Tattoo a cobra: what does the snake mean for girls and men

Fans of drawings on the skin often make a tattoo of a cobra, than attract the attention of others. The image of a dangerous and poisonous reptile fascinates the eyes of passersby. This motif has been known since ancient times, but it does not lose its popularity today. In this article, let's consider what cobra tattoo means, as well as consider beautiful and fashionable sketches.

tattoo cobra

Tattoo of a cobra: meaning

cobra tattoo

Tattoo of a cobra characterizes its owner as a bold and decisive person, able to proudly withstand any adversity in life. But at the same time - they are creative, talented and full of ideas people with unconventional thinking.

However, the meaning of the complete picture is formed depending on what exactly is depicted on the tattoo. For example, the image of the snake, which spits out venom, indicates that its owner is quite aggressive and bossy: he wants those around him to fear and obey. The drawing of a snake shedding its skin symbolizes rebirth, fertility and wisdom.

For girls

tattoo of a cobra

Beautiful tattoo cobra on the female body, made in bright colors, emphasizing their mystique, grace, and have an incredible ability to charm men. Women with this motif on their bodies are power-loving, smart and talented. They, like a magnet, attract to themselves the individuals of the male sex. There is a belief that the reptile tattoo is beneficial to the fertility of young girls.

For men

cobra tattoo

Only a man who wants power over those around him is capable of getting a tattoo depicting a cobra. Such men are strong in spirit, confident in achieving their goals, sometimes at the cost of comfort for those close to them. In addition, they are smart, inventive and incredibly attractive.

On the Zone

cobra tattoo meaning

A picture of such a motif on the shoulder of a prisoner denotes his high status in the zone. Those who understand the meanings of tattoos in prison are wary of such a person. The image of a snake with a crown on his head indicates vengeance, and a cobra wrapped around a dagger indicates that its owner is in charge of thieving crime.

From Ancient Egypt to Buddhism

Every culture is filled with a host of myths about snakes. For example, the ancient Egyptians identified cobras directly with the afterlife. Not without reason, they left it even in the tomb of the great Tutankhamen - it was called to protect the most famous pharaoh!

The Egyptians generally worshipped the snake, so it is not surprising that it was worn on the crown of the pharaohs - but always with the hood uncovered, indicating a special power.

In general, the Egyptians worshipped the snake, and therefore it is not surprising that it was put on the crown of the pharaohs - but always with the dissolved hood, which indicated the special power, strength, wisdom of these royal individuals. Snakes were also always drawn on the walls of religious buildings.

Indians have long recognized in the cobra a sacred creature, confidently believing that the snake is a clear symbol of independent power. It was also believed that seeing a cobra very close was unspeakable good luck. In addition, Indian myths often mention the fabulous Naga, a creature in the form of a cobra, guarding untold wealth in abandoned places.

Buddhists are also convinced that the cobra is a positive creature. For example, it is noteworthy that a cobra once saw a little Buddha asleep in the blazing sun, opened its hood, and saved the child.

Cobra tattoo ideas

When deciding on a tattoo idea, you should learn about what it means. Below let's break down the meanings of the most common male and female motifs.

Cobra head

cobra tattoo sketch

Tattoo with the head of a snake represents power, strength and courage.

Snake skin

cobra sketch

In ancient mythology, the reptile is associated with eternal youth because of its ability to shed its skin. A tattoo with skin, or a snake shedding it, is applied as a symbol of youth, immortality and beauty.


tattoo of cobra on hand

A snake with its hood open warns of possible danger. A hooded cobra is associated with Ra, the ancient Greek sun god. The celestial luminary is able to give and take away life, so this tattoo has an ambiguous meaning.

With a crown

tattoo cobra meaning

The sketch of a cobra with a crown on his head symbolizes power and subordination.

With open mouth

tattoo of cobra meaning

The reptile with open mouth symbolizes danger, aggression and readiness for defense.

The king cobra

tattoo of cobra on hand

This type of reptile is the most aggressive in nature. The owner of the tattoo with this image as if warning that with him to behave carefully. This image means power, royalty, guile and temptation.

For girls.

For women, the cobra symbol means the power of their hypnotic influence on men, the ability to mesmerize with their gaze and grace. With cobra tattoos, girls hint that they are capable of both hypnotizing and seducing as well as destroying. The tattoo sends a message about the dangers of frivolously playing with them.

Girls prefer the image of cobras without the inflated hood, in a more relaxed state. They get cobra tattoos to show their sexuality to others. They are especially attracted to the fact that the cobra in people's minds is associated with youth.

After all, she, shedding her skin, is constantly renewed. And is it not the dream of every woman? Cobra tattoo is applied as a symbol of youth, health and beauty.

Liberated girls choose a cobra tattoo on the lower back, so they show their sexuality and femininity.

The best places to place the sketches

Below we will consider the most appropriate places to apply the sketch.

