Never give up in Spanish. Phrases for tattoos in Spanish with translation

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Angel mio, estate conmigo, tu ve delante de mi y yo te seguire80Angel mio, be with me, you go ahead and I'll follow you.
Salvame y guardame79Salvame y guardame
Bajo el ala de un angel72Under the wing of an angel
Jamas te rindas, pase lo que pase71Never give up, no matter what.
Mi vida, mis reglas!64Mi vida mi rules!
Que laten siempre los corazones de los padres55Let the hearts of the parents beat forever
Nunca te rindas53Never give up
Sigue tu sueno53Follow your dream
Cada paso con Dios50Every step with God
No hay nada imposible50Nothing is impossible
Solo Le pido a Dios "Cuida a las personas que amo!"47I ask the Almighty for one thing, "Keep the people I love!
Nada es eterno31¶ Nothing lasts forever ¶
Conseguire todo lo que quiera30I'll get what I want
Camino se hace al andar28The road is for those who walk
Mi angel, estate conmigo siempre27My angel, be with me always
Quien si no yo26Who else but me
Eres mi vida23You're my life
Los milagros estan donde creen en ellos21Miracles are where they are believed.
Solo adelante21Only forward
Sonriele a tu sueno21Smile at your dreams
Agradezco a mi destino20I thank my destiny
Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida20Thanks to my parents for life
Los angeles lo llaman alegria celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor20Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish misery, men call it love
Mientras respiro, espero20As long as I breathe I hope.
Camino con Dios19Walking with God.
Creo en mi estrella19I believe in my star
Mi amor por ti sera eterno18My love for you will be eternal
Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra18Never give up, even if the whole world is against you
Todo esta en tus manos17Everything is in your hands.
Juntos para siempre15Together forever
Mis allegados siempre estan en mi corazon15My family is always in my heart
Todo lo que pasa es para mejor15Everything is for the best.
Felicidad es estar en armonia con la vida14Happiness is harmony with life
Angel de la muerte13Angel of death.
Estate conmigo siempre13Be with me always
Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja13Flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee
Con Dios12With God.
Cuando las personas se van - dejales ir. El destino expulsa a los de mas. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya esta representado12When people leave, let them go. Destiny excludes the superfluous. That does not mean they are bad. It means that their role in your life has already been played
El tiempo no cura12Time has no cure
La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazon12Distance doesn't matter if you're in my heart
Se fiel al que te es fiel12Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you
Amar hasta el ultimo suspiro, hasta el ultimo latido del corazon11Love to the last breath, to the last heartbeat
El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus suenos11The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada11I have no regrets. I am not afraid of anything.
No se que pasara manana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!11I don't know what will happen tomorrow...the important thing is to be happy today!
Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor10If love isn't crazy, it's not love.
Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer10What a woman wants is what God wants.
Vivir con el presente10To live in the present
A cada uno lo suyo9To each his own
Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuerdame9When you see a shooting star, think of me
La vida es una lucha9Life is a struggle
Suena sin miedo9Dream without fear
Bebemos, cantamos y amamos8Drink, sing and love
El ganador se lo lleva todo8The winner takes it all
En el corazon para siempre8♪ Forever in my heart ♪
Eres mi fuerza8You're my strength
Es muy temprano que nosotros vayamos al cielo8It's too soon for us to go to heaven
La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida8Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life
La vida8life
La vida es un juego8Life is a game
Mi amor, te necesito como el aire8My love, I need you like air.
No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores8Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes
Para mi siempre estaras vivo8For me you're always alive
Soy la mejor7I'm the best
Yo mismo me hago la vida7I make my own life
A toda costa6At any cost
Gracias por hacerme feliz6Thank you for your happiness.
No dejes que te paren6Don't let yourself be stopped
Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!6Never regret what you did if you were happy in that moment!
Ser y no parecer6To be, not to seem.
Si algun dia dia vas a pensar en mi, recuerda que tu mismo me has dejado ir6If you ever miss me, remember that you let me go
