Animal power - totem Deer. Help and magical effect on people

Most people living on the planet worshipped animals. They believed that they owed their origins and life only to them. In shamanism, there is the concept of a "personal animal of power" or in another way, a totem. In its meaning it is similar to a guardian angel, who will come to the aid in time in a difficult situation and give wisdom and strength.

The Deer has always been admired, because it is one of the luckiest of mammals, found on almost all continents and perfectly adapts to any environmental conditions. By choosing the Deer as a totem, a person acquires a strong helper and mentor in difficult life situations.

The Deer in Mythology

This noble animal, the impetuous and beautiful bearer of magnificent antlers, is a a universal positive symbol in most of the world's ethnic groups.

In northern traditions - the deer was considered the main animal in the divine herds. And, as a representative of the Upper World, it was often a mediator between the two worlds - gods and men, a positive sign of the Heavenly Powers.

No wonder that the deity of New Year holidays - Santa Claus (and all his foreign analogues) is carried by a reindeer.

In various legends, these animals become miraculous messengers and guidesIn many legends, these animals are miraculous messengers and guides to help the main character to find his way to his goal. Also they are often attributed the ability to find medicinal herbs.

In ancient times, a reindeer was said to be able to breathe snakes from their holes, to kill and eat them (apparently, the authors of this "fable" see such behavior as the best way to dispose of the snake brat).

Also the medieval European tradition considered the main function of the reindeer to be the destruction of snakes and their poisonous influence .. Therefore, often the fur, skin and powder from deer antlers - were considered a reliable protection against witchcraft and poisons.

And Oriental medicine represented by Avicenna (Ibn Sina) recommended the use of deer horn smoking for the same purpose.

Fresco from the floor of the Great Imperial Palace in Constantinople (Byzantine art, time of Emperor Justinian the Great)

"The "spoon of tar" in this wholesome-beautiful deer image is also there, but it is tiny (teal). For Japanese Shintoists, the reindeer a symbol of solitude, solitude. And for the American Indians, it was believed that this Spirit-totem gives a person the remoteness from society and the unsettledness of wandering in the wilderness.

At the same time in Christianity the reindeer is a favorite symbol, many monks and saints. And not just for living in seclusion and distance from most of the laity.

Key to their choice, most likely, is the image of this animal trampling the serpent. In a story like this, the deer symbolizes spirituality and the pursuit of a righteous life, piety.

St. Humbert deer - according to legend it is a white stag, between the horns of which the hunter Humbert saw the glow of the cross, urged him to renounce worldly life. It is also a symbol of hunters.

The image of the deer drinking at the foot of the cross encapsulates purity, and its image on the baptismal stones indicates that it was with early Christians and a symbol of the rite of baptism (cleansing by the waters). This meaning is based on the ability attributed to the deer to devour the serpent (sins of the world), and then fall into the waters of the spring and with their help be purified from the poison (sins).

By positivism of perception, such symbolism and meaning are similar to the sun lion and the Jupiterian eagle, but these creatures are predators, while the deer is not. Therefore he is purer, brighter, for he has no sin in him.

The ancient pair. The deer and the serpent.which, perhaps, were originally just a variant of the dual pair "Light - Darkness", with time of development and aggravation of spiritual problems of human civilization became enemies.

Here we can take Harry Potter's parents as an example. Lilly had a doe as her patronus, and James, as an animagus, transformed into a Sohatogo (and he, as a generic totem, became the patronus of their son).

How to know your totem - deer patronus

With the choice of these very animals, Joan Rowling clearly marked and reinforced the bright and strong with her love images of the "deer family Potter". Which was first undermined by Voldemort the Serpent, but then destroyed this personified Evil with the help of an additional positive force, the Sun Lion (Gryffindor's totem and Harry's sign).

The stag (i.e., a large animal with horns) is in mythology sometimes an emblem of of wealth and material abundance.. For example, in China, it is a sign of wealth and monetary gain.

Even the orphan Harry Potter was left by his parents not only love and noble qualities, but also a bank vault with a mountain of gold gallions.

Recall "The Silver Hoof," when his foot strikes the ground, a precious stone appears: "Once stomped - one stone, twice stomped - two stones, and where the foot strikes - there is a pile of such stones." And although Bazhov calls his hero a goat, he describes him as a deer.

