Viking tattoos: Scandinavian tattoos and their meanings

Thanks to their heroic deeds and courage, the Vikings became an important part of history, which is still surrounded by mysteries. Therefore, it is not surprising that Viking tattoos have a high popularity even today. In this article, we have collected the most interesting Scandinavian tattoos, which will probably help you in choosing your future drawing.

Viking tattoo

A brief note about the Vikings

Vikings are called the inhabitants of Scandinavia, who occupied the territories of modern Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the 8th-11th centuries AD.

The Vikings were primarily warriors and sailors, so the image of them as fearless barbarians has stuck. Although their society valued strength, in reality they did more than just raid. Among the Vikings there were many peasants, merchants, artists, craftsmen, and explorers.

They made their own weapons, wax, and honey. The Vikings purchased silk, silver, and precious metals from other nations.

Synopsis of the Vikings

Who wears the helmet of terror tattoo

This amulet is suitable for any person, because very many people need protection from negativity. Therefore, in the case of weak energy, constant attacks of unclean forces or out of a desire to protect themselves people choose this type of tattoo.

Categories of carriers of a helmet of terror tattoo:

  • Businessmen, negotiators;
  • Representatives of extreme professions (firemen, rescuers, military);
  • professionals who are often in the spotlight, the objects of persecution (journalists, deputies, anarchists, oppositionists, activists).

Many owners of the tattoo and among the followers of the pagan tradition asatru and rekkatru, but they better understand the issue and do not abuse the runes on the body.

Tattoo Helmet of Terror helps to deflect the dark energy of competitors and even strengthen their insight and diligence. If there comes a dangerous situation, the amulet helps to make the right decision, to act quickly and effectively. Spiritually and physically the bearer of such a tattoo immediately becomes stronger, all qualities of personality are "pumped", comes confidence. This is an excellent shield from envy, evil thoughts and malice.

Why were the Vikings tattooed?

It is not known precisely what meaning tattoos had in the Viking community, but there are several versions. According to one of them, the warriors tried to undermine the morale of the enemy by applying tattoos. Some scholars adhere to the theory that the symbolism of the tattoos was more important.

Tattoos to Vikings

For example, travelers and explorers put images of celestial bodies on their skin and believed it would help them not get lost.

Where to place the tattoo

The Vikings preferred to place images on large areas of the body.

Now most often tattoos are applied to the following areas:

  1. Shoulder. Here will look good Scandinavian tattoo of intertwined ornaments, with runes and images of deities from mythology or warriors. This will become a symbol of courage and will accumulate the strength of the man.

  2. Forearm. Suitable for images of medium size. Most often this place has tattoos with deities, runes and various Scandinavian scenes from legends. Plant motifs look good on the hand.
  3. Wrist. In this area there is little space to work, so here it is customary to put on bracelets with runes. Symbols from Scandinavian writing can be used.
  4. Palm, fingers or hands. Personal tattoos that have deep symbolism are applied to these areas. These may be small inscriptions or magical runes.
  5. Hand. Here, images are applied that cover the area from the shoulder or scapula to the wrist. Most often, such tattoos are an intertwined combination of ornaments and runes. Among them can be seen mythical characters or deities.
  6. The neck. In most cases, images are applied to the back side, sometimes additionally cover the area to the side and front. Most often, small sketches are used and give them the meaning of talismans. These can be patterns, inscriptions or runes. The closer they are placed to the head, the stronger their effect.
  7. Chest. Various artistic images - animals, deities and characters from myths - will help emphasize the masculinity.
  8. Side. This is where tattoos with deep philosophical meanings are most often placed. For example, it could be a tree of life or a ship. The latter will indicate the search for oneself and protection of the family. Sometimes axes or other weapons are applied.
  9. Thigh. Men rarely choose this place for tattooing. In most cases, images on the thighs are applied by women. These can be ornaments or patterns.

On what part of the body is worth to apply the sign of the Vikings tattoo?

Admit it, you have already decided on the sketch of the future tattoo? Then it's time to think on what part of the Viking protection knot tattoo, for example, will look best. After all it is not enough to choose a nice picture, it is important that it looks harmoniously on your figure.

