Peacock as a mascot in feng shui and what it means, what are peacock feathers for in the house?

" Omens " What can a peacock feather change in life



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Among the huge number of items that are a decoration of the home interior, a very prominent place is taken by the feather of the peacock - a bird that is rightly considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. In this case, the attitude towards it varies greatly: some think that peacock feathers in the house bring only positive emotions to its inhabitants, and others, on the contrary, think that this object is the source of troubles and troubles. What is the reason for such a striking divergence of opinions about peacock feathers and what advice we should listen to? About that - below.

Can I keep peacock feathers in the house?

Can I keep peacock feathers in the house?

The ancient legend of the peacock


In the world culture this bird with an extraordinary tail embodies the sun and stars, is a symbol of dignity, beauty and immortality. Because of the many "eyes" on the peacock's tail, Indians see in its image not only beauty but also wisdom. Buddhist monks used to carry around peacock tail feathers because they represented compassion.

There is an ancient Chinese legend about the peacock.

A Chinese sage once saw a beautiful bird standing by the water. Its feathers shimmered with amazing colors and glistened in the sun in hundreds of different shades. The wise man came closer to the bird and wanted to talk to it. But the bird did not even turn around as it was staring at its reflection on the surface of the water.

The old man was surprised at this unfriendliness, raised his hand and blocked the sun with it. Darkness descended on the earth. The bird, breaking away from its appearance, turned to the wise man. He asked her who she was. The noble creature answered that his name was Peacock, and sadness settled in his heart, as he dreamed of bringing joy, happiness and love to those around him, but had not yet understood how to do so.

The sage marveled at the generosity and nobility of the bird. He took his hand away from the sun, and the Peacock's tail began to play with wonderful colors again. But as soon as the world was bright again, the bird turned away and went back to admiring his reflection, forgetting the old man and his conversation with him.

The man did not like it, and he decided to punish Peacock for his empty words. He made the bird a source of joy for the people. Admiring it, man feels happiness and admiration.

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In the teachings of feng shui, the peacock as a symbol of good luck has found widespread use.

How and where to get peacock feathers

In the past centuries, only rich people were owners of exotic feathers. The peacock is a cautious and sensitive bird, and it is difficult to catch it. Hunters after beautiful feathers tracked down the prey patiently and for a long time, the feathers were taken only from the live bird. Therefore, they were rare and expensive. It would not be out of place to know that mostly peacock feathers are brown in color. And the riot of colors is a visual deception.

At the moment, the question of where to buy peacock feather is solved quickly and without problems. Private bird farms are engaged in breeding peacocks solely for the sake of wonderful feathers.

peacock feather

You can order them as directly on the farm, and on the Internet. Quickly and efficiently peacock feathers will be delivered to any part of the country. Their price ranges from 50 to 500 rubles. It all depends on the quality and length of the feather, with bulk orders there are good discounts.

What does this talisman mean

Talisman with the image of a peacock symbolizes beauty. The magical power is located in the large tail of the bird, which makes it so beautiful that it has been honored, respected and extolled for centuries. A peacock amulet will draw joy into the home, which will bring with it beauty, wisdom and success.

Peacock in nature

Beauty is reflected in any sphere of activity. It matters in both personal life and career. Depending on which direction of the house the talisman will be installed, there will be positive changes in a person's life.

The image of the peacock can be used as a talisman: it will ward off danger and betrayal, as well as help a person to cope with the difficulties of life, giving him mental strength.

There is an opinion that the peacock promotes intuition and helps to influence people. Is this true, you can find out only by resorting to the amulet.

The appropriate material for the statuette

Statuettes that are made of gold are the most powerful talisman. Even a small image of a bird inlaid with precious stones can in the shortest time positively affect the course of a person's life.

However, not everyone can afford expensive amulets. Metal, glass, ceramics will be suitable materials for a figurine of a peacock. Possesses the power of both painted and embroidered bird. If you want to have a peacock, use a paper, and then paint it in the colors you like.

If you want to use a peacock, you can do it with a peacock. Feathers from the tail of a peacock also have a powerful energy that can bring change.

The action of the noble bird in any form will be favorable. For example, a clay figurine placed in the sector of wealth will activate the flow of money. Decorating with a metal talisman career zone, you can achieve good luck in the professional field.

A picture of peacocks in the home

As a talisman, amulet or amulet, you can use not only figurines of the bird, but also its images. Paintings with peacocks often hang in the study or office, as the image of these creatures symbolizes good luck in all affairs, and therefore will help to climb and up the career ladder. Success can come in different forms, which depends on what activity the person is engaged in.

