Tattoo Cat - meaning and sketches for girls and men

20.02.2019 Decor Share

Cat paw prints

Adorable cat footprints are sure to suit your decor. Cute cat paws leave equally cute footprints. People often want to make these lovely prints where a cat might not want to. Painting her paws with ink and leaving footprints against her will is inhumane. So let's dive into the creative process and make a stencil.

Cat paws

A gorgeous miniature.

A cute pair of black and white cats

Graceful cats on a girl's body artfully emphasize the female nature, graceful forms, flexible disposition and wise character.

Let's dream?

Harmony of contrasts

Feline trio

Life is good!

Magic Cat

An unusual idea for a tattoo that surprises with its creativity. "Heart for Two."

Graceful silhouette

Original, creative illustrations

Tattoo with a cat expresses individuality, looks beautiful on the body, and a large abundance of options and locations will allow you to choose the most appropriate sketch for you.

In the family

Shalun cat

Symbolic image

Like a reflection

Cat in the hand

Images of cats are very popular in both monochrome and color.

Watercolor effect

Strict silhouette

Charming portrait

On what part of the body to do a tattoo?

If the sketch is quite large, then the ideal place for it will be the scapula. This part of the body can be hidden even in the summer, but a tattoo on the shoulder blade will still look catchy and original. On the wrist tattoo in the form of a cat looks very cute, because this part of the body is quite delicate. Men prefer to do it on the forearm. This image is a symbol of masculinity. To emphasize their sexuality and superiority, many ladies do the tattoo in the form of a cat on the leg, namely below the shin and on the side.

Tattoo with humor.

Playful and fun, cheerful and optimistic girls often choose funny, comical characters in a cartoon version.

Cat's paws

Cuddly kitten

Metal stamp

Metallic printing

This is the kind of stainless steel branding used in Asia for wood, leather, material, even food. In Japan, such cat marks can be seen in a hamburger or omelet. This mark is left by a metal stamp. You can buy it in any Chinese online store.

Metallic printing

A vivid story

Such a work of fiction can be viewed endlessly.

Romantic story

Mysterious abstraction

Amazing geometry

Very unusual and attractive tattoo with a cat, which acts not only as an independent art object, but is one of the elements of the whole artistic composition.

Extravagant symbolism

The very real touch of a cat!

How many fingers a cat has

Cats usually have 18 toes. The front paws have five toes and the hind paws have four toes. However, there are individuals with more toes because of a genetic mutation, polydactyly. If one parent had the mutation and the other had a normal number of toes, up to 50% of kittens would be born with polydactyly. A cat from Canada with 27 toes made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Extra toes have no harm to health and do not interfere with the normal life of the animal. But claw care becomes more complicated, claw trimming requires more time and care.

The paws of some individuals with polydactyly are similar in shape to mittens (with a thumb like on a hand) due to the extra toes on the sides. Owners of such pets have observed their ability to open windows on their own, in which the animal was assisted by the thumb.

There are certain breeds (Maine Coon), in which polydactylism is considered a breed feature and is not a disadvantage.

Realistic Cats

Talented masters in the art of professional tattoos can portray an animal so "vividly" that sometimes it seems that it is always with you, like a talisman.

The piercing look

Important cat

Paw Pads

Small pads are unusually sensitive, with a large number of nerve endings concentrated in them. Due to the sensitivity of the pads, cats feel the texture of surfaces, feel vibrations, which allows them to estimate the distance to the prey.

Paw pads are resistant to adverse environmental conditions, but they are very sensitive to low and high temperatures. Soft pads are quickly damaged by contact with the surface of red-hot asphalt, icy sidewalk.

Cats have weaker front legs and paws, but larger hind legs. These animals can climb up very well, using their claws to hold on to themselves, but their claws do not help them with the descent. Cats often cannot descend from a great height on their own, they have to jump and thanks to their pads, the impact is softened when they land. They seem to land gracefully and easily without feeling pain.

The pigmentation of the pads matches the color of the coat. Colored individuals often have black spots on their pads, gray cats have grayish pads, black cats have black pads, and white and red cats have pink pads.

Epathetic Works.

The charming character from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", the Cheshire Cat, is associated with something mysterious and elusive. Tattoo with this character is chosen by people who are creative, courageous and in some ways unique. By the way, the name of the cat comes from the county of Cheshire.


Celebrities love cats, but to tattoos with cat footprints have a skeptical attitude. Nevertheless, we managed to find people who have a soft spot for cats and express it through body art. Among them:

  • Allison Green;
  • Katy Perry;
  • Miley Cyrus.

