Tattoos in Latin: popular tattoo designs, meanings, choice of location

How correctly sounds the phrase for a tattoo "SAVE AND SAVE" in Latin? Very many tattoo artists and their clients have faced this question. Our service, TRANSLATE-TATTOO.RU which is engaged in professional translation of the phrase for tattoos decided to dispel all doubts associated with this question. We were helped by our professional translators, specialists, latinists, so you can trust this literacy.

So let's get started! First, let's look at some examples the Internet abounds with.

Variant 1 "Custodi et serva" - is the most common translation of the phrase "SAVE AND PROTECT" on the internet - grammatically correct, but translated as "PROTECT AND PROTECT", custodio is to watch over, to protect. There is no so-called soteriological component here, i.e., the phrase does not carry religious meaning. (For reference: Soteriology (Greek σωτηρία "salvation" + Greek λόγος - doctrine, word) is the theological teaching about human redemption and salvation, is part of dogmatic theology.)

Option #2 " Nisi et salvum " - uncoordinated set of Latin words, we recommend not considering it as a possible option at all.

Option #3 " Nisi et protegam " - Inconsistent set of Latin words also do not recommend for use. This is how this phrase is translated, favorite by many schoolboy experts in Latin translations, Google-translator.

So, we come to the most important thing - what is the correct spelling of the phrase "SAVE AND SAVE" in Latin?

"Salva et serva."

There is no well-established phrase "SAVE AND SAVE" in Latin, but the standard translation using the verbs salvare (save, a one-liner for Salvator) and servare (keep) is adequate and recognizable. The words used in the phrase translation fit well into the context of Church Latin and are widely used in various prayers. There are no differences in spelling from the masculine to the feminine in spelling.

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The "save and save" tattoo has become especially popular in the last few years among the faithful population of all ages. The thing is that such inscriptions have become common on the bodies of famous personalities - soccer players, actors, singers and other stars. This fact attracted to the tattoo salons of many young people who are trying to imitate their idols.

The meaning of the tattoo "save and save".

The inscriptions "save and preserve" have been mentioned in the Orthodox faith for decades. Surely you have seen them on rings and body crosses. Later, this phrase began to be used by believers as a tattoo. Generally, it means the desire of man to receive protection from God and higher forces. Also, this inscription protects people from making bad decisions, gambling and other temptations. Often such protection is needed by people whose lives or professional activities involve risks: rescuers, racing drivers, travelers, firefighters, etc.

"Save and Preserve" is a tattoo, which is often supplemented with some elements: crosses, angels or their wings, images of Holy men, heavenly gates, etc. Basically tattoo is printed on Latin - "Salva et serva" or old Slavonic language.

As tattoo inscriptions are widespread in criminal circles. They were initiated in abundance in the 90s when the country was in a tense criminal situation. In the penal zone these tattoos are usually found on the back or on the chest. And one of the most common designs is a tattoo cross with an inscription or text on the background of a church with domes.

A little history

The history of tattooing is several thousand years old, and no one can reliably say where they first appeared. Some historians conclude that the first tattoos appeared at the dawn of humanity and meant belonging to a family, defined social status and had magical power. In some parts of India, the custom of tattooing has survived to this day to determine one's caste.

In ancient times it was not just a drawing - each image carried a different kind of information. Only after the first sailors began to put tattoos on their bodies unrelated to rituals and certain kinds of information. Seeing the natives tattoo amulets, which were to protect their owners from disease and danger, waiting for them on the hunt, the sailors began to apply a tattoo of Christian symbolism.

On the back of the sailors depicted the crucifixion; the tattoo "Save and Preserve" was to help avoid which they were often subjected to in the Navy.

Where to place the tattoo inscription?

Most often the phrase "save and preserve" is found on the hand, namely on the forearm. This is explained by the fact that the tattoo is clearly visible to the people around. Men's tattoos are often inscribed on the back or chest: these areas allow for a large size phrase. Girls prefer to wear tattoos on the shoulder blade, on the wrists or on the spine.

Depending on lifestyle, gender and age, people choose different fonts for their tattoo. Girls like ornate fonts with thin lines. Brutal men prefer the gothic style with bold letters.

Choosing to apply religious text, it should be remembered that the church does not approve of such actions. Even when the tattoo is done for the purpose of demonstrating faith or religion. Priests encourage believers to wear a body cross, on which, precisely, this inscription is applied.

Tattoos in Russia

It is believed that the art of tattooing in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, but this is not true. In ancient pagan Russia, body painting was a part of magic rituals and ceremonies. Later, Russian soldiers and princes began to apply drawings; they carried information about exploits, nobility and status. After the advent of Christianity, the church rejected tattoos that were a reminder of paganism and magical rituals.

Drawings with the inscription - "Save and Preserve" tattoos - were among the first after the revival of the art of tattooing in the country. But even to this day, Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, are ambivalent about the art of tattooing.

It must be said that some people choose the expression "Save and Preserve" for a body drawing. The tattoo inscription in this case can be considered a tribute to magical rituals and incantations, which have always been condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church explains its aversion not only to such inscriptions, but also to all other images on the human body. The body created by our Lord and bought at a high cost should not be subjected to disfigurement. The symbol of the Christian religion is the crucifix, and as a sign of loyalty to Christ it is enough to wear the inscription on the tattoo "Save and Preserve" is inappropriate, because it is already on the cross.

