Tattoo shell meaning for girls. The meaning of the tattoo shell

Deciding to "stuff" on his body tattoo, a person most often chooses those images that have a certain meaning and, accordingly, mean something. It should be noted that tattoos with the image of a seashell are just that. However, despite the fact that tattoos have a meaning, not every person before performing the work thinks about its meaning. As a consequence, already in the future having found out the meaning of the tattoo, there can occur the situation when a person regrets about his decision. Let's try to understand the meaning of the tattoo shell.

The symbolic meaning of the seashell

The seashell is one of the most beautiful creations of a sculptor named Nature, capable of carrying meaning to the human Mind and being a sign on its life trajectory.

The reading of this sign depends on the form of the creation, the basic ones being:

The basic basic forms of shells, there are many varieties of them found in Nature.

  1. A shell resembling the external female organs;
  2. spiral shell;
  3. Bivalve shell.

Each has its own unique symbolic meaning.


The main abstract meaning is a source of life and energy, it is a water Yin symbol. It is directly associated with the process of conception and female fertility.


Ancient fresco from Pompeii

In culture, this meaning is enshrined in the frescoes of Pompeii and Botticelli's masterpiece, where we see the beautiful goddess of love, Venus, emerging from the sea foam (from the cosmic womb), standing in a seashell.

The shell is spiral.

Associated with the cosmos, galactic forms. Meanings:

  • The inhalation and exhalation of the Creator;
  • The coiling and unfolding of creation;
  • Unwinding and twisting of matter.

In the tradition of Hinduism, the shell is an attribute of the divine Vishnu

and a symbol of the primary sound.
" which gave life to our universe. Similar stories, only with different names, exist in Buddhism.

Shankha in the Temple

In Buddhism and Hinduism there is a "shankha," a sacred ritual shell, usually

  • very large,
  • white in color,
  • necessarily twisted in a clockwise direction.

It is through it that the gods can bless a person, awakening him from the sleep of ignorance.

In Hinduism, in addition to the type of spiral twist, shells were also divided:

  • By gender:
    Women's (thinner) and men's (thicker and coarser);
  • by the color
    - The color was used to identify castes: white for brahmins; red for warriors; yellow for merchants; and gray for workers.

The spiral shell of the Nautilus

is associated with a mathematical model:

The logarithmic spiral.

- A special kind often found in nature. The size of its turns gradually increases, but their shape remains unchanged.

The logarithmic spiral: the Nautilus shell, atmospheric, mathematical, and cosmic.
As a sign,

this shell shape can symbolize for humans
the process of unfolding or coiling
- Depending on the direction of travel:

if outward, outward

- time goes into space, a manifested life is formed, you have a process of creation, realization of yourself, your energy and information from the inside out;

if it's the other way around, inward

- There is a process of deconsolidation, coagulation of spatial life. Along with this is the understanding, comprehension of the lived life. As a private symbol, it is a sign of completion of something, death (not necessarily physical) - return from Space to Time.

Something in our body is also made in the form of a seashell. It is auricle.

- An instrument of Hearing, the human brain's connection to the outside world through perception of sounds.

Notice that inside the head, too, there is a spiral shape, the cochlea: 1 - the auricle. 6 - cochlea in the inner ear

Nature does not create just anything, so this shape is particularly suitable for capturing and collecting external information, which is processed, understood and makes sense inside the head:

A bivalve shell.

With a pearl inside it can mean wholeness and creation.


In various ways, such a creation of nature to man symbolizes:

  • virginity
    and a woman's purity, integrity - then she herself is an undisclosed pearl;
  • the nurture of a woman's child.
    then the pearl of future life matures within her, and she herself is a shell.

"To shut herself up in her shell."

- a phraseology meaning that one has psychologically stopped being interested in the outside world, has limited one's life to oneself, one's inner content.