Traces of this pet are to be found even far away from human habitation and in a variety of places. And it is necessary to know them not only in order not to confuse with them the traces of small representatives of wild cats living in the same area. The cat itself is of interest to the pathfinder, leading a free life or at least temporarily being in the woods or fields and having to get food here, watch out for enemies, hide from bad weather.

In addition, the cat is a very convenient object for developing or strengthening the skills of a pathfinder. Watching it walking or hunting we can immediately check what kind of traces are left by different movements of animal - calm footsteps, fast running or jumping. See what changes in the trail when it changes to a quiet crawling step. To see how the traces of a cat that has been waiting for a mouse near the animal's den for a long time look like. These observations will help make sense of the actions of wild animals, too, when you begin to decipher the footprints they leave behind.

Despite the large number of cat breeds bred by man, differing from each other in coat length, suit, eye color and, of course, size, we will most often encounter the purebred country cats. They are the ones who often end up in the woods or other areas, living permanently outside of human habitation or leaving the village to hunt. Usually they are not large cats, weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, although among domestic cats there are specimens and larger, weighing from 5 to 10 kg. There is also known Australian cat weighing 25 kg.

c, d - prints of forelegs and hindlegs accordingly; e - double print when trotting

As in all felines, the foreleg impression of a domestic cat is somewhat larger and rounded, and the average size of the foreleg impression is 3,5×3,2 and 2,8×3 cm.

The cat moves most often at a leisurely trot, but may walk or gallop if threatened. When moving by step, it leaves a narrow track of traces, reminding all hunters of a fox's tracks, which is well known to all hunters. However, the chain of cat traces is less even, the right pair of traces is slightly shifted from the middle line to the right, and the left - slightly to the left.

When moving at a trot, the cat gets its hind paw less clearly into the trail of its front paw. On the trail, we see an alternation of twin or partially covered right and left footprints. The length of its strides is very different, from 18 to 30 cm, depending on its speed.

Running away, the cat gallops. In this allure, the tracks are located in groups of four imprints of all paws, close to each other. Sometimes a stretched canter is observed, when the pawprints are located one after another. And if it were not for the large intervals between the groups of footprints in this strange four-country pattern, one would think that the animal was moving with a step. The length of the jumps at the stretched canter is about 150 cm.

The way cats hunt is either lurking near the burrow and patiently waiting for a rodent to appear, or creeping, where slow crawling alternates with frequent stops and waiting for a favorable moment to continue moving. This is how cats hunt birds or animals on the surface.

Tracks of cats moving in different gaits and footprints: а - stride; b - trot;

Cats that hunt in the fields are not so harmful, and sometimes can be useful, because they catch mostly voles and . Although they will not miss a chance to catch a stray skylark or other bird of the field. In the woods, the percentage of birds in the cat's prey increases markedly. So, cats in forests, especially in summertime, are not at all desirable.

Among the largest prey of domestic cats were: water rats, blue pigeons, a large guinea pig (in urban conditions) and a young squirrel hare (weighing about 700 g), and the hare was caught not even by a village cat, but by a medium-sized city cat, taken out of town for the summer. But only few domestic cats dare to catch large ones.

Small animals are usually eaten by the cat without a trace. From larger prey, e.g. water rats, it often leaves some fragments, a part of intestines or stomach, sometimes a foot or a tail. The cat also catches earthworms, but more often it does not eat them in their entirety and throws them away. It usually starts to eat from the head, so that the back part of the animal is not eaten.

The cat catches frogs and even toads. He may eat a frog as a whole; he eats the back legs of toads, but the front part and most of the skin remain. Very few large feathers, badly chewed wings, and sometimes head remain from small birds.

Domestic cat droppings, depending on the food, can be semi-liquid or in the form of a pile of separate oblong lobes about 1.5 cm in diameter. After finishing its work, the cat rakes sand or snow onto the pile of droppings with its paw.

Cats are toe walking, they walk by leaning on their toes. Walking and running on their toes increases the chances of a successful hunt because the speed of movement is increased, the stride is lengthened, and silence is ensured.

Front paws are the ideal tool for grooming. Animals use their front paws to clean hard-to-reach places such as the area behind the ears, the neck and the muzzle. Cats first lick the paw several times, wetting it with saliva, and then wash with it. Kittens start washing with their front paws when they reach 4 weeks of age.


For women

For men