The symbol of Solntsevorot - attribute of the main Slavic holidays

We propose to understand the meaning of tattoo Solntsevorot. This symbol refers to a special Slavic signs that are very revered pagans. Much attention is paid to this symbol and modern neo-pagans. This symbol is associated directly with the main heavenly body and its forces. This symbol is considered as one of the most powerful amulets. It is able to combine the important aspects of the three Slavic gods.

The Solnturn, like many other symbols, has several aspects. In this case, the symbolism of the amulet will depend on the image. According to this, there are different types of solstice. However, the main meaning of the symbol is the solar festivities on the solstice days. There are different opinions about the origin of the name. So some believe that the word "solstice" comes from "turn. It refers to the day of the solstice, when the celestial luminary is able to reach its highest point, or, conversely, the lowest, and turn its motion. And there are those who believe that the solstice is assumed to refer to the equinoxes, as it is at this time is able to return to the winter or summer state.

There is much debate today about the external image of the solstice. Some believe it has at least six rays. Others argue that the solstice has at least eight rays.. The word itself has Old Slavic roots and means solstice. Our ancestors revered this day as a celebration of the birth of the celestial luminary.

History of Origin

The symbol of the Slavs Solntsevorot is one of the most powerful, known to our ancestors. It was considered a conductor of life-giving solar energy. The sign binds together Yarilo, Dazhdbog and Khors, symbolizing their energy and power. In the past, the sun was considered a protector against all evil. The Sun was worn as a protection against spoilage, evil eye and bad wishes. Symbols associated with the sun were depicted on all kinds of amulets, home walls, personal items. Clothes were decorated with them, and embroidered on shirts and underwear. The ritual solar sign was used in the design of cult objects.

Solar patterns have been known since ancient times

Visually, the Slavic image resembles the Kolovrat, Koliadnik, Ladinets. It is a round sign with 8 rays, externally similar to the luminary, emitting life-giving energy. From other solar symbols Gromovik, Gromovik differs peculiar design lines. This symbol was used to protect the living from the dark forces. The Slavs believed that it helped to pass on to future generations sacred knowledge accumulated by ancestors.

Spring Solstice and its symbols

The spring solstice was considered one of the most important holidays of the year. Our ancestors celebrated it on a grand scale. This holiday draws the line between winter and spring. Slavs celebrated the day of the vernal equinox, devoted to the sun Yarilo, with fun, laughter and joy, organizing a celebration, which today we know under the name Maslenitsa.

For many of us, this holiday is associated with a week of eating pancakes and burning an effigy, which is an inanimate image of winter. But not everyone thinks about where this custom comes from. Many Christians celebrate this day, not even being aware of its pagan origins.

Holiday of the Shrovetide
Spring Solstice. Today it is better known as Maslenitsa. The holiday is so firmly embedded in culture, that it remained even after the baptism of Russia.

Solntsevorot was an invariable attribute of Maslenitsa. It was found not only in its true guise - a sign on amulets, but also in alternative versions:

  • embroidery on festive clothing;
  • in pancakes, which were a tribute to the young sun;
  • in roundelays carried out strictly in the direction of the sun's movement;

The meaning of the sun symbol

The meaning of the solar ornament has changed somewhat over the years because the sacred knowledge of the past has been partially lost. Undoubtedly, the sign is close to the daylight, associated with its mysterious magical power. Thunderbolt, Thunderbird has a special power and influence. It is believed that the energy of the sign is associated with the worship of the main Slavic deity Rod. The symbol has 2 aspects, the value is determined by the direction of the rays - whether it corresponds to the clockwise motion or directed in the opposite direction.

Symbolism Solntsevorot associated with the original meaning of amulets, reflecting the essence of the folk holidays, the holy days of the Slavs. Such were the days when light and dark times of the day were compared, as well as the solstice. Scientists disagree on the rules of interpretation of the ritual patterns. Solstice, as some believe, means the days of the solstice. Others believe that the ornament includes a belief in the special power of the days of the equinox.

Solar symbols are associated with the daylight.

The debate about the proper appearance of the sign has not ceased. It is known that there were amulets with 6 rays. The number corresponds to the number of months of multidirectional motion of the luminary. In this interpretation, the sign of the Sun is associated with the symbolism of Perun. The second option - 8 rays, each of which encrypts an important for the Slavic lunar, solar holiday.

Technique of performance and style of the tattoo with Solnturn - how to pick up correctly?

The question of the design of the tattoo sketch is very important. You have to determine how best it will look like a tattoo with a Solstice.

