Tattoo a dog: the meaning of the image of a pet for girls and guys

Dog tattoos refer to tattoos that reflect the inner world of a person. However, the meaning of the image depends on the breed, muzzle expression and pose of the animal. Most often, sketches of dogs are stuffed by representatives of the stronger sex, demonstrating courage and strength. As a rule, these characteristics apply to tattoos of fighting dogs. Girls, making the choice to tattoo, prefer to apply a smaller, harmless breed, hinting at their loyalty, sincerity and femininity.

dog tattoo

What does the dog tattoo mean?

The dog is considered the first animal that accompanies man and helps him in life (hunting, protection of the home, protection). Therefore, the dog tattoo denotes such qualities of personality as loyalty and devotion, and at the same time bravery, courage and endurance.

dog tattoos

Also, in ancient times, the dog was a guide to the netherworld and its guardian, so many tattoos are performed in dark color with devilish symbols. In this case, the dog is considered a harbinger of evil forces and spirits, alluding to the "black" personality of its bearer.

dog tattoos

The main meaning for a tattoo depicting a dog depends on the chosen breed, style and nature of the tattoo.

For example, a tattoo with a drawing of a service dog is a kind of amulet, which helps in the fight against the enemy and protects against negativity. When choosing an aggressive drawing with the image of an animal, the owner demonstrates his anger and assertiveness to others.

dog tattoo

Girls are characterized by the choice of a small defenseless dog, with which they want to emphasize their naivety and cute appearance.

However, in most cases, the dog is a symbol of respect, loyalty and friendship. Therefore, such a tattoo is not done by selfish and secretive people. A person who has a tattoo of a dog will always come to the aid of his neighbor and will not give up in the face of difficulties.

The meaning of the breeds

Among the most popular tattoos with the image of a dog can be found the following breeds of the animal:

  • Doberman - connection with the otherworld, a talisman that can be used by people with unique and unusual abilities, as well as those who are into psychic or magic.
  • Pit Bull - the owner of such a tattoo must have great physical and moral strength. Also, such an image is popular among those who own this breed of dog. When choosing a sketch, preference is given to both the full image of the dog and the image of its head. If the dog is depicted in a cartoon style, then such a tattoo indicates the kindness and sincerity of the person, his love for his pet.
  • Sharpay - suitable for people with a highly developed intellect, as well as independent, strong morally and spiritually personalities.
  • Pug - ideal for sociable and active people with respect in society and a personal stance on all of life's processes.
  • Bulldog - suitable for sincere and loyal people with a calm character and iron stamina.

The best ideas for tattoos with dogs

Tattoo on the body always attracts the attention of others to the person who carries it. Nakolka is able to tell a lot about the character and personal qualities of its owner, as well as to emphasize a particular part of the body.

dog sketches

The modern tattoo industry offers many ideas for tattoo, which reveal the inner essence of the person. Let's consider some of them.

Tattoo paw

dog paw tattoo

Paw prints are a very popular motif among the weaker sex. This image speaks of the sensitivity of the nature. Making such a drawing, the girl as if speaks about the "traces" left in her soul or about a situation that will remain in her life and feelings for a long time.

dog tattoos
Paw of the animal and human hand shows the long connection between them.


dog sketch

This dog often acts as a babysitter and guardian for children. He is absolutely harmless, not aggressive and loyal. That is why the tattoo with the image of a Labrador denotes such traits of its owner as loyalty and friendliness.


dog tattoo

This breed of hunting dogs, characterized by willfulness and determination. It has an unpredictable character, can be aggressive or, conversely, very friendly and affable. The dachshund tattoo is more suitable for emotional, strong girls who are not afraid to speak their mind.