Save and Preserve: photo

Below you can see pictures and photos of finished works from various masters. We hope that the presented pictures will help you to decide on the idea of your future tattoo. But remember that a tattoo is a serious step, especially when it comes to a religious text. The Orthodox inscription means that you will not be able to treat it as an ordinary "partak". Choosing it, you should weigh the pros and cons, as well as assess your inner readiness to become the owner of such a tattoo.

A Latin tattoo with translation for men

To depict a tattoo inscription can be all kinds of interesting ways and fonts, for example, in a curved form, in the form of a pattern or ornament. But the most paramount criterion that a man must designate for himself - the theme of the inscription. This can be a tattoo about love, friendship, family, God, as well as various philosophical sayings.

About love

The most popular theme for most men who want to score a tattoo in the form of an inscription is love. What's on the soul is usually conveyed in Latin, depicting beautiful quotes and aphorisms on various parts of the body. The most popular inscriptions about love in Latin are as follows:

Te amo es mecum - I love you, be with me;

Una vita, unus amor. - One love, one life;

Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you;

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no medicine for love;

Mea vita et anima es - thou art my life and soul.

About friendship

Friends are close people who will share life's struggles or happiness. In today's world it is difficult to find a friend, which is why the value of friendship is so high, and hence there are more and more tattoos with inscriptions in Latin on this subject. For example:

Aliis inserviendo consumor - Serving others I waste myself;

Magna res est amicitia - Friendship is a great thing;

Homo hominis amicus est - man is a friend of man;

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant - friends create happiness, unhappiness tests them;

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi - forgive to others often, to yourself never.

Latin words for tattoos

Tattoo inscriptions with meaning do not always require large text and scale. In fact, you can convey a deep message with a tattoo with just one word. And if it is in Latin, this will give it even more wisdom, depth and mystery. Latin inscription words can be as follows:

Amor - I love;

Crédo - I believe;

Miles - warrior;

Dux - leader;

Familia - family.

Philosophical sayings

In 80% of sketches of male tattoo inscriptions in Latin philosophical sayings are used, because the nature of the language disposes to it, and also the depth and beauty of the meaning of such quotations. To become convinced of it is possible if to look through examples of philosophical sayings in Latin:

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - Love, like a tear, is born out of the eye, it falls on the heart;

Ars longa, vita brevis. - art is long, but life is short (Hippocrates);

Cibi condimentum est fames - hunger is the best seasoning for food;

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum - Correct the past, guide the present, provide for the future;

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida - To whom Fortune smiles, Themis ignores.

About the family

The most important goal of every adult is to create and maintain a family, and you can express your devotion and love for your family with beautiful tattoos of inscriptions in the popular Latin language. For example:

Proximi Mei, Meum Fundamentum - My family is my everything;

Familia Supra Omnia - family above all;

Bonum caput familiae - the good head of the family;

Motivating phrases

To overcome laziness, insecurity, fears and doubts, many men stuffed tattoo inscriptions with a motivational message. Bright examples of sketches:

Viam supervadet vadens - The way walketh the walker;

Numquam cede - never give up;

Impossibilia non sunt - Nothing is impossible;

Totus mundus ante pedes meos - the whole world is at my feet;

Vel caelus mihi limes non est - even heaven is not the limit.

Why are tattoos done in Latin?

Latin is a language that has been able to maintain its original state until today. The language is officially accepted and used in the Vatican and among Catholics. Although it is not used in the spoken genre anywhere, its popularity in the context of tattoos is off the charts. The explanation is simple:

  1. Phrases, words or quotes in Latin imply deep meaning for the tattoo wearer, plus the language will help change lives, according to the "work" of the tattoo.
  2. Tattoo in Latin looks elegant and mysterious not only for the owner, but also for the surrounding eye. In addition, few will be able to translate the words, which means that the tattoo will remain a great intrigue.
  3. Latin is harmoniously combined with different tattoos, creating a coherent composition. It will suit any character, religious symbol, animals, birds, plants, different objects on the tattoo.

Opinion of expert Viola Madison

Master tattooist, 8 years experience

Latin has always been spoken only by the greatest minds of mankind, scientists, physicians, researchers, and historians. Hence the respect and tribute to phrases and quotations in Latin becomes understandable.

The meaning of tattoos

A similar variant of tattoos is a great way to decorate one of the areas of the body with a phrase in which a deep philosophical meaning is concluded, because Latin is the language of the great minds of antiquity. Among the many examples of today are very popular quotes and philosophical sayings, the meaning of which can be pondered and speculated about forever. Such inscriptions can demonstrate the inner world or the attitude of the owner of the tattoo to life in general. Many versions of the sketches act as amulets or talismans, protecting the wearer from negativity and warning others about the principles of life of the owner of the sketch. Also popular are inscriptions on a religious theme, serving as a warning or reminder of the meaning of existence. Equally popular are phrases that emphasize character traits, feelings, hidden desires or goals.