For many people, especially for representatives of the two water signs Cancer, Pisces, this is the normal state of returning to the subconscious mechanisms of restoring their own strength and energy, tuning into the inner ry, just took a break for a while).

The best result

of such detachment is maturing into a Pearl, a beautiful, distinctive one.
It is important to remember:
in this state there is a danger of getting hung up, whereas you need to periodically open up to the outside world, realizing what you have accumulated inside.

The undesirable result

- is a loss of connection with external reality, a locking in oneself (maybe in the most beautiful and amazing self, but no one will know about it). A very appropriate symbol for autistic people.

Why aren't wild pearls mined?

Tattoo for girls.

Wild pearls are gemstones that are mined directly in the oyster habitat, that is, in the river or in the sea. Many people are interested in the question of how pearls appear in the cavity of the shell, because the formation of a small pearly ball inside the mollusk is a true miracle of nature. In fact, the process of pearl formation takes over ten years, and, from the point of view of the jewelry industry, one quality stone occurs once in every 100-150 oysters.

In order to have a full-fledged pearl inside a shell, commonly referred to as a pearl mussel, a tiny parasite or insect is necessary to get into the mollusk's mantle. Since the mantle of a living organism is fully penetrated by a network of nerve endings, a mollusk tries its best to resist a foreign body, but due to poorly developed muscles it cannot push a "foreigner" out of the shell.

Because of this, the mollusk activates another protective mechanism that allows it to resist the foreign agent - the mantle begins to envelop the parasite or insect with a layer of protein, which has a pearlescent glow. Gradually, this substance coats the foreign body, around which, over the course of several years, a nacreous orb is formed that will eventually become a full-fledged pearl.

It was noted that in the first year, the stone grows intensively in comparison to the following years. Thus, during the first 12 months, the tiny body transforms into a ball 2 mm in diameter, but in the next few years, the pearl grows only 0,3 mm a year. For this reason, its maturation takes more than 10 years.

Wild pearl harvesting has not been practiced since the end of the nineteenth century because it involves the large-scale extermination of oysters. If mankind had not abandoned this activity, the aquatic ecosystem would have been irreparably damaged. In addition, at the very beginning of the twentieth century, a Japanese entrepreneur and researcher made a discovery that became a real sensation in the world jewelry industry.

A man named Mikimoto Kokichi invented oyster farms, where people still cultivate pearls in artificially created conditions, and these pearls are called cultured. In its quality and durability, it is almost as good as the wild pearls, but the price of a cultured pearl is much lower than that of the wild pearls.

Cultured pearls are often called cultured, but it is absolutely incorrect, as the cultured pearl is the one without the involvement of the mussel. Cultivated pearls are also the creation of a living organism, to which man has created favorable conditions for life.

Talisman and amulet

Tribes of Oceania and other aquatic peoples used shells as magical objects: storing power in them, using them as homes for allied spirits, etc.

For a time, beautiful shells served as currency, i.e. money.

Women are still actively using shell jewelry: earrings, beads, necklaces. It's just beautiful and gives a good healthy energy.

All these items as talismans and amulets, are most suitable for frequent use:

  • Representatives of water signs, especially Pisces and Cancer,
  • People with a strong Moon, Venus and Neptune.

For beautiful ladies, shells are talismans that resonate with her energy, They add mystery and femininity.

. It will be easier to focus on the inner world and the hidden forces of your unconscious.

Spiral - can act as a Venusian symbol of the Horn of plenty.

and influence well-being and fullness of life.

Work by Miriam Escofet.

Bivalve with pearl - is a talisman:

  • either of keeping virginity;
  • or For conceiving and carrying a child
  • can also be a symbol of a dream or idea
    that you are still nurturing within yourself.

As a masculine symbol

Recommended to use the shell, similar to the horn, it is associated with the ancient battle pipes. It is an attribute of strong and powerful men, able to rule, to lead by themselves. Such an amulet will ward off evil spirits and frighten the enemies of such a man.

