Tattoo on the buttocks. Meaning tattoos on the buttocks. Sketches and photos of tattoos on the buttocks

Tattoos on the buttocks:

Tattoos these days do themselves all who are not lazy - in special salons, in sterile conditions, pre-listening puffy catalog with variants of natal drawings. Meanwhile, among those who have tattooed in places not so distant, the choice of drawing is given great importance - every image means something.

Rehalki and cheeky.

Tattooing for a criminal is a kind of identification, by which you can find out the status of the person in the criminal structure, a list of his achievements, the history of his life.

Those tattoos worn by members of the criminal elite are called regalia; in fact, they are regalia - insignia of distinction. These are high-quality and in their own way beautiful tattoos, performed by masters of their craft.

There are also shameful tattoos, "cheeky" - those that are applied forcibly or under threat for some misconduct. These are the signs of the "humiliated and insulted" of the criminal world.

Another type of tattoos are the portacas: those that are made arbitrarily and with improvised means, those that do not correspond to the criminal status of their owner. For tattoos, printed "illegally" (for example, for the supraclavicular stars of a thief in law on the body of a person who has no relation to the world of thieves), in the criminal environment can be severely affected. It is not uncommon for the bearer of a tattoo to be offered to have it removed along with the skin. If they refuse, they may be brutally beaten or even killed.

The meaning of the tattoo stoker: the meaning in the prison, history, photos, tattoo sketches

The material will help to disassemble the meaning of tattoo stoker, describe the interpretation, meaning and history of the figure in the tattoo, offer to view photos of ready-made options. More examples here:

  • Photo of the stoker tattoo
  • Sketches tattoo stoker

Interesting about the meaning of tattoo stoker, the meaning, interpretation and history of the figure

It is a common fact that the convicts in the camps live by their own laws of the criminal hierarchy, dividing themselves into certain castes. In order to make the differences between them more pronounced, so that even visually it was possible to distinguish a representative of one "caste" from another, it is customary to decorate the body with tattoos.

In this case, the tattoo serves as a kind of identity card, an indelible mark indicating a convict's belonging to a particular rank of prison society (thief, six, rooster, etc.).

Among the tattoos stigmatized by homosexuals (passive) common are the devil on his knees undressing a woman, the violin with a bow, and, of course, the stoker (or oven stoker). Its direct purpose is the buttocks of those convicted of sodomy. Since this article of the Criminal Code has now been abolished, there are no "real stokers" today. Accordingly, this tattoo has migrated to the bodies of those convicts whose actions are similar in essence to this atrocity.

The distinctive sign of the prisoners

Such a peculiar distinguishing sign is awarded to the offended or downcast, that is how any kind of camp outcasts are called, who live in special sections separately from the rest of the convicts. Among them are individuals who have been raped in colonies or detention centers. There are three reasons for the violence in these institutions: because of the article (convicts for rape), because of a puncture (convicts who have committed a serious offense, former employees of organs and snitches) and indefinitely (at the behest of the colony's administration). All of them have a tattoo of a stoker on their buttocks in the form of a devil, who is throwing coal into the furnace with a shovel. Those who have such a tattoo on their body are also called roosters, which is considered a very scary insult to a "normal" convict.

If a prisoner changes his place of permanent disposition (is transferred to another colony), and in the new prison tries to hide the fact that he has such a tattoo or hides the fact that he is offended - he may be beaten to death.

In most cases, the tattoo of the stoker's devil is applied in the case of a "straight man" being put down forcibly (homosexuals who have taken this path of their own free will have different tattoos). However, it is difficult to call this uncommon image a tattoo; rather, it is an indistinct, hastily made sloppy body drawing.

Virtually all of the tattoos that branded "wafflers" and "roosters" outside places of incarceration have no special meaning. More precisely, for the average person they are harmless at all, as the true meaning of such drawings lies in their sacred meaning, which only the "sitters" know and understand. It is this fact that holds the danger for people who want to get a tattoo without knowing anything about it.

In the vast majority of cases, once released, the owner of such a tattoo attempts to remove it or transform the tattoo beyond recognition, which is understandable for objective reasons.

Not a Century of Freedom

Tattoos depicting church domes do not mean that their owner is a devoutly religious person; it means that the person was sitting. The number of domes can indicate both the number of years spent behind bars and the number of "walks. And the bells pinned on the skin mean that the person has served his time in full, from bell to bell.

Any object wrapped in barbed wire is a symbol of unfreedom. Five dots on the hand - four dots forming a square and a fifth in the middle - indicate that the wearer of the tattoo "was doing time": "four towers on each side, me in the middle". The rising sun and sailboat symbolize dreams of liberation; the dove and flaming torch are symbols of freedom.

