What are the meanings of flowers in the tattoo art

Tattoos are at the peak of popularity today. Representatives of different sex, social class and age are regularly turning to masters of tattooing to depict on their bodies one or another symbol. But all tattoos have not only aesthetic but also important symbolic meaning; they can influence a person's life. This material reveals the meaning of tattoos with flowers.

Tattoo with flowers photo

Tattoo callas: meaning, photo tattoos, sketches

Tattoo with the image of calla lilies acts as a symbol of purity, chastity, theology, faith, sensuality, love and affection.

The meaning of the calla lily tattoo

The calla lilies themselves signify purity, feminine wisdom, innocence and honor. A tattoo with such an image not only protects, but also patronizes in the struggle for happiness, helps to make the right decision. It represents protectors and peacemakers.

From the Greek "calla" is translated as "beautiful". No wonder that in the royal robes it was this flower that covered the golden mean.

There are several legends associated with it, bringing special meaning to the tattoo. Thanks to the legend of a young girl who threw herself into the fire, not to marry the leader of a foreign tribe, and by the will of the gods turned into a flower, the tattoo symbolizes innocence and purity.

Another legend tells of a princess from India, the daughter of a god, who, against her father's will, fell in love with a young man. In order to prevent her from dating, he placed invisibility on her, but the young man made a special cloak that allowed him to find the girl. God had mercy and the cloak turned into flowers. Hence, calla lilies carry the meaning of perseverance, determination to achieve happiness.

In Greek and Roman mythology, the flower belonged to the goddess Hera. It symbolized peace, harmony and goodwill.

In Christianity, calla lilies symbolized rebirth of the soul, dignity and abundance, as well as purity of the newly weds. They acted as a symbol of the Virgin Mary, and expressed honor and holiness.

The flower itself is poisonous, but it was used to make antidotes against the bite of snakes. From this comes another meaning: amulet against harm encountered in life, hope for the sick, and protection against malice and envy.

Undeservedly in a beautiful flower put a negative meaning - it is considered a funeral. In fact, it is a symbol of resurrection, the victory of the spirit over the material world, the hope for rebirth and peace.

On the other hand, the calla lily tattoo is a talisman for family happiness. The tattoo signifies the strength of bonds, a strong and united family, a devoted couple to each other.

The tattoo can be done in different colors. Each shade indicates a certain trait. The brightest feature of the flower is the green pistil, which combines with the white petal. Together they speak of victory. Yellow is often found - a sign of stability and peace.

The white calla lilies tattoo acts as a symbol of innocence and youth. It aims to help unlock the potential of the bearer and emphasize the purity of thoughts. This tattoo helps to find a common language with the outside world, gives strength to overcome obstacles and failures, to find harmony in himself.

If the white calla lilies are on the left hand, they indicate a desire for self-improvement and a desire to get closer to the dearest people.

Red callas reveal sexuality and femininity. Such a tattoo is done by girls to emphasize their sensuality, to reveal their potential and demonstrate it to others.

If the red calla lilies are placed on the left arm, they indicate a willingness to learn new sexual experiences and a desire to take as much as possible from the outside world. If the tattoo is on the lower back, then it brings the wearer new extraordinary strength in communicating with men.

The shades of the pattern are different - purple, red, orange, pink. The colors can be faint or bright, depending on a person's preference.

For the most part, calla lilies are a female tattoo. This is due to its simplicity and elegance. Often such motifs are expressed in bright green or dark green base and with heart-shaped petals.

In men it is less common to see such a tattoo. In this case, it will express love for loved ones.

The most elementary tattoo design is a single calla lily flower. The leaves and the thin stem of the flower are emphasized most strongly. You can depict several flowers together and form a Celtic knot.

Religious people can depict a flower around a cross or with the Virgin Mary.

There is no particular place for a tattoo. The most popular parts of the body are the back, lower back, leg, ankle, and arm.

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What does a flower tattoo mean?

The main meaning of a flower tattoo is love, joy, freshness, togetherness and vitality. However, depending on the context, can symbolize loss and sadness. In tattoos, each flower has its own meaning, thanks to which, the picture on the body will not only be beautiful, but also carries deep meaning.

