Tattoo seagull - the meaning for girls and men, the location of application (on the arm, wrist, collarbone, leg), interesting sketches, photos

Seagull tattoo, sketch art
Tattoo of seagulls sketch art, photo from:

When choosing a bird for a new tattoo, seagulls rarely come to mind. There doesn't seem to be anything remarkable about them. Some people find sea birds to be fussy and even annoying. They do not leave alone at the seashore and remind themselves of themselves with loud cries. Nevertheless, there is a deep meaning behind such a tattoo. Perhaps its meaning will not leave you indifferent too.

History of the seagull tattoo

Initially, such a tattoo began to do people whose profession was with the water space and risk - sailors, flibusters, fishermen. They applied it in remembrance of their native places, that like migratory birds, they should return to their home. It is a longing for their homeland, for their family. It is a sign that as a free bird, they can fly away from home at any time.

Fishermen put it as an amulet of good luck in their work. Just as seabirds come home with a rich catch, so fishermen should bring home plenty of fish. This tattoo is a symbol of their good luck and stability in their chosen craft.

The meaning of the seagull tattoo

This tattoo is absolutely universal for all genders and races. It is done by people who do not seek to live like everyone else, and accept societal rules in their interpretation. There is nothing criminal or vulgar here, rather it implies a spiritual height that is much purer than conventional morality.

The white gull is an emblem of chastity and kindness, the human desire to move from a worldly existence, dependent on money and vanity to a spiritual one, where one spends every day in conversation with God. The bird is on the edge between sinful earth and pure heaven.

But certain races and cultures construe this sign as revenge; infidelity, fickleness in relationships; non-seriousness.

Such people are introverts, immersed in their world and disconnected from real reality.

Also the seagull symbolizes youth, sometimes not physical, but a state of mind; great and pure love, which is experienced by the bearer of the sign. That is, a sense of the heart, not bodily lust. People who seek to wear the "seagull", purely subconsciously want to change something in their lives.Often the symbolism of this plan is made by travelers, vagabonds by their mental perception. They are ready for the new and unexplored in their existence. An interesting meaning is given to this bird by the inmates of the colonies. It is a symbol of freedom, which the individual did not value.The price of freedom is understood only when it is no longer there. Often such an image was pinned on the hand and even there was an expression "love freedom like a seagull water" or abbreviated - LSCHW.

Women prisoners could have the picture "seagull and sun" pecked on their finger as a nostalgia for the bygone years of youth. Among other things, a seagull is also a sign that the bearer of the tattoo is a communicative and active creature. Seagulls have long been settled near seaside towns and villages and fed by the locals.

However, in nature seagulls are not the most harmless creatures: they steal other people's chicks to eat them. Sometimes the same fate befalls their own babies. These birds communicate only with their own kind, leading a closed lifestyle. If a living creature penetrates the territory of gulls, they slaughter their offender with their claws and beak. It often ends in death.

Thieves moving from town to town would stab a seagull on their right hand. If they wanted to show important friendship in the wild, they drew the bird against the background of a striped shield. This sign was tattooed on the hand. We must not forget that the seagull, like any bird, is associated with the three elements - water, earth and air. A white bird is always a sign of good news.

How to choose a master?

To date, a lot of tattoo parlors have opened, which provide their services at a fairly high level. However, among them you can find those salons that do not guarantee high quality. Therefore, you should devote as much time and attention as possible to finding a salon. Appeal only to those masters who have been working in this field for more than a year. Only then you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the result. Experienced masters are ready to choose a sketch for you and can help make adjustments, styling the tattoo to your taste.

Where to make

In order to decide where to stuff the picture, you need to understand what size seagull you want. A small bird will look good on the wrist or behind the ear. Miniatures are always the easiest to tattoo. If the client already has tattoos on the sea theme, a good artist will always figure out how to create a real talented piece of work from the individual parts. There are lovers of doing tattoos on the neck. However do not forget that here are a lot of nerve endings and the process itself will be painful.