The uniqueness of the image of the deer is given by antlersIt is this element that is largely semantic. They resemble a tree; in the adult male, they are sprawling branches growing out of his head.

Not for nothing did Baron Munchausen tell the story of his shot at a deer with a cherry bone and his subsequent encounter with this animal wearing a cherry tree already grown on its head.

The deer's property of periodically dropping its head burden - in legends and myths becomes a the power of rebirthand, accordingly, rejuvenation and renewal of vitality.

Therefore, this symbol may describe The cyclical nature of life and its infinity.. After all, it was in the company of the deer that the Chinese depicted their Show-Sin, the god of immortality.

In different ethnic groups, deer antlers are indeed a symbol of of the tree of lifewhich connects the lower world and the heavens, the upper world.

They are also compared to the rays of the sun, there are images of deer with golden horns, emitting light in all directions. Hence the spiritual strength, nobility and courage in the fight against the dark forces, which the image and symbol of this animal is endowed with.

Sometimes the legends mention gods with reindeer hornsFor example Zernun (Kernunn) - the Celtic god of active male fertility, a symbol of masculinity. At festivals dedicated to the forces of nature, men in ancient times and even today wear antlers, staged games and competitions.

Later this image was transformed into an evil deity - the Devil (and his horns were changed into goat horns).

Interestingly, in English, "stag party" - a pre-wedding party of the groom and his friends, when the boys "party hard" is called the same word as the deer ("stag, stag party").

As is often the case in history, with horns and the title "cuckold" - there was a change of meaning to the opposite. Now a cuckold is a man whose woman is unfaithful to him, it is said that "he has been horned.

Most likely, the origins of this semantic shapeshifter are in the fun of European noblemen to mark with antlers the house of a married lady with whom they have had sexual relations. Like the message "Vasya was here" and this is the home of the woman who became "Vasya's" male trophy.

As a result, the husbands of such ladies who lived in the same horn-marked house began to be called cuckolds.

However, often such a cuckold acquired not simple, but golden horns - as a compensation for indulgence to indecent behavior of a higher status man and his own wife, he was granted rewards and promotions (in society and career).

And another modern-day shifter - sadly, in a world of cynicism and trickery, the word "deer" = "sucker," that is, it has become almost a swear label for simple, ridiculous or naive people who are unable to quickly navigate the situation at hand.

Animal Legends.

Our ancestors had different attitudes to this image, but still the general tone was positive. The deer was considered a messenger and helpers of the gods, he was worshiped, admired his beauty and grace. For example, among the Slavs, it was identified with the tree of life and was depicted with branches and flowers on its head. In the Land of the Rising Sun the deer was a symbol of goodness, while the Chinese considered it a symbol of wealth and success. In Europe, the animal represented rebirth, and in America - longevity and justice. By the way, the deer tattoo had a sacred meaning in ancient times. It was applied by the high priests, who turned to the ancestors for the bestowal of wisdom and energy.

The reindeer was a real helper among the Nordic peoples, worshipped for warmth and food. In the Christian religion it was considered a symbol of the crucified apostle Peter. According to tradition, Peter, learning of his imminent death, asked to be executed on an upturned cross. In the Bible, the animal was also considered the personification of martyrdom and innocent sacrifice. The deer is a heraldic symbol, the image of which was often found on the coats of arms and houses of the European nobles. The figure emphasized the status of the owner.

The story of the so-called cuckolds is noteworthy. Once upon a time, a married king, in order to make amends to the deceived husbands of his many mistresses, gave them estates. To make it clear to everyone who the gift was from, he asked them to hang deer antlers above the door. Since then, the meaning of the image of the animal in men has distorted and acquired piquant connotations.

The meaning of the symbol

To whom the symbols of deer, elk, deer are suitable:

  • If you particularly like this animal and have always felt an emotional closeness to it;
  • people who have a connection with it through the alphabetic and semantic component (for example, the surname Oleshko, Olenev, Sokhaty, etc.);
  • who were born according to the Zoroastrian calendar in the years of the Deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002) or in years of Lani (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019);
  • Whose birthday falls in the period of Elk's Threshold by Svarog Circle (Slavic Circle) - approximate dates from May 7 to 30;
  • who has in their horoscope highlighted degrees, associated with the reindeer totem: 9th degree Gemini (with golden horns); 4th degree Leo (spotted); 11th degree Capricorn (elk); 10th degree Aquarius (northern).

