
  2. 60 or three dots - washing with hot water for fabrics that are contraindicated by boiling.
  3. 40 or two dots - washing is possible in warm water and neutral stain removers for bright cotton and synthetic lightweight garments.
  4. 30 or one point - washing is carried out only with cold water at gentle mode for wool clothes.
  5. Hand dipped in water - wash item by hand only.
  6. Bowl with liquid without markings - washing is possible.
  7. Crossed out trough - washing is prohibited. Only dry cleaning is possible.
  8. One line under the bowl - gentle washing, it is not recommended to subject to strong mechanical treatment.
  9. Two lines horizontally under the bowl of water - gentle mode, cleaning delicate things. A lot of water, minimum mechanical treatment and a quick rinse should be used.

Drying and spinning

The drying pattern is a square shape.

If only a square figure is drawn, dry clothes without fear.

If a crossed out square is shown, drying is not recommended or allowed.

A square with a circle in the middle indicates that wringing and drying in a washer or dryer is permitted.

If the circle in the square is crossed out, drying and wringing is prohibited.

Rope crossed out - spinning is not recommended or prohibited, better to wash without spinning.

Circle with two dots in the square - drying is possible if you use medium temperature mode.

If the square image of three vertical lines, dry without wringing.

If the square has one line in the horizontal dimension, this fabric can only dry horizontally.

The dots inside the circle placed in the square will tell you at what temperature parameters the thing should be dried: three dots - choose a high parameter, two - medium and one - very low.

Dry cleaning

The symbol for dry cleaning on clothing tags is a circle.

If an empty circle is shown, dry-cleaning is possible.

If the circle is crossed out with two lines, dry cleaning is forbidden, it can ruin the fabric.

If the circle has a large letter "A," use all kinds of chemical solvents for cleaning.

The letter "P" in the circle - cleaning is possible with hydrocarbon, chloroethylene or monofluorotrichloromethane.


For the sake of accessibility and comprehensibility, a schematic picture in the form of an iron is used to indicate ironing. Whether the picture shows the iron itself or the crossed-out iron on the label determines the ironing temperature and its suitability for the type of fabric.

If there is only one iron on the label, iron without fear.

If there is a picture of a crossed-out iron with intersecting lines, do not iron the garment.

Mug iron - Iron wool garments to 140° C.

The dots iron will show you the safe level of heat at which you can iron things:

  1. Three dots on the iron - iron the item at a fairly high heat level - up to 200°C.
  2. Iron with two dots - you can iron at a medium temperature level - up to 150 ° C.
  3. With one - ironing is recommended at a low temperature mode, up to 110 ° C. Used for synthetic clothing.

If you see an iron symbol with a crossed out pattern indicating steam, the thing is strictly forbidden to steam.

After deciphering all the symbols, be it the crossed out triangle on the garment or the square with a circle inside, follow the instructions for taking care of your purchase, so you keep its original appearance for a long time without ruining the fabric. Try to throw in one wash, only clothes that are suitable for one mode. You should also choose the detergent recommended on the label.

The triangle: the meaning of the symbol

The three hypostases of space

The symbol of the triangle in the most extensive meaning is the sacred trinity of the universe. The three vertices of the triangle are a sign of the indivisible structure of the holographic universe and each unit manifested in it.

A triangle in a circle.The cathedral in Aachen, Germany.

Three in numerology.

Three is the sum of the monad and the dyad, the one and the two. Three is the necessary number that forms the plane as the primary manifestation of something in space. The volume of the material world is possible only in the ternary system of coordinates.

1 is energy, 2 is matter, 2+1=3. Three is the result of the embodiment of energy in material space.

The triangle is the simplest geometric figure. The model of any object can be broken down into many triangles lying in different planes relative to each other.

Merkaba is a state of spiritual ecstasy in the tradition of Sufis and Jews. The ideal state of spiritual essence.

The color of the tattoo

Double triangle tattoos are usually bold, black triangles overlapping each other. But you can always add some color to your tattoo. Adding color doesn't have to symbolize anything. Adding color to a classic black double triangle not only makes it more appealing, but also gives it a sense of uniqueness.

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You can also use different colors. For example, one triangle can be blue and the other can be red. If you want an even more colorful tattoo, each side of the two triangles can be a different color. In this way, you will get mesmerizing three-dimensional illusions that attract attention.

