Piercing lips - types of piercings (upper, lower, frenulum), where to do (under, over or side of the lip), healing and care, creative photo ideas

Piercing (Eng. piercing - "piercing") - is the process of creating a hole in various places on the body to wear all kinds of jewelry. Modern people do it for the purpose of the need for self-expression, attracting attention, as a method of creating a unique image. The method of piercing the upper or lower lip - labret piercing - is popular among young people.

Why do piercings

It is believed that the first look when dating people pay attention to the eyes and lips. Therefore, the lips are one of the most important parts of the face, their condition and appearance strongly affect the overall attractiveness. Therefore, lip piercing allows you to emphasize their graceful shape to highlight other positive features of this part of the face. In any case, an unusual decoration in the lip will allow you to draw attention to yourself and improve your appearance.
Historically, piercings are one of the oldest ways to decorate the body. Earrings in the lips were used by representatives of many nations, they allowed to demonstrate belonging to a certain race, to emphasize the desired character traits. Even now many tribes in Africa, Australia pierce lips and use different ornaments.

In today's world, piercings have lost their traditional meaning, became a tribute to fashion and a way to emphasize their beauty and unique style.

The consequences

If you believe the statistics, in about 30% of cases, this piercing leads to the development of various complications.

The most common consequence is considered an infection and inflammation. If an infection has entered a fresh wound, the client should increase the number of antiseptic treatments and systematically apply compresses. If severe swelling or suppuration occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Possible consequences of a vertical labret

The main cause of inflammation is often the wrong care and the wrong material of the product. Such problems could be caused by the excessively small or heavy earring.

Types of piercings

With the increasing popularity of this procedure, many varieties of lip piercing installation have appeared. There are dozens of piercing locations and thousands of different lip ornaments. Some of the most popular include:

  1. Monroe Piercing. Named after the famous actress and singer. The piercing is made above the upper lip, on the left side. The decoration is selected similar to the "fly" - a bright facial feature of Marilyn Monroe. Such piercing is well suited for the owners of plump lips, will enhance their attractiveness.
  2. "Madonna". A similar version of the procedure, but the decoration is placed on the right side of the upper lip. It is named after a famous singer.
  3. "Medusa." It can be vertical or horizontal. To install the jewelry, the piercing is performed in the area of the nasolabial plate. Usually install special earrings equipped with a flattened retainer.
  4. Vertical labret. The piercing is carried out from the lower border of the lip to its center. Precise alignment of the jewelry, which should be positioned strictly vertically, is important.
  5. Horizontal labret. Similar to the previous variety, but the decoration is carried out parallel to the lower lip, rather than perpendicular. It is considered a rather complicated variant of the procedure, as it is possible to develop a strong inflammatory process and rejection of the labret.
  6. Dahlia bite. Two small decorations are placed in the corners of the mouth. One of the most spectacular options for lip piercings.
  7. Ashley. Technically, this option of piercing is similar to the horizontal labret, but more complicated, the piercing is made strictly in the middle of the lip. It is a spectacular option of piercing, but associated with a high risk of complications and the appearance of an unaesthetic scar.

There are many variations of lip piercings, for example, only "bites" professionals count more than 10 varieties. Thanks to such diversity, everyone will be able to find the original solution that will be the most appropriate addition to the individual style.

Choosing a safe decoration

The range of decorative products is wide and varied. For their manufacture use different materials, but it is preferable to purchase an earring made of noble metals (gold, silver), special medical alloys, or bioplastic - a type of silicone (characterized by low thermal conductivity, which makes it comfortable to wear in winter).

Labreta is a rod with a cap and a threaded screw-on ball. The length of the jewelry is from 5 to 20 mm, the diameter of the rod is 1-1.5 mm. An experienced specialist will select the length of the rod, taking into account the thickness of the lip. If it is short, it will dig into the skin, there is a risk of ingrowth of the labrum. If it is long, it may catch on the teeth, chip enamel and traumatize the gums.

Where can you get a lip piercing?

The best place to install a piercing is a specialized tattoo parlor, where a professional piercer works. It is important to check the qualifications of the master, study in advance the supporting documents (licenses, certificates). The salon must be equipped with special equipment, means for disinfection.

Less preferable option - the usual beauty salon or clinic. Although their staff may have the necessary equipment, they have no knowledge about the exact anatomy of the lip piercing.