Arjuna and Krishna - trumpet their battle shells.

Shells are often A souvenir to remind you of your travels.

and the places you've reached. For years, these foreign guests will gather dust on your shelf, but one day you'll pick it up, put it to your ear, and hear the sound of the sea again, awakening memories.

For the same reason, the seashell is the emblem of the pilgrims.

Pilgrims, pilgrims who brought these small objects with them from their journeys to overseas holy places. As proof (available, free of charge) of achieving the goal of their journey.

Pilgrim takes with him a shell - and visited the shrines remain untouched (and the first pilgrims tried to break off and rip off a piece of sacred structures and objects as a memento).

You can use the seashell as one of the symbols of Christianity

(along with a cross and a fish). A direct line of meaning: Christianity - Age of Pisces - element of water - shell.

Thus, the shell is a symbol of emptiness, arranged according to a certain model.

Consequently, there are boundaries and rules of its use - filling.

What meaning and what creation you fill your seashell with is up to you...

Tattoos they connect us for life with a variety of symbols and signs. Not all people before drawing a tattoo think about its meaning and that these colorful symbols can protect us, to attract good luck or vice versa - to put us in danger. In this article we will consider the meaning of tattoos with shell symbols.

Varieties of

The meaning of the word "talk".

In nature there are known almost 50 species of these mollusks, the main number of which can be eaten. They most often choose tropical seas to live in, but there are several species that live in the waters of cold northern seas.

Oysters can be divided into 2 groups depending on the shape of their shells: flat, deep and rounded. The flat ones, which are most prized by lovers of this seafood, live in the numerous shoals of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. This species is represented by 4 varieties, each of which has its own unique flavors, its own price range, as well as external features.

General meaning of the seashell tattoo

A tattoo with a seashell is not just a beautiful drawing, but a special symbolic image. It carries the mystery of the unexplored depths of the sea and is a strong amulet for its owner. Who is suitable for such an image and what it can tell about the man?

Tattoo with the image of a seashell denotes femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexuality, renewal, a reminder of the sea and rest, reliable love, family, faith, success, self-discovery, the unity of the material and spiritual.

Pearl Features.

A natural pearl is a round-shaped solid formation formed inside the shells of some underwater mollusks. It belongs to the class of minerals of the group of organic compounds, and jewelers prefer to call it a gemstone. And this gemstone is the only one produced by a living organism from organic elements.

The formation of a pearl occurs when a foreign solid particle (such as a grain of sand) penetrates under the shell's shell, around which the finest protective layers of nacre gradually form. This substance consists of calcium carbonate in the organomineral aggregate state (usually aragonite) and horny material, conchiolin. In general the structure of pearls is composed of mineral and organic components, which are arranged in such a way that the different mineral components are separated by the organic ingredients and do not come into contact with each other. The growth process of nacre takes quite a long time.

Types of shell tattoos

Speaking of the bivalve shell, it is worth noting that it is an exclusively female symbol. One of the most important meanings, in this case, is fertility and wealth. Not for nothing, many firms use the image of a seashell in their logos. It promotes success in work. Thus, if you "score" such an image on the body, then you will certainly be waiting for success in any business that you start.

It is also common to see a tattoo with a seashell that closes its flaps. Note that by closing it, it detaches itself from the outside world. The image of this type tells us about the fact that the person likes to "withdraw into himself", to solve any mysteries. In all likelihood, tattoos of this type most often fit the categories of people who devote their lives to the work process or self-improvement.

The seashell, when closed, is detached, as if separated from the outside world. This image speaks to us about going inside themselves, unraveling their secrets, about self-discovery. Probably, this tattoo is very suitable for people who devote their lives to work on themselves and self-improvement.

If the shell is depicted as a spiral, the image suggests that the bearer of the tattoo is capable of combining the two beginnings, that he has achieved balance, harmony of body and spirit, and is ready for freedom and risk. On the other hand, by analogy with a snail, the spiral of such a shell depicted on the human body can speak of his measured character, unhurriedness and enjoyment of life.

