Tattoo Bear - meanings and designs for girls and men

The image of a bear is a unique image. It carries several different feelings: tenderness, and aggression, and kindness, and great strength. The bear tattoo signifies:
  • The beginning of life's journey;
  • strength;
  • strength of character.

Tattoo is very popular among men and women. Girls often choose a tattoo in the form of a teddy bear, and guys - in the form of a ferocious big bear.

Bear tattoos come in many forms. Both the bear's grin, which adds aggressiveness to the beast, and the cute bear's smile, which inclines to good feelings, are popular. Despite its imposing size and fierce appearance, it is not uncommon for a bear to carry tenderness and affection.

How a bear moves

The bear walks on four paws. The brown animal can reach speeds of up to 55 km/h, while its white counterpart reaches speeds of 40 km/h when running. The slow and heavy predator only gallops when necessary.

The bear can reach speeds of up to 55 km/h
The bear can reach speeds of up to 55 km/h Climbing is better than descending: going up the mountain, he runs faster than going down.

When moving, this beast alternately treads on both right and both left limbs. With each new step, he shifts his weight from one side to the other. This is why the bear walks in a wobbly, "inoculated" gait. With its next step, the animal fully rests on its foot.

These animals, despite the seeming clumsiness, excellent climbing in trees. Often they can be seen hibernating on strong, thick branches. Neither brown bears nor polar bears are afraid of water and are able to stay afloat.

The brown bear not only can, but loves to swim
Brown bears not only know how to swim, they love to swim.

When creeping quietly after their prey, bears are very cautious: not a crunch can be heard from under their heavy paws.

The structure of the bear's paw

Throughout its life, the bear uses its front paws as a tool to build a home and get food. Wielding its strong and sharp claws, the predatory animal performs the following tasks:

  • digging dens to build a winter hibernation shelter;
  • digging the burrows of small animals;
  • and turns over boulders and logs;
  • catches fish from ponds and guts them;
  • breaks down trees.

From below, the bear's foot is a bare skin callus. The core of a bear's paw is a transverse thick corns, over which there are five toe corns, otherwise known as calluses or pads. Due to the characteristic recognizable shape of the transverse callus, the bear's tracks are easily recognized by naturalists and hunters. In the process of movement, the animal relies on the plane of the foot, so its gait is called a walking gait.

The bear's paw is a fearsome weapon, with five forward projecting claws.
The bear's paw is a formidable weapon with five forward projecting claws

Strong and sharp bear claws are easy to grasp on the ground. With them, animals can easily climb steep mountains and move smoothly over them. Using the claws, bears climb snowfields and do not slip off them. It is the claws that allow the cubs to quickly climb high tree trunks.

Bear tattoo and legends

The legends of bears are numerous. Among the most famous are the following:

  1. The Celts personified the bear with the woman, who is responsible for fertility and childbirth. Celtic warriors inscribed bears in their emblems.
  2. The Chinese people considered the bear an exclusively male animal. For them, the image of the animal signified inimitable strength, superiority and courage. The Japanese people associated bears with wisdom and justice.
  3. Americans in the distant past elevated the bear to a deity and worshipped it. They believed that the worship of the bear could remove the disasters of nature.
  4. In Egypt and India bears were also worshipped and deified. The pharaohs in Egypt had bears tattooed on their bodies. And simple people from India and Egypt had no right to put such tattoos on their bodies.
  5. The bear occupies a great value in Russia. Many fairy tales and legends are formed about him. People give the bear courage, ferocity, aggression.
  6. Mythology, which has Greek roots, made the bear a symbol of the goddess of the hunt, who was called "Artemis the Christian. Islam believed that the bear possessed dark powers (cruelty, vindictiveness).
  7. In Western countries the bear was associated with the sins of gluttony.

Features of footprints

Knowing the peculiarities of animal footprints will help the average traveler to survive. Knowing how to recognize a bear's pawprints can help you change your direction in time to avoid a hungry predator.

Brown Bear Tracks

The tracks of the brown bear leave obvious indentations from five pads and a wide metacarpal crumple. A groove, made by a long, curved bear claw, extends from each toe. The main part of the foot is kidney-shaped. The sole is wider on the outer edge, becoming narrower on the inside.

Impressions of the paws of the brown bear

of a polar bear.

The footprints of the polar bear have distinct differences from those of the brown predator. Its feet are wider and longer, and the prints look neater, as the pads on the paws have a smoother surface. There are swimming webs between the toes. Short, thick and crooked claws are better suited for walking on icy surfaces. The transverse callus on the front feet is narrower.