Where you should not go - to uncertified salons, to working "at home" self-taught. In such places it is impossible to ensure the sterility of instruments, the quality of the piercing itself will be questionable.

It is important that the piercing is performed with a special disposable needle. Cosmetic pistol is not suitable for this purpose - it cannot be fully sterilized. As a result, when performing a piercing with such a tool, there is a risk of getting an infection in the wound or contracting such formidable diseases as HIV or hepatitis.

How the procedure

The installation of a lip piercing consists of the following steps:

  • In the area of the ducts of the salivary glands, cotton swabs are installed to reduce salivation.
  • The puncture site is carefully treated with antiseptic.
  • The lip is fixed in a comfortable position with special clamps.
  • If the client wishes, and there are no contraindications, the lip can be treated with a local anesthetic (lidocaine, less often a slight cooling of the future puncture site).
  • The puncture is performed at right angles, using a special needle.
  • A temporary labret is placed in the puncture point.

After completion of the procedure, the external treatment of the puncture with peroxide and mouthwash with "Miramistin" is mandatory. This will significantly reduce the risk of infection entering the wound and accelerate its healing.

The cost of the procedure is not high and varies from 600 to 2500 rubles, depending on its complexity.

Labret ear jewelry

Piercing is a popular body decoration with piercings, which people use to add individuality to their appearance.

In addition to classic earlobe piercings to wear earrings, there are other types of piercings:

  • industrial;
  • chelix;
  • snag;

Labret in the ear (earring, piercing jewelry). What is it, photo, where to buy

  • ruuk;
  • conch;
  • tragus piercing.

A special ear piercing ornament is called a labret. It is a straight rod, bounded on one side by a flat soldered disc and on the other by a ball or crystal twist. The labret base comes in different lengths and diameters. Thin jewelry, up to 1.2 mm thick, is used for the earlobe. Thicker rods, up to 1.6 mm in diameter, are inserted into the pierced cartilage.

The decoration may be solid, when only the twist is removable, or it may be completely demountable, with a detachable disc.

The threads of the labret may be internal or external. With internal threads, the twist has a small rod that screws inside the main rod. With external threads, on the contrary, the ball has a hole and is screwed onto the rod.

Labret in the ear (earring, jewelry for piercing). What is it, photo, where to buy

Decorative nozzles on bioplastic models do not have threads, but are equipped with special stops and locks that allow you to securely install the nozzle on the rod.

Piercing care

Immediately after the procedure, you should refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and eating. You should observe this restriction for several hours. In the first days after the procedure, you may experience a little bleeding from the wound, a little bit of treacle and the development of a small swelling. These are normal phenomena, not dangerous to your health.

Complete healing takes up to 2 months. To speed it up, you can:

  1. Take multivitamin complexes.
  2. Follow a diet. Avoid spicy, spicy food, exclude acidic foods, avoid too hot or cold dishes and drinks.

In the process of healing, you should not take out the temporary labret. It is important not to touch the puncture site with dirty hands, as this creates the risk of infection.

If you follow these recommendations, the installation of the lip piercing will pass as easily as possible and without complications. The jewelry will please you and others for many years. If you want to change your image, you can simply remove the jewelry and the piercing site will quickly grow back. In most cases, there is almost no trace of the lip piercing.

Possible complications and contraindications

Labret (statistically, about 30% of cases, in contrast to the piercing "Monroe") provokes the development of complications of varying severity:

  • metal parts of the decorative element in contact with the teeth lead to abrasion, cracks, chipping of enamel, often traumatizing the oral mucosa at accidental scuffing;
  • With some diseases (diabetes mellitus, blood clotting disorders) the healing process will be long, keloid scars are possible;
  • the oral cavity is inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms, which cause the development of fungal, bacterial infections;
  • Individual intolerance to nickel may provoke an allergic reaction to the jewelry;
  • unprofessional selection of the rod length is fraught with labret ingrowth;
  • any invasive procedures with non-sterile instruments carry the risk of infection with hepatitis, HIV and other infections;
  • Any piercing leaves a scar for the rest of your life.

To avoid complications, trust an experienced technician, follow post-piercing care guidelines, and avoid accidental injury. Take off metal jewelry in conditions of uncomfortable temperatures, such as visiting a bath, sauna, being in the cold. Then as a result you will get a lot of positive emotions from the realization of your dreams.

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