On the back

cobra tattoo

Tattoo on the back - one of the common options among persons of both sexes. A wide area allows you to place drawings of any size. Tattoos in this part of the body will emphasize the figure and become a great tool to express their individuality.

On the leg

tattoo cobra sketches

The cobra has long been known as a brutal killer and healer at the same time. The meaning of the cobra tattoo on a woman's thigh expresses fertility, immortality and the beginning of new life.

Many young men have a preference for tattoos on their legs. The image of snakes on men's muscular legs emphasizes their masculinity and militancy. Girls often resort to painting various areas of their graceful legs in order to hide skin flaws, scars, irregularities, etc. The picture of the snake on women's legs slims them, and the flexibility of the applied drawing makes the insidious reptiles more realistic.

On the hand

tattoo of a cobra on his shoulder

The hand is the most movable and visible area for tattooing, used since ancient times. It is worth noting that if you plan to hide the drawing from others, you need to choose another part of the body. The shoulder is the most extensive area for the master to work on. The arm is not the most susceptible area in terms of pain, so there is no special discomfort during the session.

On the neck

What does tattoo cobra mean

The tattoo on the neck is done by bold and confident individuals, not dependent on the opinion of outsiders. The area is characterized by a high degree of pain and the risk of losing the colorfulness of the tattoo with age, along with the loss of skin elasticity.

Girls most often prefer to apply the tattoo in the back of the neck, and men - on the side and front surface of the neck. The snake depicted on the neck of the female may look like a piece of jewelry (pearl necklace).

Technique of execution

Tattoo with a dangerous reptile looks very effective in the style of realism. Lovers of epathetizing others can choose a sketch in the technique of 3D: a cobra on the arm or other part of the body will look so natural that especially bold it will want to touch. Such a tattoo takes up a lot of space and requires a large scale, so it will not be possible to complete the work in one session. This should be taken into account for beginners who are just planning their first trip to the master.

Cobra on the back in neotraditional or old skool style looks not so terrifying and aggressive. The image can be beaten up in a cartoon style or add new elements. A simple and concise tattoo without unnecessary details looks stylish on the neck or on the wrist in the technique of minimalism.

Watch an interesting video

Gallery of photos with cobra

Sketch of a cobra tattoo

The number of options for possible sketches and areas for their application strikes its abundance. Therefore, before you visit the master, you should decide on the appearance of the tattoo, as well as the part of the body on which it is planned to apply. In order to help you with the choice, we have presented several sketches made in different styles.

Color schemes, styles

A realistic style royal cobra tattoo looks natural due to the tracing of each scale. Each scale is shaded in a different color - gold, bright red, and for a more pronounced aggressiveness add green, orange, coral, black and white.

The sign is depicted symbolically or monochrome in black and white style. The Celtic style is based on the color black, which is complemented by an ornament of another color. The tribal style uses black or gray with a geometric pattern, using sketches of Maya, Oceania and African tribes. The image may be in the style of a cave painting or mascot.


The photos below can be used as an idea for your future tattoo. We hope that the gallery presented will help you in choosing your future sketch.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Cobra

Photo: Cobra

Cobra is the common name for a whole group of snakes. They all belong to the same family, the Aspidae. Most of these reptiles belong to the genus Real. For the first time the concept of "cobra" appeared in the sixteenth century. It was at this time that the goggle snake met for the first time on the path of man. It greatly surprised travelers with its unusual "hood."

Interesting fact: The so-called hood appears in snakes only in case of danger. It is formed from the skin folds that hang on the sides.

Representatives of the cobra genus have a strong venom. However, the bite of such reptiles differs from that of other cold-blooded animals. The venomous teeth of cobras are quite short. They are much smaller than those of vipers. Therefore, it takes much more effort for the reptile to inject the venom into the victim. During this time, the animal holds the victim with a deadly grip and does not allow it to escape until the poison is fully injected.

Interesting fact: Representatives of this genus never bite without prior warning. For this, they are called noble snakes.

As already noted, there are about sixteen varieties of cobras.

Among them, it is worth highlighting the five most famous:

  • The king cobra. This is the largest representative. Royal cobras are widely distributed in India, China, Vietnam and other countries. The reptile can reach almost six meters in length, and its venom can kill even an elephant.
  • The Indian. This reptile is much smaller than a king. Its length does not exceed two meters. The Indian cobra has a bright coloration: yellow-gray, black, brown. During the opening of the hood on the snake, you can see a white pattern in the form of ring-shaped spots.
  • Central Asian. Dwells in gorges, near rivers among sparse vegetation. Go out to hunt during the day, live in small groups. Its back does not have a characteristic pattern in the form of glasses.
  • Egyptian. It is also known as the gaia. It is found in northern Africa. It weighs about three kilograms and is two meters long. It has a narrow hood and a monochrome coloration - various shades of brown.
  • Ringed waterfowl. This animal can reach a length of almost three meters. The reptile's back is colored yellow-brown with intermittent light stripes. The ringed cobra's main diet is fish, but it sometimes eats toads and frogs.


For women

For men