Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Tattoo "Scarab beetle" came to the modern world from ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of this country worshipped the god Khepri, who had the head of a desert insect. Egyptian sages believed that the scarab, popularly called the "sun bug" or "dung beetle", was a messenger of the Sun to the earth.

In nature, the insect lives in arid areas of the globe and feeds on animal excrement, rolling balls of them several times larger than itself and burying them in the ground to dry up. In addition, the scarab beetle nurtures its offspring in the dung spheres, which resembles ancient Egyptian mummies, because they are also wrapped in a cocoon, like in a burial cloth.

By combining all the qualities of the beetle into one, the Egyptians ranked the insect as sacred, and made it a symbol of eternal life, longevity, wealth, success and health. If in ancient Egypt to wear on your skin the image of the sacred beetle was the privilege of the priests and the pharaohs, then in today's world a picture of a scarab is a common amulet-tattoo.

Features and benefits

The scarab beetle, tattooed by both men and women of different ages, appeared in the time of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. The powerful energy of the insect image on the skin allows the wearer to change his life for the better.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on the leg, arm, wrist, back, neck
Tattoo the scarab beetle on the hand

The sun beetle is a strong talisman and amulet. Usually, it is depicted with wings spread, holding in its front paws a bright ball of the sun.

The peculiarity of the sacred insect is that it suits the representatives of both sexes and is of equal importance for them.

The scarab is considered a carrier:

  • wisdom;
  • strength;
  • the bright energy of the sun;
  • the pursuit of knowledge;
  • youth;
  • good luck;
  • financial well-being.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

The scarab daily rolls dung balls from East to West, following the movement of the daylight. Thus, the ancient Egyptians believed, he constantly fights against darkness and evil forces.

In addition to the qualities listed above, the dung beetle helps:

  • to keep the libido toned down;
  • to advance quickly in your career;
  • bypass the intrigues of enemies;
  • successfully get out of trouble;
  • strengthen outer attractiveness;
  • establish a stable flow of money;
  • attract happiness;
  • draw good fortune.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Men and women have long used the tattoo talisman to improve their lives.

Astrologers have noticed that the Egyptian amulet activates certain traits in each representative of the Zodiac.

Zodiac SignWhat Activates
  • patience;
  • determination.
  • comfort in the home;
  • protection from dark forces.
  • Money luck;
  • protection from evil influences.
Libraprotection from negativity
  • prosperity;
  • money.
  • Energy to reach one's goals;
  • vitality.
  • Expansion of the sphere of activity;
  • strengthening of health.
AquariusDiscrimination in people
PiscesEnergy for new accomplishments.

Despite the fact that the sun beetle enhances positive qualities in all Zodiac signs, some will not be able to cope with its strong energy and the changes it will bring to their lives.

Therefore, to do a tattoo with a scarab, experts do not recommend it:

  1. Pisces.
  2. Taurus.
  3. Aries.
  4. Leo.

To the representative of the last zodiacal house, the Egyptian talisman will strengthen the vital energy several times, so Pisces simply will not know how to cope with its over-abundance. Such a process can have negative consequences.

In Taurus, the solar beetle enhances patience in the process of achieving the goal, but its prolonged exposure will make perseverance a negative side of the character. In this regard, experts do not recommend the representatives of the second zodiacal house to apply the scarab to the skin.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Aries by nature has ardor and thirst for new achievements, and Dungeness enhances these qualities several times, which can also negatively affect the lives of people born under the patronage of the first sign of the Zodiac.

Representatives of the fifth zodiacal house should not resort to the solar bug because of the fact that it will strengthen the desire for power and constant career advancement. With prolonged exposure to Leo, a person born under this constellation can turn from an ambitious person into a dictator and a tyrant.

Technique of execution

The most spectacular sketches are obtained in the style of realism. The composition is distinguished by the saturation of colors, detailing, clear contours and the game of shadows. Usually different shades are used in the work, the correct location of which guarantees the naturalness and naturalness of the tattoo. For men, large tattoos look best on the chest or back. Large beetle wings can be positioned so that they cover the shoulders.

Tattoo scarab photo in a monochrome version is also not uncommon among fans of body art. Stylishness, simplicity and brevity make the drawing original and exclusive, filling it with sacred meaning. Small tattoos look better in a classic style or minimalism. Techniques are characterized by neat clear lines and a minimal amount of additional detail. Drawing is better to put on a wrist or ankle. This will enhance the magical effect of the tattoo with a scarab.

