Salamander tattoo meaning: what is the meaning behind the salamander tattoo? (50 pics and designs)

Salamander tattoo meaning is one of the popular and appropriate tattoos for both men and women, and all because of its features and the way of life it leads, viz:

  • tranquility;
  • the capacity for rebirth;
  • resilience in all circumstances;
  • imperishability;
  • invincibility;
  • indestructibility of faith;
  • chastity.

Salamander tattoo meaning

Salamander tattoo as a fire symbol

Salamander tattoo most often applied in the form of a small skinky lizard or miniature dragon without wings on a background of fluttering fire glare. In the Middle Ages the salamander was regarded by alchemists as an extraordinary and mysterious creature, because it was believed to have a flaming body color, to be able to eat the flames and at the same time live in them, although in itself it always remained cold, moreover, it could extinguish the flames with its body cold. It is likely that this was the reason for choosing the salamander as a permanent mascot and a constant emblem of the fire brigades, as well as insignia on their uniforms.

Realism Salamander Tattoo on Shin

Salamander tattoo styles

There are quite a few interesting options for salamander tattoos. Among the most interesting are images in the style of realism and watercolor. Such naked images differ in originality and beauty.

Tattoo salamander

Tattoo salamander

The old-school salamander tattoo is sure to please both men and women. This image is characterized by visual convexity and colorfulness.

Salamander tattoo

Salamander tattoo

It is not uncommon for men and women to favor the fire salamander tattoo as a special tattoo. It is possible to get a beautiful tattoo on any part of the body.

Salamander tattoo meaning of nobility

Although the bite of the salamander was considered lethal, and she herself was active, for the most part, during the night, hiding from sunlight and from easily accessible areas, she did not become an image of darkness with a negative context, but rather served as a prototype of piety, constancy, self-confidence and unshakable calm. In addition, in the Middle Ages it was believed that the salamander had neither feminine nor masculine characteristics, which led to its association with the struggle against lust, carnal desires and passions, and in church ceremonies and literature it became a model of the strength of faith, chastity and virtue. King Francis I of France, who paid great attention to literature and the arts, was not unreasonable in choosing the salamander as a symbol of his power and activities to exorcise evil. In the British Isles during this period the salamander was a symbol of military courage, bravery and endurance. It is not unimportant that such a tattoo also denotes the incredible ability to recover lost strength and unprecedented rebirth, what resembles a wonderful legendary phoenix bird that can be reborn from the ashes.

Salamander tattoo for men: what it means

Life is able to exist in four "elements": in water and in the air, on the ground and under the ground. But it cannot exist in fire! After all, it burns everything around it, even oxygen, without which combustion is impossible! Although medieval books write that the salamander, unlike other living creatures, not only does not suffer from fire, but feels at home in its heat! This is probably why the salamander tattoo has the following meaning. If the image is applied to the male body, it indicates that the owner of the picture is able to withstand any problems and difficulties! The salamander tattoo is an amazing combination of fire and life. Therefore, it also hides the following meaning:

  • steadfastness;
  • no fear of dangers and difficulties;
  • Bravery, courage (perhaps that is why this creature is so often used as a heraldic symbol).

Realistic Salamander tattoo on back

If you look at what are the salamander tattoo sketches, you can often see its combination with fire. This is not surprising, given the significance of the image described above. However, it should also be noted here how the creature is judged by Christians. After all, for them, the flame, one way or another, symbolizes hell and human sins, the purification of which comes by fire. Therefore, for Christians, the lizard's resilience to fire speaks of resistance to demonic temptation. If you translate this to men tattooing the salamander on their bodies, the image is a symbol of:

  • steadfastness of will;
  • strength of spirit;
  • Ability in any situation to go only on the intended path;
  • strength of character and convictions.

What is different about the male version of the tattoo?

However, the psychology of the sexes all the same affects. It is noticed that men's tattoos are different:

  • Men are more likely to make the image large.
  • Men's tattoos are characterized by monochrome.
  • While many women prefer to depict on the neck or shoulder blade, men use the ankle or shoulder.