Take into account such features of execution:

The size of the sunflower tattoo

The symbol of the sunflower is usually "stuffed" small or medium size. The tattoo looks spectacular and attractive.

Large symbols are tried not to create on the body, as they can shock others.

The sign of the Sunflower can be used in large tattoos, complemented by other images - but the symbol of the Sunflower itself will be small or medium-sized.

Example: a bogatyr holding a shield in his hand, on which the sign of the Solstice is drawn.

The location of the tattoo Solntsevorot

As a rule, the symbol is purposeful.

Men and women stuff it on:

  • Neck, back.
  • Back, in the middle between the shoulder blades.
  • Shoulder.
  • Forearm.
  • Chest, on either or both sides.
  • Head, on the top of the head.
  • Elbow.

As you can see, the location can be absolutely any. Of course, the size of the tattoo will also affect it.

Techniques of execution and styles of the sunburst tattoo

Usually the sunburst tattoo is done in black, the classic version, without the addition of other color shades.

Here an important role is played by the shadow and light moment. The master creates a picture so that it was not flat, and volume.

Creating a sunburst tattoo in black, you can use such styles:

  • Blackwork.

  • Engraving.
  • Treble.
  • Dotwork.
  • Polynesia, Ethnic.
  • Ornamental.

You can create a colored tattoo of the Sunflower. Any colors of paint can be used. Most often yellow, orange, red, and scarlet are used. These are the colors associated with the sun. The rays can even be white or red.

Styles can also be different:

  • Old-school or new-school.
  • Geometry, watercolor. It is important that there is a clear black outline of the sign. And the background can be completely explosive and colorful.

Professional studio masters can create a tattoo in any style you like.

Relationship of the Solstice to the holidays

For the inhabitants of Russia Kolovrat, Ladinets, Kolyadnik, Solntsevorot were important, powerful symbols associated with different aspects of solar deities.

The hypostasis of the luminaries are as follows:

  • Kolyada - the young sun, nascent after the solstice in winter;
  • Yarilo - the young god who patronizes the spring flowering season;
  • Kupala - the mature sun, whose period begins with the longest day of the year;
  • Svetovit - an old man whose time was the cold, dark late autumn.

Solstice was celebrated several times a year

Summer Solstice.

The holiday falls in mid-July (around the 20th). It used to be called Casting. Night is shorter than others in a year and day is longer. They celebrated Leta with rituals and fun. In many ways, the actions resembled the day of Ivan Kupala. And today people believe that this period is the best for making wishes, because the energy of the sun is at its maximum, and any magic becomes more effective. Sunny days - the most appropriate period to think about plans, tune in to the best.

Summer Solstice - Lita

The energy of Lyta in the representation of the Slavs was explained by the unity of all the elements. Rituals carried out on this day changed human destinies. The simplest ritual was to weave a wreath, symbolizing the life cycle and the rotation of the Sun. By making a wreath, the fulfillment of sincere desires was woven into the destiny. To make it a special wreath, one collected flowers for it by oneself and wove it near a living fire (campfire or candle).

Spring Solstice

This ancient holiday was called the Sunflower. It falls on March 20-21. Slavs believed that with Verbonitsa begins spring. It was believed that on this day the messengers of heaven in the form of larks come down to people. They bring warmth, bring the sun. The day of the willow, whose branches were brought home to banish hardship, illness and misfortune, was celebrated. The willow is a symbol of the weather, and if the clouds are high and move quickly, the weather will continue to be good, while a snowstorm and a wave-like blanket of snow foretell a good harvest.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice falls on 21-22 of the last month of the year. With the Slavs this day was one of the most important in the year. In December, on Solstice, the sun rises lower in the sky than on the other days of the year. From the next day will begin a gradual lengthening of daylight hours. Solstice is considered a critical transitional moment. People believed that three days before and as much after this mystical day, people live in a powerful creative energy flow.

Solntsevorot - an important Slavic holiday

The mystical moment of Solntsevorot is a period when the world stands still and enjoys silence. Man must remember God, immerse himself and rethink the path of life, to change its vector for the better. The Slavs knew that the December birthday of the new luminary is one of the main days of the year, so with excitement awaited the first morning after the solstice.

Autumn Solstorot

The least information has survived about this solar holiday. Autumn Solstice is celebrated around September 21. The holiday is dedicated to the harvest, family happiness. At this period falls the end of work in the fields. September 21 is the last day of summer, at this time autumn begins. It was welcomed by a renewal of fire: extinguished the old fire and lit the young one from a spark of flint.

