Meaning of animal tattoosTattoos of various animals are found in a large number of people. But not in ...

Beavers from ancient times were famous for their patience and diligence - their intricate constructions, built on the banks of forest rivers, surprised and delighted people. Animals were exterminated not only because of their valuable fur, but also because of naive belief that "beaver jet" is the almighty cure for all ills.

The science of pharmacology has proven the full invalidity of the legend of medical value and it has saved beavers from complete extermination. Tattoo beaver denotes diligence, determination and assertiveness in affairs, a calm and firm character.

Beaver general meaning

Since ancient times, mankind had a special relationship with beavers - they were humanized, endowed with a special intelligence and calculation. There was more than one reason for this, in addition to the fact that the animal's favorite technique was to stand in a pole on its hind legs, the architectural talents of the animals were outstanding. With the help of twigs and logs "sawn off" with their teeth, skillful animals were able to build a dam, to take away from it channels for the delivery of building materials and food.

The fur of the animal is very beautiful, shiny and soft; it doesn't get wet in water and allows the animal to dive and swim safely even in the cold season. Talented builders, beavers build their huts so diligently that they turn their dwellings into impregnable fortresses, covered with brushwood from above and thoroughly covered with clay from below.

Despite their sharp and very strong incisors, beavers are strict vegetarians; they eat only herbaceous plants, tree bark, and young juicy shoots. In nature, animals can be aggressive, known cases of animals attacking humans when the boundaries of their territory were violated.

Beaver as a symbol

In ancient times, people believed that beavers in the case of the chase themselves gnaw testicles to lose value in the eyes of the hunter and get rid of persecution. The ability of beavers to "gnaw" themselves voluntary people compared to the rejection of wealth and love, the sacrifice of their desire to love and reproduce. That is why Christians regarded beavers as symbols of asceticism and chastity.

The animal's ability to work hard was associated with diligent human desire to achieve prosperity and well-being through hard work. Emblems with the image of a beaver gnawing on a tree symbolized purposefulness and persistence.

In Eastern countries, the beaver was considered the embodiment of high intellect. People believed that animals had a hierarchy - they divided animals into masters, servants and slaves according to the color and quality of their fur. Drawings in which Asian artists depicted the beaver biting off his testicles symbolized self-sacrifice, the supremacy of the desire to survive over all other feelings.

In Canada, images of the beaver are everywhere, from amusing illustrations in newspapers to city coats of arms. The fisheries animal helped Canadians to achieve the country's wealth; it is not without reason that the animal's pelts were once used as a substitute for money. Exports of beaver products have long been the backbone of the North American economy. Catholics consumed the meat of the animal, considering it lean because its scaly tail resembled that of a fish. The image of the beaver is a peculiar visiting card not only in Canada, but also in Belarus, not without reason, the eastern Slavs said: "If you kill a beaver, you will never get good.

Valuable fur

Most people associate beavers with hard work and diligence, because they tirelessly build dams. These funny animals really take care of their homes and families, so the beaver is also considered an exemplary family man.

By the way, the beaver is one of the symbols of Canada, along with the maple leaf. Animals often became a kind of mascot for the countries. Usually they were those representatives of fauna, which settled on this territory in great numbers.

There is an interesting story about beavers. In the seventeenth century, when Canada was just beginning to be developed, fur was considered a very valuable commodity, as indeed it is now. It so happened that it was beavers that had to suffer from it. Hunting for the poor animals has become a mass scale. Fur, which was exported to Europe, was immediately appreciated, and the whole flow of new hunters rushed into Canada. Beavers were chased across the country. Running away, the animals led people into uncharted territory. In the end, it was thanks to this mass hunt that much of the country was discovered. The poor animals, of course, were pitied, but they served a great purpose; who knows how long the Canadian forests would have remained unexplored.