Te quiero y nunca te olvidare. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida6I love you and I'll never forget. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Todo es para ti, mama6Everything for you, Mama.
Tus deseos son mi flaqueza6Your desires are my weakness
Un dia todo ira bien: he aqui nuestra esperanza. Todo va bien hoy: he aqui la ilusion6One day all will be well: that is our hope. All is well today: this is the illusion.
Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo5Even if you have nothing you have a life that has everything
Estoy a la vista de Dios5I'm in the presence of God.
Hasta el que esta lejos se acerca si le tienes en tu corazon5Even the one who is far away stands by you if he is in your heart
Lograste hacerme feliz5You made me happy
Mas hermoso parece el soldado muerto en la batalla que sano en la huida5A soldier who dies in battle seems more beautiful than a survivor who escapes.
Nuestro amor es eterno5Our love is eternal
Quisiera compartir la eternidad contigo5Let's share eternity for two
Solo los buenos beben, los malos, no necesitan alcohol para pecar !5Only the good get drunk, and the bad don't need alcohol to sin.
Tu dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querras quedarte5You left a part of yourself by my side, I'll love it and protect it if you don't want to stay
Vivir para el amor5To live for love.
Desearia ser una lagrima tuya... para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios4I would like to be your tear to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips
La alegria no es mas que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida4Joy is no more than being able to enjoy the simple things of life.
La libertad es uno de los mas preciados dones que a los hombres dieran los cielos4Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that heaven has given to men
La paciencia tiene mas poder que la fuerza4Patience has more power than strength.
Lo mas importante en la vida es amar y ser amado4The most important thing in life is to love and be loved.
Los suenos son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante4Dreams are reality. Lo principal es venir en mucha hana y pacer paso adelante.
No llores porque se termino, sonrie porque sucedio4Don't cry because it's over. Smile, because it was
Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla4To keep happiness, it must be shared
Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes4No matter how long the storm, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.
Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad4I want to be with you always, and make it last forever.
Si no puedes convencerlos, confundelos4If you can't convince, confuse me
Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar4The soft voice of the sea will always stay with me
Solamente tuya4Only yours
Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible4I'm like the wind between the wings, always near and always invisible
Todos los hombres estan a mis pies4All the men are at my feet
Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder4When you get what you want, you have something to lose
Vivo con la esperanza4I live in hope
Busco la verdad3Seeking the truth
Casi desde el cielo3Almost from heaven
Como puede venir ningun bueno si no volvemos por la honra de Dios, es decir, si no cumplimos en seguida con nuestro deber de cristianos y civilizadores?3How can anything good happen if we do not defend the good name of the Lord, that is, if we do not fulfill without delay our duty as Christians and educators?
Cuervo oscuro.3Dark Crow.
Dios de la muerte.3God of death
El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho3He who reads a lot and walks a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot.
Es para mi una alegria oir sonar el reloj; veo transcurrida una hora de mi vida y me creo un poco mas cerca de Dios3It's a joy for me to hear the clock strike; I see an hour of my life passing and I think I'm a little closer to God.
Los cielos3the heavens
Me juego la vida3Playing with my life
No hay en la tierra, conforme a mi parecer, contento que se iguale a alcanzar la libertad perdida3As I see it, there is no greater joy on Earth than to achieve lost freedom
Solo mi amor siempre esta conmigo3For ever and ever my love is with me.
Te echo mucho de menos, amor mio... Haces latir mi corazon...3I miss you, my love... You make my heart beat...
Un pintor es un hombre que pinta lo que vende. Un artista, en cambio, es un hombre que vende lo que pinta3A painter is a man who portrays what he sells. And a master is a man who sells what he portrays.
Vivir significa luchar.3To live means to struggle.
Amar es el mas poderoso hechizo para ser amado2To love is the strongest means to be loved.
Aunque miro al otro lado, mi corazon solo te ve a ti2But even if I look the other way, my heart only sees you
