Tattoo of the arrows on the eyes: before and after (photo), is it worth doing, the recommendations of doctors

Among the many masters of tattoos, there are those who are very, very much stands out against the general background. To be exact, not the tattooist himself, but his work, looking at which, you understand - their place in the Kunstkammer. If such, of course, exists for body art. Ladies and gentlemen, happy (or not - it depends on how you look at it) to present! (Ink, applause, stage pause by Stanislavsky and.... the curtain opens) Tattoo master Shooter! His creations will literally make you scream "Oh noooooo!" with a loud, teary cry. The wild scream will make the dogs outside the window howl, and nasty neighbor Marya Petrovna will call the police. Of course, you can try to explain to her the reason for your hysterics and show her the work of the Arrow, but she has a weak heart....

The arrow tattoo: is it worth doing?

What is the eye tattoo with permanent makeup? The technique of such makeup has been known for quite some time. Its subtleties are not once studied, and many ladies have repeatedly experienced on their own appearance all its advantages. Thanks to this technique can see all the advantages of the arrow tattoo on the eyes before and after the procedure.

With the help of the tattoo, you can not only make the look more expressive, but also to hide some shortcomings. For deep set eyes are recommended arrows, slightly widened at the end, without shading. Permanent makeup of this type should be supplemented with light shadows, then the look will be more open.

A wide feathering in combination with shadows in dark shades is suitable for convex eyes. It gives them depth. If, on the contrary, the eyes are very small, an arrow, which is slightly receding from the inner corner of the eye, will do. Most often in this case is used not black, but coloured dyes.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is happy with the result. In order to make an important decision about the necessity of this procedure, it is necessary to be well aware of all the possible consequences. In order to make makeup that will not wash out for a long time, the masters inject a special paint under the skin. In its essence, permanent makeup is a colored tattoo. Under the eye tattoo refers to the drawing of arrows, along with the filling of the intercorneal space with or without the use of shading.

After the procedure, a woman's eyes become extremely expressive. Millions of ladies achieve this every morning by using makeup. But is it really necessary to spend so much time when you can do the procedure just once and the result will last for months and years?

A professional will certainly emphasize the natural eye line. With the help of such a tattoo can be made brighter eye color, visually expand them, and so on. And also thanks to the arrows it is possible to raise the corners of the eyelids in order to make the lady look much younger. On the photos in our article you can see the arrow tattoo on the eyes before and after.

Skin after the procedure

Only after the area near the eyes will fully recover, it will be possible to carry out a second correction. Healing, as a rule, lasts long enough, going through several stages. So, after the eye arrow tattoo procedure, it is necessary to wait for some time.

Immediately after the completion of the treatment, the area of the face where the tattoo is applied will become too bright and inflamed. For example, if the arrows were drawn with brown paint, in the first couple of days they will look black or dark brown. The eyelids are likely to become puffy. This is not at all surprising, since the epidermis was punctured during the procedure in many places. Swelling with redness will disappear in four days.

When tattooing arrows on the eyes after the procedure, it is important to remember that the biggest swelling will be only on the second day after the treatment. So do not rejoice if, leaving the cosmetic office, you will not notice any strong swelling. Starting from the second day in the area of the eyelids is formed crust of black color, consisting of crusts and dye, so in place of the tattoo will be present so specific color. The crust holds mainly one to two weeks, then it falls off on its own.

All this time, the delicate skin must be carefully cared for. In order to avoid scars and blemishes, you have to follow some mandatory rules. If the swelling is very large and, in addition, causes a lot of discomfort, it is necessary to use antihistamines. These include Tavegil with Suprastin. They should be taken until the moment when the symptoms completely disappear.

If the pain does not disappear after a while, you should take painkillers, such as "Aspirin" or "Solpadein". It is worth noting that the condition of the skin is clearly visible in the photo of the eyes immediately after the arrow tattoo. As already noted, on the first day there is no swelling with redness as such.

As soon as the surface of the eyelids is covered with blood, it should always be gently removed with a napkin. You should not rub the skin around the eyes, pressing down hard, but rather blot it gently. After a few hours, the blood will begin to turn into a kind of crust, which will cover the new tattoo. At this stage, the difference of the eye arrow tattoo before and after is perfectly visible.

"Arrow": the meaning of the tattoo, features, photos

When someone decorates his body with a tattoo, he does it for a reason. Each picture carries a certain semantic load for the person who wants to stay with him for the rest of his life. Nevertheless, almost every symbol has some universally recognized definition, or even a few. Recently, a very popular drawing on the body has become an arrow. The meaning of the tattoo, its features and sketches are worth considering in more detail.

arrow meaning tattoo

For real men

Mankind adorns their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. But only in the twentieth century, the fashion for them surpassed all kinds of expectations. Since the same long ago, it was thought that the tattoos in the form of weapons themselves adorned only men, in particular - warriors. Axe, sword, bow and arrow - the meaning of the tattoo in this case, there is no doubt: its bearer is associated with the warrior or hunting. It has qualities such as cold-bloodedness and agility. Often this element was decorated coats of arms of commanders. In the traditions of some African peoples, the arrow on the body is still a sign of an ultimatum or the outbreak of war. Modern men often choose a similar pattern, even if they have nothing to do with weapons and warfare. And there are various reasons for this.