Meaning of a tattoo flower
Tattoo flowers on the hip Britt Beale

Meaning of the flower tattoo
Patrice Tran watercolor and ornamental style lotus

Choosing a flower for a tattoo, it is worth remembering that their meaning in different cultures may differ. For example, the lily tattoo - in Russia symbolizes innocence, in Europe - sadness, and in the East - joy. Such differences can occur with different flowers and you need to be careful not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Meaning of flower tattoos
Maya Sapiga Women's Flower Sleeve.

Meaning of tattoo flowers
Watercolor flower on the forearm U-Gene

Regardless of culture, the meaning of flower tattoos expresses the cyclical nature of life. With the onset of spring they blossom, bloom, and by fall they fade, thereby representing the life course of a person. The same meaning was put in the flower of our ancestors thousands of years ago, but it is still relevant today.

Calla lily flowers and their meaning

Summary of the article:

Sometimes to express their emotions on this or that occasion, people give flowers to each other. For the birthday of the beloved girl some, for a wedding acquaintances others. There is even a whole trend - floriography, explaining what this or that plant symbolizes. In this article you will read about calla lilies. Their meaning, according to different legends, can be different, so you need to know what occasion they are relevant for.

Botanical description and habitat

Whitewinged or, popularly, "calla lilies" are a perennial plant found near bodies of water. You can see them in almost all regions of Russia on swampy banks and in any wet soil. For its unusual appearance, the flower is loved by gardeners and widespread as an ornamental.

Recognizing it is easy:

  • The leaves are wide, heart-like, with smooth edges, pointed at the end. Veins run along the entire surface, from the middle forward;
  • The flowers are long cylindrical cobs, arranged on a thick branch, surrounded by a veil;
  • Before the inflorescence blooms, the coverlet is completely enclosed in the bud. Afterwards, it frames the flowers as a white backing. In artificially bred varieties, the veil comes in a variety of colors, up to and including black;
  • The fragrance of the flower is pronounced, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla.

Squirrelwort is very fond of housewives and florists. It is planted in pots, on plots and added to bouquets. But many are scared off by the omen, it is believed that it portends death.

In fact, it is unclear where such associations have come from. Perhaps due to the fact that in some countries white symbolizes sadness, it is this shade to decorate funerary events. However, this is not the case everywhere, and about where the plant is appropriate, we will tell you below.

What do calla lilies symbolize?

In some countries, they are indeed brought to funerals along with lilies and orchids. But this tradition is gradually becoming a thing of the past. People like another legend, from which a different meaning of the flower becomes clear.

Here's how it sounds: A tribal chief fell in love with a beautiful young girl and decided to marry her. Since the beautiful girl was an orphan and had no one to intercede for her, the wedding was soon scheduled. On her way to the ritual, the girl saw a bonfire and decided to jump into it, but on the way she turned into a beautiful white flower. This is how the gods saved her from a terrible destiny.

Whether this legend or other myths are responsible, it is not known exactly, but in recent times calla lilies are increasingly being given as wedding bouquets for brides at weddings.

They are believed to serve as a symbol of:

  • Purity of thought;
  • Protect the family;
  • Promise a long and happy family in marriage.

The belief of death recedes into the background and is rarely remembered anymore. In addition, such a bouquet for the bride looks elegant and gentle at the same time, has a delicate fragrance with hints of vanilla.

The meaning of the plant by feng shui

According to this culture, each object located in the house should occupy its own place, because it carries a certain energy charge and meaning.

For white wings, feng shui also defined a specific purpose and position:

  1. Calla lilies are a talisman against illness for all family members;
  2. To avoid quarrels and strife, white or orange plants are placed in the house of women;
  3. Place them on windowsills in the rooms or in the kitchen, but not in the bedroom. In general, for the bedroom is very difficult to choose a suitable flower, because many have the energy of Yang, which can ruin the relationship between the spouses;
  4. The kitchen is an ideal place for this plant. Here is the kingdom of women, here she spends most of the time and she can fully saturate with its energy.

In the children's room it is also better not to put a white-winged wormwood. First, it blooms and can cause allergies in children, secondly, it is poisonous and can be dangerous, and thirdly, according to feng shui it is a female flower, a symbol of female happiness, children do not need such energy.

What does the tattoo of this flower mean?

Calla lilies are mostly applied by girls, as they symbolize purity and innocence.