Other similar tattoos

The eyes on the buttocks

Eyes on the buttocks - this is a tattoo, which today can be found quite rarely. More often pierced images of the devil who undresses a woman - this motif is not known to the general public, so for outsiders the meaning will be hidden.

There are other variants of the tattoo, which will tell that its owner belongs to the category of the downcast: - A rose with thorns (applied by lesbian women).- A boar (also a characteristic image for women).- A bruise around the eye.- Bees.- Devils throwing coal into the oven.- Shaking hands with a flower between the hands.- Wind instruments and a violin.- Crowns with playing cards.

In addition to the image itself, various explanatory inscriptions may be left that leave no doubt about the purpose of the drawing.

Women rarely make tattoos under pressure or threat of physical reprisal. It is not shameful to show lesbian tendencies among female inmates. But men, too, sometimes get such tattoos deliberately. For example, there are inscriptions that explain what kind of sex the owner prefers. Thus, the image of a naked woman in a cloak, which is entwined with a snake, means that the owner of the tattoo prefers anal contact, but this image is still more often made violently. Usually on the back. Not to be confused with a girl holding an apple in her hand - means temptation by the female sex.

A handshake with a flower means a passive homosexual, such a tattoo is also applied to the back.

The image of the violin can be found on prostitutes, this drawing can even be applied by force. And several musical instruments can be drawn on a man who participates in group sex.

Stars and rings

The star is the sign of the chosen one, the thief in law. Stars under the collarbones indicate a high position, the stars on the knees indicate that the tattoo holder will not kneel before the law.

The shape of the stars and the image inside the star speaks volumes. For example, if the star has a Madonna with a baby in it, it means that its owner has been stealing since childhood. The skull inside the star means that the person is serving a long sentence, that the zone has become his home. The face of Jesus inside the star is a sign that the owner of the tattoo considers God to be his only judge.

Necklaces in the form of rings can indicate the number of convictions; by the pattern of the ring you can understand what crime the person was in prison for and what his plans for the future. For example, diamond-shaped rings are given to "deniers" who don't recognize the prison regime; a ring in the shape of a circle with a dot inside signifies that the person is an orphan.

Who are the "downcast" and are they labeled?

The "omitted" are either homosexuals or those who have been put down in their ranks for a misdemeanor (failure to pay a debt, stealing from fellow inmates).

This is done mainly to distinguish people, because the "opushchennye" cannot be touched (they are even beaten with additional objects, not fists), to share objects of use with them.

Read more about who the opushchennye are and how not to become a "cock" in the zone, read here, in more detail about the types of opushchennye learn in this material.

In the Animal World

The image of the wolf can be understood in two ways: as a sign of contempt for law enforcement, and as a symbol of a leader who does not bend to anyone.

Bull (often a bull's muzzle) - a symbol of ferocity. Such tattoos are often applied by those who reprisal violators of criminal rules by order of thieves in the law. Another symbol of ferocity is the tiger; it can also mean that a person is particularly angry at police officers.

The image of a bat is characteristic of those who specialize in nocturnal theft.

A spider crawling up the web is a sign that the person is going to steal in the future; if the spider crawls down, the owner of the tattoo intends to "quit". In some cases, a spider is a sign of a drug addict.

Tattoo on the buttocks. The meaning of tattoos on the buttocks. Photo tattoo on the buttocks.

Tattooed on the arm, left on the buttocks. Pamela Anderson got rid of the barbed wire tattoo on her right forearm.

At the same time, the celebrity leaves mysterious symbols on her buttocks. The only thing known about the signs is that they are Indian.

The exact meaning of the pictures remains a mystery. Pamela is in no hurry to reveal it.

Therefore, let's limit ourselves to a list of standard meanings of tattoos on the buttocks. Anderson is not the only star wearing them. Let's continue the list, accompanying it with comments.

The meaning of tattoos on the buttocks

The meaning of her tattoo does not hide Melanie Griffith. The American actress has decorated her butt with a small pear.

It is colored in a rich yellow. Christians, including Melanie, consider it a sign of divine power.

The fruit itself is a symbol of longevity. The interpretation is related to the vitality of pear trees. Some of them easily reach the 150-year mark.

The American actress, like most people, aspires to the same. In doing so, Melanie wants to stay blooming and attractive, as does the juicy fruit on her buttocks.

The buttocks themselves, by the way, are also a symbol. Psychologists see the butt as a personification of strength, and its flabbiness, respectively, as powerlessness.

This is the opinion of the Englishwoman Louise Hay, the Canadian Liz Bourbeau, and the Russian Vladimir Zhakrentsev. Liz Bourbeau is not only a psychologist, but also a physician.

She noted that pain in the buttocks is not always the cause of ailments, or muscle strain.

Approximately 30% of patients' complaints are related to the emotional and mental blockage of their desire to control events.