On Autumns in the morning the girls went to the banks of reservoirs with sour cream and bread, welcoming the Autumn-mother. They celebrated with songs and dances. They considered the day to be first of all a woman's day. The childless asked the gods to give offspring and set tables for the poor.

Solstice tattoo sketches - who is suitable for such tattoos?

The sunshine tattoo, or Sunshine tattoo, is universal. It is suitable for both men and women. The main thing is to correctly draw the outgoing rays, in the right direction.

For men Create a tattoo that represents the Sun and masculinity, with the rays to the left. А girls Get tattoos that signify the feminine luminary, the Moon, with the rays to the right.

Before you go to a tattoo shop, pay attention to your personality traits. Masters recommend choosing tattoos based on your character.

Listed, who is suitable tattoo in the form of a sun or sunglasses:

  1. Strong and strong-willed people.

  2. Those who wish to find a protective amulet.
  3. Dreaming of changing their lives for the better, to start all over again.
  4. Positive and those who look at life optimistically.
  5. Those who have good intuition.
  6. Those who aren't afraid to develop and create, to follow their own growth.
  7. Activists, who can't live without movement.
  8. Those who honor their ancestors.
  9. Having a connection to the otherworld, to magic.
  10. Wise, experienced.
  11. Making deliberate, unhurried decisions.
  12. With the gift of foresight.
  13. People of faith.
  14. Those who wish to increase masculine strength or simply emphasize a powerful energy. This is a masculine symbol.
  15. Gentle and gracious women who wish to express their feminine nature and personality. This refers only to the feminine symbol.

If you identify yourself as one of those in this list, you can be 100% sure that this tattoo is just right for you.

Come to the tattoo studio, where professional masters will help you with the sketch and execution of the tattoo.

Varieties of amulet

Obereg Solntsevorot is a solar symbol of dual nature. The ritual ornament reflects the solar movement and changes in the duration of the day. If the rays are directed sunward, it is Thunderbird, in the opposite direction - Thunderbird.

Thunderbird .

The rays of this symbol are directed to the left. It foreshadows the winter season, darkness and cold, a period of waiting, halting. It is a powerful, saturated with energy image, capable to stimulate on achievement of new. The ancient Slavs believed that it supported the master if he really needed assistance. Warriors wore the symbol to strengthen the spirit and become more courageous, find the will and withstand the onslaught of the enemy. Priests and sorcerers gained power over the weather, learning to command the elements.

Thunderbird .

His rays are directed to the right. The symbol is associated with the revival of life, increasing daylight hours, warming. He supports the desire to protect the truth and preserve the customs of the family. In the past, this was worn by men, more often as a protective warrior. The image was put on the ammunition shortly before the battle. The thunderer protected from the evil eye, spoilage, sorcery, witchcraft. Protected from people who intended to do bad things.

History of the solstice symbol - its meaning from antiquity to the present day

One of the ancient pagan symbols of the Russians, resembling the swastika, originated in ancient times. Fragments with drawings of the solstice have been found all over the globe. It was used in different cultures and religions - Christianity, Hinduism, Lamaism.

It is believed that the symbol originated in the religion of the Aryans, in the territory where the Indo-Europeans lived. Pictures of it were found around 30 century BC in holy places - on the altars and burials.

Then the Solstice spread to all continents and began to meet in different places:

  • In the Urals

    this symbol founded an entire temple city called Vendagard. It was built in the form of a swastika mandala of round shape. In the center was the Altar, from which the streets departed. It too was decorated with swastikas and was considered holy. City of Aryan is the same age as the pyramids of Egypt.
  • In China and Japan. people believed that the symbols protect against evil. They put the symbol on things, household items, gave objects with Solstice, wishing longevity.
  • And in general, in Russia. Solntsevorot was a special symbol. It meant unity, the universe, because in translation "Kolo" means rotation. Slavic altars were also decorated with this symbol. In addition, the Russians decorated temples with it, iconostases, military banners, weapons, clothing, and homes.

Even to the present time in many cities you can find things and architectural structures with such a special painting.

For example, the Kolomna Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist is decorated with a mosaic folded in such a sign, or the icon of Our Lady of the Reign is decorated with a swastika.

In the past, the swastika was used in rituals, endowing the sign with magical power. The peoples represented the symbol as Yaril - sun, light, able to purify, protect, save from evil.

Note that in Germany, this sign was also used, but with fewer rays.

The fact is that Slavic and Germanic tribes have the same roots, going far back to the Indo-European people. But as these two peoples found themselves on different sides in the war, the solstice sign began to have negative connotations.


In order for the amulet to gain power, it is charged with the elements. To do this, first clean: a few minutes held in running water or put in a bowl of salt overnight.

