Tattoo of an Owl - meaning and sketches for girls and men

" Magic objects " Talismans " Significance of an owl tattoo for guys and girls



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Among the great multitude of motifs for tattoos, there are the most favorite, often ordered from the masters. The reason for this may be fashion or the incomprehensible appeal of the figure. The tattoo of the owl belongs to one of them. What is the secret of its popularity, how to treat different continents to this nocturnal inhabitant, and much more, read on.

Tattoo of an Owl

Tattoo of an Owl

The attitude towards the owl among different peoples

There is no unambiguous opinion about what the image of an owl means. This predator is a hero of many legends, tales, children's tales, etc. In them, she acts as an assistant to witches, and a good counselor for positive characters.

Where is the owl respected?

Wisdom and protection were seen in owls by the Indians. Just like the ancient Greeks and Romans. To them, it symbolized knowledge and insight. Because the bird can distinguish objects even in pitch darkness, it was attributed the gift of foresight.

In the Slavic peoples adopted this love of the owl and worshipped it as a symbol of spirituality and clarity of mind. In Hinduism, in general, there is a parallel with it, as if with a being possessing a cosmic mind.

Where the owl is treated with caution

In contrast, the Chinese associate the owl with the world of the dead, with the bird carrying sorrow. All because it feels comfortable at night, which is the period of reign of the dark forces. It contains dark energy yin, which, unlike yang, is capable of destruction.

In ancient times, the Celts also disliked the raptor, for them it was associated with the dead and could only portend death. The inhabitants of the island of Madagascar believed that the feathery bird entertained themselves together with witches, performing dances in cemeteries.

The meaning of the owl today

Although in the Christian world the owl was perceived as a symbol of denial of faith and commitment to magic, nowadays it is considered a sign of wisdom, solitude.

The image of an owl in a tattoo can be perceived in a different context, because much depends on the manner of execution, its combination with other objects, animals, etc.

Tattoo of an owl is especially loved by people belonging to the world of mysticism, as well as those who prefer night to day, freedom to strict rules, etc.

An owl is a windy head.

Another owl is a female talisman and talisman, not without reason women's jewelry is often performed in the form of a nocturnal bird.

In Slavs, the owl symbolized a lonely, celibate woman, an old maid or widow, or a promiscuous woman - an unfaithful wife, a "korchemna" woman.

The cry of the owl was perceived by women as a prediction of the birth of a child, and for the girl it was the birth of a child out of wedlock.

In France, there is an omen that if a pregnant woman hears the cry of the owl, then she is sure to give birth to a girl.

At the same time, the image of the owl is inherent in the marriage symbolism, so the Ukrainian songs, performed before the wedding night, refer to the bride as an owl.

Today, a talisman of an owl for a woman has partially retained the original symbolism and denotes female energy, feminine cunning and sexuality. To make the talisman work, it must be constantly carried with you, and it can look like anything - from a hairpin to a ring on your finger.

Female amulets in the form of an owl found their reflection in jewelry

Despite the fact that mankind has left behind a century of Enlightenment, experienced technical and cultural revolutions, and now it is the XXI century, saturated with technology and technology, the ancient symbolism and talismans in the form of an owl have passed through the centuries and still remain significant for people. And to carry a coin with an owl or to put a statue of a nocturnal bird on your desk is not such a silly occupation, as it may seem at first sight, because for a reason over the centuries the sacred significance of the owl image for man has not been lost.

Tattoo of an owl on girls

The versatility of the meaning of the image of an owl makes it possible to use it for body art for both guys and girls.

However, their tattoos are unlikely to look the same, as the female sex often resorts to bright, even fairy-tale motifs. Their favorite move is also the original performance of the bird's eyes in the form of a large clock, stones, etc.

Yes and the purpose of applying the tattoo, as well as its meaning for women will be different, which will affect both the choice of the sketch and the final result of the master's work.

