Owl Tattoo: Who Suits It (Discussing Popular Meanings)

The popular Owl tattoo adorns the skin of both men and women. The mysterious nocturnal bird is considered a symbol of wisdom, an expression of the ability to see through darkness and reveal unknown secrets. However, some of the meanings of this image are more sinister. Let's understand what is the meaning of the tattoo with an owl, as well as who, where and in what technique should apply this picture.

The meaning of the tattoo with an owl

tattoo eagle owl

Insufficiently thoughtful choice of a drawing to create an image on the skin can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. If the bearer of the tattoo and the people around him invest in the image different meanings, such discrepancies can lead both to curiosities and to serious conflicts. Such ambiguous drawings belong to the tattoo "owl".

Because the owl (like the owl) is a representative of nocturnal fauna, and belongs to the birds of prey, many cultures have invested in his image negative meaning:

  • The owl's ominous howl was perceived as a grim omen, because that sound, when heard in the night, could seriously frighten. In ancient Egyptian, Indian and Mayan cultures, therefore, this bird was identified with the world of the dead, acting as its messenger or companion of the god of death.
  • Silent flight, nocturnal activity, predatory habits and specific appearance have led many peoples to endow the owl with magical powers. Thus, in Christianity and Judaism, this bird was considered a companion of demons and a common pet of magicians and sorcerers.

That's interesting! Some peoples, though they recognized the magical power of these birds, did not consider it unequivocally evil and hostile to man. For example, the indigenous peoples of North America considered the feathers of these nocturnal creatures a powerful amulet against enemy charms and complemented their headdresses with them.

But not all ancient cultures saw the birds of the night as negative or threatening. Thus, the ability of an owl to see in the darkness of the ancient Greeks and Celts considered a sign of the divine wisdom invested in this creature. And today, tattoos with an owl on the arm, shoulder, chest or back often do people seeking to emphasize their craving for knowledge (both occult and scientific).

Modern culture has fairly firmly established the perception of an owl as a symbol of wisdom. As such, it has become a symbol of the game "What? Where? When?", many educational institutions and scientific communities.

History and meaning

An owl is a species of owl. Therefore, we can talk about it as a bird, and symbolizing knowledge, wisdom and nobility. Interesting is the fact that it began to be depicted on the body back in the days when the concept of tattoos as such did not yet exist. The meaning of an owl was very striking to the Greeks and Romans precisely because it symbolized wisdom and knowledge.

But not everywhere the meaning was so positive: in Asian countries, such as China, the owl is a symbol of death. That's why it was depicted in dark and intimidating places. But at the same time, such images continued to inspire respect and reverence. In Christianity, the owl was generally considered a companion of the devil, and thus was always associated with bad news or impending problems.

Technique of execution

Having studied the many photos of the tattoo "Owl", it is possible to divide all images into several categories, depending on the plot and the chosen drawing technique:

  • The canons of realism are photographic and clear, emphasizing the beauty of these unusual and noble birds.
  • Tattoos in black and white: monochrome realistic or stylized images.
  • Cartoon drawings depicting friendly fluffy chicks with big eyes. Such a drawing is more often chosen by girls.

tattoo eagle owl

Important! To clarify the idea, the sketch of a drawing of an owl is supplemented with objects that have symbolic meaning. Thus, executed in the style of "Thrash Polka" bird in addition to the skull has a very different meaning that the image in the technique of "Polynesia" or "Ethnics". If the latter options show an interest in exotic cultures and esoteric wisdom, the first option is more likely to express aggression and is an omen.

The perception of the image depends a lot on its stylistics.

Varieties of amulets and their properties

The owl-shaped talismans differ in shape, color, and material of which they are made:

  • all black amulets in the form of such an animal are intended for people whose profession is connected with mental work;
  • figurines made of ceramic, stone or wood are suitable for those who want to improve their memory;
  • A statuette of a bird with wings folded is most often placed in the bedroom to rekindle old feelings between husband and wife;
  • a wooden ornament with an owl pattern is recommended for those who want to improve their self-improvement;
  • an amulet with a night huntress spreading her wings makes a person purposeful and persistent;
  • feathered inhabitant of the forest with nestlings will suit women who want to get pregnant;
  • Talisman owl with eyes-crystals reflects any evil from the owner.

With stones
Talisman owl with stones as a talisman against evil.

Who is suitable for an owl tattoo

With the right design of the owl tattoo sketch, the image can adorn both male and female bodies:

  • For men, an owl tattoo often has the meaning of "calm wisdom." Such images are preferred by people with an analytical mindset, a calm character and a strong will.

tattoo owl

  • In women, the image also means "wisdom, the search for knowledge. But girls often (more often than boys) emphasize their interest in magic and the occult. The drawing in this case is supplemented with a dream trap, hourglass or other esoteric symbols.

Important: In the prison environment the interpretation of tattoos with an owl in general coincides with the generally accepted. However, in some prisons the attitude to any birds is wary or negative.

