Tattoo with a lynx - meanings for men and girls, popular designs, history, photo ideas

Tattoo Lynx

Tattoo of a lynx

Tattoo lynx not as popular as, for example, the tattoo of a lion, but its audience also has. Especially suitable seems the value of tattoo lynx for girls. Indeed, men much less often choose this representative of the cat family for a tattoo, although the symbolism invested in the image of the lynx, does not differ by gender.

Tattoo lynx on the side of a girl

Tattoo lynx on the side of a girl

Tattoo lynx - photo

Tattoo lynx - photo

The lynx is the closest relative of the domestic cat, although its appearance and habits bear little resemblance to the lazy fluffy pets used to comfort and care. Lynx has become one of the favorite characters not only for animal artists, but also for fans of tattoo culture.

Beliefs and myths of different peoples associated with the lynx

The word "lynx" is derived from "trot," which means to search for something. Some people gave the image of lynx as a talisman or amulet. Predator given a special place in various beliefs:

  • In ancient Slavic legend tells of treacherous shenanigans witch - she turned the beautiful girl into a beast called Arys. But the unfortunate girl's husband was lucky enough to kill the witch and dispel the spell. Beloved returned to her normal appearance. Therefore the Slavs identify the lynx with the strength of the family. But it was believed that the image of the predator helps men in the hunt, gives the gift of military prowess in war, and patronizes women in finding maternal happiness and true love;
  • In German and Scandinavian mythology the hunter is elevated to the rank of a sacred animal. Freya, the Viking goddess of love traveled in a chariot, thanks to the many harnessed lynxes;
  • Scholarly figures of the Middle Ages used the image of the lynx as a distinctive mark of the community. On the emblem, the lynx claws into the mythological Cerberus. The predator signifies the power of science, and Cerberus the backward religious view of the world around him. Thus they illustrated the triumph of knowledge over ignorance of prejudice;
  • The ancient Greeks thought that this beast possessed superpowers. It supposedly could see through obstacles, so it skillfully avoided cunning traps.

On the "Zone."

The meaning of the tattoo in "prison language", if the lynx is depicted with a grin - "growl at the law".

The owner of such a tattoo is very fierce, hates the law and is capable of anything. Such people are confident in themselves, have power and authority.

Options for tattooing with the image of a lynx. Tattoo with a lynx is applied both in black and white and in color. The stylization of such an image can be varied. Most of all lynx is applied in the style of realism, however, often use Polynesian and Celtic styles. The main places of application:

A person who identifies with the lynx is responsible, strong, confident and always ready to join the fight for justice. These qualities are respected and attract others.

Tattoo with the image of a lynx is not so common. But people like this predator of the cat family with tassels on the tips of the ears. On the one hand - it is a beautiful big cat, but on the other - a dangerous wild animal. The penetrating look of the predator, its ability to survive in the harsh Siberian forests is impressive.

The lynx does not have much physical strength, but it is cunning and clever and can patiently and for a long time stalk its prey. It is a loner by nature and zealously defends its territory, which it shares only with its family. All these qualities, as well as natural beauty make lynx a desirable subject for tattoos.

The modern symbolism of the lynx tattoo

Also very interesting, as a person with such an image is considered unpredictable. On the surface, he seems harmless and calm, but at any time is able to rush into battle to defend his property or opinion.

He is a loner in life, does not like to make a lot of friends, but he chooses only reliable companions. He has a keen sense of justice. Courageous and little said, because he prefers action, not perceptive to deceitful people.

A lynx respects family and only separates from his partner after death. So does the owner of the tattoo choose his other half carefully. But, if the image with a grin, then, could mean aggressiveness or vindictive nature of the bearer.

The meaning of the tattoo for girls

Lynx is a real talisman for family life. For women, the animal represents a happy hearth, the joy of motherhood and loyalty to a partner. Girls who wear such a tattoo are monogamous, looking for their ideal for life. Divorce is unacceptable to them, just like the lynx family, who live side-by-side until the end.

The lynx is a beautiful but straightforward animal, so it gives these qualities to its owner. A woman with such a tattoo will not flatter people. But she is very attractive in appearance, many people like her for directness and cold-bloodedness.

Popular lynx sketches

Tattoo artists don't get hung up on symbolism based on culture - they offer the client to put meaning into his own tattoo on his own. Emotions, invested information form an energy program for the wearer.

If he wants speed, strength, courage, then he may well count on the image of the lynx to help him achieve his desired goal. The tattoo created by a real master will work as a talisman or incantation of a powerful sorcerer.

Scientists have long been studying the power of signs, self-infusion. They came to the conclusion that they can help in fact, thanks to the energy programming. The main thing is that the owner of the tattoo believes in the idea invested.

If one depicts a lynx before jumping - it will mean that the wearer is ready for any difficulties. Consider other options:

  • A wild animal without visible emotion, in full growth, represents the awareness of strength and his own power by the owner of the tattoo. This drawing is usually done on the basis of clear detail. This choice is peculiar to a man. A girl prefers a portrait style tattoo;
  • A winged bobcat is considered a good choice to demonstrate the desire for freedom;
  • Lynx sitting on a star is an excellent choice for a girl who wants to show superiority over the other members of the fair sex;
  • An animal surrounded by flowers is also considered a good idea for a woman.

For guys.

The animal surrounded by flowers is also considered a good idea for a male tattoo. The meaning of the tattoo in the stronger sex: stubbornness, fairness, vindictiveness, secrecy.