Masters of tattoo assure that more often such images do not make too big. It would look very nice tattoo Viking on the shoulder, forearm. Moreover, that the picture you have chosen can be applied to the entire length of the hand. Drawing will be especially cute in the case if you opt for a colored Viking tattoo on the arm.

On what other parts of the body would be worthy to look pictures of Scandinavian warriors? If you dream about the image with a drakkar, in that case it is worth to make a tattoo of the Vikings on the back, chest, stomach.

However, such tattoos can undoubtedly decorate a person's leg as well. Therefore, it is not surprising that many men are eager to do the Viking tattoo on the calf. True, keep in mind that in this place the picture will not see all the casual passers-by, in contrast to the Vikings sleeve tattoo, for example.

If you have already chosen for yourself a suitable tattoo sketch and have already decided on what part of the body it will be located - then you can only be congratulated! Remember that a properly applied Viking sun tattoo, for example, can bring happiness and good luck to its owner. Otherwise it is possible that sometime in the near future you will have to do such a procedure as tattoo correction. Therefore, the process of drawing on the skin should be treated with the utmost responsibility. We sincerely wish that your Viking raven or any other tattoo will become your most precious talisman!


For Scandinavian-themed tattoos, darker shades are the most acceptable. Often there are black and white images. Dilute them with brown shades. Bright colors are used extremely rarely.

Popular Scandinavian motifs with sketches

The most popular options for images are crows, Odin, knots, runes, etc. Below are the sketches and the meaning of such tattoos.


Yggdrasil is the world tree. The Vikings believed that it was large in size and united several worlds, personifying several beings at once. On top of Yggdrasil sits a wise old bird, on the branches below are moose, and a squirrel jumps all over the crown. The roots are guarded by a dragon. There is the epicenter of wisdom and from there all the rivers begin. The tree tattoo is a symbol of wisdom and indicates that its bearer is interested in northern traditions.


Odin and his crows

Odin is the progenitor of the Vikings. He is often depicted without eyes. According to legend, the god gave them away in exchange for knowledge. Hugin and Munin are the companion birds that accompany him. They symbolize thought and memory. The god uses a spear as a weapon and, if the myths are to be believed, never misses.


Such a tattoo is suitable for people who want to receive the patronage of Odin. It symbolizes strength of spirit, courage and wisdom.

Winged female warriors

Winged warriors are the Valkyries. The Vikings believed that they helped the souls of warriors who died honorably in battle to get to God. The meaning of the tattoo associated with determination and courage. Such images are applied not only by men, but also by women. Most often it is representatives of male professions: military, police, etc.

Winged warriors


Drakkar is a ship. It is applied to the body of those people who are constantly looking for something new, trying to understand the meaning of life and their purpose, thirst for knowledge. The tattoo fits the brave wearer, always ready for change.


The ship indicates that the person himself controls his own destiny and does not rely on circumstances.

Divine symbols

The most common divine symbol is the hammer of Thor, the son of Odin. It was a just god who protected everyone else. Thor's hammer was so heavy that only its owner could lift it. The image of the weapon is considered a kind of amulet: the Vikings believed that it could revive the dead.

Thor's Hammer

Runic compass and rune combinations

The runic compass is also called the Vegvisir. It is an ancient symbol that protected travelers from disasters, attracted good luck and ensured the patronage of the gods. The tattoo is suitable for those who are often on trips and business trips. The tattoo is also applied to people who are unsure, who find it difficult to make decisions.

Runic Compass

The Vikings had Futhark - rune alphabet. Later it was replaced by the Latin alphabet, but the runes continued to be used as magic symbols, talismans and amulets. There are many runes and their combinations, but before applying the tattoo, you need to familiarize yourself with their meaning.

For example, the symbol of Need means an appeal to the dark deities. They send trials to the chosen and make them stronger through suffering.

