The meaning of the tattoo with an eagle: for men, women, on the chest, arm, shoulder. Sketches + 125 PHOTO

Eagle, a tattoo that symbolizes freedom and ambition, will serve not only as an excellent decoration for your body, but also carry a powerful semantic load. Pride, justice and fighting spirit are the key qualities for this bird. The wisdom and strength inherent in this creature must also be characteristic of the bearer of the tattoo. Not in vain Indian tribal leaders decorated their heads with eagle feathers, because only a leader could afford such a headdress. Read more about the meaning of the tattoo eagle.

Not only men are characterized by such a character - women gladly put the image of an eagle on their skin, choosing colorful and large-scale sketches. The chest or back is the perfect location for this bird with spread wings.

The meaning of the eagle tattoo

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOs

In the art of tattooing, the image of an eagle is of no small importance. In many countries, this bird appears in various myths, legends and tales. Since ancient times, the eagle has been attributed many qualities that almost all people want to possess. He is fearless, fast, and strong. These traits many modern men want to see in themselves. That is why the tattoo with an eagle is so popular among the representatives of the strong half of mankind.

Tattoo with an eagle

Tattoo with an eagle

Tattoo with an eagle

Tattoo with an eagle

Tattoo with an eagle

Tattoo with an Eagle

So what is the significance of the eagle on the human body? We will answer this question below by figuring out What this bird symbolizes.

Popular compositions

Plots in the field of tattoos directly depend on the style chosen. If the Graphic is used, then any vivid images are not technically possible to use. Particularly in demand is an eagle flying over a battlefield, or sitting on a massive tombstone in the shape of a cross. Also, in the style of Watercolor paint a bird on a background of mountains, carrying in its paws the prey.

For lovers of Oldschool, a more beloved subject is the depiction of crossed revolvers, where the bird is a detail of the handles. The same is depicted with the use of flags and sabers. In the Neotraditional, the eagle is stuffed as an article of clothing or accessory, as a reference to the animal element in every human being.

Myths, legends, and lore of the various cultures of the peoples of the world

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This proud and majestic bird can definitely be called one of the most popular animals in various tales and myths of the most diverse peoples around the world. It has been ascribed great power, capability, and divinity.

The eagle is a kind of a collective image of all birds of prey.including the hawk and the falcon. Archaeologists have found idols and totems in the form of birds or with the images of birds. This suggests that in ancient times there were whole cults that worshipped birds.

Myths of the ancient Sumerians

The ancient Sumerians had a very famous legend of the warrior and the eagle. One day, a man was driving along the road and came across a branchy tree that had an eagle's nest on it. The warrior decided to climb up the branches and ravage the nest, which contained the little chicks. Then the adult eagle decided to negotiate with the man and offer him a peaceful way out of the situation. In return for the integrity of his home and offspring, the proud bird revealed to humans the secret of fire mining.

The Eagle on the Breast

Similar legends can also be found in the cultures of the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia, the Americas, and Siberia. The legend quickly spread around the world. This led to another belief, that eagles are lords of fire and keep its secrets.

Eagle in the history of the Aztecs

The Aztecs worshipped the eagle no less zealously than other peoples. This bird was the personification of the sky and freedom. In the drawings that have been found by archaeologists during excavations, eagles attacked and fought the creatures and animals that inhabited the earth: snakes, lions, bulls, deer. This war epitomized the eternal struggle of the two opposites, heaven and earth.

The eagle on the shoulder

The mythical Aztec eagle became known in many parts of the earth. It is considered a talisman and a symbol that brings incredible luck, as well as good news, a burst of vital energy and good motivation.

Legends of the Romans.

The Romans considered the eagle a guide to the "realm of the gods". In ancient times, there was a very interesting rite the deification of the emperor. It was performed posthumously. When the ruler was burned, the priests released an eagle into the sky. He was supposed to take the emperor's soul to the gods to live there forever.

The eagle on the wrist in minimalist style

Since then, the eagle has become a symbol of the purification of the human souland immortality, liberation from worldly concerns and return to heaven.