Men's tattoos

About 80% of all male tattoos in the form of Latin inscriptions contain well-known philosophical sayings and phrases that maximally reflect the life stance of their owner. Men like to underline their superiority, strength, courage and intelligence. Sometimes the phrases reveal the owner's attitude towards his family, his manner of expressing feelings, his credo and personal aspirations. Also very popular among the male sex are religious inscriptions, acting as a talisman or warning.

On what sites men often apply tattoos with inscriptions in Latin?

On what place will be located the chosen sketch of the tattoo inscription in Latin - an important choice because it can affect the meaning and emotional message of the tattoo.


On the shoulders, a man can apply any phrases and quotations in Latin, concerning faith, love, family.


Tattoos on the forearm will often come into the view of the people around them, so personal and deep meaning is rarely put into them. Usually it is a demonstration of faith, principles, positions.

Tattoo on the wrist

On the wrist, put a small tattoo of the inscription, as long phrases can be poorly viewed and distorted. Ideally will look one word.

Tattoo abstraction

Another image that the actor made specifically for his role in the movie "Shadow Boxing" is on his forearm . It is a kind of abstract image, which is difficult to describe at once .

The actor says that it is intuitively perceived as an aggressive and strong sign. With its help, Artem Kolchin could get additional power, to intimidate his opponent.

Are there any recommendations for tattoos with Latin inscriptions?

For a tattoo to be a loyal companion in your life and for its text, manner and meaning to remain relevant, ask yourself a few important questions at the planning stage.

  1. What values do you prioritize in your life?
  2. What goal are you striving for - family, career, love, friendship?
  3. Are there important events in your life that you want to remember always?
  4. Does the Latin match the character and emotional message of the inscription?
  5. On what part of your body do you want to wear the inscription tattoo?

Does your body have a tattoo inscription on it?

Women's tattoos

Beautiful ladies prefer to get small inscriptions and often give preference to ornate and openwork designs. Family, children and love are the most common themes for such designs. Also, young ladies often emphasize their femininity and attractiveness with such sketches. Not seldom phrases and sayings on a woman's body are combined with additional details.

Either I'll find a way, or I'll make my own way

How to choose a tattoo sketch for a place on the body?

To choose a sketch to the right place on the body, you can rely on the principle of proportionality and proportionality. It consists of the following:

  • Long phrases on a large scale can be applied to the back, chest, sides and arms;
  • medium-sized text will look harmoniously on a man's hips, legs, shoulders, shoulder blades;
  • Short sayings or one-word inscriptions will be suitable for the palms, fingers, hands and wrists.

Important! If you pick up a tattoo and its location on the body, think about how often the tattoo will have to be hidden in a working or formal setting. The pain threshold can also affect the choice of site on the body, as sensitivity to pain is different everywhere.

Where to tattoo

In order for the tattoo to look harmonious on your body, it is worth taking seriously the choice of location and the interpretation of the sketch. The back area is suitable for large or long phrases, but don't forget, inscriptions dedicated to a deceased relative or a declaration of love will look out of place on the waist. Tattoos on the chest, hips or collarbone area may contain inscriptions of a more personal nature. Small expressions or single words on the hands and palms look nice. Shoulders and forearms are the most popular places for tattoos and allow for medium sized sketches or sayings of two or three words. For inscriptions on the leg, areas on the thigh or foot are more suitable. A harmoniously placed tattoo can adorn any area of your body.

Save and Preserve: photo

Below you can see pictures and photos of finished works from various masters. We hope that the presented pictures will help you to decide on the idea of your future tattoo. But remember that a tattoo is a serious step, all the more so when it is a religious text. The Orthodox inscription means that you will not be able to treat it as an ordinary "partak". Choosing it, you should weigh the pros and cons, as well as assess your inner readiness to become the owner of such a tattoo.

Styles and colors for tattoos with inscriptions in Latin

Many different styles are used for Latin inscriptions, but the most common are the following options:

Thresh polka dot





Brutal men with a restrained character and conservative views on life suit tattoo in black and white scale. Color sketches more often prefer creative people and young expressive guys.

Styles and techniques

Today masters of tattoo salons can use for drawing inscriptions on the body any of the known styles and techniques. The final choice of sketch depends largely on the size, the meaning of the tattoo and the area of the body you wish to decorate. The tattoo can be complemented by a variety of ornaments or contain intricate phrases decorated with openwork monograms. Gothic inscriptions, letters that are like carved on the body, calligraphy and many other examples are in great demand. The inscription in Latin can be three-dimensional and astonishing in its scope, or, conversely, contain a couple of words and skillfully concealed under clothing.

Love, family, loyalty

The love theme is touched upon in the art of body painting most often, because this feeling accompanies us throughout life. Tattoos can be a declaration of love, tell about the owner's attitude towards this feeling or demonstrate his or her expectations from his or her chosen one. Many designs show the owner's attitude to family, to loved ones and serve as an indicator of family values:

  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - Life can end, love never.
  • Dam spiro, amo atque credo - As long as I breathe, I will love and believe.
  • Familia mea arx mea est - My home, my fortress.


For women

For men