Considering the deer mythology briefly discussed, the characterization of this symbol may be as follows:

- pure solar-jupiterian symbol (plus good strong Saturn), positive light, influence of higher energies on one's life (help in making decisions, life choices, guidance in finding one's way, etc.);

purification, renewal, rebirth purification, renewal, revival of some aspect of your life - you can choose and change the color of the deer depending on your need (for example, according to the color of the active chakras);

Prosperity - spiritual and material prosperity;

- with golden horns - a symbol of happiness;

deer couple - Acquisition of a soul mate, a soul mate, love and fidelity for life;

nobility, purity and courage. - If you want to emphasize these very qualities of your character;

masculine power - positive and faithful (a good symbol for women as well - as an attraction of a partner with positive masculinity in her life).

Emblem of Nizhny Novgorod

The images of deer are enshrined in heraldryIf you see this beautiful animal with sprawling horns on the coat of arms, the owner of the emblem broadcasts such qualities as courage, strength and nobility. The emphasis is not on physical superiority, but on high moral qualities..

Description of the totem sign

The deer is a sign of higher power.. Symbolizes the victory of light over dark, good over evil and spirit over matter. Because of the peculiarities and structure of its horns identified with the birth of a new life and the flow of time.

Strong and not knowing fatigue is able to move towards his goal without stopping. The deer has a strong inner core and an active mind, which helps it to adapt, navigate and survive in the wild forest.

From birth, the Deer is endowed with an astute mind and intuition. He is difficult to deceive and manipulate. He knows unmistakably who he can trust and who he can't.

Totem deer

Well manifested externally, especially in adolescence - eyes Men and women, whose spiritual animal is a deer - very expressive, moist, with a twist, like Bambi.

Also, they are more likely to have tall and long, slender legs..

The male is like the positive heroes of Soviet films.with soulful eyes that shine with kindness and nobility, based on a sense of their creative power, love of life, and justice.

For example, many of Vasily Lanovoy's characters - especially the role of Gray in Scarlet Sails. Or the characters of Vladimir Shevelkov - quite iconically played by Nikita Olenev in The Gerdemarines:

This man may be simple or complex - depending on the development of his brain - but he is somehow particularly correct.. Truth and dignity are not just words for him, they are his foundation.

Reindeer are idealistswho are prone to great and only love, yet often remain alone. Not having met their ideal partner or having got rid of unsuccessful relationships, they no longer want to enter new ones (they do not want to exchange themselves for trifles). And unlike representatives of other totems, the lack of a "soulmate" - does not make them weak or disconnected from life.

Deer man in love - Passionate but delicate, able to beautifully courtship, reciprocity and recognition. With women behaves with dignity and restraint, although internally he has a feeling that he lost his head and completely immersed in feelings.

The notion of "morally stable" is just about him. Quite peaceful and rarely, but capable of becoming indomitable, jealous and fierce, especially with rivals.

Girls and WomenHaving a deer or a fallow deer as their animal power are subtle natures, distinguished not only by grace and pure beauty, but also by high moral qualities, which society can not always appreciate.

A beautiful deer couple: Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko.

They are proud and passionate natures, in a more mature age acquire a regal look and a special influence on other people, who in their presence want to look and become better.

They are good organizers and leadersAble to combine their inner rules of life and practical calculus, in the event logic they can not deny. Able to maintain democracy in the team, at the same time know how to keep their distance, can not tolerate rudeness and pannibratstvo.

At its heightened "right", the deer - lucky, especially if they have a dash of adventurism. Although they prefer straightforwardness and honesty, they need to avoid temper and abrupt moves.

They are not particularly concerned with material matters, but usually have everything, from simple and necessary things in their youth, to good financial security in adulthood. After all, they know how to achieve their goals and become deserving recipients of public awards.

The negative qualities of deer totems are - A certain arrogance and sometimes breakthrough squeamishness and contemptuousness towards the surrounding world and people.

What is important to remember having a deer symbol and totem?

What guides you through life A bright positive force. - You can trust it, express it in your words and deeds. And do not be afraid to seem outdated, know that you are like a good, good classic, for all time.