Celtic knots

In ancient times, the Druid priests prepared an amulet in the form of a knot for each child. The longer the thread was, the more fortunate and interesting fate was in store for the person. The meaning of the tattoo depended on the shape of the knot. For example, a circle symbolizes the sun, harmony and the cycle of life. A square knot protects the owner from black magic.

Celtic knots


The triskele is a spiral that is associated with the rebirth of souls and infinity. This symbol will suit people who seek personal growth and spiritual self-development.


Other images

The following images and combinations are common:

  1. Slapnir. This is a horse with 8 legs, the owner of which is Odin. Wise and intelligent people, who are open to any changes, strive for development and have an active life position, apply the nail.
  2. Crossed axes. Associated with great physical strength and power. This is not aggressive, but a creative sign. It indicates maturity of the owner, readiness to create a family and protect loved ones from enemies.
  3. A Viking and a rook. In the past, they meant the completion of any affairs or the imminent return to their homeland. Now they symbolize strength, courage and bravery.
  4. The Viking and the Bear. Symbolizes the desire for justice, courage and wisdom.
  5. Viking with an axe. Indicates unity with nature, harmony, balance between mind and strength. The presence of helmet indicates the reliability of the bearer.
  6. Fenrir. Symbolizes leadership traits, power and chaos. Indicates the presence of evil. At the same time, tattoo with a wolf emphasizes the sacrifice and loyalty. It reveals a person who is prone to loneliness or prefers a narrow circle of communication.
  7. Snake. Most often it is Yormungard, vzhivshey the earth. This symbolized the cyclical nature of life and eternity. This tattoo is made by people who are in a constant state of struggle with themselves. They are constantly engaged in self-development and eradicate their own shortcomings.



Tattoo helmet of terror is applied in accordance with the canonical rules, in it each feature has its own meaning, to distort the picture was not allowed. Visually, the Agisjalm resembles a sun with details inside. From the center come the rays of equal length, which are connected at the edges of a single circle, there are often additional accompanying runes that enhance the effect of the amulet.

Three main areas of the tattoo can be distinguished:

  • The central one (the point where the rays intersect), the symbol of a person's soul;
  • diverging rays (to the point of major branching), the image of the psyche;
  • The outermost parts (all branches and the outer boundary circle), the image of the outer world around a person.

By cognizing all levels of being, people develop spiritually and gain the right to divine patronage. But getting a horror helmet tattoo is not enough, it will not be useful and may even be harmful if the owner does not know all the mystery of this sign.

Tattoos from the Viking series

The Viking series is based on the saga of Ragnar Lothbrok. Thanks to it, the popularity of Scandinavian tattoos has increased dramatically. The characters of the work use tattoos mainly for ritual purposes. With their help, they seek the patronage of the gods and try to instill fear in the enemy.

Tattoos from the show

The tattoos look like intertwining runes, ornaments and patterns. The older the Viking, the more images are applied to his body.

Stylistics of images, choice of style

From the choice of the sketch also depends on the style of application of the tattoo on the body.

Scandinavian or Slavic patterns are performed in the technique:

  • "Dotwork".
  • "Tribal".
  • "Blackwork".
  • "Ornamental".
  • "Etnika".
  • "Pagan."
  • "Celtic."

The "Dotwork" picture consists of many individual dots, densely placed on a selected area. Such tattoos take up a lot of space on the body.

The "Tribal" technique involves the use of black or gray colors. This style is usually drawn in bold geometric lines, which under the experienced hand of the master turn into an individual ornament.

Tattoos of Vikings and Slavs. Sketches, photos, meaning

Suitable for the application of Scandinavian or Slavic tattoo technique "Blackwork", which in a foreign language means "black work". A picture in this style occupies a large area of the skin, and perform it only with black ink.

"Ornamental" is a style in which a selected ornament is applied to the client's body. The picture can be both in black and in color. Also folk motifs are applied and "Ethnic" and it is more peculiar to Slavic drawings.

In most cases Slavic or Scandinavian tattoos are done in a pagan technique, the patterns are three-dimensional. The ink used for the drawings is a dark color. And for those who have chosen the symbolism of northern peoples, the Celtic style will do.


For women

For men.