In general today, the drawing of a night raptor can mean different meanings. To read them correctly, it is necessary to get acquainted with the personality of the bearer, as well as pay attention to the location of the tattoo.

In the stronger sex.

The meaning of such a tattoo varies greatly from positive to extremely negative examples. So what exactly the symbol of the owl will be for you is a decision purely personal. Any guy can make it an example of wisdom and right decisions, or he can invest it with a sinister and sullen meaning of death. What's interesting is that the same goes for girls. In this matter, it is a completely universal tattoo.

It changes its meaning only according to the wishes of the person who made it, but in no way because of the statue or race. It is also important to mention that today the devilish meaning of the owl is very rarely used, in fact all such fiddles and remained in the Middle Ages.

Where to put it?

tattoo eagle owl

The drawing can be applied to various parts of the body. For example, an owl tattoo on the chest often serves as a protective sign: it is not displayed to everyone, but covers the heart, the "receptacle of the spirit. With the same purpose drawings are applied to the back, thigh.

If a bird spreads its wings or is depicted flying or diving at prey, the image takes on an aggressive meaning. Such art is placed on the forearm, shoulder, included in the design of the sleeves. Mystics believe that the open-eye tattoo gets extra power. However, there are also supporters of the point of view that from the gaze of prying eyes tattoo turns simply into a picture.

Interesting Facts

An owl is a nocturnal bird of prey weighing 2-3 kg with huge eyes, an expressive beak and flared wings. This representative of the owl family lives in all (except for tundra) regions, where there is something to eat. The diet of an owl is very diverse: it includes almost all kinds of meat, large insects and even fish. He can hunt masterfully. Noiselessly flapping its huge (about 2 meters wingspan) wings, it picks up speed, seeks out its prey, and grabs it with its strong paws with huge claws. The victim has no chance of escape, although its weight sometimes exceeds that of an owl. That is why the latter never remains hungry. Having slept through the day, he leads a nocturnal life.

In their early youth, a pair of members of the owl family meet and do not part until the end of their lives. In this case, each of them has its own territory, they hunt and live separately, meeting in early spring to continue the offspring. It amounts to a maximum of 4 chicks. Owls are rapidly disappearing as a species and are therefore included in the Red Book.

bright eyes of an eagle owl

This is a very ancient bird. In many countries, many myths are written about it. In ancient Greece, owls were considered the sacred bird of the goddess Athena, so they were treated with special reverence. Its ability to see at night gave it the right to be known as a soothsayer and magician. The Indians often wore owl feathers on their heads as a talisman, because they symbolized death and the netherworld. In ancient China, owls were treated extremely unkindly. They were blamed for almost all of life's troubles and hardships. Unfortunately, even today the Chinese perceive owls as a real threat and are terrified of them. Christians also disliked the owl. All the darkest, most terrible, magical and inconsistent with ethics and culture of religion were ascribed to it, considering it a devil's spawn.

air fight

A talisman against evil spirits.

Since ancient times, the mysterious bird of the night owl has been feared and respected by people. It was considered a symbol of the otherworldly world, secrets and mysteries.

In the Middle East, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is thought to be the bird that brings death. On the European continent, this nocturnal bird is considered the patroness of witches and hermits.

Traditions of modern times consider the owl as a talisman against the evil forces of the other world. The large eyes of the bird with a mysterious glow give a special power to such a talisman - it speaks of the pure light of the soul, which drives away all unclean forces.

It is believed that the night bird develops intuition, allows guessing evil intentions of another person and motives for his actions. The owner of such amulet better understands his desires and habits (including negative ones). Such a talisman develops clairvoyance abilities and allows you to accurately sense untruths.

Shamans of the peoples of the North use a white owl in the treatment of human ailments. Figurine of the nocturnal bird made of oak wood in these parts is considered a talisman against all kinds of ailments. It gives strength to all who touch it at least once a day.

Where is the best place to tattoo?

If a man has decided to have an owl tattooed on his body, it should be done only in specialized places that have a permit for this kind of activity. In addition to the salon it is also important to find a master who has experience in depicting owls. Masters often advise to use the following places for such tattooing:

  • hands;
  • chest;
  • shoulders;
  • Brushes and wrists;
  • forearms;
  • back.

Expert Opinion.

Viola Madison

Tattoo master, 8 years experience

If they are small drawings of an owl on the hands, they carry the meaning of amulet and talisman. If colorful compositions of large size, close to realism, in them a man expresses his essence and gut.

Owl in symbols and amulets

The owl is a dual symbol. On the one hand, it denotes wisdom and prudence, and on the other hand, it represents death and misfortune. In amulets and emblems, its image is mostly used in a positive sense. An owl with a book often serves as a calling card for educational institutions, and a bird on a sword for military units.

