All tattoo meanings tree or tree of life - which one do you choose?

The field of artistic tattooing becomes more and more popular every year. It is filled with a huge number of different images for all tastes. All because everyone's preferences are radically different. Some like large paintings that are more like masterpieces of famous artists. Others like a concise image, which does not carry a special meaning. Recently, more and more popular is the image of a tree on the body. These tattoos are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age and gender. In addition, such drawings always look original and quite unusual regardless of the style of design.

Cultural features

In different cultures the interpretation of the tree differs significantly. Among the main meanings are the following:

  • The Celts regarded the tree as a source of life;
  • The Egyptians associated the tree with death and life, bordering on each other;
  • Christians were convinced that the tree had healing properties. To this day, many people believe that if you embrace the trunk, it is possible to be energized and cure diseases.

The history of this symbol begins in ancient mythology. In many legends, the plant is mentioned as a living being. It is believed that the tree can communicate with other plants, has a connection with the heavens.

Beautiful examples

Those who can not definitively decide on a suitable sketch, it is worth paying attention to examples of ready-made tattoos.

  • Minimalist tree. A large world tree, consisting of thin black lines, looks beautiful on the back. Such a tattoo is more suitable for a man. The base of the tree starts in the lower back and goes up the spine. The branches of the plant go up to the neck. Such a tattoo looks stylish and unusual. If desired, the basis of the figure can be supplemented with colored details.

  • Paired tattoo. Nowadays paired tattoos are very popular. They are imposed as lovers, as well as close relatives or friends. The sketch of the world tree tattoo is also great for lovers. Drawing made in the Celtic style symbolizes the desire to live a long and happy life together.

  • Drawing with skeletons. Such a tattoo will suit bold girls and lovers of gloomy aesthetics. The image of the world tree in this case is complemented by the figures of skeletons. The tattoo can remind its owner of the transience of life or simply convey his love of dark stories.

  • Yin and Yang Tattoo. The male tattoo, made in the style of the signs of yin and yang, also looks beautiful. It is done in black and white colors. It looks very beautiful. It symbolizes the duality of the man's character and his desire for a harmonious life and prosperity.

To summarize, we can say that the tree of life is a very popular symbol. Therefore, before nabbing such a tattoo, it is necessary to think in advance what will be its meaning for the person who will have to live with it.

Features of female and male tattoos

As a rule, girls choose as a tattoo an elegant, small tree. Thanks to the tattoo it is possible to emphasize natural beauty, chastity and innocence. Branches with fruit or flowers indicate the true purpose of women, namely the mother. In the East, girls draw such images with henna. It is believed that such images can help conceive a child.

The tree symbolizes steadfastness, determination. Thanks to such a tattoo, men demonstrate their own strength, confidence, reliability. Such a tattoo indicates that the guy is able to withstand the difficulties that arise. A man is a support for the people closest to him.

Creative individuals do the tattoo of a tree with numerous branches. Thus indicates the versatility of nature, diverse interests.

Combination of the tree of life with other symbols

Tattoo with roots and fruits symbolizes a family, continuity of generations. Such a tree is drawn to attract health or wealth.

  1. Roots represent our ancestors and fruits represent our future descendants.
  2. Sakura with blossoming branches symbolizes femininity and harmony.

The combination of a tree with birds or animals, the sun and its rays, the roots going into various elements - skulls, bones, heart - looks flattering. Such a tattoo will create a whole picture on the body.

A printed image of a phoenix, eagle or dragon signifies the immortality of its owner, at least spiritually.

Unusual will look tattoo of a tree passing into another picture:

  • branches into the wings of a bird
  • deer antlers
  • The roots of one tree in the roots of another.

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Meaning considering the type of tree

One of the popular types of tattoo is considered to be tree of life. Such an image means The birth of life, the connection between God and man. It was the tree of life that grew in the Garden of Eden. When Eve picked the forbidden fruit, the way to the plant was closed for her and Adam.

Taking into account the type of plant, the following meanings are distinguished:

  • Willow - Demonstrates resilience, strength, the ability to withstand any difficulties. Often such a tattoo is done in memory of loved ones;
  • Palm - symbolizes harmony, peace;
  • Oak - Means courage, hope for positive change, power, strength;
  • Birch - is a symbol of the beginning of something new, resurrection.

The sakura tree has a special meaning, indicating the transience of life, the rapid development of events.

Tattoo tree for men and women

As mentioned above, the tree is a universal tattoo design. It looks great on both male and female bodies. In addition, the rather deep meaning makes this symbol even more attractive to the world of body art. Many men draw a parallel between the image of a tree and purpose. Therefore, such a picture is partly a way to show their strength and dominance. Excellent options for this - oak, ash, poplar, maple, walnut, etc.