This species of bear has a white pile hanging from its front and hind legs. When the animal walks on the snow with its hind paws, it leaves traces of the bear's long hair. These stripes are especially noticeable in the loose snow.

Polar bear paw marks

Description of paw prints

The bear is nicknamed a bear with a clawed back because of the special manner of shifting from side to side. This peculiarity of his gait is reflected in the paw prints. The tips of the toes look to the inside of the footprint, and the heels slant outward.


Front paw prints leave distinct imprints on the snow and ground. Unlike cats, the bear does not retract its claws when walking. All five toe crumbs are marked on the front footprints of the brown bear. There are claw grooves at the front and a kidney-shaped footprint at the back. Toward the outer edge, the main crumple is enlarged.

Footprints of the bear's front paw

Hind paws.

By stepping on the ground with its hind paw, the bear leaves a clear oblong imprint. The sole and five toes are clearly outlined in the drawing. A claw, short and curved, no longer than 5 cm, is marked near each toe. When walking slowly, the heel is clearly visible on the bear's footprints.

This pattern is similar to that of a flat-footed human barefoot. But on the human foot, the toes are smaller on the outer edge of the sole, and, on the contrary, bears have larger toe traces toward the outer edge.

A bear's hind paw print

There are some ground types on which bear footprints are particularly well imprinted. These are wet ground (after a recent rain), loose soil, sand, and snow. If the bear maintains a moderate speed, the tracks from the hind and fore paws are located close to each other. When the animal switches to a fast walk or starts to run, the tracks become overlapped.

Trace sizes

The size of the sole can be used to determine the age of the animal. It is important to keep in mind that bears of different subspecies have different paw sizes. Here are the paw widths of bears inhabiting taiga areas:

  • a cub has a paw width of 5-7 cm;
  • for bears less than a year and a half old that survived the winter - 8-10 cm;
  • For adult bears - 14-18 cm, especially large bears can have an imprint of 20 or even 30 cm;
  • for a bear - 11-18 cm.

The age of a bear can be determined by the size of the pawprint
The size of an animal's pawprint depends on its developmental conditions. If a bear cub was born in a bad year or lost its mother early, it will grow slowly and its footprints will be shallower. The claws on its front paws can be up to 10 cm long.

Who is suitable for whom?

Practitioners warn, even if you remove the tattoo with a laser or score it with another image, the magical meaning of bear paws will still work on the owner. To avoid side effects, it is better to use henna first.

This is a good way to draw a career man.
The magical image will be suitable for men who are or wish to become the main breadwinner in the family. Careerists and successful entrepreneurs can also choose such a sketch to hold power, win the respect of subordinates and save wealth. Athletes associated with strength will become invincible, thanks to the tattoo in the form of a bear's paws.

Women who want to achieve success in their careers will also benefit from the sign. If you need strength to compete on a par with men, this tattoo is the best solution. It is also recommended to paw mothers who feel that they cannot keep their child safe. Thanks to the image, the woman will bail out her son or daughter who got into bad company.

What bear footprints look like in the snow

Bear footprints in the snow do not characterize the age of a furry animal, because the area of winter footprints is much larger than the size of the paws. The temperature outside, the fuzziness of the fur on the paws, and the location of the toes affect the mark. The difference in the size of paws and footprints is especially noticeable if the bear walks on the fragile crust of ice.

In winter, the predator hibernates, so it has time to leave its footprints only on the first fall and melted spring snow. On rare occasions, in the winter snow, they can leave footprints of a brown bear.

Bear tracks in the snow - a sign that a bear cub wanders nearby
Bear footprints in the snow are a sign that a jackknife bear is wandering around

In early spring, the bear is extremely hungry, so it becomes especially aggressive. At this time, ordinary travelers need to watch out for him and immediately turn off the road when he detects traces.

What does the bear tattoo mean?

Meet with balalaika (ingrained stereotype of the country), or in a vest on the background of weapons, fire, daggers.

Carries the following transcription - devotion to the sources, about fearlessness in the face of danger and the boundlessness of spiritual power. Combines some kind of opposites, i.e. bravery and fearlessness, along with kindness and consideration.

But men do it to show strength and attract attention. Even if the bear is portrayed as cute, the attributes are given warlike. For example, an axe or dagger is made bloody.