As you can see, the double triangle is a really unique tattoo full of meaning. You can modify the design as you want and get a very personalized design that you will be proud of. Good luck!

The triangle in the symbolism of different traditions

Christian Trinity.

In the Christian tradition, the triangle - is a symbol of the Trinity: spirit, soul, and bodyоfather, son, and holy spirit. In Christian painting, God the Father is symbolically depicted with a triangular halo over his head, or with a glow in the form of two triangles crossing each other and forming the sign of the six-pointed star.

A halo in the shape of a triangle in the images of God.

Star of Solomon.

Two triangles with differently oriented vertices are also otherwise called the Star of Solomon. This symbol stands for the divine union of two opposing principles: male and female, active and passive, subtle and dense, heaven and earth. This symbol also carries the meaning of a harmonious combination of of the four elements of nature in a single individual consciousness.

Two triangles symbolize the unity of the four elements and the world order.

Slavic Triglav.

In Slavic mysticism the triangle Carries value of sacred unity of three worlds: Yavis - the material world, Pravis - the world of gods and Navis - the world of spirits. Each vertex of the Slavic Triglav denotes a patron of each of the three dimensions of space: Svarog, Svetovid and Perun. Each side of the triangle symbolizes directly a layer of the universe: the earth, the underworld and the heavens.

Slavic Triglav is a trinity of deities, worlds and colors.

The Three Triangles or Valknut

The Valknut is a symbol of the ancient Germans. The intertwined triangles symbolize completeness and perfection of the universe, trinity on three levels of existence. In numerological terms, the three triangles carry the meaning of the nine, which is the integrity and universality of the universe. The limit of this number is followed only by a ten, a one in a new round of evolution. Therefore, the three triangles are also the sign of transformational processes, the essence of destruction and liberation, necessary for the further creation of the new.

The triangle and the philosophy of Tao

In esoteric terms, the symbol of the triangle encapsulates the universal laws of the cosmic order. This sign conceals and hermetic law of polarity, and the philosophical principle of the unity and struggle of opposites. Three is two plus one, which in its meaning is comparable to the philosophical category of Tao in the Chinese tradition, where Yin and Yang, female and male are combined in perfect harmony.

Praveda triangle

According to the Pravedas, the ancient knowledge of the northern Magi, the triangle symbolizes the indivisibility of the three aspects of any manifestation: lord, god and devil; universe, time and space; consciousness, movement and form. This sign reflects the metaphysical essence of the system within which the creative act and dynamic existence itself are possible. The conscious individuality creates the world around itself through the dual pair of instruments: energy and matter. The loss of one of the three elements from the system plunges existence into the abyss of nothingness.

How to use the valknut as a talisman

The meaning of the valcroft in everyday life - the desire for knowledge.

It is worn to immerse yourself in the mysteries of the world around you and find your own life meaning.

Also, the talisman can develop the wearer's ability to clairvoyance and logical thinking.

At the same time, it optimizes cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.).

But at the same time with the above, such a talisman is dangerous in that it calls on the wearer of serious tests.

If a person wearing this sign, to withstand the hardships that befell him, he is granted access to the hidden knowledge.

The valknut is used in the form of all kinds of jewelry: valknut bracelet, pendants, rings, earrings, pendants.

It is also still common practice to apply this mark on the body as a tattoo.

WARNING Wearing the amulet valknut requires thoughtful attitude. It is believed that its location at the heart significantly worsens health (that is, the test for the bearer is to be on the side of his physical body). Therefore, it is advisable to wear this sign either above or below the location of the heart. This sign also carries danger for servicemen, because previously such a symbol was carried by those warriors who went to their last battle.

Self-made talisman

If a person needs to make an important decision or fix some problem, he can make the Star of David himself. For this you need to use cardboard or heavy white paper. You also need to take drawing tools.

First you need to draw a hexagram on the paper. This should be done in accordance with the laws of geometry. After that, take a compass and enclose the image in a circle. The resulting drawing should be cut out and colored with paints or pencils. To make the talisman more durable, you can cover it with wax.

You can make the amulet from a steel wire. In this case, it is important to monitor the accuracy of the lines and proportions to get the most even and regular shape.


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