Meaning of tattoos for girls

Girls prefer cute, cuddly images of the beast in tattoo subjects. The realistic image of the beaver is chosen by big lovers of housewifely and household animals, who can talentfully equip their homes. A girl with a tattoo in the form of a beaver with twigs in his paws or teeth - hospitable and generous, loves to host guests, always happy to lay an abundant table with delicious viands for friends.

The owner of the tattoo with beaver - great neatness and cleanliness. Their territory strikes by comfort and coziness, and it does not matter where the mistress decided to put order, in the workplace or in their own home. Girls with a worn drawing of an animal in a funny cartoon style consider spectacular appearance not the most important quality for a successful career and a happy marriage. Funny, but such a purposeful worker - the original talisman, which helps not to lose faith in yourself and persistently move towards the goal.

What will the beaver tell about you?

The meaning of the beaver tattoo is associated with the peculiarities of the behavior of this animal in nature:

  • Hard work .. Tattoos with the image of a beaver indicate that the person is very serious about his work. He is responsible, sincerely devoted to his work and always tries to achieve the highest results.
  • Mastery. Perhaps the owner of the tattoo has either already achieved a high level of skill in a certain field, or with all his soul to this endeavor. Whether he has found his life's work, or just wants to perform his duties with quality and be in good standing, he always does his best.
  • Purpose. Beavers work hard to achieve the best possible result. The owner of a tattoo with a beaver is a purposeful person, he is ready to sacrifice a lot to achieve the desired, to work on himself, fighting fatigue and other inconveniences. He knows that the main thing now is not to relax, to reap the benefits of his efforts later.
  • The ability to adapt easily. To do his job well, a person must adjust to circumstances, skillfully maneuver in the turbulent sea of life. The owner of the beaver tattoo finds a way to avoid conflict situations, the right approach to different people. He can easily put up with something that does not suit him, if he is sure that it serves a great purpose.
  • Family values.. The beaver is an example of a good family man in the wild. He takes care of his offspring and protects them. Buildings erected by the beaver are known to always have several exits. In the event that the family will be threatened, the beavers will always be able to avoid it by quickly leaving their home.

The meaning of tattoos for men

Men for tattoos choose images of a hardworking beaver, a serious and stern host. Often do drawings of the animal with working tools in the hands, in a construction helmet on the head - as a symbol of industriousness, the ability to apply their talents in the affairs of the home.

Guys with such tattoos never sit idle, they always have a clear plan of tasks, with the help of which the industrious owners manage to equip their homes without fail and difficulties. The bearer of the tattoo is able to do many things, easily do small repairs or make something with their own hands.

Funny body drawings with "cool beavers" characterize the owner of the tattoo as a bit reckless, but kind and caring lover of adventures. Such tattoos are performed in the new-school style using bright colors and clear outlines. "Cool beavers" - the characters of the popular animated series, the characters of which get into various troubles of life and independently solve important problems.

Beaver with large sharp teeth, which are clearly visible on the tattoo - a symbol of independence and strong character. Such a drawing on the body says that the man is able not only to build a house, but also to protect the family, earn good money and ensure a peaceful existence. A man with a picture of a sharp-toothed beaver is not as harmless as it seems at first glance, he is able to fearlessly stand up to protect loved ones and his honor, seriously punish the offender.

Rules of communication with the master

Tattoo master, Russia or any other state, like specifics, and can not tolerate long conversations about nothing. That is why it is so important to know the basic rules of communication with them.

Of course, just like with any other person, you should talk politely. That is, adhere to the elementary rules of decorum. Even if during the conversation you realized that you will not yet sign up for a session, or came knowingly only for a consultation, keep in mind the rules of etiquette.

Your words should be as specific as possible. If you do not know what you want, your insistence on a specific pattern will not lead to anything! And only angers the master. After all, only you know exactly what you want to get, what you like and what direction inspires you.

If you show a sketch, the master will be able to give you some advice, tell how to modify it or just say whether it suits you or not. By the way, a good master will never copy someone else's work. Especially if you just copied it from the Internet. Professionals respect themselves and their work; they are offended at the mere thought that someone considers them copyists!


For women

For men