To show the strength languishing inside, the absence of fear, the ability to cope with difficulties, put a tattoo grizzly.

To give the intimidation, is depicted more aggressive, grizzly stands on his hind legs and growls, ready at any moment to attack.

How to determine the freshness of the tracks and the direction of movement

In order to understand whether to go after prey, you need to know how fresh the bear tracks are. If the trace is old, it means that its owner has managed to go far away.

Recently left marks in the snow have a crumbly structure, but the frost gradually hardens and dries the snow edge in the trace hole. The more time has passed since the bear's paws walked in the snow, the harder the edges of the footprint become. After an evening or overnight snowfall, new footprints are covered with snow crumbs. Unpowdered footprints indicate that a bear has walked recently.

If there is no snow on the tracks, then a bear is somewhere near.
If the footprints are not covered with snow, it means the bear is somewhere nearby.

Many hunters and researchers put their own footprints next to each other in order to understand exactly how long ago the footprints were found. This method helps to distinguish between a fresh mark and an unidentified one.

To determine freshness, you can try running a branch over a mark left in the snow. If the trail was left recently, it will separate into neat pieces unhindered.

Summer bear tracks left on the ground or sand will weathered and fill with water over time. Long-term footprints have dried edges compared to the rest of the soil.

To figure out which direction the clubfoot is moving, you need to look at the walls of the trail hole. The toe, indicating forward movement, has steeper edges, the heel more receding. This means that the bear always walks in the same direction as the steep edges of the footprints.

The age of the tracks can be determined with a thin branch.
The age of the trail can be ascertained with a thin branch

Bear amulets - their meaning and types

At first glance, it may seem that amulets with bear symbolism are suitable only for men. But this is not so. If you turn to fairy tales, you can find many examples of how bears helped women and children.

Understand the bear amulets to help table:

Obereg .ActionSuitable for Whom
The use of bear skins in clothing (as insulation or trim)Symbolizes beauty, youth, longevity, fertility.Suitable for women and young girls.
Bear pelt.Sleeping on bear skin increases stress resistance, improves immunity.Suitable for children.
Amulet with a bear paw "Eeren".Amulet should be placed in the western part of the dwelling. It helps to create comfort in the house, eliminate conflicts from family relationships. To maintain the magical power of the amulet, it is necessary to thank it daily and periodically dip it in milk or tea.Suitable for the guardian of the hearth.
Jaw of a bear or figurine of the animal with open mouth.Helps to bring wealth and prosperity into the home.For women.
Bear skullBear skull was used as a talisman for protection against evil spirits.Action of the amulet is the same for all members of the family.
Amulet "Fang".Fasten the amulet under the belt of the dress. This object guarantees a strong marriage and a happy life. The main condition of work of the amulet - the husband should not see it. Immediately after the wedding, the fang must be hidden.It is used by brides.
Guarantees an easy journey and protects from the evil eye.It is used for this purpose by everyone, regardless of sex and age.
Bear ClawAmulet claw allows you to control the weather.For this purpose, a bear claw is used only by women.
Helps to achieve success in business negotiations, symbolizes success in business.Used by men.
Talisman used for the purpose of love curse: a girl needed to catch unnoticed claw favorite guy for clothes. It was believed that the power of the bear amulet after that would never let the young man go to another lady.Used by young girls.
Helps to cope with disturbing sleep, frequent crying. In order to soothe a child, you need to touch his forehead with a bear claw.It is used for babies.

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Other marks left by the animal

Before and after the rut, bears leave marks on coniferous trees. They rub against trunks, scratch and tear them with their claws and bite with their teeth. This is how animals mark their territory. In the process, the animal stands on its two hind legs:

  • The predator rubs itself against the bark of the tree, leaning against it with its back, back of its head, chest and withers. After that, abrasions appear on the trunk.
  • To create a scuff on the tree, the bear rubs the bark with its front paw, making vertical movements. The beast uses only four of its five fingers, so four oblique stripes are left on the wood layer.
  • With its teeth, the bear leaves snacks on the tree.

Traces of a bear in the forest
The fact that the animal has been near the tree is indicated by wool shreds lying on the ground. After his actions, pieces of bark are left at the base.

In autumn the animal does not mind to eat fruits and cones, so it bends and breaks fruit, berry and coniferous trees. The shaggy predator eats apples, pears and rowanberries with great pleasure. In spring the brown bear is short of food, so it invades and destroys ant-hills to feed on insects. In doing so, the animal creates noticeable destruction in the ant den, breaking it three-quarters of the way from the top and spreading the remains 2 meters around.