There is much debate about what the symbol of the owl in feng shui means. Some argue that the owl in Chinese tradition is a personification of death, evil and machinations of black magic. Others believe that the symbolism of the nocturnal bird is positive and denotes wisdom, success and wealth. The doctrine of feng shui suggests the following options for feathered mascots:

  1. A statuette of an owl on an open book represents wisdom and craving for knowledge. Such a figurine can be a good talisman for pupils and students. The statuette should be placed on the desk of the child, where she will help him every day to master the knowledge.
  2. One of the best talismans to attract financial well-being is a figure of an owl sitting on a money tree. The tree will help to find wealth, and the bird will protect and increase it.
  3. A talisman depicting three owls placed in a house serves to protect against evil and negative energies.
  4. Porcelain piggy bank in the form of a wise bird, standing in the house, not only contributes to the accumulation of money, but also protects people from waste.
  5. A jewelry box with the image of an owl can be a great addition to the interior. The bird, with its sharp eye, will watch your valuables every day.
  6. A great gift is an owl figurine with wings spread. This talisman is suitable for business people, for whom it will bring good luck in business and career advancement. Such souvenirs can be presented in crystal or glass.
  7. Bird feathers were often used to make the famous amulet Dreamcatcher, which is hung in the bedroom above the headboard to sift out bad dreams.
  8. Figurine amulet "owl with an owl" can be placed in the bedroom of those spouses who dream of a child.

To strengthen the amulet, it is better to make it with your own hands. For those women who love needlework, you can advise to buy a cross embroidery scheme with the image of a wise bird and embroider it with your own hands. A fine addition to the interior of the house will be a figure of a feathery bird with expressive big eyes, made with their own hands from burlap. It will keep a sharp eye on the property and protect the house from ill-wishers.

Rules for wearing the amulet

If you want to improve your financial situation, you should place the statuette in the form of a nocturnal predator in the southeast. This direction in feng shui is responsible for the material part of life. In this case, the figurine should be well lit.

Amulet or brooch can be worn on any clothing made of natural fabrics. Hiding the talisman is not necessary: it cannot be jinxed, because the owl reflects all evil words.

Activation and charging

In feng shui, magic objects do not require special rituals for activation and charging. It is enough to hold the artifact in hands for 5-10 minutes so that it absorbs a part of your energy. After that, the talisman will begin to work.

Ways of making it with your own hands

The easiest way to make a picture with the image of an owl with your own hands. It is not necessary to perform it in photorealism: simpler styles will do. Even a sketch can have magical properties, if you properly activate such an artifact.

Another way to make an owl talisman is to cut an amulet from wood.

Any breed will do, but it is easiest to work with:

  • oak;
  • cedar;
  • linden;
  • alder;
  • birch.

Out of wood
Amulets made of wood.

On what places do men apply tattoos with owl or owl themes

Owl or owl - there is no particular difference, because visually the birds look the same, and most importantly, carry approximately the same meaning. Another thing is the place where the owl will be struck in the tattoo-salon, because from the choice of area on the body in many ways depends on the interpretation of the tattoo.


With a tattoo, most men emphasize masculinity and strength of the shoulders, and the tattoo with itself will look masculine and spectacular. As a rule, such a bird is printed on this place to emphasize his mystery, the presence of a deep inner world, hidden qualities and virtues.

Examples of such tattoos:

Forearm .

It is known that on the forearm there are points omote- and uro-shakutaku, which are considered the energy centers for inflicting painful blows during fights. Accordingly, the tattoo with an owl on this area indicates the readiness to protect, the presence in a man of masculinity and strength.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo on the wrist

On the wrist the image of an owl is considered a strong talisman, protecting the wearer at the energetic level from problems, failures, dark thoughts and ill-wishers. The owl is not tattooed in a realistic version, but rather in the form of a symbol of geometric or graphic format.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, on the hand and fingers

The hands and fingers are the place where hides the full power and potential of a man, his ability to influence the world around him. Therefore, the owl tattoo on the palm, hand or fingers will become a guiding symbol that protects against bad actions and evil thoughts. This is the same amulet as in the previous case.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve.

The tattoo of an owl on the arm in the form of a sleeve is a kind of challenge and statement to the environment. The man thereby shows that he always does everything as he sees fit. In this case, he does not stand still and seeks to learn new things. The owner of the tattoo sleeve with an owl - an extraordinary personality, which has a bold and ambitious character.

Examples of such tattoos:


The owl on the neck more often beat girls, men with such tattoos extraordinary and creative personality. An owl on the neck is used as a talisman against deception, betrayal, as well as a symbol of purposefulness of men, the presence of an inner core, strong spirit. The owner of such a tattoo has all the skills of a leader and winner.

Examples of such tattoos:

Breast .

If the owl is depicted on the chest in a large and realistic format, thus a man shows his love for life, the thirst to achieve new goals, dreams of longevity, an individual approach to any decision and action. Also, many depict tattoos on the chest, associating meaning with affairs of the heart and love.

Examples of such tattoos are:


Getting a tattoo on the side is the right decision if a man has a trim and toned torso. The owl on the left side under the heart shows that the man has a companion, which he seeks to shield from problems, evil and ill-wishers. On the other hand, the tattoo can symbolize the desire to adopt good qualities from the bird to himself.


For women

For men