German Shepherd

sketch of a dog

The German is one of the most popular tattoos. This breed is distinguished by its intelligence and friendly character, while it does not lack courage and loyalty. Since, the German shepherd belongs to the type of watchdogs, its image means "protection". The character of the dog also interprets different meanings of the picture. For example, an angry sheepdog speaks of the aggression of its owner, and the friendly appearance of the animal characterizes the person as benevolent, always ready to come to the rescue.


dog tattoo meaning

The most common name is the Central Asian shepherd dog. This breed is distinguished by its huge size, thanks to which it is an excellent guardian. But, at the same time, this is a very kind dog. Alabai is considered a purely male tattoo. It symbolizes endurance, indicates the strength of character and fighting qualities of a man, while talking about his intelligence and intelligence.


tattoo dog sketches

This curly-haired dog is a favorite of many women. The friendly pet is smart enough, always the "soul" of the company. Tattoo of a poodle is more suitable for young artistic girls, always attracting the attention of others by its originality and cheerfulness.

The symbol of the dog in the mythology and culture of the ancient world

In different peoples of the ancient world, the dog was considered a very revered animal, which was worshipped. It is the dog was a companion of man everywhere - in peacetime, hunting and even war.

Let's tell how it was represented in the mythology and culture of different peoples:

  • In ancient Egypt. the dog was seen as a deity. It brought people only good things: protected from monsters, fought against evil spirits, guarded the entrances to sacred places.
  • In ancient Greece. the animal was deified and attributed to the afterlife. A dog, the three-headed Cerberus, was the guardian and guide to the realm of the dead.
  • The inhabitants of the Germanic-Scandinavian countries also considered the dog to be in this world. The dog was portrayed as scary, with four eyes. The people thought it guarded the passageway to hell.
  • The Aztecs also pictured a dog alongside the god of death - this god was pictured with the head of a dog. After the death of any person, next to his tomb, the sacrifice of a dog was an obligatory ritual.
  • The Indians of the Americassaid that the dog was not such a bad animal. It brought rain and fire. According to tradition, the Indians sacrificed to the gods of the white dog so that the gods gave them a quiet and fruitful life without a season of drought. In addition, American peoples believed that the dog could heal, endowing it with magical properties - the gift of healing.
  • In China Dogs were seen as having only positive qualities--goodness, protection, amulet, and well-being. The Chinese believed a dog could ward off evil spirits and ward off misfortune.
  • In India Dogs were worshipped in India, but were considered servants of the god of death. It was they who looked for people who were destined to die and escorted them to the realm of the dead.
  • The Celts associated the dog with the god that no one could ever defeat. He was a symbol of courage, bravery, bravery, war, heroism, hunting, loyalty.
  • Slavs Believed that the dog has a magical ability - can predict the future, feels the approach of misfortune and can save, to protect him from the man. According to legends, a dog could turn into the God of the Sun, so this animal has always been treated with respect and love.
  • Christians personified the dog with the good, presented it as a shepherd, a guardian, a preacher. In addition, the dog was a symbol of loyalty, protection, vigilance, sincerity, courage and bravery.

Undoubtedly, the dog is a strong and very loyal animal. Those who have a dog at home know that it is the most sincere animal capable of love.

It is often compared to a wolf, so wolf tattoos have almost the same meanings as dog tattoos. The only difference is that the wolf has more negative meanings. The dog symbol can be considered the bright, positive side of the wolf symbol.

Basically, the peoples of the ancient world revered the dog, put it on a par with the gods, deities. Many think that the dog gave people fire and taught them how to use it.

Successful places for a tattoo of a dog

If the breed and character of the dog determine the meaning and meaning of the tattoo, the place of its location depends only on the wishes of the person, as well as the size of the figure.

meaning of tattoo dog

As a rule, images of large breeds of dogs in the style of 3D, are applied to the three-dimensional parts of the body: back, shoulder, leg, chest. Girls prefer the less visible, often graphic style drawings, which are placed on the wrist, collarbone or on the leg over the bone.

dog tattoo

Let's look at the most popular places for dog tattoos

On a hand

Tattoo of a dog on his arm

As a rule, a tattoo of a dog on the hand, in particular located close to the ring finger, can serve as a symbol of marital fidelity. If the picture is located on the forearm, it is often performed in volume and applied in color.