The process of tattooing

Selection of photos

Choice of a place for application

Scarab beetle, a tattoo of which many mystics consider an amulet, is popular with fans of permanent drawings of the XXI century. Those who wish to obtain such a picture, choose for its application different parts of the body, the picture can be both very small, consisting only of the beetle, and large, for example, the entire back, which includes additional elements.

Apply the image of a sun beetle on:

  • wrist;
  • shoulder;
  • neck;
  • chest;
  • abdomen;
  • back;
  • shin.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Each of these places has its own sacred meaning in the world of tattoos. Therefore, before choosing a part of the body for a drawing, it is necessary to understand and feel its energy.


The scarab beetle tattoo can be placed on the wrist. In this case, the picture activates the creative abilities of the person and stimulates his imagination and desire for fame.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Those who chose the sun beetle as a permanent picture can add to it some more symbols of what the bearer is planning to do and develop. The energy of the daylight will in this case help to overcome obstacles and will fill with positive energy everything created by the hands.


Oriental sages believe that the tattoo on the shoulder will allow the bearer to break through in life and achieve success in all chosen areas. According to the teachings of Feng Shui for this part of the body as well as the shoulder blades is responsible for the Li side of the light, associated with the southern hemisphere of the Earth and the Sun.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on the leg, arm, wrist, back, neck

The scarab beetle, as a symbol of the daylight, is suitable for applying on the shoulders. In this case, the tattoo will help to realize all your ideas and contribute to a quick recovery for further work.


Qian and Dui are responsible for this part of the human body. Those who choose to tattoo the neck, want to comprehend the secret knowledge. The Oriental sages say that the permanent picture here should be in silver and gold colors. Those who choose the scarab to decorate this part of the body, it is necessary to accentuate these colors when painting the beetle.

Those who decide to apply the sun beetle behind the ear, the Egyptian mascot will allow you to hear more pleasant words to your address. A tattoo on this spot attracts peace, happiness and tranquility in the life of the wearer.


On the chest have a tattoo of the sun beetle men, and women prefer to put it on the baby part. According to the Eastern teachings of harmony for this part of the body is also responsible Lee.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

The scarab on the chest symbolizes openness to the sun and life. Also, the tattoo indicates that the person meets everything that is happening in life with a clear view, without turning away. On the chest usually draw large insects, which makes them similar to a shield or armor.


The Kun Oriental direction is responsible for the permanent pictures on the stomach. The part of the body between the ribs going down to the genitals is associated with the continuation of the family, a strong family and romantic relationships.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Those who want to make a sun beetle on the belly, you need to paint it in warm yellow colors. In this place it is recommended to get a tattoo if you have problems in your personal life or can't conceive for a long time.


The scarab beetle, a tattoo of which men often place on the back, has, according to the oriental doctrine about harmony, 2 zones of influence. From the shoulders to the waist is located zone Zhen, where the drawings are recommended to do with a predominance of dark green and brown, and Kan, from the waist and below, where the pictures should be in blue and black tones.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

A scarab in the zone of Zhen will help its owner to create a family or establish an attitude and improve his or her health, including getting rid of bad habits. A beetle placed in the Kan zone will activate growth in the professional field.


According to Feng Shui, the legs are in charge of human sexual energy. Placing a tattoo on this part of the body, which is in charge of Sun, activates prosperity and well-being in one's life.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Deciding to draw a scarab in any part of the leg, it is necessary that the beetle is mostly in green shades. It is noteworthy that on the lower extremities most often have permanent pictures of the fairer sex.

The weaker sex.

Tattoo scarab for girls plays the role of a protective talisman. It protects them from misfortune and adversity, protects them from the envious and all kinds of negativity.

Scarab means the desire to achieve high goals, to become the ideal, the embodiment of perfection. It gives the girls beauty, charm and inner magnetism.

Scarab is associated with the mysteries and riddles beyond the comprehension of the average person..

Tattoo of a Scarab depicted on the right shoulder of the girl, will help to achieve a high level of prosperity. Beetle, decorating the left shoulder - will contribute to refrain from unnecessary spending.

By and large, the meaning of the symbol is similar for both sexes. It has a positive effect on sexual attractiveness, and promotes conception.

Styles and colors

Scarab beetle, a tattoo of which the master can perform in any style, will become an original decoration on the body of the bearer. In most cases, the sacred Egyptian insect is depicted either in color or only in black outline.