There can be different variants of the drawing, this also depends on its meaning:

  • White bouquet on the left hand is drawn by people striving for self-improvement. This way you can tell those around you about your desire to develop inner potentials, about the willingness to have an interesting conversation, to tell and listen;
  • Red flowers on the same place - a symbol of openness and sexuality, implying sensuality of the hostess and her emotionality;
  • Red callas on the waist - speaks of the girl's unusual attitude towards the opposite sex. It can be expressed in everything, both in intimacy and in everyday life. The meaning of this singularity is different for every woman, but when you see this image, think about what the secret is here;
  • The yellow bud is a sign of friendliness and stability;
  • A foot painted in green - a symbol of determination and the desire to win.

As you can see, the meanings of this pattern are contradictory. In one design it is a symbol of innocence and purity of thoughts, while in another it speaks of the sexual openness of the hostess. Therefore, before you apply yourself such a pattern, think about what you want to tell those around you.

How to take care of a calla lily in a pot?

Growing them at home, you can create an atmosphere of coziness and peace. And if you decorate the room with colorful white-winged calla lilies, you will enjoy them every day. Housewives love to plant them at home.

Here's what they say about care:

  • They are unpretentious, all you need is light, heat and a medium sized pot;
  • Water should be enough, because it is a swamp plant. But do not moisten too much, as soon as you see that the soil has dried up, then water;
  • You will need to fertilize the soil, especially in winter. From January to March do it once a week;
  • If the room is hot and the temperature is above 20 degrees, the leaves need to be moistened. Spray them regularly with a sprayer;
  • Avoid drafts, calla lilies do not like them;
  • Expose to the sun gradually in the spring, cut off yellowed foliage.

The color of the white-winged calla lily is also important. Those plants that have a white cover need more moisture colored plants are not as demanding to water. But they do need more light.

Follow these simple rules, and then you will have a blooming little gentle miracle at home. When it is a lot of it indoors, and with different colors, it looks great.

We hope that we have dispelled the myth about the sinister symbolism of this plant. Now you know a lot more about calla lilies flowers, the meaning of which does not portend death, but attracts joy and understanding to the family.

Video: how to properly grow white-winged calla lilies?

In this video horticulturist Zinaida Ovchinnikova will tell how to grow zantedeschia (callas) at home, in what pots, how to care for the plants:

What will the tattoos with flowers tell about?

Nakolki, depicting flowers, have a much deeper meaning than it may seem at first glance. Flowers symbolically represent nature, are a manifestation of its beauty, as well as mystery and abundance.

Different countries and cultures view the characteristics of each flower differently. Each plant, depending on the culture, has an individual meaning.

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Some basic, most popular, acceptable and revered (in certain areas) flower imagery can be identified. For example, in the philosophy of the East, a large spiritual and philosophical role is given to the lotus and sakura.

And in Western culture, the most revered plants are roses and lilies. It should be noted that the most diverse iconic and traditional characteristics of living flowers are transformed into the characteristics of tattoos. Very often flowers are transformed into state symbols or emblems of various institutions.

Tattoo with a flower as a body painting is often used by the fair sex. With them, it represents the beauty of nature and the female body. Also of great importance in the characteristics of the tattoo is the color scheme in which it is done. Color has a strong influence and can dramatically change the meaning of any plant.

Flowers have a very mysterious and secretive symbolism. We find its description in the myths and folklore of various world nations. And in each culture the symbolic characteristic of each flower is diverse.

The meaning of the Kali tattoo

Now we propose to understand the meaning of the Kali tattoo. This is what is called the dark and fierce form of Parvati, the dark Shakti, as well as the destructive power of Shiva. The goddess is the mother, and symbolizes destruction. In doing so, she strives to maintain world order and prevent ignorance, and makes free all those who wish with all their hearts to approach God. Kali is air, ether, fire, water, and earth. Allegedly it is through her that all the wishes of Shiva herself can be granted. She knows the sixty-four arts and is called to please the Creator-God.

Kali is represented in different forms. So she is depicted as black, bright, with her tongue sticking out red. Sometimes Kali can be seen as a young woman with many heads. She is believed to be able to rid a person of all passions.

Often Kali is portrayed as blue. And it is quite possible to explain this. So if you take a little water in the palm of your hand, you can see that it is transparent. However, it is also understandable that sea water is blue. The air is colorless, but the sky is not. This is all an optical illusion. And the fact that Kali is seen in blue is also an illusion, because one looks at her with one's own eyes. And if one were to look at her with divine eyes, one would see something else. Full breasts Kali is the embodiment of motherhood as a continuous act of creation. The disheveled hair symbolizes illusion, the fabrics symbolize the space of time. A necklace of human heads signifies wisdom and knowledge. The white teeth of the goddess represent purity. The three eyes of the goddess mean sun, moon and fire.