A number of people yearn to be "puppeteers. If the role of Karabas Barabas fails, the pain in the buttocks comes.

So far, psychologists and doctors cannot explain why. But, statistics is statistics.

It turns out, choosing tattoo designs for the buttocks, people unconsciously seek to emphasize their strength, youth and authoritative nature.

That is what the singer considers himself Nyusha. The exuberant energy of the lovely artist can be seen in her dancing, the manner of communication behind the scene.

Nyusha is the owner of the rose on her buttocks. The tattoo is vast, covering not only her butt, but her lower loins as well.

The buds on Nyusha's butt are scarlet, which once again emphasizes the singer's passion, her activity.

It's no secret that red has the longest wavelength. To perceive it, the brain needs to activate, to strain.

Therefore, red colors are loved by active, bossy, energetic people. Angelina Jolie is one of them.

Her tattoo is close in scale to Nyusha's, also covers the waist and buttocks. A tiger and a dragon are depicted.

Not a single photo is presented on the Internet. The tattoo on Jolie's buttocks, in her own words, is a symbol of dual strength and wisdom.

Types of tattoos on the buttocks

Tattoos on women's buttocks are commonplace. Drawings on the butt emphasize the roundness of maiden forms, their sexuality.

Many ladies do not need more. Therefore, the customer art salons choose attractive aesthetically, but not overloaded philosophical meaning of images, for example, kiss tattoo on the buttocks.

There is a sexual appeal and playfulness in this drawing. The scarlet color excites, and the rounded shape of the lip print complements the bulge of the butt.

The male buttock tattoo is an exception to the rule. An artistic tattoo is an adornment, and guys aren't used to decorating their butts.

Men's power is concentrated in the front. Therefore, tattoos on the buttocks are associated with members of sexual minorities.

The interpretation, in part, is supported by the criminal community. In the penitentiary there is a tattoo called "Eyes.

It is applied to the buttocks of the downcast, that is, those who perform the role of women in prison.

While in prisons the minorities are enrolled by force, in ordinary life homosexuality is a voluntary matter, and symbols of it are also applied voluntarily.

Thus, tattoos of the stoker on the buttocks and a picture with a target located in the anus area are popular among minorities.

Such pictures help unconventional guys get to know each other and get a partner, both literally and figuratively.

In addition to the division on the male and female, there is also a division on the narrative and text tattoos.

The first ones use artistic images, the second use letters, numbers and fonts.

There is a combined category, when a picture is accompanied by a text. Thus, the tattoo inscription on the buttock can be a barcode.

It combines a striped print and a set of numbers. All together is a cipher that hides information about the product.

Therefore, the bar code on the buttocks are automatically associated with the "label" on the products.

Nakolka acts as a kind of offer to buy, can, location, can the time of the bearer of the tattoo.

As a tattoo on the buttocks for girls, or guys, the barcode looks spectacular in the middle, or at the top of the butt.

The image is lost at the bottom. Hence, another division of tattoos on the buttocks is by location.

Some pictures are advantageous to the side, while others are at the bottom, and others at the top. Some tattoos, and at all, are written diagonally.

There are sketches for the central part of the buttocks, designed for one of them, or decorating both. What option to choose? We will discuss this in the final chapter.

Where to get a tattoo on the buttocks

The choice of location depends on the goals pursued, the characteristics of the figure and the parameters of the chosen sketch. So, a butterfly tattoo on the buttock will decorate only its upper part.

If the insect flaps its wings under its butt, the movement will not be seen, nor will the beauty of the animal.

Moreover, you may get the impression that the butterfly is hanging down with its wings as if on a branch.

This will visually elongate the buttock, making it appear more expansive and, at the same time, flat. Elongated pockets on jeans that go over the top of the legs have a similar effect.

Tattoos, especially large and long ones, are good for the sides of the buttocks and the areas below them. Tattoos under the buttocks create an extra shadow.

It makes the buttocks look more convex and rounded. A shadow will also create a side tattoo.

Therefore, it is only suitable for wide hips, as if cutting them down. On narrow buttocks the tattoo is superfluous.

It is no secret that the buttocks can be asymmetrical. As a rule, one is higher than the other. The tattoo will allow you to correct the contour.

It is logical to "lift" a large buttock, in fact the higher the butt, the more young and elastic it looks.

It turns out that it is necessary to overlap the drawing that protrudes downwards. On the other buttocks, respectively, the pattern is unnecessary.

If it is decided to place tattoos at the bottom of the buttocks, to put them on the legs, it is worth to take into account the condition of the skin. Cellulite, for instance, can spoil any pattern.

Tattoo will not cover the unevenness, but only accentuate it. Divert the same attention will help picture at the top of the buttocks. The look will fall there, missing the attention of what is below.


For women

For men