Cuando dicen que soy demasiado viejo para hacer una cosa, procuro hacerla enseguida2When they say I'm too old to do something, I try to do it immediately
Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre2When one door closes, another one opens
Eres mi debilidad2You are my weakness.
Eres todo lo que tengo. Y no me quiero morir. Sin poder otra vez. Volver a verte.2You are all I have. And I don't want to die. Not being able to do it again. To see you
La modestia en el hombre de talento es cosa honesta; en los grandes genios, hipocresia2Modesty for the talented man is decency, but for the great genios it is hypocrisy
No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldras vivo de ella2Don't take life seriously, in the end you won't get out of it alive.
Que me odien, lo importante es que me tengan miedo2# Let them hate me so long as they're afraid
Sabemos quienes somos, pero no sabemos quienes podemos ser2We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be
Solo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria2Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.
Todas las experiencias son positivas. Si no hay sombras, no puede haber luz2Every experience is positive. If there were no shadow, there would be no light.
Un corazon es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala2The heart is a wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given
Amor apasionado1Passionate love
Camaradas y amigos, este es el camino de las penalidades, pero por el se va a Peru a ser ricos. Por alli vais al descanso en Panama, pero a ser pobres. Escoged1Comrades and friends, this is the road of suffering, but it leads to Peru to riches. And that one leads to rest in Panama, but to poverty. The choice is made.
Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo1Anyone can make mistakes, even me.
El amor es la fuerza y la razon por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas1Love is the force and the reason why the Earth rotates.
El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad1Art is an illusion that brings us closer to reality.
La alegria1joy, merriment
La diligencia en escuchar es el mas breve camino hacia la ciencia1Hard listening is the shortest way to knowledge
La hora perfecta de comer es, para el rico cuando tiene ganas, y para el pobre, cuando tiene que1The ideal time to eat for the rich man is when there is appetite, and for the poor man when there is food
La mayor desgracia de la juventud actual es ya no pertenecer a ella1The greatest misfortune of today's youth is no longer to relate to it.
La pintura es mas fuerte que yo, siempre consigue que haga lo que ella quiere1Painting is stronger than me, it always makes me do what it wants to do.
La tierra1Earth
La vida es una mala noche en una mala posada1La vida es una mala noche en una mala posada.
Mas vale morir con honra que vivir deshonrado1To die with honor is more valuable than to live dishonored.
Si tu amor se apago, dimelo a la cara, estoy aqui1If your love has faded, say it to my face, I'm here
Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morirAs I have not bothered about my birth, I have not bothered about my death.
El hombre solo recurre a la verdad cuando anda corto de mentirasMan resorts to the truth only when he doesn't get to the lie.
En la vida, como en ajedrez, las piezas mayores pueden volverse sobre sus pasos, pero los peones solo tienen un sentido de avanceIn life, as in chess, the senior pieces can turn, and the pawns can only move forward
Esta fuerza tiene el amor si es perfecto, que olvidamos nuestro contento por contentar a quien amamosIf love is perfect, it has such power that we forget our joy to please the one we love
La calidad de un pintor depende de la cantidad de pasado que lleve consigoThe class of an artist depends on the magnitude of the past that he carries with him
La unica diferencia entre un loco yo es que yo no estoy locoThe only difference between a madman and me is that I am not a madman.
La voz es la mujer mas celosa del mundo. Vive contigo, vive ahi, tienes que tratarla muy bien, tienes que mimarle, tienes que ser muy carinosoThe voice is the most jealous woman in the world. She lives with you, here; you must treat her very well, must pamper her, must be very gentle
No hay carga mas pesada que una mujer livianaNo burden is heavier than a fickle woman
No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos tu y yoNo matter if the world comes to an end, if we're together, you and I.
Pareceme, senores, que ya no podemos hacer otra cosa si no que se ponga una cruzIt seems to me, senores, that we can no longer do otherwise, if there is no blessing.
Pues que ansi es, adelante en buena hora. (al iniciar la primera batalla contra los Tlaxcaltecas tras varios infructuosos intentos de alianza con ellos)So go ahead, in good time. (starting the first battle against the Tlaxcaltecs after several unsuccessful attempts to unite with them)