On the shoulder

dog tattoos

Placement of tattoos on the shoulder is the prerogative of the strong sex. Usually, here are printed pictures of large breeds, personifying masculinity and strength of character. Often dogs on the shoulder have an aggressive look.

On the wrist

dog tattoo meaning

As a rule, to stuff the dog tattoo in this place prefer girls. These are small in size drawings of a small pet or an imprint of his paw.

On the leg

Dachshund tattoo

This part of the body is suitable for padding a tattoo of a dog on the move. It is common to have large colored tattoos on the leg.


Many people believe that the dog as a symbol has much in common with the wolf. Indeed, both animals are attributed such qualities as courage, loyalty, attentiveness. Wolves and dogs are distinguished by a pronounced strength of will. These animals are very close in a symbolic sense. Nevertheless, wolves and dogs have a number of differences from each other. For example, dogs are often depicted as demonic creatures.
Dog-like characters are found in the myths of a wide variety of peoples as a personification of the afterlife. One striking example is the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, who was depicted with the head of a dog or jackal. This deity patronized the world of the dead, which makes the image of the wild Egyptian dog dark and ambiguous. Anubis in Egyptian myths acts as a guide to the afterlife. It is interesting that the image of the dog is often the personification of a guide to something unknown. We can conclude that the symbol of the dog is very ambiguous. In this case, the most popular underlying meanings of this symbol are as follows:

  • Devotion and loyalty. These noble qualities in our days are valued even more. A tattoo of a dog is able to direct a person to the acquisition of these qualities.
  • Demon. This interpretation applies to the image of a black dog. This symbol represents the otherworldly world.
  • Anticipation. This interpretation of the image of the dog dates back to Slavic culture, where the animal attributed a special gift - the ability to predict future events.
  • Protection against the dark forces. The image of the dog is "exploited" by many cultures in the creation of various amulets. Since ancient times, the dog protects the home of its master. Therefore, a tattoo with this animal can be a powerful creational totem.
  • Trustworthiness and naivety. Many will consider these qualities childish and unworthy of real men, but do not forget that it is the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child is the most valuable gift of our time.

Sketches of tattoos in the form of a dog

The sketch is a drawing made on paper, which is later transferred to the body for padding. There are many dog tattoo sketches from which a tattoo parlor client can choose the most suitable one for him. Here are some examples of dog tattoo designs.

Styles and Places

Dogs are often tattooed in the style of "realism", but current trends in tattoo culture say that it is necessary to move away from traditional images of pets in favor of more in-depth and interesting subjects. Today you can't just stuff a tattoo with your favorite dog - you need to add some creativity to the sketch. What exactly to fill the drawing with? It's up to you to decide.

A few more words about the locations. The chest and shoulders are perfect for depicting a dog's head without the torso. Such tattoos look great in an old-school version. If we are talking about a full-fledged image of a dog - you can consider the back or belly. Here you can safely experiment with different styles.


Anyone wishing to do a tattoo, wants to see in advance how it will look on the body. Therefore, tattoo masters always make photos of their work, creating a portfolio. With some of the works you can see below.

Performance technique

Tattoos with animals look very beautiful in the technique of realism. The style conveys the smallest details and nuances. 3D tattoos are a great option for those who like to surprise others. The sketch of the tattoo with a dog looks so natural that the picture just wants to touch with your hand to be sure of its existence. It is better to apply a large tattoo on the shoulder, arm, back or chest in men.

Geometry technique will suit fans of laconic and monochrome images (see photo in the gallery). The animal can be depicted in the form of paper figurines in the style of origami or combine with realism. Tattoo paw will look interesting in the ethnic style, complemented by patterns and ornaments. The same applies to the techniques of Hyde or Trable, where the dominant colors are red and black.

Minimalism will come in handy for creating small tattoos. The silhouette of the dog will only be outlined with an outline, without an internal fill. Such a technique is suitable for the first visit to the tattoo salon. The best places for the application - the wrist, stomach, back of the neck, shoulder blade.

Interesting video from the tattoo parlor

Pictures of tattoos with dogs


For women

For men