The energy that the painting will attract, will create favorable conditions for the inner development of the owner of the cabinet, and will also contribute to the fact that in his life there are new interesting people.

Causes of contradiction

First of all, it should be noted that significant differences in the attitude towards peacock feathers are due to the traditional beliefs of a particular nation. For example, in Asian countries, the part of the world that is native to the bird in question, this feather is considered as one of the best gifts for the owners of any house. In China, peacocks have been worshipped for centuries, as evidenced by the numerous objects of art, in particular those related to the practice of feng shui. Some Chinese nobles even placed the image of the peacock on family coats of arms in the hope of attracting wealth and good luck to their side.

As for our country, as well as most European countries, here peacock feathers are valued to a much lesser extent. Of course, in terms of appearance there are not the slightest complaints - each of them can easily decorate any interior. Another concern is the fact that in most European countries peacock feathers are bad omen in the house. Many people are not advised to keep them in the house, explaining it by their ability to attract misfortune: both small and more serious.

How to make a symbol of feng shui with your own hands

Peacock napkin holder

Talismans, made with their own hands, have a special value and power, because in the course of the work a person transmits the energy of his thoughts to the amulet. You can make a peacock from any material, such as clay, salt dough or plasticine. The main rule for making the figurine is to use as many colors as possible when decorating the tail of the bird. It should be painted as brightly as possible. It will be good if the colors will shimmer. If there are no such, you can use beautiful stones, beads and other materials.

The amulet can be made in the form of applique, with the tail can be designed using a feather of a peacock that has fallen out of its tail.

If the peacock is an emblem drawn by yourself, it will also bring prosperity, good luck and recognition.

Home comforts.

Cute sofa cushions with a drawing of a peacock feather will be a great addition to the interior. Bedding and bedspreads with a print of an exotic bird's feather look very effective and distinctive. Carpets with "peacock" colors are suitable as an original addition to the design of the room in the appropriate style.

The main thing is that all items in the interior should match each other in color, texture and style. Although it is always worth experimenting and finding something unique and close in spirit.

Elements of feathers in the decor can be present in any elements. These are paintings, table lamps, all kinds of panels, textiles, curtains and much more. Volumetric or narrow vases with a bunch of feathers are desirable to put in the most unexpected places. This will help to avoid primitiveness in the use of regal plumage. Options for the use of feathers in the interior a large number, the main thing - do not be afraid to fantasize.

A suitable place in the house

Installing the image of the divine bird in the house, a person attracts comfort to his home, activates beneficial energy flows that create an atmosphere of joy, harmony and peace.

In this case, the bird can be depicted with the dissembled or folded tail. In the first case, it will help a person to find confidence in his strength, give a sense of fullness, harmony of life. In the second case, it will serve as protection against rash decisions and rash actions.

Statue of a peacock

If you decorate the northern sector with a picture of a bird, you can soon be promoted in your career or get recognition of important people. In this case, the area of the north sector should be decorated with blue and black colors, as these colors will increase the effect of the amulet.

A bird with a luxurious tail installed in the southern sector will bring fame and glory. If you decorate this area with red or golden hues, the influence of the amulet will increase. You can use a picture of a bird with a bright fiery tail.

A good place to place the peacock would be the southwestern sector - it is responsible for love relationships and partnerships. It is better to place here a pair of birds, which will symbolize mutual understanding between people, happiness and harmony in their union.

Only the western direction is not the right place to put a statue of a peacock or hang a picture of it. This sector is responsible for children and creativity. The energy of the bird can promote excessive pride and boasting, which will have a negative effect on his creativity and the opinion of his environment about him.

When decorating the chosen sector, one should remember that the atmosphere and interior in it should please the person, and the statuette or picture of a bird should bring joy and admiration.

Strengthening and activation of the power of the talisman

Before you put a figure of the peacock in any sector, you must fill it with additional energy with the help of a burning flame, which will make the action of the amulet even more effective. For the same purposes, twice a week, the statuette is placed near a fire. If the figurine is made of a soft material which can melt, it is set in the same room with fire, for example, with a fireplace. You can use candles, lighting them next to the image.

The talisman will acquire greater power if it is regularly invoked. You should have a conversation with the peacock in which, admiring it, pay tribute to its beauty. The bird also needs a treat. To do this you can pour nuts, groats or seeds into a small saucer and put the dish in front of the noble creature.

Decorating the house with a picture of a beautiful bird, you should remember that it needs care, affection and attention. Dusty and forgotten after a few days figurine will not affect the situation in business or the situation in the house. If it is cared for, then soon a grateful multicolored or white peacock will bring a person and his family prosperity and happiness.


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