Like many European languages, Spanish has its roots in Latin. The modern version of this language was formed at the end of the 13th century on the basis of the Castilian dialect. It is known that when Columbus set out to discover the New World he was already speaking a form of Spanish that modern day speakers will be able to understand.

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world. Spreading beyond the borders of old Spain, it has conquered other countries and continents. It is now spoken by some 450 million people.

Whatever continent Spanish is spoken on, the first thing that distinguishes it from other languages is its incredible expression, its vivid emotional coloring, its riot of colors and feelings. For open, communicative, bright personalities, not hiding their emotions and experiences the choice of phrase in Spanish for tattoo will be the most correct and the best option.

The list of Spanish-speaking celebrities is endless, among the talents that marked the history, there are writers Miguel Cervantes, Gustavo Becker, Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez, painters Francisco Goya, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, the architect Antonio Gaudi, director Guillermo del Toro, political figures Che Guevara and Augusto Pinochet.

This is interesting! Spanish is so expressive that even when writing question and exclamation sentences, people use the question mark and exclamation mark twice (at the beginning and end of the sentence).

What variations of the symbol there are

It may be an intricate ornamentation, or the phrase itself is written in a gothic style. Some men's inscriptions are characterized by brevity, without any embellishments or additions. The same cannot be said about women's tattoos - the fair sex usually prefers thin lines, ornate inscriptions, as if to underline the graceful lines of their backs, arms, legs.

Such inscriptions flowing along the spine look strikingly sensual.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish are a good choice for strong men. All the more so, as it allows a few phrases in a capacious and complete formulation of his life position, to emphasize the strength of his character.

Beautiful themed phrases in Spanish with translation

Beautiful phrases in Spanish can have different meanings. Russian-speaking people often make tattoos with sacred meaning. They stuff their life mottos, as well as lines that speak of loss or life experiences.

Many people prefer to get a tattoo that reveals a small part of their inner world. These can be quotes from favorite authors, song lyrics, sayings of other people, or their own thoughts. In general, the chosen phrase should be associated with something native and very close, as well as reflecting the worldview and life principles of the person.

Further in the article you can consider the options for phrases for tattoos in Spanish with a translation into Russian.

About love

Beautiful phrases in Spanish about love and falling in love, suitable for tattoos:

  • Se cultiva, se riega y se aprecia una flor favorita. La flor que te gusta simplemente se arranca. También con la gente. - A favorite flower is grown, watered, cherished. The flower you like is simply plucked. The same is true of people.
  • El amor puede durar toda la vida y luego termininar repentinamente el lunes. - Love can last a lifetime and then suddenly end on Monday.
  • Ocupan todos mis pensamientos. - You occupy all my thoughts.
  • Me gustaría conocer todos los amaneceres de mi vida contigo. - I would like to meet all the dawns of my life together with you.
  • Es acogedor a tu lado, como si si siempre estuviera en casa. - It's as cozy next to you as if I were always at home.
  • El amor duele. - Love hurts.
  • El amor es un problema de la existencia humana. - Love, is a problem of human existence.
  • Si el amor limita tu libertad, entonces no es amor en absoluto. - If love limits your freedom, it is not love at all.
  • Me encontré gracias a ti. - I have found myself thanks to you.
  • Incluso puedes enamorarte de un enemigo. - It is possible to fall in love even with an enemy.
  • Al enamorarse, puede perder su individualidad. - It is possible to lose one's individuality by falling in love.
  • Es casi imposible matar el amor de una mujer. Ella amará hasta la última gota de sangre. - It is almost impossible to kill a woman's love. She will love to the very last drop of blood.
  • El que sentirá el amor verdadero es la persona más feliz. - Whoever feels true love is the happiest person.
  • Los villanos son los que más necesitan el amor. - Villains need love the most.

    Beautiful Spanish phrases for tattoos with translation

  • La belleza es atractiva, pero solo se puede amar el alma. - Beauty is attractive, but only the soul can love.
  • Es malo cuando amas a alguien que ama decepcionarte. - It is bad when you love someone who loves to disappoint you.
  • Para amarse, es necesario ser diferente, no el mismo. - To love each other, you have to be different, not the same.
  • Es difícil encontrar un amor por el que no sea una lástima dar la vida. - It is difficult to find a love for which you would not pity to give your life.
  • Se puede confiar un cuerpo desnudo a alguien que supo amar un alma desnuda. - A naked body can be entrusted to someone who has been able to love a naked soul.
  • ¡No te acerques! De lo contrario, no podré dejarte ir. - Stay away! Otherwise, I won't be able to let you go.
  • El amor da confianza en uno mismo y coraje. - Love gives self-confidence and courage.
  • Te amo. Es una pena que no lo sepas. - I love you. I wish you knew that.
  • El amor es visible a través de las acciones. Las palabras son superfluas. - Love is visible through actions. Words are superfluous.
  • Un milagro es cuando te enamoras de alguien que te ama mutuamente. - It is wonderful when you have fallen in love with someone who has mutually loved you.
  • No hay gente mala. Hay quienes carecen de amor. - There are no bad people. There are those who lack love.