Tags: bird and animal totems

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Discussion: 1 comment

  1. Varvara:
    07.02.2020 в 04:21

    Very useful informative article. Interesting and thoughtfully constructed. Thanks to the author!


History of Symbolism

So, what does the deer mean? Tattoo, depicting this animal, came into our culture very long ago. Such pictures were drawn on themselves by people for a very long time. The deer has long been revered by the peoples of all countries. He was considered a beautiful, courageous and strong animal. His images are often found in the myths and cultures of various peoples. A deer is a tattoo, which all traditionally considered a male image. But also many representative of the beautiful half of humanity decide to decorate themselves in this way. The only thing I would like to note about this is that the girls make a choice more often in favor of the deer, and not adults. They look more cute, gentle and charming. In general - the most suitable option for girls.

Styles for tattooing

Lovers of monochrome tattoos can opt for geometry or minimalism styles. The techniques are characterized by neat lines, clear shapes and clear images. If necessary, you can add an additional color, such as red. A small tattoo of a deer on the leg, on the chest or on the stomach will be a great decoration and will emphasize the individuality and originality of the owner.

Tattoo of a deer with flowers on the hand for girls is a great option for a spectacular body decoration. In this case, the style of realism or watercolor is suitable. In the second option, the tattoo looks airy and easy, like a picture, executed with watercolors. The composition is dominated by pastel colors and blurred contours. Tattoo, made in the technique of realism, resembles a photo. The picture will look more beautiful in a large scale.

Tattoo deer in the style of graphics will suit creative people who like to shock others. In such a work, clear lines and contours, neat linear shading prevail. The tattoo is done in black, so the animal may look sketchy.

Watch the video on the subject:

Methods of execution

At the moment you can find a huge number of drawings for tattoos with the image of a deer or come up with your own sketch. In this case, the imagination can be limitless. In this case, the picture can be made as in black and white, and in color.

The deer tattoo is a great choice for both women and men. Using this symbol, you will not only decorate your body, but also give it a special energy. The main thing is to believe in it, and the deer will bring you happiness.

At all times, deer have been admired for their strength and beauty. The image of the deer can often be found in the culture and myths of different peoples. Tattoo deer is traditionally considered to be a male tattoo, but girls choose it quite often. The only difference - the beautiful half of humanity prefers to depict deer, which preserves the meaning of the tattoo, but looks more gentle and cute.

The meaning of the deer tattoo is freedom, nobility, solitude, strength and beauty. In addition, the deer is a kind of symbol of wanderers and travelers. The sketch is performed both in color and in black and white. Often the tattoo is applied to the chest, shoulder or hip.

The northern peoples of Russia identify the deer with the vitality and fertility of the family. Lush branchy deer antlers they associate with the tree of mighty life and the sun's rays.

Oriental peoples associated the stag with sunrise, universal awakening and renewal of human spirituality.

In Japanese culture, a deer is often depicted on a serpent that he defeated. Tattoo with such a picture in Japan means the triumph of good over evil, the victory of spirit over matter. The white stag in Japan symbolizes wisdom and longevity.

Versions of execution

Arms, legs, chest, back, wrists - where only people do not decide to put a tattoo. Everyone makes a choice in favor of one place or another according to their own prejudices. But most often a tattoo of a deer can be found either on the leg or on the chest (guys). Girls decide to decorate the scapula or lower back. Others and did not decide to beat not a picture, but only the shape, outlines (which looks too interesting), the deer - and it looks good or on the back of his head, or on the wrist.

Today there is a huge variety of designs for tattoos. They are performed both in black and white and in color. This can be a style of watercolor, or "Polynesia. Realism or abstraction. In fact, tattoo art today is so developed and multifaceted that the variety of options boggle the eyes. But what kind of image will be decided to score, it depends only on the wishes of the person. If none of the existing options he did not like, you can always ask the master to make a sketch to order, expressing their own preferences.

Today, the tattoo is considered one of the most popular body ornaments. Some people are guided by their tastes and preferences when choosing a drawing. Others, however, each tattoo has a certain meaning. In any case, the drawing on the body is not considered something scary and shameful. The drawing of patterns on the body may well be called art.


For women

For men