Where to score

Tattoo of an owl in a girl has different meanings depending on what part of the body it will be printed on:

  • on the leg - a tendency to make deliberate decisions;
  • On the back - a sign of a nocturnal lifestyle;
  • on the neck - following your main purpose in life;
  • on the arm - seal of wisdom;
  • on the shoulder and breast - a demonstration of femininity.

Of course, this is only a general interpretation. No one has cancelled the right to put into a drawing something personal, inaccessible to outsiders.

Bottom line

High technology has long ago disproved many superstitions, but still man continues to believe in the supernatural properties of certain objects. He goes back to his roots. In this case, it is not possible to create a cult and worship any deity, but everyone can believe in your own talisman. A small figurine on a table will entice success and protect its owner from negativity and evil.

If there was a need of additional aggressiveness because of natural humility, then pay attention to the value of the amulet shark's tooth or bear claw. Just be careful - these are very strong talismans.

Tattoo of an owl for guys

On men tattoo owl looks more realistic, they tend to choose calm, black and white tones, as well as those sketches, where she was sketched, as if from real life.

Naturally, they are also no stranger to intricate ideas. For example, an owl made in one of the most complex styles of traybelle, i.e. in ornate patterns, with clearly defined shapes. If you find a really professional master of the tribal technique, such a tattoo will look more than spectacular.

Colorful owls often adorn the bodies of guys who are said to be "crazy" and other things, that is, a rare fun people who live solely for his own pleasure.

Where to score

Men's owl tattoos, depending on the place where they are pecked, can denote the following:

  • back, as in girls, suitable for those who do not sleep at night;
  • neck - restraint in words and actions;
  • meaning tattoo owl on the leg is interpreted as the desire for leadership and appreciation of the value of life, and specifically on the calf or foot - the domination of pain;
  • The hands (usually right) and shoulders - for intellectually advanced, resolute men.

The sign of wealth and prosperity

A wise owl is considered the most effective sign to attract wealth. The talisman helps to control expenses and in the near future, to multiply savings by becoming wealthier.

Mascot owl
Talisman owl

For financial stability, buy an owl that sits on a twig or a stand. For more effective action, it is necessary to supplement the talisman with other attributes of wealth, which include a money frog with a coin in its mouth, a tree of wealth or coins bound with red ribbon.

Symbols must be kept away from evil and envious people. By placing several prosperity talismans at once in the place of savings, you can greatly activate the energy of wealth and ensure that your family will live a life without poverty.

Peculiarities of performing an owl tattoo

Speaking of the subtleties of the owl tattoo implies its meaning in combination with various objects, plants and the like. It is also worth considering what an owl means on the body among prisoners.

An owl in prisoners.

In the zone, the feathered raptor means an inveterate skeptic, unhappy person. For him, the past is wasted years, and there is no room for joy in today and tomorrow.

As with the ancient Chinese, prisoners' tattoo with an owl can even speak of death, namely, that the person is waiting for his demise and is not afraid of it.

The owl and the clock

In the image of an owl on the body means time and infinity, the development of life, which in any case will end in death. But this is not something negative, but rather - a sensible reflection on the purpose of human existence. It is also associated with important events, either joyful or sad.

But in the first place an owl is time, an owl is a creature whose development has always been ahead of it, so the meaning of the tattoo of an owl with a clock is interpreted as the ability to dispose of the allotted time on this earth and use the received knowledge.

Sketches in which the clock replaces the owl's eyes are read as endowment with the ability to look directly into the soul, to see what other people do not notice. Or the ability to live, learn, and accumulate experience.

An owl with an owl

Perhaps the sweetest and kindest tattoo is an owl with a little owl next to it. Thus, parents express their love for the child. For this, an individual sketch is developed, where the name or date of birth of the baby is placed.