Long inscriptions can be typed in a few lines using fine print, or arranged along the spine, neck, or forearm.

About friendship

Quotes about friendship can be sent to a loved one.

Examples of phrases suitable for tattoos:

  • Es imposible vivir sin amistad. - It is impossible to live without friendship.
  • El amor puede ser no recíproco, pero esa amistad no existe. - Love can be unrequited, but friendship is not.
  • La humanidad usa la amistad con más frecuencia que el agua o el fuego. - Humanity uses friendship more often than water or fire.
  • Es peor no confiar en un amigo que dejarse engañar por él. - It is worse not to trust a friend than to be deceived by one.
  • Los amigos decoran su casa cuando vienen de visita. - Friends decorate your house when they come to visit.
  • Nunca juzgará a un amigo. - A friend will never judge.

    Beautiful Spanish phrases for tattoos with translation

  • La amistad se basa en la igualdad. - Friendship is built on equality.
  • La misma perspectiva de la vida genera fuertes amistades. - The same outlook on life generates strong friendships.
  • Con un amigo de verdad, tienes 1 ducha para dos. - With a true friend you have one soul for two.
  • Si eres intolerante con las defencicias humanas, entonces la amistad te es ajena. - If you are intolerant of human shortcomings, friendship is alien to you.
  • Aquellos que santifican el camino de otra persona no se quedarán sin luz. - Those who sanctify another person's path will not be left without light.
  • Para tener amigos, debes saber cómo ser tú mismo un amigo. - To have friends, you must be able to be a friend yourself.
  • Las amistades deben ser honestas. - Friendship must be honest.
  • Las espinas del corazón solo las las puede sacar un amigo fiel. - Only a faithful friend can take the thorns out of the heart.
  • En la amistad necesitas confiar. Compruébalo antes de hacer amigos. - In friendship one must trust. One should check before making friends.
  • La gente no puede vivir sin otras personas. - People cannot live without other people.
  • Para ser amigos, es necesario amar, no ser amado. - To be friends, one must love, not be loved.
  • Los amigos no permitirán que se pierda el tiempo ... sin su presencia. - Friends will not allow you to kill time in vain ... without their presence.
  • No cierre el puño cuando se acerque a un amigo. - Do not clench your fist when extending your hand to a friend.
  • No el eligen parientes, pero tú puedes eleges amigos. - You don't choose your relatives, but you can choose your friends.
  • La amistad rota nunca comenzó. - A severed friendship has never begun.
  • La amistad no es una pequeña chispa que sale de la despedida. - Friendship, is not a small spark extinguished by separation.
  • Sin un amigo, la vida es una marcha hacia la oscuridad. - Without a friend, life is like darkness.
  • No puedes hacer demasiado bien por un amigo. - One cannot do too much good for a friend.
  • Solo un amigo dirá la verdad. - Only a friend will tell the truth.

For this kind of lettering, a European font is good. It will look beautiful and concise.

About parents

Beautiful phrases in Spanish can be dedicated to parents.

Examples of such inscriptions:

  • Serás un niño mientras tus padres vivan. - You will be a child as long as your parents live.
  • El corazón de los padres es profundo y está lleno de comprensión. - Parents' hearts are deep and full of understanding.
  • Los niños a menudo se culpan a sí mismos por los errores cometidos por sus padres. - Children often blame themselves for mistakes made by their parents.
  • Al abrazar a tu madre, te tranquilizas en tu alma. - Hugging your mother gives you peace of mind.
  • Los padres son nuestros mejores amigos. Están dispuestos a perdonar y amar, haciendo la vista gorda ante nuestras defencias. - Parents are our best friends. They are willing to forgive and love, turning a blind eye to our shortcomings.
  • El amor a los padres es el principio de todas las virtudes. - Love for parents is the beginning of all virtues.

    Beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoo translation

  • A veces los padres son insoportables, pero peor si no lo son en absoluto. - Sometimes parents can be unbearable, but it is worse if they don't exist at all.
  • Mamá reemplazó a todos por mí, pero nadie puede reemplazarla por mí. - My mother replaced everyone, but no one can replace her.
  • El amor de los padres es el más puro y desinteresado. - Parental love is the purest and most unselfish.
  • Que nuestros padres vivan felices para siempre. - May our parents live a very long and happy life.
  • Duele ver a tu mamá envejecer. - It hurts to watch my mother grow old.
  • No se puede culpar a los padres por los errores. Ustedes también serán padres. ¿Qué dirán tus hijos? - You cannot condemn parents for mistakes. You will be parents. What will your children say?
  • Mamá no sostiene al bebé de la mano por mucho tiempo, sino siempre en el corazón. - Mom holds the baby's hand for a little while, but in her heart, always.
  • Incluso cuando los padres se equivocan, siguen siendo padres. - Even when parents are wrong, they remain parents.
  • Puedes imitar las buenas cualidades del enemigo, pero no imites los malos hábitos de tus padres. - You can imitate the good qualities of the enemy, but you should not imitate the bad habits of your parents.
  • Dios es honrado, los padres son respetados. - God is honored, parents are respected.
  • En primer lugar está Dios y en segundo lugar está mi padre. - In first place is God, and in second place is my father.
  • Tengo miedo de perder a mis padres. - I am afraid of losing my parents.
  • Los padres sueñan que sus hijos viven mejor que ellos. - Fathers dream that their children will live better than they did.
  • La falta de respeto a los padres es una señal de mala persona. - Disrespect for parents is a sign of a bad person.
  • El corazón de la madre es suave, frágil, pero cálido y desinteresado. - Mom's heart is soft and fragile, but warm and unselfish.
  • Hay más miel en la severidad del padre que el dolor. - There is more honey than sorrow in a father's severity.
  • Los padres deben ser honrados. - Parents must be honored.
  • El padre puede reemplazar a 1000 maestros. - A father is capable of replacing 1,000 teachers.
  • Cuando una madre es querida no solo por la sangre, sino también por el espíritu, esto es felicidad. - When a mother is native, not only by blood, but also by spirit, that is happiness.

Gothic script, italics, floral patterns, symbols in the form of hearts, stars and ornate, abstract patterns can be used for tattoo design.

Meaning of life

Phrases with reasoning about life, in Spanish, sound different depending on the emotional coloring. If it is an optimistic inscription, it reads easily, sounds melodic and cheerful. Inscriptions with a more serious message sound just as beautiful, but a little rougher.


  • Las buenas personas no sufren grandes desgracias. - No great misfortunes happen to good people.
  • El significado de la vida es comprender quién eres. - The meaning of life is to understand who you are.

    Beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoo translation

  • La muerte es como una lanza que te arrojan. La vida es como un momento mientras la lanza vuela. - Death is like a spear thrown at you. Life is like a moment while the spear flies.
  • Hablando con la vida, es necesario prestar atención no a las preguntas, sino a las respuestas. - When talking with life, one must pay attention not to the questions but to the answers.
  • La vida es como la música. La longitud de la composición no importa, porque su calidad es mucho más importante. - Life is like music. The length of the composition does not matter, because its quality is much more important.
  • Aquellos que sufren toda su vida solo iban a vivir. - Suffer those who all their lives were only going to live.
  • Cuando te amas a ti mismo, todo lo demás se vuelve más fácil. - When you love yourself, everything else comes easier.
  • El que no cree en un milagro no puede notarlo. - He who does not believe in miracles cannot see them.
  • La vida es como un juguete tonto que se les da solo a los bebés. - Life is like a silly toy given only to babies.
  • Al cambiar sus propios pensamientos, cambia el mundo. - By changing your own thoughts, you change the world.
  • Las personas que se dan cuenta de su propia estupidez no son tontas en absoluto. - People who are aware of their own stupidity are not fools at all.
  • Hacer buenas obras requiere inteligencia. Por lo tanto, los tontos no son capaces de esto. - It takes intelligence to do good deeds. Therefore, fools are not capable of it.
  • Puedes cometer errores, pero cada vez en algo diferente. - It is possible to make mistakes, but each time in something different.
  • Ya se han asumido otros roles, así que tienes que ser tú mismo. - The other roles are already occupied, so you have to be yourself.
  • Los problemas construyen el espíritu. - Problems harden the spirit.