What does the tattoo of the goddess Kali mean?

A spectacular tattoo in the form of Kali is often chosen by both men and women. Representatives of both sexes often give preference to images in the styles of old-school, realism and graphics. The original body image in the form of Kali means wisdom, purity, light, the desire to get rid of passions.

In addition, such a body image can represent motherhood, order and the desire to know God.

Tattoo in the form of Kali do and different parts of the body. Often the original body image can be seen on the back or sides.

The meaning for men

Often tattoos with Kali do men. They prefer to make beautiful natal drawings in the technique of tribal and graphics.

Moreover, they often choose colorful images of the goddess. Less often, black and white drawings are preferred. For the stronger sex, a tattoo in the form of Kali means:

  • wisdom
  • knowledge
  • soulfulness
  • religiosity

A striking tattoo in the form of Kali tells about the sincerity and wisdom of its owner.

A man with such a body image for sure a religious man and dreams with all his heart to get closer to God.

Sometimes these images on the chest the stronger sex do not choose because of the special symbolic value, but because of the originality of the picture.

The meaning for women

Less often the tattoo in the form of Kali is chosen by the fair sex. Women more like images in the style of old-school and watercolor. Colorful tattoos for the fair sex will mean:

  • motherhood
  • wisdom
  • religiosity
  • purity

A beautiful tattoo will be able to tell about the soulfulness and wisdom of women.

In addition, such a body image will testify about the faith of its owner. Such a tattoo often signifies a woman's desire to become a mother or her pride in having children.

What image to choose for the tattoo?

There are quite a few different options for the Kali tattoo. Often, members of both sexes choose old-school style body art. Such tattoos are distinguished by the visual convexity and colorfulness of the image.

No less interesting look on the body and tattoos in the technique of watercolor. Such tattoos are very reminiscent of watercolor drawings.

Often become the choice both for men and for women tattoos in the technique of graphic. Such images are often preferred by supporters of minimalism.

Executed in the style of tribal body drawings look very impressive and characterized by the presence of beautiful patterns. You can make an original tattoo on any part of the body.

Tattoo in revenge (7 photos)

7 Worst Revenge Tattoos: Inmate who had the name of the girl he killed tattooed on his forehead

Tattoo for revenge (7 photos)
An inmate who was serving a life sentence for molesting and killing a 10-year-old girl named Katie was forcibly tattooed on his forehead saying "Katie's Revenge." Anthony Ray Stockelman, 39 at the time, was moved to a separate cell for his own safety after prison officials discovered the tattoo. The tattoo was the cousin of Katie Collman, a fourth-grade student who was killed in January 2005. "One-night stands" turned into tattoos all over her body

Tattoo in revenge (7 photos)
The girl carved her name on the man she slept with while he slept. Wayne Robinson's wounds to Dominique Fisher included her name carved into his shoulder. After the couple met at the Syndicate nightclub in Blackpool, they spent four days filled with alcohol and drugs. However, when he woke up and sobered up, he saw that she had carved her name into his right shoulder. She had also carved a star on his back and made numerous incisions on his left shoulder. Dominique claimed that he had agreed to the "tattoos," but Robinson denied it. Wayne was so drunk that he felt nothing. A pile of feces appeared on the cheater's back.

Tattoo for payback (7 photos)

A tattoo artist tattooed this warm pile of feces on the back of his cheating girlfriend. According to multiple sources, tattoo artist Ryan Fitzjerald suggested Rossie Brovent tattoo her after he found out she was sleeping with his best friend. Rossi of Dayton, Ohio, sued her ex for $100,000, claiming he got her drunk on cheap wine and tequila before she signed a consent form. She asked her boyfriend to tattoo a scene from the Narnia movies on her back, but her hopes for a beautiful tattoo backfired. Many are claiming the story is a "duck." Some bloggers have even gone so far as to investigate whether such a lawsuit has been filed. They found that a lawsuit from a man named Browent did not exist and that Browent does not reside in Dayton. However, no one ever found out where the original photo had come from.
A teenager was attacked and had the word "Dog" tattooed on his forehead for sleeping with another man's girl