Tracks of bears are clearly visible in raspberry and oat fields. He treads wide paths in these places. In bilberry and cowberry bushes, where bears often forage, these corridors are not so marked. There you can see big piles of feces.

The bear's presence in the berry fields can be seen in the piles of droppings.
The bear's presence in berry barns gives away in piles of droppings

Walking on the ground in summer, the bear constantly tramples vegetation underfoot, so the trail turns out to be lined with crushed stems and leaves. The dead plants eventually wither and change color from green to yellowish-brown, so the path laid by the beast stands out strongly against the background of the environment.

After the beast is left behind decayed rotten stumps, broken tops of aspen trees.

Skill Training

Before you go deep into the woods and look for animals by their footprints, you need to learn how to assess freshness by your own footprints. An imprint is placed in the evening on the ground or snow, and its condition is checked in the morning. In this way you can trace the correlation between the appearance of the mark and the weather. It is worth practicing on different surfaces.
In order to understand who owns the imprint left on the ground, it is worth finding special literature, which contains descriptions of animal tracks with images. Based on the drawing in the book, it is possible to reliably identify the species and age of the animal, the direction of its path, and how long ago the animal left the print.

It is recommended to estimate the freshness of the bear's tracks by your own footprints
It is recommended to estimate the freshness of the bear's tracks by your own footprints.

Stylistic directions

The bear's paw is such a versatile image that it can be incorporated into almost any style of tattoo:

  1. Bioorganic - an interweaving of natural elements, animals and the human body.
  2. Minimalism - in this case, the paw looks like its imprint. Performed always in black and white.
  3. Realism - bright colored images made in very realistic techniques, reminiscent of a photo, only made on skin.
  4. Oriental. Despite the fact that this style represents Chinese mythology, it also has a place for a bear's paws, because this strong animal is assigned the role of protector in Eastern legends. Here they are combined with waves, koi carp and other distinctive elements.
  5. Oldschool. This style is dominated by bright, simple colors outlined with clear, thick outlines. Oldschool images of bear paws can be framed with ribbons with some writing or contain floral elements.
  6. Thrash polka dots depicting bear paws can echo newspaper clippings and chaotic red strokes that represent blood.
  7. Treble was popular about 10 years ago. Images in this style are not as relevant now, but bear paws done in this way look interesting and unusual.

black and white tattoo

In addition, subcutaneous images can be made in such equally popular styles today as Dotwork, black and white realism, sketching, geometry.

How to determine where bears hibernate

To survive the winter, many bears begin setting up an underground den. The construction of dens is characteristic of the hoofed animals that inhabit the north of Europe and Siberia. The ground structure is pear-shaped and has a large inner area. The bear enters and exits its dwelling through a hole made in the entrance.

The close location of the den is indicated by lying spruce branches, scattered clumps of moss, and blueberry leaves, which the animal uses to make the den. The entrance to the den is easy to spot: the snow on the edges of the entrance hole is yellow, and the hole itself points to the south.

Signs of close den location - scattered spruce branches, moss and leaves
Signs of the close location of the den are scattered spruce branches, moss and leaves

Not all furry predators build an earthen den for hibernation. Some male bears make do with an ordinary den made of forest material. To build a winter nest, the animal stacks thick branches in one place, and covers the bottom with mosses, twigs, and lapniks to arrange the featherbed. Sometimes the bear just kicks the bottom with its weight without dragging additional material for softness. The trap turns out to be oval, 1-1.5 m long, with walls 20-30 cm high.

On rare occasions, bears climb several spruces on top of the cage to make a shelter for their nest. But more often the animal starts building it under a fallen tree trunk near the breaking point.

The polar bear makes foxholes on the snow, covering them with branches or birch chips.
The bear lies down on the snow, wrapping it with twigs or birch chips.

The bear has a recognizable paw print, familiar to all explorers and hunters. When walking this animal rests on the whole foot and shifts from side to side. Its clubfoot is shown on the footprints: the toes are turned inward and the heels look outward. The tracks of brown and polar bears differ from each other by their size ratio and the presence of a long pile dragging on the ground and leaving stripes. The furry animal leaves other traces of its presence: it scratches and bites trees, breaks trunks and branches, destroys anthills and tramples plants.

Have you ever seen bear tracks in the forest? Were you able to determine how old they were? By what signs? Share your experiences in the comments.


For women

For men