The image of the salamander is so diverse that the pictures you can put on the body are collected by masters in separate folders. You can familiarize yourself with the pictures presented in the catalog, or you can bring your own idea. In any case, remember that this symbol:

  • Does not assume the addition of inscriptions. Many customers say that the image is already too strong.
  • Serious attitude, which was formed over the centuries, is respected, so many people do not dare to do a tattoo with a funny, ironic connotation.

Salamander tattoo sketches you haven't seen yet

Salamander tattoo for a girl

If you dig into the myths, ancient legends, it becomes clear that the salamander is mentioned in them as a creature that has no sex. Therefore, it is believed that the creature is not capable of carnal pleasures and sins provoked by these pleasures. Therefore, the salamander tattoo for a girl primarily indicates chastity. Although encountered and such an explanation as faith! A small creature, embraced by fire, is able to make the flames an inhabitable environment. In this way, it seems to indicate that fire and life are in fact one, inseparable. That is, the taming of the element that is beyond the control of other living beings is carried out. From all of the above, we can conclude - the destruction that can bring fire, and the life that the salamander gives to this element is transformed into a home. Here's what else the salamander tattoo for a girl tells you about:

  • home hearth;
  • family comfort;
  • happy marriage.

Choosing such an image to decorate her body, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity indicates that family values are important to her, she is ready to devote herself to the arrangement of the family home.

How to draw a salamander, coloring Salamander

How to draw a salamander? Here's the straight answer: it's not that hard.

I am often surprised and even made fun of by applications that you can learn to draw this and that in a few minutes (actually, to be honest, learning is a long and never-ending process), but in this case I admit: perhaps you can learn to draw a salamander quite easily and quickly.

Let me tell you a little bit about these animals.

Salamanders are tailed amphibians (they are relatives of newts) and can be aquatic or terrestrial. Aquatic ones usually have branched gills and spend their entire lives in water. There are transitional types that live in water for part of the year and on land. Such as the false red newt. Land tritons, as a rule, cannot swim. All salamanders resemble lizards, but simplified. Their body is spindle-shaped, their head is blunt, their tail is long and tapering towards the end, their legs are weak, I would say underdeveloped. And in general, salamanders themselves move slowly, awkwardly wiggling their whole body. And with such ability, these animals are often very brightly colored. That's why I decided to teach you how to draw a salamander - a great character for a beautiful coloring book or for applique.

But let's think: why, in fact, they are so brazenly painted? These slow animals that - not expensive life that they are so flaunt? But no, they have coloring like ladybugs that secrete a caustic liquid, and there are few fans of red and black bugs.

Salamanders are just the same - they secrete a poisonous secret from their skin glands, and almost nobody eats them. But people have long used salamanders notorious and about them have come up with many myths. However, contrary to speculation, real salamanders do not dance in the fire, they do not get gold, and we are now focusing on the visual and decorative side of things.

Let's start with the already mentioned false red newt. And let's draw it step by step. I'll turn the picture around so that I can be at least somewhat sporty in my sketching.

I didn't color it here - my goal is to draw a coloring book.

That is, I will first copy the newt, understand how it is arranged, and then adapt it for coloring. And this is already a sample, which will serve me in drawing coloring books for students.

Coloring Salamander

But for you, I marked the line of the limb belts and the line of eyes with a pencil to remember that the paws and eyes grow in pairs and clearly opposite each other.

Now let's move on to the fire salamander. It's irresistibly beautiful. Shiny, black with bright yellow stripes and spots. I admire it! But don't forget the shape in your decorative hobby.

Coloring Salamander

A beautiful S-shaped curve of the body certainly looks spectacular, but for the placement of paws you will need to be especially vigilant. Also remember that you have to draw a line and really BUILD the figure depicted.


And this is my own picture - an illustration of Happy Mondays song "Step on".

How to draw a Fire Salamander.

The fire salamander.

"Gonna stamp out your fire, he can change your desire."

How to draw a salamander and why to draw it Marina Novikova told you.

About amphibians

Tattoo salamander photo: 12 stylish tattoos


For women

For men