Retaliation Tattoo (7 photos)
A jealous man beat a mentally disabled teenager with a baseball bat for seven hours before tattooing the word "Dog" on his forehead. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison for it. The 18-year-old victim had a sexual relationship with the girlfriend of 35-year-old Jason Tattersall while he was in prison. Three days after Tattersall was released, he started taking drugs and lured the 18-year-old boy to his house to get back at him. He broke the teenager's ankle with a baseball bat and then took him outside, where his friends joined in the beating. To top it off, he pinned him to the floor and tattooed the word "Dog" on the teenager's forehead with green paint. The teen is currently blind in his left eye and has undergone surgery to repair his ankle. He has since grown his bangs and started wearing caps to hide the tattoo. A tattoo artist tattooed his cheating friend's wife while her husband held her down

Tattoo for payback (7 photos)
A court in Singapore recently sentenced a tattoo artist to two years in prison. His crime was applying tattoos to his friend's wife against her will. Her husband suspected her of adultery and wanted to take revenge and humiliate her. The details of exactly what was tattooed on the woman have not been disclosed, so one can only speculate. The woman's breasts, stomach and forearm were tattooed while she was tied up by her husband, who also put a gag in her mouth. The husband sat on her legs to keep her from twitching. After all this, they left her tied up until her friend freed her. At this point, she is undergoing laser surgery to remove her tattoos. Her husband was sentenced to a slightly longer sentence, as well as 6 strokes of the cane. Now that's justice! Man who decided to get a second tattoo in the middle of the night and got it

Tattoo for payback (7 photo)
A man got a tattoo on his arm in the afternoon at a salon. After he got drunk, his friends suggested another tattoo and called the tattoo artist. A little after midnight, they reached the tattoo parlor and said they would give him a nice surprise. The next morning he woke up with such a tattoo. A tattoo artist hailing from Asia applied swear words every time someone asked for a tattoo in the form of a Japanese character

Tattoo for payback (7 photos)
Brandon Smith wanted a tattoo that reflected his masculinity, so he decided to put Chinese characters meaning "strength" and "honor" on his chest. After 20 minutes under the needle of local tattoo artist Andy Sakai, symbols meaning "small penis" appeared in his flesh. "I walked around with this tattoo for months and didn't know what it really meant," Smith says. "One day I decided to run around the Carnegie Mellon University campus and some Asians started laughing and calling me Short. That's when I knew something was wrong." Sakai, a multi-award-winning tattoo artist, was tired of having sacred Japanese symbols, symbols of his origins, painted on white bodies. So he decided to rectify the situation. Every time Sakai had customers who wanted a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph, he applied hieroglyphs meaning swear words or phrases. As it turned out, seven people suffered at the hands of the irate master. Kerri Baker, a student at Carlow College, paid $50 to have the symbols for "beautiful goddess" applied above her navel, but when she walked into a local Asian store, laughing workers explained that her tattoo actually read "insert chicken here." Sakai feels no guilt about mocking the cheesy students.


Flower Tattoos.

Many girls love flowers, and not just in the form of bouquets. Our visitors like flowers tattoos no less: orchids and chrysanthemums, forget-me-not and campanula, daisies and daffodils are in demand again almost every spring. Roses, lilies, lotuses are at the peak of demand at any time of year! Flower tattoos, like tribal patterns, fit perfectly into the topography of the body, emphasizing its beauty, hence the popularity. But does the meaning of the flower in the tattoo matter? Meaningfulness does have a place and some flowers do have a certain meaning.

The rose tattoo is a symbol of pure, true love. The white rose represents chastity and the scarlet rose represents passion and sensuality. The image of the pink rose speaks of the light, slightly infantile character of the possessor.

The iris tat is a symbol of self-belief, courage, and wisdom. One of its most common names, "tassica" (Kasatikova family), can be interpreted as beloved, priceless, desirable. In Greek, "Iris" means "rainbow." In Japan, the same hieroglyph means "Iris" and "Warrior Spirit." According to legend, these flowers instill courage in the souls of young men.

Tattoo Violets, bells, daisies have a similar meaning - faithful love, innocence, chastity.

