Tattoo Paw. Meaning tattoo paw. Sketches and photos of the tattoo paw

Meaning of tattoo claws: meaning, history, photos, sketches of drawings

This page will allow you to learn the meaning of tattoo claws, will reveal the interpretation, interesting facts, history and meaning of the drawings. More examples and photos of complete tattoos here:

  • Tattoo claws photo
  • Sketches of tattoo claws

Meaning of tattoo claws - photo collection of examples of ready-made tattoos

Interpretation, interesting facts, the meaning and meaning of tattoos claws

Claw, has always been a protective talisman in men. The ancestors believed that he could endow its owner with wisdom, dexterity, and the power of the animal he killed.

Characteristics of the tattoo claw as a talisman

  • Attracts good luck to the owner;
  • Protects from evil forces and oppressive thoughts of others;
  • It gives determination to its owner.

Also amulet protected against destructive acts of witches.

Why is a drawing of a claw still so relevant today?

Hunters and preppers kept the claws of the animals they killed. They believed in their magical power of endowing their master with qualities such as fearlessness, determination, and dexterity. Wore it as an ornament on a belt or as a drawing on the skin.

Claw by its nature represents well-being.

Bear Claw

The bear's claw is an inherently powerful attribute of the tattoo pattern. It conveyed to the hunter its best qualities of fearlessness and endurance. Bear ancestors considered the "brightest" animal, that is, no evil force did not have enough power to turn in the appearance of a bear. Ancient hunters believed that the bear was very clever, understood people, but it was silent in return. It was believed that to find a claw for good.

Bear claw was a powerful talisman, and was passed on by inheritance.

Photo examples:

Claw of the lynx

The Vikings, the lynx became the chosen animal of the lord of all living things - Freya.

Scandinavian hunters simply did not want to even from their homes in the absence of lynx claw.

Lynx, in Russia, was an animal, which was attached no less importance, and worshipped.

Lynx - nimble and tactful animal, whose claws feared the unclean spirits.

It is also associated with the wit and agility of its owner. Claw of this animal is a powerful feminine bank. It was believed that the image of the claw of the lynx allows a person to get clean out of any situations, and quickly solve their problems.

The wolf's claw

Carried a double meaning - life and death, rebirth and fall. The wolf is a very hardy animal, it is cunning and aggressive. Egyptians from ancient times worshipped the wolf and worshipped it on a par with their saints. The sun god is often depicted with a wolf. A carnivore and predator is an energetically powerful animal. It was believed that a body drawing was able to increase a man's potential energy. With the help of a talisman with the image of a wolf's claw, carrying a woman can significantly bind her companion. The claw is endowed with the power of attachment, meaning to the earth and to her kind.

Popular tattoo options:

  • claw scratches
  • bear claws
  • talons of an eagle
  • claw of a tiger
  • claw scars
  • clawed paws
  • lion's claws
  • wolf claws
  • dragon claws
  • cat claws
  • claws of a beast
  • claws of a bird
  • on the chest
  • on the shoulder
  • on the arm
  • on the neck
  • on the wrist
  • on the scapula
  • on the back

The wolf is a free-loving male, with a fierce temper and greatness of spirit. A talisman depicting a wolf's claw carries power and leadership qualities.

In Russia, they used to hang a wolf's claw above a child's crib to protect the child from disease and evil words.

For women, the claw of the wolf serves to attract strong-willed men, as well as to prolong their lineage and preserve their beauty and longevity. For teenagers, a talisman with a wolf's claw will bring protective benefits, it will protect from bad companies, as well as bad influences.

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Ideas for tattoo paws: the traces of different animals

There are many options for self-expression through the tattoo. It is important to evaluate the appearance and meaning of the element you like. Footprints and paws - a universal solution that many people like.


The image of the paws of a domestic cat refers to the "female" variants of tattoos. More often imply the following connotation:

For women with a bright character, the relevance of cat paws with claws is high. The image symbolizes aggression and ardent temper. Tattoos of this plan are often placed on the hidden parts of the body. Drawings coquettishly allure the opposite sex and "flirt" with them.

Tattoo claw: meaning, photo tattoo, sketches

Tattoo claw, the meaning of which will be described below, enjoys great popularity. Where can such a tattoo be located and what is its meaning? You will find the answer in this article! Be sure to study it before you go to the tattoo salon: perhaps you will find many interesting ideas.

The Symbolism

The claw is a very common symbol in tattoo art. Such tattoos first began to be applied to the body representatives of ancient tribes. The claw could denote communion with the totem animal of the tribe, such as a bear or wolf. Sometimes this tattoo was made to attract to its owner good luck in the hunt or even a male force.

Claw with a month in the form of a hb tattoo

Nowadays, the claw tattoo, sketches of which are presented in the article, can have the following meanings:

  • The ability to stand up for oneself and show toughness;
  • aggressiveness, the ability to stand up for one's interests;
  • Sometimes people choose tattoos that depict a claw, as if tearing the skin from the inside. Such a tattoo can denote tormenting contradictions, the dark side that is in every person;
  • Tattoo claw can be applied as a talisman, which gives the ability at the right moments to show their strength and strong-willed qualities;
  • The claw tattoo, which is adjacent to more "soft" elements, such as flowers, may indicate that the bearer of the tattoo is a flexible person who, depending on the situation, can be both kind and aggressive.

Claw tattoo in the style of graphics

Tip: You should not be repulsed only by the meanings of the tattoo. These days, the meaning of tattoos is not given much importance and they are considered a decoration, and not a sign of belonging to a certain social group or a personification of certain personal traits.