An owl and a dream catcher

The drawing of an owl in a tattoo likes to combine with the image of a dream catcher. Such a tattoo, if placed on the wrist of the left hand, is a good protection against the evil eye. These two powerful amulets, and the dream catcher also helps not to lose heart. He does not let the negative to a person, which contributes to his spiritual development.

The owl and the key

In life, the key opens doors, it allows you to see what is behind them. When a key in his paws takes a wise owl, it symbolizes the path to knowledge, the unlocking of higher secrets.

The Owl and the Skull

Despite the ambivalent attitude to the images of the skull in many people, it does not carry in itself such a depressing sense, as it may seem. Orthodoxy says that the skull with the two crossed bones under it is "Adam's head. It was washed in the blood of the Savior, which took on the meaning of deliverance from death and the chance of salvation.

It is a very profound sign, so an uncertain meaning is given to the owl tattoo with a skull. It includes the value of life, death, which is not the end, and much more.

The owl and the rose

Leafing through the photos and sketches of tattoos it is impossible not to notice the popularity of the rose on the environment of tattoo enthusiasts. In general terms, the flower carries love and resilience.

It makes sense to combine an owl with a burgundy rose - a symbol of spiritual harmony, with gold - the achievement of perfection, with white - purity and devotion.

It protects from evil spirits

From time immemorial, owls have been respected and feared by people around the world. The night bird symbolized the netherworld, secret knowledge, and a prophetic gift.

The bird's ability to see in the dark, to fly silently, to be invisible, and to see everything around itself by turning its head made the owl a symbol of mystery and unclean powers. Not without reason in fairy tales witches and sorcerers turned into owls to harm honest people at night.

In cultures such as China, India, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is considered the bird of death. In European countries the nocturnal bird indulges in witchcraft and all things demonic, as well as patronizing hermits.

The Egyptian character for owl means night, cold, passivity and even death.

In modern tradition, it is believed that the figure of an owl in the home or on a person's body protects against evil spirits and unclean powers. Huge glowing owl eyes symbolize the light of the soul, so with this amulet is not afraid of evil spirits.

A lamp with an owl will illuminate the nursery and protect the house from evil spirits

It is believed that the owl contributes to intuition, helps to feel negative thoughts directed at a person, to guess the intentions and motives of other people's actions. Holder of the talisman, the owl also helps to understand their own character, with all the negative traits. Owl gives clairvoyance and the ability to sense deception.

White owl in shamanistic practice of northern peoples served to heal people. Figurine of owl, made of oak, is able to protect from any disease, enough once a day to touch it, directing thoughts to health.

Fortune teller

A wise bird will help to look into the future, to reveal psychic abilities, to develop clairvoyance. To do this, put a statue of an owl under the pillow, then in a dream you can get an answer to a worrying question. In the morning, you should thank the owl for assistance.

The owl mascot requires constant attention and does not like dark corners of the house. Periodically touch the talisman, stroke it, talk to it. Then the amulet will become a conductor of success, wealth and knowledge. Alexander, March 1, 2021.

How to wear the amulet correctly

Talisman in the form of an owl will work for good if it is worn correctly. It is usually placed over clothing. People who are afraid that the magical properties of the amulet owl will be intercepted and neutralized, prefer to hide it.

It is forbidden to give the amulet in the hands of strangers. Interacting with another's, the item loses power.

In difficult moments of life, the magical talisman is held in the hand, asking for help. A person needs faith in its power to attract good luck and happiness.

Possessing a talisman in the form of an owl, you must take into account that the bird does not tolerate quarrels within the family in which it is located.

Guardian of wealth

In order to keep your savings and not to spend money in vain, you should put an owl near a safe or a place where your savings are kept. A feathered animal will keep your treasury intact and not a single ruble will be spent in vain.

In feng shui, the owl mascot means a symbol of money wealth of the family. To this end, it is better to buy a bird sitting on a small wooden pedestal. Strengthen the magical influence of the owl can other symbols of wealth according to feng shui: a toad holding gold coins in its mouth, a money tree, tied coins. It is believed that such a strong amulet as a money tree attracts wealth in the house, but it must be protected from prying eyes and encroachment of others. Talisman owl will be such a reliable protector of accumulated savings.