Mac tattoo - a symbol of deep sleep, death, oblivion. Can symbolize pleasure, mild madness, intoxication. In ancient Greece, the poppy represented Thanatos, the god of death, and Hypnos, the god of sleep. The reason for this is the deadly juice of the opium poppy, so quickly turned by humans into a powerful drug. The symbolism of the color also matters: yellow poppy - wealth, white - consolation, oblivion.

The Lily tattoo is a flower with a wide range of the most contradictory meanings. The white lily is traditionally an innocence, purity, virginity. By analogy, lilies of darker shades represent night, beauty and passion.

In the Christian religion it is a symbol of the Virgin Mary, while in the Egyptian lily is a symbol of fertility, as the lotus (water lily). It is also a symbol of pride, majesty, nobility, peace and tranquility.

The lily is one of the emblems of France. Here the flower symbolizes royalty, royalty, and prosperity.

Interesting fact: the tattoo of a lily surrounded by thorns and weed plants symbolizes a pure soul resisting temptation. Several lilies on the same branch are a sign of rebirth, a symbol of virginity.

Lotus tattoo - in Hinduism and Buddhism means an awakening of the being, the transition from the inferior to the spiritual, the sublime. This flower begins to grow at the very bottom of the pond, among the silt and mud. Gradually breaking through to the light, he passes many tests, hence the meaning - the struggle for life, the pursuit of truth. The lotus tattoo in the East symbolizes the same thing as the rose in the West: pure love, self-sacrifice, and beauty. The sunflower tattoo symbolizes the sun, the hottest star. And also the sunflower tattoo symbolizes devotion, loyalty. And this is no coincidence. The bright sun flower has a very interesting feature - the sunflower head follows the sun throughout the day. The so-called heliotropic properties are maintained until the flower reaches its maximum growth. When it stops growing, the sunflower continues to turn toward the east.

The snow-white daisy in many parables and legends symbolizes kindness, innocence and modesty, youth and love of life. Such a tattoo would be a great decoration for a young girl, not yet sophisticated in love. However, despite the modesty, the daisy also symbolizes resilience. Tattoo of a daisy reveals a lot of positive meanings, to its owners, it invariably brings good luck.

Calla tattoo often evokes contradictory associations. The meaning of the flower is ambivalent - calla lilies can be used both for a bridal bouquet and for mourning wreaths. In the language of flowers, they mean purity and purity, symbolizing rebirth, resurrection. That is why they are ascribed a ritual meaning. Because of the peculiar shape of the flower, the kala tattoo is considered a symbol of femininity and is seen as the embodiment of sexuality, youth.

These exotic flowers look great as singly or in bouquets, and the stereotype of an even and odd number can be safely rejected. Two calla lilies symbolize husband and wife, their unbreakable union. The red calla tattoo is a symbol of passion and love.

The tattoo of tulips is a symbol of the coming spring. Their appearance means the triumph of warmth and sunshine over the winter cold. Therefore, the tulip is considered to be the embodiment of optimism. Even the poets of ancient Persia wrote songs about tulips, the charm of which can conquer the heart of even the most haughty beauty. In Europe, the tulip symbolizes impeccable reputation, respect and fame. The color symbolism also plays an important role. The red tulip is a symbol of passion, and yellow, on the contrary, is a sign of deceived feelings.

Tattoo Gerberas are very similar to daisies, but these flowers are much larger and brighter. Their rich color pleases the eye, gives joy, creates a good mood. Tattoo in the form of a gerbera suits bright people with an optimistic disposition. Usually, daisies are liked by those who know how and like to give gifts.

The orchid tattoo is loved by sophisticated girls, and this love is not accidental. The flower symbolizes harmony, luxury, perfection, beauty - the orchid can safely be called the most feminine of its brethren. In Chinese mythology, the orchid is a symbol of a perfect being, a powerful talisman against powerlessness. In nature there are a huge number of varieties of orchids, which means that when choosing a tattoo sketch you will not have any problems

The cornflower tattoo is a wildflower that is essentially a weed, but has many healing properties. Even the bright blue color of the cornflower indicates its positive, bright character. Cornflowers are often wreathed in wreaths or added to bouquets. But even alone it looks sophisticated, exquisite. Tattoo cornflower suits an outstanding, cheerful person.

Peony tattoo in China represents masculinity, symbolizes success and material prosperity. In Japan, peonies are wedding flowers, symbols of spring, the beginning of a new happy life. Peony tattoo can bring good luck in any affairs and endeavors.


For women

For Men