Claw tattoo in old skool color

What do the claws of various animals signify?

Usually tattoos with the claws of a bear or wolf are done. Depending on the chosen animal, the meaning of the tattoo may change:

  • A bear claw represents power, strength and might. It serves as a symbol of generosity, because in many cultures, the bear is a creature that patronizes the weak or acts as a judge. Sometimes the claw bear is a symbol of patriotism. In this case, it can be complemented by a tricolor, which can be both a background image and a "fill in" outline of the claw;
  • Wolf - an animal that prefers to lead a solitary life. Therefore, the wolf claw tattoo do people who are used to making independent decisions and do not like it when others interfere in their affairs. Also, a wolf's claw can be the embodiment of love for freedom and independence;
  • A bird of prey's claw, like a wolf's claw, is a symbol of striving for freedom. The person who chose such a tattoo is proud, independent and somewhat aggressive.

Claw wound tattoo in color

Styles of execution

The claw wound tattoo can be performed in almost any style:

  • Old-school. Slightly old-fashioned tattoos that have become classics, will appeal to people who want to fill the image on their body with deep meaning. After all, old-school suggests that the master uses a lot of elements that express a certain idea. The claw can be supplemented with ribbons with quotes, flowers, a clock, a compass, etc. Depending on the selected details will also change the meaning of the tattoo;
  • new-school. This style is similar to the old-school, but it implies greater freedom and less attachment to a certain set of symbols. If you are into modern art and want your tattoo to look bright and unusual, then this style is for you;
  • Thrash Polka. The claw is used in this style relatively rarely, but do not think that you can not play with such an image in an interesting way. Thrash Polka is a rebellious style that combines the incongruous. For example, the claw can be stylized as ethnicity and complemented by realistic weapons, quotes, as if cut from newspapers, and other interesting elements;
  • graphics. Graphic style will appeal to people who like rather succinct tattoos. Tattoos are predominantly done in black and resemble illustrations in a zoology textbook. You can complement the claw with geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, squares and their combinations;
  • Dotwork. This style is quite interesting: the tattoo is performed by dots, which can have different diameters. Dot-work is often combined with a graphic style: it makes the image more volumetric.

Tattoo claw on a yellow background

Want to decorate your body with a tattoo with a claw? All that remains is to choose a good salon and the right master!

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How to Prepare Your Body for a Tattoo

In the part of the body where the tattoo is supposed to be applied, there should be no fresh (up to 1 year) scars, pimples, scratches, abrasions and bruises.

What to do if:

If you have a fresh scarIf you have a fresh scar that you plan to cover with a tattoo afterwards, it is recommended to apply contraktubex cream to it every day after steam bathing the skin for 5-10 minutes or taking a bath. This will help to minimize the formation of keloids (dense, convex and dark growths) and then better camouflage it with a tattoo. Scars are well covered by biomechanical and bio-organic style drawings, plant and animalistic themes, but are very bad "friends" with subtle geometric ornaments.

Scratches and abrasions Heal faster if applied to them 2-3 times a day with the ointment panthenol, Bepanten, Solcoseryl or Actovegin, for bruises recommended compresses with badyaga.

If you have problem skin.Especially in the place where it is supposed to be a tattoo, you have 2 choices: to constantly and painfully adjust the tattoo or first podlechette skin. The first - it is long, expensive, tedious and painful, the second - inexpensive and pleasant, and will require from you about 2 hours a week. Very well proved the following method - 2-3 times a week to take a bath with sea salt and pine extract for 20 minutes, after that for 3-5 minutes to rub the place prepared for tattooing with body scrub, then, having finished taking a bath, to dry off with a towel and to put on that area a mixture of light day cream for oily skin and hundred percent of tea tree oil in the proportion about 10 drops of oil on a teaspoon of cream (you can mix it in the palm of your hand just before the application). Large, painful pimples can be cauterized with pure, 100% tea tree oil. It is also recommended for the duration of the treatment of the skin to limit the sweet and fatty foods in your diet. Finally, we would like to note that this method will noticeably alleviate, but will not cure your skin completely, if the cause of the problem lies deep within the body (hormonal problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Nevertheless, if you tolerate all the components of this procedure normally, it in any case raises the general tone of the body and improves its condition.

A man asked for a tattoo in the form of scratches from women's nails

A guy, who works in a beauty salon in the capital told about the most unusual henna-based tattoo he had ever had - a scratch on a man's back, allegedly from a woman's nails.

What a really good idea! "Who did that to you?" - they ask you. "Ah, nonsense..." you reply. - Girlfriend got mad. All night long she gave me no peace..." Friends die of black envy. Girlfriends die of jealousy. What else does a real macho man need? And neither friends nor girlfriends realize that the scratches on his back are a game. It's a trick. A gimmick. Simply put, a tattoo.

- I call this tattoo "The Seal of Love." By the way, I paid twice as much as that guy. And I was very surprised when he agreed," says Andrei, the makeup artist. - It was like he wanted to get back at his ex-wife, saying, "Look, I have a big love life without you. I, unfortunately, listened half-heartedly to the passions, I do not like to be distracted in the process of drawing. The tattoo was done with a special solution based on henna (the "life" of henna - two weeks, after that time the tattoo is gone without a trace). The picture was a 3-4 parallel strips, like those that leave on the backs of men temperamental women. It was applied to my shoulders and shoulder blades. In my seven years of practice, this happened only once. True, then once more a lady asked to do the inscription on the intimate place henna. The word "rebel."

And we came up with another tip. To keep your husband from taking off your wedding ring, wives should get them a tattoo on their ring finger with the word, for example, "goat."


For women

For men