The external image of the shell and its sound, which comes from the depths, defined the interpretation of the shell as the beginning of a unique, life-giving sound. The symbol is suitable for people who love the sound of the sea and simply beautiful, enchanting music. Very suitable for such a tattoo for creative people.

Pearl grows at least 6 months

Tattoos in Latin. aphorisms, sayings, phrases for the tattoo

Pearl farm. Not to be confused with an oyster farm.

It takes a certain amount of time for each type of pearl to fully develop. However, in any case, it is at least six months. In some cases as many as two may be required.

The procedure begins with the farmer gently placing a small pearl ball into the mollusk. The growth of the pearl is affected by the rate at which the mollusk recovers from implantation. Once this process is complete, the mollusk begins to coat the ball with layers of nacre. Chinese freshwater pearls can grow 5 mm a year, while Japanese Akoya pearls can grow as small as 0.3 mm.

Now you know more about pearls and oysters. I admit, most of the facts came as a surprise to us too, such as the different kinds of oysters, for eating and producing pearls. And what facts didn't you know?

Interesting facts about oysters and pearls

History of the shell tattoo

The seashell or shell has been found in legends and myths of various cultures since ancient times, and in the common understanding symbolizes femininity, fertility, prosperity, sexual energy, rebirth. In addition, seashells can be trivial reminders of the sea, which for many people is a place to find peace, mental balance, balance and rest from everyday problems.

In ancient times seashells invariably accompanied the image of Venus, who according to legends was born from the sea foam or in some legends from the shell. The Romans often painted Venus floating in the shell or holding it in her hands. If the shell is harnessed dolphins, such a depiction symbolized the chariot gods of the water element - Neptune and Galatea. On the shell sometimes rides and the goddess of luck Fortune, which is also personified with the sea. In this understanding, the tattoo with the image of a seashell can mean beauty, charm, sea power, good luck.

No frills! Only lace.

Even the most sexy image can be spoiled by the presence of ruffles or ruffles in the outfit. Such details of clothing look good on little girls, but not on women who want to look attractive and dignified in the eyes of men. What can be allowed in the outfit is lace. It adds sexuality and femininity to a girl's image. Lace inserts in clothing look elegant and dressy. But here as well you should know the measure. You should not wear things made only of lace. They do not leave the male sex to the flight of fancy. Very stylish and sexy thing men also consider a long evening dress with an open back or with inserts of lace.

For oysters there is no "season".

There is a widespread belief that you should not eat oysters in summer. In English there is even such a proverb: "Do not eat oysters if there is no R in the name of the month", i.e. in May, June, July and August. It used to be true: during the mating season, clam meat becomes unpalatable, also because of the aggressive environment in the summer. Oysters are very sensitive to it.

However, successes in commercial oyster farming have virtually eliminated all such negative factors. If you buy oysters at the market or in a restaurant, you do not have to worry about them. Professional farms use advanced refrigeration and extraction technologies, so the freshness is ensured all year round.

How to spot a fake?

The quality of fake pearls is often very high, and fake stones look like the real thing. However, in most cases, it is quite realistic to distinguish fake from genuine pearls even by their look; the luster, smoothness, and presence of external flaws will all speak for themselves.

It is very easy to find out if the pearls in front of you are real. You need to drop your pearls on a flat surface, such as a tabletop. Natural ones will bounce from the surface, while synthetic ones will roll.

Also, connoisseurs try the items "on the teeth. As a rule, the fake jewelry pieces have perfect smoothness, while the real pearl is rough because it is untreated. Pearls do not need to be polished or refined.

To avoid being caught by swindlers, buy pearl jewelry where there is no chance of getting a fake. For example, if you go to Vietnam, bring Vietnamese pearls, and if you go to Japan, bring Japanese cotton pearls.


For women

For Men