The activation ritual is carried out in a quiet, deserted place in nature. Choose one where you can make a fire.

Activation fills the amulet with power

Sequence of actions:

  1. Concentrate.
  2. Appeal to nature to revive the talisman.
  3. Spend the product over the tongues of fire.
  4. Sprinkle damp earth.
  5. Dipped in water.
  6. Dry in the air.

Regulations for use, carrying

Solar symbols are powerful protective personal amulets. They are suitable for adult men with an established view of the world. If a woman's character is strong and strong, Thunderbolt is useful, but Thunderbolt is categorically inapplicable.

Personal amulets worn as pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings. Silver and gold items are preferred.

To protect the home, symbols are depicted on the roof, front door, and walls.

Solar symbols protect a person and his home

Tattoo Slavic Solntsevorot - meaning of the symbol and types of tattoos with it

The tattoo with the ancient symbol Solntsevorot became known to tattoo lovers recently. It has a powerful energy, can change lives and even become an excellent amulet. Let's tell you what the sign of the Solnturn was for the peoples of antiquity, who does tattoos with this symbol now, as well as determine what sketch you can create with the Solnturn.

Article content:

The history of the symbol of the solstice - its meaning from antiquity to the present day

One of the ancient pagan symbols of the Russians, resembling the swastika, originated in ancient times. Fragments with drawings of the solstice have been found all over the globe. It was used in different cultures and religions - Christianity, Hinduism, Lamaism.

It is believed that the symbol originated in the religion of the Aryans, in the territory where the Indo-Europeans lived. Pictures of it were found around 30 century BC in holy places - on the altars and burials.

Then Solntsevorot spread to all continents and began to meet in different places:

  • In the Urals, this symbol founded an entire temple city called Vendagard. It was built in the form of a swastika mandala of round shape. In the center was the Altar, from which the streets departed. It too was decorated with swastikas and was considered holy. Aryan City is the same age as the pyramids of Egypt.
  • In China and Japan, people believed that symbolism protected them from evil. They put the symbol on things, household items, gave objects with Solstron, wishing longevity.
  • And in general in Russia Solnturn was a special symbol. It meant unity, the universe, because in translation "Kolo" means rotation. Slavic altars were also decorated with this symbol. In addition, the Russians decorated temples with it, iconostases, military banners, weapons, clothing, and homes.

Even up to the present time in many cities you can find things and architectural structures with such a special painting.

For example, the Kolomna Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist is decorated with a mosaic folded in such a sign, or the icon of Our Lady of the Reign is decorated with a swastika.

In the past, the swastika was used in rituals, endowing the sign with magical power. Peoples represented the symbol as Yaril - the sun, the light, able to purify, protect, protect from evil.

It should be noted that in Germany, this sign was also used, but with fewer rays.

The fact is that the Slavic and Germanic tribes have the same roots, going far back to the Indo-European people. But, as these two peoples found themselves on opposite sides in the WWII, the solstice sign began to have negative connotations.

The meaning of tattoo with solstice - what does it depend on, and what tattoos with solstice are forbidden in Russia?

Appealing to the tattoo parlor, you should pay attention to the semantic meaning, which bears the sign of the solstice - and then determine whether it suits you.

In the modern art of tattooing interpretation of the symbol has not changed, compared to the representations of ancient peoples.

Sunflower tattoo means:

  1. Fertility.
  2. Abundance.
  3. Prosperity.
  4. Protection.
  5. Health.
  6. Spiritual power.
  7. Powerful energy.
  8. Light.
  9. Creativity.
  10. Development.
  11. Cognition.
  12. Optimism.

Depending on how the sign will be depicted, the meaning of the tattoo changes.

Remember: a symbol drawn inside a circle is a sign of the universe. It represents the beginning, renewal, nucleation, cyclicity.

The male symbol of the solstice is drawn with the rays proceeding counterclockwise, to the left side.

He represents:

  • Purification.
  • Masculine strength and energy.
  • Wisdom.
  • Sign of the Universe.
  • Initiation.
  • Charm, protection.
  • Link to the Otherworld.
  • Foresight.
  • Magic.
  • Supernaturalness.
  • Intuition.

Many men do such a tattoo, believing that it will increase male strength and energy.

Strangely, in the old days, such a tattoo "stuffed" vedunts, although it is considered masculine. It protects the woman and her family.

The female symbol of the sun is depicted with the rays directed clockwise to the right.