If we consider the combination of colors in the picture according to the Eastern teachings of harmony, then be together can:

  • metallic and yellow;
  • yellow and red;
  • blue and metallic;
  • green and blue;
  • Red and green.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Such pairs of colors will help to attract in life good luck, wealth, fast promotion and other positive changes.

It is not recommended to combine:

  • yellow and blue;
  • green and yellow;
  • blue-red-black;
  • metallic and burgundy;
  • green and metallic.

If you can't make a picture without these color pairs, it's better to keep them to a minimum. In most cases, the sun beetle is painted in all the colors of the rainbow, so there is plenty of room for imagination in terms of color combinations. The advantage of the Egyptian totem insect is that you can paint it in any design you like.

For the application of the scarab on the skin most often used styles such as:

  • Engraved;
  • Egyptian;
  • Linework;
  • New skool;
  • Old skool;
  • Realism;
  • Thrash Polish.

Less common is the fantasy style of Watercolor.


For small area tattoos, the engraving style is suitable. He resembles, as can be seen from the name, a type of graphics, where the picture is executed in black and white and gray. In this case, the smooth transitions from the dark tones into the light make it alive and three-dimensional.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

This manner of performance takes a little time. In addition, in the engraving style the beetle is depicted as an independent element, in all its details.


Authentic for a tattoo with the image of the sun beetle is the Egyptian style. In this case, the master will put a picture on the skin, as did the ancient inhabitants of the Nile Valley.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

There is also a modern Egyptian style, where the master will depict a three-dimensional image of the scarab beetle. In this case, the tattoo is done in black and white. Experts note that the sun beetle can become the beginning and the central symbol of the sleeve.


Linework is a style that involves working with lines. The difference with this method of tattooing is that the artist works with one continuous line, which enters the drawing at the beginning of the work and goes beyond it at the end.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

The style is suitable for pictures with a small area of coverage as well as for large-scale work, such as on the back or shoulder. In addition, the intricate application of this method allows an image to be composed of many seemingly unrelated lines.

New Cheekbone

A "New School" or "New Skool" style tattoo involves a three-dimensional color drawing with slightly distorted features of the applied character. The sun beetle turns out bright and fabulous, as pictures drawn in this manner are usually painted in colors chosen by the client.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

The insect may hold in its front and back paws a sphere resembling the daylight. Sometimes the sphere is replaced by a jewel or a pearl. The beetle is depicted with its wings open or folded.

Old School.

Old school or old skool is also in demand in today's world of permanent drawings. In this case, the scarab beetle will look bright and voluminous.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

In this style, the addition of the picture can be roses, hearts, ribbons with inscriptions. Lines in the old skool are smooth, and the outlines of the picture have the correct proportions, unlike the new school.


Realism is a style in which the Egyptian totem insect will look natural. The design is applied only in black ink, and there, where it is necessary to enhance the depth, the fill make a darker color.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Realistic tattoos in color also occur, but less frequently. The process of "reviving" the drawing takes more than one session, but the result is worth it.

Thrash Polka

For a tattoo on the back or chest in red and black tones will suit the style of "Thresh-polka". It is often called one of the directions of art brut.

Pictures in this style turn out fantastic and bloody. Invented this trend in tattoo art by a couple from Germany. The style combines meticulous work and carelessness, chaos and realism. A scarab in this style will be stylish and unusual. A picture in this manner can be drawn on the hip or shoulder.

What amulet to choose

Experts of mythology and esoterics say that no amulet can be purchased for nothing. In order for the amulet to really work, it must be individually selected. To do this, they recommend to rely on some rules:

  1. An amulet protects the place in which it is permanently located. If a piece of jewelry is purchased, it will protect the person personally, his health and energy background It can be a pendant, a pendant or a necklace. It should be hung closer to the heart. For men, a ring with an image of a beetle is better suited.
  2. Before acquiring it, you must determine which sphere of life most of all require the help of a sacred insect.
  3. Acquiring a talisman, initially think about the purpose of its acquisition. Thus, it will immediately begin to adjust to the necessary energy wave.
  4. Do not write on the amulet any inscriptions - they make its power weaker. Moreover, sometimes the words are written in an unfamiliar language. Purchase of an amulet, for example, with an inscription "for attraction of money" when in fact it is necessary "for health", distorts its action.

In Orthodox Christianity, there is a prohibition against wearing any talismans at the same time as an amulet or a cross. Therefore, believers in Christ are not recommended to turn to the symbolism of another religion for help and protection.