In turn, women tend to choose softer, more elegant tattoos, which will only emphasize their natural beauty and grace. For example, the willow tree is considered a symbol of spiritual fortitude, the ability to be flexible, but at the same time not to break. This option is often done in memory of love or an important event. But before you do it, think it over carefully. Also popular is the apple tree, which means youth and temptation. It is noteworthy that this tree can look completely different. It all depends on the style and technique chosen. But mostly such a tattoo do in color or black and white with bright accents. Birch is chosen by women most often in those cases where they want to start life with a clean slate. It is a symbol of hope, femininity, new plans and aspirations. The palm tree is chosen much less often, but such a tree is most suitable for harmonious, calm people.

Other meanings

The meaning of the tattoo depends on which part of the plant is depicted. For example, the trunk is considered the embodiment of firmness. The roots indicate strength, a solid foundation. The branches are considered a symbol of the continuity of existence, the buds - a new life. The forest represents versatility, the tendency to confront all kinds of problems.

The tree in the circle represents the cyclicality of existence, the infinity of the human soul. The image in a triangle symbolizes the connection of generations.

With roots.

This tattoo carries a special meaning. If the roots are spread wide, the image symbolizes steadfastness, stability, masculinity. Also, such pictures are considered a symbol of immortality of the human soul.

With birds

In many cultures, the plant symbolizes the creation of the world. The tree gives strength, becomes a reliable shelter. Life without trees is impossible. When the plants die, the destruction of the world will come. According to legends, birds protect mighty plants, fruits. The feathered ones are associated with freedom, considered to be the link between the two worlds. They are called soothsayers. A bird perched on a tree is a powerful talisman.

Such images also indicate a desire for protection. Trees with birds represent wisdom. The drawings indicate a desire to gain new knowledge, to learn about the world, about oneself.

No Leaves

While trees with leaves symbolize a happy life, plants with fallen leaves are associated with rebirth. Trees shed their leaves in the fall so that when spring arrives, new leaves will be on their branches. In the same way, man begins a new stage of life, forgetting the old mistakes. He looks to the future with hope. Man does not lose faith in his own strength.

If the tree is dead, dry, it carries a completely different meaning, symbolizing sadness. As a rule, such an image is chosen at the loss of a loved one.

With a clock

Such a drawing indicates the transience of life. The owners of such tattoos say that it is necessary to appreciate every moment. People want to enjoy every day, every second.

See also the meaning of clock tattoos.


Let's take a closer look at what the tattoo tree means:

  • Infinity of Life. The tattoo of a tree on the leg or any other part of the body speaks of certain philosophical views. One believes that death is not the end, but only one stage in an endless cycle of rebirths. The energy that gives us life does not come from nowhere, nor does it go anywhere. The human soul is part of the infinite universe, it is as eternal as the universe itself.
  • Rebirth. Just as a tree that sheds its leaves in the fall, grows new ones by spring, so man rejects the past and goes into the future, longing for the new, the unexplored.
  • Fertility. In the East, women used to draw a henna tree tattoo on their arms or other parts of the body, hoping to conceive a child. This image was intended to help give birth to healthy offspring, giving a happy and long life.
  • Development and growth. Seeing someone has a tattoo of a tree on the neck, for example, we can conclude that this person wants to develop in his chosen field, to grow spiritually, to gain new experiences and knowledge, to continuously improve.

In women.

In girls, certain trees are the most popular:

  • The tree of life is a symbol of eternity, wisdom, growth, abundance and protection. The tattoo includes all parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches and leaves), which grow in different directions, but eventually join into one circle. This type of tattoo is also attributed this meaning - the connection of the people of the world to each other.
  • Willow is a tree that shows strength and resilience, as it can resist even the strongest wind. Very often the willow tree tattoo is done in memory of a loved one.
  • Tattoo with the image of a palm tree is quite an unusual choice, but this tree also has its own aesthetic value. And its meaning is very simple - peace and harmony.
  • The oak tree symbolizes courage, strength, and the hope of victory. This tree holds a place of honor in many religions.
  • The birch tree symbolizes a new beginning and resurrection.
  • The apple tree is a symbol of temptation, sin, beauty and youth.

Historical background on the bird tattoo

The bird symbol traditionally refers to the air element. It is for this reason in a number of cultures, the bird is a symbol of the soul of the deceased person, which rushes to the sky. Even in ancient times, our ancestors were convinced that birds can take the soul of a man to heaven.

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If we turn to ancient myths, we see in them that birds often help heroes, taking on the role of their spies: from a bird's flight distance they watched for enemies, bad entities and could warn of approaching danger. This is most likely where the saying, "the bird brought it on its tail," comes from.

In Ancient Egyptian times, images of birds decorated the tombs of the deceased, calling them the guardians of the deceased. And very often portrayed people with a bird's head, which served as a symbol of hope for eternal life and the spiritual aspect of the person.

In some countries, vultures and crows represented the approach of various pathologies. In particular, in the states of North and South America, birds were attributed the ability to control the elements and take part in the creation of the world.

The ancient Romans had a special divination based on the singing and flight of birds; it was believed that winged creatures had access to higher knowledge. In Celtic culture, feathered creatures were perceived as divine beings. And for Christians, the Annunciation dove of white hue brought on its wings the miraculous news of the birth of the Savior.


For women

For men