It is associated with:

  • Movement.
  • Activity.
  • Creation.
  • Inspiration.
  • The cycle of life.
  • Development, growth.
  • Prosperity and abundance.
  • Protection.
  • Connection to the ancestors.
  • Worship.
  • Purity and holiness.

And also the meaning of the tattoo is influenced by the number of rays depicted in the sign.

The sunshine tattoo can be interpreted as:

  • The power of the sun, rebirth, faith, if depicting 8 rays.
  • The sign of Perun or the Slavic god Radogost, if you draw 6 rays.
  • Heavenly fire, fiery energy, if you create a picture with 4 rays.

Note the drawn sign with 4 rays resembles the Nazi swastika. That is why in our country the application on the body of this sign is prohibited.

We warn you - do not put on your body tattoo, even remotely resembling a swastika, because it may be prosecuted and punished under Russian law!

Sketches of tattoos sunburst - who will suit such tattoos?

The sunshine tattoo, or Sunshine tattoo, is universal. It is suitable for both men and women. The main thing is to correctly draw the outgoing rays, in the right direction.

For men they create a tattoo representing the Sun and masculinity, with the rays to the left side. And girls get tattoos representing the feminine luminary - the Moon, with the rays to the right side.

Before you go to a tattoo shop, pay attention to your personality traits. Masters recommend choosing tattoos based on your character.

Listed, who is suitable tattoo in the form of a sun or sunglasses:

  1. Strong and strong-willed people.
  2. Those who wish to find a protective amulet.
  3. Dreaming of changing their lives for the better, to start all over again.
  4. Positive and those who look at life optimistically.
  5. Those who have good intuition.
  6. Those who aren't afraid to develop and create, to follow their own growth.
  7. Activists, who can't live without movement.
  8. Those who honor their ancestors.
  9. Those who have a connection to the netherworld, to magic.
  10. The wise, the experienced.
  11. Those who make deliberate, unhurried decisions.
  12. With the gift of foresight.
  13. People of faith.
  14. To those who wish to multiply masculine strength or simply to emphasize a powerful energy. This refers to the masculine symbol.
  15. The gentle and sweet person who wants to emphasize her feminine nature and character traits. This refers only to the feminine symbol.

If you identify yourself as one of those in this list, you can be 100% sure that this tattoo is just right for you.

Come to the tattoo studio, where professional masters will help you with the sketch and execution of the tattoo.

Technique of execution and style of a tattoo with the Sunflower - how to choose correctly?

The question of the design of the tattoo sketch is very important. You must determine how best the tattoo with the Sun-Turtle will look.

Take into account such features of execution:

The size of the sunflower tattoo

The symbol of the sunflower is usually "stuffed" small or medium size. The tattoo looks spectacular and attractive.

Large symbols are tried not to create on the body, as they can shock others.

The sign of the Solstice can be used in large tattoos, complemented by other images - but the symbol of the solstice itself will be small or medium-sized.

Example: a bogatyr holding a shield in his hand, on which the sign of the Solstice is drawn.

The location of the tattoo Solntsevorot

As a rule, the symbol has a purposefulness.

Men and women stuff it on:

  • Neck, back.
  • The back, in the middle between the shoulder blades.
  • Shoulder.
  • Forearm.
  • Chest, on either or both sides.
  • Head, on the top of the head.
  • Elbow.

As you can see, the location can be absolutely any. Of course, the size of the tattoo will also affect it.

Techniques of execution and styles of the sunburst tattoo

Usually the sunburst tattoo is done in black, the classic version, without the addition of other color shades.

Here an important role is played by the shadow and light moment. The master creates a picture so that it was not flat, and volume.

Creating a sunburst tattoo in black, you can use such styles:

  • Blackwork.
  • Engraving.
  • Treble.
  • Dotwork.
  • Polynesia, Ethnic.
  • Ornamental.

You can create a colored tattoo of the Sunflower. Any colors of paint can be used. Most often yellow, orange, red, and scarlet are used. These are the colors associated with the sun. The rays can even be white or red.

Styles can also be different:

  • Old-school or new-school.
  • Geometry, watercolor. It is important that there is a clear black outline of the sign. And the background can be completely explosive and colorful.

Professional studio masters can create a tattoo in any style you like.

Sunshine tattoo execution time

Usually it takes a little time to create a tattoo.

For example, to perform a small or medium sized Sunshine tattoo, a few hours are enough. For a large tattoo, however, several sessions are required.

Also, skin sensitivity affects the execution time.

If you are hypersensitive, the master will be able to postpone the process of drawing for a certain time and do it when you are ready.

Individual approach to each client is the guarantee of good and quality work of professionals in every tattoo studio.


For women

For men