Meanings in divination, dreaming and magic

The various types of divination have not been able to avoid this mysterious representative of the family of feathered animals. In divination rituals, the appearance of an owl has its own interpretation, unfortunately, very negative. In a wax divination, the appearance of an owl is a bad sign. It promises the questioner misfortune, failure and illness.

The reading of coffee grounds deciphers the bird's image as a messenger of death, hatred, quarrels and bad luck. If its outlines appeared at the top of the cup, it means that in the near future, you can expect unpleasantness and even death of relatives. The image of the bird, which appeared at the bottom of the container, promises trouble and losses in financial terms. An owl with open wings is a sign of the collapse of a family or relationship.

As for dreams with this magical bird, their interpretation is varied. There is an opinion that someone who constantly dreams about nocturnal birds, destined to live a life of loneliness. In fact, the designation of the main image of the dream depends on many peripheral points, which are the key to unraveling the dream. So, for example, it is believed that if you hold a bird in your hand in a dream, it is to fire, and if you hear its cry, it is to wise counsel.

Bird itself and its image is often used in magic. So, there is runes stavka "Owl", which is intended to copy the qualities of one person and transfer them to another. Writing down the runes in a certain order and by following certain magical actions, you can achieve changes in life. Also, there was a belief that by the right side sleeping unfaithful wife husband attached the heart of an owl, as a result of which the wife was to "tell" him about his treason.

Who is suitable amulet

Amulet owl in esotericism has a sacred meaning. In order for a talisman in the form of a bird to work for the benefit of the wearer, it is important to choose it correctly. Take into account the characteristics of the person, occupation.

  1. Schoolchildren and students are recommended to choose a product with a black owl. With its help, it will improve the memory, mental activity of the child, which contributes to the easy process of learning and assimilation of the material.
  2. Those who wish to improve intuition wear a ceramic or mahogany figurine. Talisman works well when placed in the bedroom. The magical effect on the host occurs at night when he sleeps.
  3. Improve the financial situation will help a white owl installed in the living room. It will protect the family hearth.
  4. Girls, who wish to marry successfully, should get a crystal bird. It will protect the mistress from unwanted suitors, and the wings spread as if in flight will make the way to the goals and desires easier.
  5. Dreaming of improving their financial situation, should buy a talisman in the form of a bird perched on a money tree.
  6. Relationships between mother and child will become warmer if an image of a nocturnal predator with a cub appears in the house.
  7. The paw of the bird protects the wearer from misfortune.
  8. Businessmen are recommended to place an owl on a desk or in an office.

A wise decision is to study the influence of the image of a nocturnal feathered carnivore on the signs of the zodiac. Talisman will bring happiness to man, but the impact on the fate depends on the position of the stars and the moon.

Aries choose the image of the bird with wings folded. Men easily achieve their goals, and girls become attractive.

Taurus is recommended to buy mascots in the form of owls with open wings. Shy Taurus will gain confidence and determination, which contributes to career development.

Gemini amulet protects against the evil eye and purify the circle of communication from ill-wishers.

Cancerians are connoisseurs of home comfort. Oval amulet will support in difficult times.

Leo owl shields from the aggressive attacks of enemies.

Virgo charm will help to find harmony in the family.

Libra, having a crystal statuette in the form of an owl, will reach career heights.

Scorpions will gain strength and the opportunity to self-improvement by decorating their homes with a wooden gray night raptor.

Sagittarians will get strength and improvement by decorating their homes with a wooden gray night raptor.

Capricorns will get rid of stiffness and will be able to relax and live for themselves.

Aquarius will protect against bad dreams and attract happiness in personal life.

Pisces will be able to develop the qualities of a leader thanks to the bird figure.


For women

For men