Ancient Greek lore

Some historians are of the opinion that a certain contribution to the designation of the tattoo with an eagle was made by the work of Homer's Iliad.. In it, this bird is described as powerful, majestic, with a huge reserve of strength and endurance.

An eagle with a snake

Also, the ancient Greeks believed that the god Zeus could turn into this proud bird. It was in complete obedience to him. That's why Zeus could send the eagle on personal errands.

Native American Tribes

In ancient times, in North America, the image of the eagle was always used by local shamans, chiefs, and warriors. Only the most respected people in the tribe could decorate their headdress with eagle feathers. They not only emphasized their status, but also served as amulets and protection. Feathers brought good luck in battle, guarded against enemies, and gave good luck. At least, that's what the ancient Indians thought.

The eagle across the back

The symbol of an eagle in modern tattoo art

Most often the image of this bird on his body is applied by the representatives of the strong half of mankind. But, it is worth noting that some girls also like sketches with this bird to emphasize their freedom and independence. The meaning of this tattoo can depend on the character of its owner and what he puts into this drawing. The philosophy of two identical images on different bodies can differ dramatically.

Colored Eagle

However, there are also universally recognized meanings of the eagle tattoo. Most often it has a positive character, expressing human values and dignity in the modern world.

Courage, patronage, determination, courage As well as possible will look better tattoo with an eagle on the shoulder of a courageous guy, in the heart of which blazing courage and fearlessness. Such a tattoo emphasizes that the man is ready to protect his family and loved ones until his last breath.

Power, pride, strength, might If you see a man with an eagle tattoo on his chest, you know this man is very ambitious and strives for power. This drawing is often applied by those who are ready to go to the top to the last. But, this does not mean that the owner of the tattoo of an eagle on his chest can go to his goal "on the corpses". Eagle - a proud bird, it does not tolerate betrayal and deception.

Confidence, impetuosity, persistence If a man is not ready to retreat under any circumstances, he always wants to win all disputes and be right, then for such a man is suitable tattoo in the form of an eagle with raised wings and widely spaced claws. The tattoo of a bird in such a belligerent position makes it clear that in front of you is not an ordinary man, but a "tough nut.

Independence, Freedom, Inspiration For creative personalities will also suit the tattoo with an eagle. These people are famous for their freedom, they are almost always in their world, in their universe. To such guys and girls perfectly fits a tattoo of an eagle soaring above the ground. Such an image not only emphasizes independence, but also helps to break prejudices and unnecessary rules. For the eagle in the sky there are no obstacles, he is free to do anything.

Perfection, aspiration, mastery Purposeful people prefer to depict this bird on their back. Such a tattoo looks majestic and imposing. The back is a fairly large "canvas" on which you can place a tattoo of considerable size. The wings of an eagle can extend from one shoulder to the other. People with an eagle tattoo on their back are ready to improve themselves and the world around them. They do not tolerate flaws and are not going to put up with imperfections. It is very important for them to do everything perfectly, they are true perfectionists.

Tattoo of an eagle: sketches

In order for the eagle on the skin to look good, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality sketch. It should be discussed with the master and show the selected option in advance. The drawing should be clear and of a suitable size. It is also necessary to decide on the style:

  • Ethnic;
  • gothic;
  • oriental;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • biomechanics;
  • Polynesian style and others.

Variations are possible where the main pattern was subsequently designed in one of the styles.

Any of the drawings should be carefully considered. If you want to make a real tattoo, you should remember that it is not so easy to remove and, most likely, it will remain with its owner for life.

Places to place the tattoo

The location for the tattoo depends on the size of the subject. For large images, the best choice will be the back and chest, due to the fact that these locations have the most skin. For the average tattoo choose: shoulders, forearms, hips, calves, shoulder blades, lower back and stomach.

An important aspect in this plan is considered and the client's pain threshold. The most painful place to do a tattoo is where the bone is closest to the skin. It is worth taking this into consideration when visiting a tattoo parlor. Where there is more muscle mass - painful sensations are not so much, therefore a large tattoo and applied in such locations can be without much discomfort.


For women

For men