Most tattoos do on the back, lower back, in the shoulder blade area. The original ladies often do a sea-themed "seagull, sea, sun" tattoo in the chest area or under the chest. You can also do a version of a large bird when it takes up the entire back, with its wings resting snugly on the shoulders.

Often guys have a variant of the tattoo on the leg or wrist - a broken circle of seagulls, looks like an open bracelet.

Do you want to impress others with an unusual tattoo? You can do the sky bursting through the skin and free birds flying out of there. A sign of the freedom of the mind from bourgeois conventions.Do you want to change the pattern that you have long been tattooed? It's entirely possible; you can score a colorful, modern one over an aged image. Also consider for yourself a variation of unique padding - one that no one you know will definitely have. Here are a few options for you at once:

A bird flying over the sea and carrying a fish in its beak is a sign that you will fly high in your work and always come back with large prey. This is your talisman that will help you.

The feather of a seagull is very important to the creative person and means a symbol of ease, with which he will succeed in his field. The feather also means religiosity. In ancient times, it was believed that a traveler must have a bird's feather with him - it will protect him in the trials and help him return home. A melancholic person who is sad and soaring in his dreams will tattoo a seagull in the sunset sky.

Often tattoos are made simple and conventional, so that there was no doubt what animal is tattooed. The most basic - a flock of birds over a river or sea, in the heavenly heights, surrounded by bright sun.Yachtsmen often have a tattoo - a seagull, and in the background - the sea and the ship; here may also be punched words or letters in any language. Often it is a life credo or a beautiful-sounding phrase. The picture is tattooed in an open place so that it can be seen in summer or open clothing.

Technique of execution

Native drawings of birds, animals and plants prefer to perform in the style of realism. Realistic tattoo of seagulls (see "The tattoo of a seagull"). The tattoo artist must have a great artistic talent to naturally depict all the elements of the composition. The tattooist must have an outstanding artistic talent to naturally display all elements of the composition. The symbolical significance of such tattoo is absent, but it is a fine ornament.

The same can be said about the tattoo in the style of watercolor. The similar technique is usually preferred by girls because of the tenderness and airiness of the image. The sketch of tattoo with a seagull, hovering over the sea surface, is a favorite subject. It can be worn on the arm, back, forearm or collarbone. Miniature tattoo on the wrist is also suitable for the fair sex and will advantageously emphasize their fragility and beauty.

Video about common tattoos

Photos of finished work

Types of tattoos with a seagull - interesting ideas

The seagull is often depicted in black and white without the use of flowers. This is an option for those who prefer minimalism in their lives.

Old-school seagull tattoos

Your favorite heroes are sea gentlemen of fortune? You should stop at the old-school tattoo: these drawings were pirates and sailors. Nearby you can stuff the sea, a ship, a boat, the sky - something suitable for the nautical theme.

Tattoo of seagulls in the spirit of realism

If you want to have your drawing done by a master in the spirit of "painting realism", then you will need to stop at the small parts of the body, drawing reflexes, the position of the bird. Here the scope is different for everyone - some people like a single bird, and some will want to stuff a flock.

Tattoo of seagulls thrash polka dot.

These images are abstract, without scrupulous drawing the details, the style of "academic painting" - a general picture is drawn, a little hint of what could be. Actively used paint - red seagull, white clouds, blue sky.

Tattoo of seagulls watercolor.

The more paint, the more beautiful the image. Here you can really create a masterpiece by adding a variety of shades to the work.

Tattoo of seagulls linework

This is a style of graphic drawings, or original linework, sketch style. This kind of drawings often prick themselves rockers, and other representatives of various styles of music. It looks modern and without unnecessary ostentatiousness.

It is undeniable that there are a lot of opinions about how the nail should be tattooed. But regardless of the artist's opinion, first of all be guided by your mental perception - to walk around with a tattoo later you, and it will be better if the composition will not cause you negative emotions.


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