Inscriptions with philosophical meanings can be supplemented with a drawing that fits the meaning. It can be images of people, animals or symbols such as yin-yang, or the sign of infinity.


Tattoos can be about a person's religious beliefs.

Beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoo translation

Examples of phrases:

  • Buscar evidencia de la existencia de Dios es una blasfemia, pero negarla es una locura. - It is sacrilegious to seek proof of God's existence and insane to deny him.
  • Las oraciones no tienen la intención de decirle a Dios lo que debe hacer. Son necesarios para comprender lo que tenemos que hacer. - Prayers are not needed to tell God what he must do. They are needed to understand what we must do.
  • Se necesitan pruebas enviadas por Dios para limpiar y seleccionar las almas más poderosas. - Trials sent by God are necessary for the purification and selection of the strongest souls.
  • Con fe en su corazón, la vida se vuelve más fácil. - With faith in the heart, life becomes easier.
  • Solo Dios sabe quién ha encontrado el verdadero sentido de la vida. - Only God knows who has found the true meaning of life.

Examples of phrases, for atheists:

  • La impiedad y el ateísmo son dos cosas diferentes. - Godlessness and atheism are two different things.
  • Sin conocer la religión, es imposible volverse ateo. - Without knowing religion, it is impossible to become an atheist.
  • El ateísmo es la personificación de la materia, y también es capaz de materializar el espíritu. -Atheism is the personification of matter, and it is also able to materialize the spirit.
  • El ejemplo supremo de fe simple es el ateísmo. - The supreme example of simple faith is atheism.
  • Quien tiene ciencia no necesita religión. - Whoever has science does not need religion.

Such inscriptions would look good in a Gothic setting.


Beautiful phrases in Spanish can be aphorisms. You can use sayings of celebrities, or quotes from your favorite works of fiction. The subject matter of such inscriptions can be different.

Beautiful phrases in Spanish for tattoo translation


  • Un corazón quebrantado solo se puede curar con un corazón amoroso. - A broken heart can only be healed by a loving heart.
  • Los mejores días se disuelven instantáneamente y para siempre. - The best days dissolve instantly and forever.
  • Todo se hará realidad tan pronto como dejes de desearlo. - Everything will come true as soon as you stop wishing it.
  • Una vez que haya comenzado, vaya al final. - Once you have begun, go all the way to the final.
  • La vida es completa solo en movimiento. - Life is complete only in motion.
  • El amor está sujeto a todos, incluso a las deidades. - Everything is subject to love, even the deities.
  • La forma fácil siempre es incorrecta. - The easy way is always the wrong way.
  • Un cuervo no picoteará los ojos de otro cuervo. - A crow will not pluck the eye of another crow.
  • Aman a todos. Esta es la belleza del amor. - All kinds of people are loved. That's the beauty of love.
  • A veces todos nos enojamos. - At times we all become insane.

The design of such phrases directly depends on their meaning. You can complement the tattoo with a volumetric drawing, or choose a beautiful, ornate font.

When choosing a beautiful phrase for a tattoo in Spanish, it is important to check the correct translation. It is desirable to consult a native speaker or a competent translator. The fact is that in this language there are words with similar or identical root bases. They are different in sound, but may be similar in spelling. Incorrectly chosen words can distort the true meaning of the tattoo.

Applying techniques, pain sensations

Stages of tattooing may vary slightly depending on client's skin type and his pain tolerance, but In general, the technique for tattooing includes the following steps:

  1. The tattoo sketch is printed out and transferred to trasnfer paper. They trim it around the edges and make several incisions, so that the pattern lies evenly on all areas of the skin.
  2. The area to be tattooed is treated with antiseptic and hair is removed.
  3. A compound is applied to the prepared area, with which the sketch is imprinted on the skin.
  4. The sketch is applied firmly and held for a few seconds, after which the paper is removed. The master checks the outline of the drawing against the sketch and, if necessary, supplements the drawing with a body marker. Some masters do only with a marker and do not use transfer paper.
  5. Proceed to the process of filling the drawing with a needle. The master dips the needle into the paint and draws the outline of the drawing. In the process, the remnants of paint remaining on the skin are removed with a napkin.
  6. Move on to the process of painting the picture. With a special machine the master begins to fill the pattern in the desired color.