The meaning of

The scarab is the sacred beetle of Egypt. It is depicted on different parts of the body, ordering a classic drawing or supplementing it with the necessary details, each of which has its own hidden meaning. The insect can fly upwards, or sit quietly on the shoulder of the owner. In addition, there are tattoos when the sun bug crawls from the shoulder down to the chest area.

The dung beetle can have a frightening expression, or, conversely, radiate calm and confidence. In the first case, it is a talisman against enemies, and in the second - an amulet that brings good luck and prosperity.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

In the criminal world, the scarab beetle is considered the patron saint of thieves. According to the prison tattoo meanings, such a picture is worn by robbers, as a distinctive sign. What an individual specializes in is determined by what the insect holds in its paws or carries on its wings.

With outspread wings

The classic image of a solar insect is considered to be a beetle with outspread wings. In this case, the tattoo denotes protection and human desire to know the future.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Flying towards the sun, the beetle leads the person. The picture allows you to defeat the dark tendencies and predilections and accept the side of light and good.

With a sphere.

An insect that holds a yellow or orange sphere in its front paws, symbolizing the sun, is compared to the messenger, carrying light and filling with life energy. Such a tattoo, as noted by experts, prolongs the youth of the carrier and allows him to strengthen family relationships.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Girls this picture will help marry and become a mother. In addition, the scarab provides a calm and healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth.

With a crystal

The crystal, as well as the sphere, can be located both in the front and in the back paws of the beetle. In this case, the tattoo will bring wealth and prosperity to its owner.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Masters recommend to choose as a stone in the paws of the scarab a variant suitable for the zodiac sign. In addition, pearls and gold or silver chains can hang from the wings of the beetle, which also symbolizes wealth and a prosperous life.

With the Ankh.

Instead of a crystal or sphere in its front paws, the beetle may hold the Egyptian symbol of eternal life, the Ankh. In this case, the carrier will have good health and will not grow old for a long time.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

In addition Ankh is a strong protective sign. Together with a scarab it will bring wisdom and prudence to the one who carries it.

With an eye

The scarab beetle often has an all-seeing eye on its back. It is believed that in this case, the bearer of the picture sees "through" people. This quality allows him to avoid trouble and traps.

Scarab beetle tattoo. Meaning, sketches, photos on legs, arms, wrist, back, neck

Draw an insect in this case, you can both in black and white version, and make a color. The all-seeing eye is also considered a talisman against the surrounding negativity.

Tattoo "Scarab beetle" allows the bearer to strengthen the necessary qualities or to acquire missing. You can apply the insect to any part of the body, except the buttocks. When choosing a solar beetle as a permanent jewelry, you must remember that it has a powerful energy, the excess of which can be harmful to human health.

Statuette for the home

Talisman "scarab beetle" can be made in the form of a statuette. And also engraved on a casket, candlestick and other interior objects. In this case, the purpose of the amulet is to protect the house.

The owner can not worry, the bug will cope with its task and protect from evil. Statuette or object with the image of a scarab can be placed in the bedroom. In this case, the amulet will protect from illnesses, protect the spouses from divorcees. It will help to conceive a long-awaited child.

Scarab beetle

Scarab, which is in the living room, will protect from enemies and envious people. Take care of the good reputation of its owners. And also will attract useful people.

Amulet will work to attract wealth if you choose to place it in the kitchen. In such a house, no one will know what need is. Money will be found in all household members.

If a student or pupil lives in the house, it is recommended to put a figurine in his room. The beetle will help in learning. Reveal in the child previously overlooked talents.


Jewelry made of precious stones can also act as a strong amulet. Choosing a scarab beetle jewelry, you should give preference to those figures that are made of gold. This is because this metal, like the insect itself, symbolizes the sun. It is better to refuse to buy jewelry in white gold.

scarab beetle

If the body of the beetle is covered with enamel, it should be green or blue. Decorate the scarab can be such precious stones such as diamond, emerald, amber or ruby. Talisman will not only bring prosperity, success, longevity and happiness to the owner, it will protect him from the evil eye and spoilage.

How to activate the talisman

To activate the talisman, it is necessary after buying it, left alone with yourself, to ask the beetle mentally about what you want with all your heart. Amulet will always help kind, sincere, noble and purposeful people.

Also, at least once a week, clean the talisman from accumulated negative energy.

To do this, you should first hold it under running water for several minutes and then leave it under direct sunlight for at least 2-3 hours.


For women

For Men