This tattoo can also characterize the lone man who has his own rules and principles, which he follows in life.

Such a tattoo is suitable for the courageous representative of the strong sex, who is strong morally and physically, has his own opinion and is always responsible for his actions and words.

Where can I find the right images for a lynx tattoo?

Usually in a tattoo salon are able to offer many pictures with a qualified explanation of the symbolism of the image. But if you want something special, you can come up with your own sketch.

To do this, you need to find a qualified tattooist. He will be able to create a sketch on paper based on the client's explanation. In this case, the tattoo will be endowed with a special power, because it conveys the individual inner world, experiences, the character of the owner.

Most often, the lynx tattoo is applied to the hand, however, there are cases where it is not possible because there is too little space. In this case, another part of the body is used. It all depends on the purpose of the tattoo - the owner wants to hide it or create a prominent place. The thigh is considered the main site, as the lynx will symbolize the wearer's indefatigability, speed and strength.

Styles for lynx tattoos

When it comes to the image of animals, immediately begs for tattoo style realism. Realistic works look cool, of course, but that's not the only option.

Tattoo a lynx on my leg

Tattoo of a lynx on a leg

Tattoo with a lynx head on your shoulder

Tattoo with a lynx head on his shoulder

Tattooed lynx on a girl's thigh

Tattoo of a lynx on a girl's hip

Interesting and bright look tattoos in the style of new skool. This style has adopted some of the features of his older brother - oldskul, but oldskul many people accused of primitiveness, and the newskul this is clearly not the case. Its advantage also in the fact that it is quite possible to depart from the canons and come up with your own styling any image, paint it in unusual colors, give the animal cartoon character or anthropomorphic. Often different decorative elements are used. For example, a portrait of a lynx is placed in a frame trimmed with roses, put on a headdress or jewelry.

Lynx tattoo on forearm

Tattoo lynx on the forearm

Tattooed lynx on hand

Tattoo lynx on the hand

Tattooed lynx on hand

Tattoo a lynx on the arm

Tattoo of a lynx on a man

Tattoo of a lynx on a man's arm

Fans of monochrome tattoos should take a closer look at the tattoo in the graphic style. They are performed only in black without the use of halftones, all shades and transitions of shades are performed with shading. Often you can hear how any black and white tattoo is called a graphic, but in fact such an opinion is erroneous, because it is the pervasive use of shading and distinguishes this style from others.

Lynx. What kind of animal is this?

The lynx belongs to the feline family, so part of the habits of this animal is similar to the behavior of domestic cats. But do not be fooled. First of all, it is a predator, not only fast, but also cunning. The distinguishing feature of the lynx from other representatives of the feline family is the presence of tassels on the ears, as well as a short tail. In Russia it was believed that the name of the animal was a designation for the color of the animal "lynx" - "red". According to another version, the name of the beast came from the verb "lynx".

Tattoo a lynx in color on side of torso
Tattoo lynx on the side of the body

In the mid-20th century this animal was practically exterminated in Western and Central Europe. Now the lynx population in some countries is trying to recover. But until now, this species of cat family prefers the northern countries, some copies of the lynx common can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. Lynx tattoo, the photo of which is characterized by elegance, can also depict the animal in natural conditions, for example, in the snow.

Tattoo of Lynx on legs
Lynx in the form of a tattoo on the leg

The tenacious predator

The lynx is an animal of the feline family that does not possess the grandiosity of a panther or the speed of a cheetah. However, it is these cats that have a piercing eye and the ability to see danger through rocks and obstacles, sense a trap and deftly bypass it.

All the power of a lynx is in its nimble and tenacious paws. Tattoo "lynx" in this case can safely choose those who want to show their agility, vigilance, ability to bypass the pitfalls encountered on the way of life.

Lynx can defeat the enemy with cunning in the fight, identify difficulties before they arise, come out the winner of the most difficult battle. If you are goal-oriented, opinionated and stubborn, the tattoo "lynx" is sure to suit you. Make such a tattoo should be people with a strong spirit and character, having a strong life principles.

Tattoo meaning of lynx

Lynx on the star charts

An entire constellation in the northern hemisphere of the sky is named after this animal. Jan Hevelius, who gave the cluster of stars that name in 1690, believed that in that part of the sky, the stars are so small that they can only be seen if you have sharp, lynx-like eyesight. In Russia, this constellation can be observed all year round. However, the best time to observe it is in winter.

This is interesting! The lynx has a very sharp eye, which is why it is liked to be used in heraldry. Thus, according to some experts, the coat of arms of Finland depicts this animal, not a lion, as was commonly thought. Tattoo lynx, the meaning of which is described below, will make its owner close to a number of cities that use a similar image on flags. For example, on the coat of arms and flag of Gomel there is the image of this majestic and nimble animal.

Tattoo of Lynx on the shoulder blade
Tattoo lynx on the scapula in the variant

Realizable features.

In addition to the listed, the "masters" of the lynx show their other qualities:

  • stealthiness;
  • mistrust of everyone who is not in the "inner circle;
  • readiness, in spite of this, to immediately come to the aid of the weak and offended, of those with whom unjustly acted;
  • an intention, if need be, to revenge one's enemies and wrongdoers, to avenge them mercilessly and until their (or one's) defeat;
  • exceptional loyalty and constancy in habits and in interactions with others especially.


For women

For men