In the process of creating the tattoo, the client experiences painful sensations, but for each person these sensations may be more or less vivid.

Areas of the human body have different numbers of nerve endings and skin types, so it is most painful to tattoo where the tendons or bones are closest to the skin:

  • The head;
  • armpit;
  • The inside of the arm;
  • elbow;
  • wrists;
  • fingers;
  • chest and ribs;
  • inner thighs;
  • feet.

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos with meaning about love, life, relationships, beauty

Some people have less sensitivity to pain, so they experience the process of tattooing more easily.

For such people, the process will be tolerated in the following areas of the body:

  • back;
  • forearm;
  • outer surface of the thighs;
  • calves.

Painful sensations last as long as the receptors react to the needle and send signals to the brain about this action. Also the professionalism of the tattoo master, the scale of the work or other factors can affect the duration of the session. Usually masters do not continue a session longer than 3-4 hours. If the work has not been completed in this time, they schedule an additional appointment.

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos with meaning about love, life, relationships, beauty
Tattoo phrases in Spanish

To reduce pain during a tattoo session, it is advised to come with the right attitude and take pain pills, which are consulted with the tattoo artist.

After the session is over, painful sensations may remain for several hours and then be felt when touched for several days while the skin heals. If, after 7 days, the painful sensations do not stop, consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction.

How to choose a salon and a master

To determine the choice of the tattoo master or tattoo salon there are some tips, following which you can make your own opinion about the suitable salon.

  • Examine site or community of the tattoo salon in social networks. Where the masters post photos of their latest works. Here you can also read reviews of clients.
  • Visit the tattoo parlor in person to ask questions about the tattooing process, payment, available dates and other questions of interest. During this time it is possible to form an opinion on the competence of the staff as well as on the observance of sanitary norms. The level of cleanliness in the tattoo parlor should be close to hospital conditions as the clients' health depends on it.

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos with meaning about love, life, relationships, beauty

  • They estimate work of masters. Most of the tattoo-masters specialize on the certain style that they like personally. It is good, if the taste of the client and the master coincide, but otherwise try to find a generalist master, who can qualitatively perform the work in the desired style.
  • It is worth clarifying whether there is an opportunity to see a tattooing session to form a full opinion about the salon and the master.

Is it possible to do on your own

If you want to make a tattoo at home you can do it yourself without going to a tattoo salon, but it is necessary to observe sanitary conditions, as well as to understand whether you can do the work as well as the quality as it would be done by the master in the salon.

For tattooing use a kit for home tattooing, which includes:

  • ink;
  • inkpot;
  • 2 sterile needles;
  • 1 pack of aquaphor;
  • medical gloves;
  • gauze;

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos with meaning about love, life, relationships, beauty

  • adhesive tape;
  • tissues;
  • instructions for use.

Apply the tattoo at home in the following order.

  1. Carefully study the instructions and decontaminate the surface on which you are going to work. Also make sure that the place chosen for the procedure is safe.
  2. Decontaminate your hands and the area of skin on which you are going to apply the tattoo. Remove hairs and disinfect with alcohol or a solution. Choose a place that you can reach on your own and work comfortably. Otherwise, the drawing may turn out crooked.
  3. Wear gloves.
  4. Inspect the needle to make sure it is not bent and there are no micro holes through which paint can leak. Sterilize the needle. Indent 0.3 mm from the edge of the needle and wind a cotton thread around this point so that it forms a ball which will act as a stopper.

Phrases in Spanish with translation for tattoos with meaning about love, life, relationships, beauty

  1. Shake the package of ink and carefully pour it into the inkwell.
  2. Draw the outline of the drawing on the skin
  3. The needle is dipped into the paint up to the limiter and begun to enter the skin in dotted movements along the contour, but not too deep so as not to cause bleeding.
  4. When finished, the skin is rinsed under warm water to wash off the excess paint.


For women

For men