Spirituality and Subtle Matter

When interpreting the drawing, it is considered important where the arrow is directed: the meaning of the tattoo changed from this. If its tip faces north, it is oriented towards wisdom. If turned to the south, it speaks of innocence. The eastern direction symbolizes farsightedness, and the western direction symbolizes intuition. If several arrows crossed on the tattoo like a flower, this sign can determine a person's philosophical attitude to life and the frailty of existence. Also, two crossed arms can represent friendship, the intersection of life's roads.

arrow tattoo meaning

Tattoo "Arrow": meaning for girls

When the tattoo has become such a widespread phenomenon and it is stuffed with all who are not lazy, it is quite natural that the meaning of the ancient symbols is deformed or even completely changed. The image begins to acquire many other definitions. Especially when you consider the fact that today's weapons are more often stamped by the fairer sex. They set a new direction, which carries a tattoo "Bow and arrow" - he now has a value of love. The main weapon of Cupid or Cupid can mean the readiness for relationships and marriage. And the heart pierced by an arrow has two interpretations: a successful union or, on the contrary, unhappy love.

arrow tattoo meaning for girls

Forward to your goal

More and more often another concept is used to refer to the drawing called "Arrow". The meaning of the tattoo now implies human character traits such as purposefulness and straightforwardness. This is also one of the reasons why girls are so fond of this tattoo in this age of feminists. It is also a symbol of overcoming obstacles. After all, in order to shoot a bow, you need to pull back the bowstring, overcome its tension, determine the target and let the arrow go forward.

Perhaps it is this meaning today that determines the popularity of this tattoo option. In order for the arrow to become symbolic for the person, he adds to it the elements that define his essence. The variants of such components of the drawing depend only on the imagination of the author himself. The unusual plumage, the amazing tip, the refractions and curves of the shaft, as well as the number of arrows can also tell a lot about the person who chose such a tattoo.

bow and arrow tattoo meaning

Tattooing after healing

Full healing usually comes only after a month. In the photos given in the article, you can see how the arrow tattoo looks like on the eyes before and after complete healing. Before healing, there is usually swelling and redness.

Even if the permanent makeup near the eyes was done perfectly, after a while it will certainly begin to gradually disappear. On the question of how long the result will last on the eyelids and between the lashes, experts usually speak about a period of up to three years. So the result of the arrow tattoo on the eyes after healing is generally quite stable.

However, it should be repeated after twelve months. By that time, it will fade. With a new procedure, it is important to remember that not only the color has to be corrected, but also the shape. The skin of a woman's face usually begins to droop, so the arrows need to be lifted. Many people are interested to see photos of eye tattoo with arrows before and after healing. And our material gives such an opportunity.

Swelling after tattooing

The main question that needs to be answered is to understand directly the very nature of the occurrence of such a factor as swelling. Unfortunately, swelling of the eyes after the arrow tattoo can not be avoided. Permanent makeup along with the tattoo is a completely new contour of the individual areas of the face (lips, eyelids, eyebrows). It is achieved by introducing special coloring pigments into the superficial layer of the dermis, which can be preserved in the skin from one to five years.

The insertion is carried out with a special needle by means of a micro puncture of the skin to a depth of about two millimeters. Such a violation of the integrity of the skin as a result and leads to the formation of puffiness (swelling). In the photo you can see a difference after the procedure of the arrow tattoo on the eyes before and after the swelling.

What tools are used

Machine for tattooing - the main tool of the master. It comes induction and rotor. The first version is considered outdated, while working in the hand is transmitted a strong vibration. Because of the lack of experience suffers clarity of the arrow lines applied.

Rotary machines for eye tattoo more convenient, they emit less vibration. With them, you get more accurate lines. Built-in controller controls the depth of penetration of needles and their speed.

The procedure for creating permanent arrows is still painful. Anesthesia helps to get rid of unpleasant feelings. It comes in two varieties:

  • primary. After the sketch of the eye tattoo is created, an anesthetic is applied. It includes lidocaine, tetracaine or benzocaine. The volume of active substance does not exceed 5-6%, otherwise the skin becomes coarse. Preparations are often available in the form of gels and creams. If the client has a low pain threshold, local anesthesia may be injected into the area near the eyeball (an allergic reaction is possible);
  • secondary. The drug is used to eliminate pain after the application of arrows. It is available in liquid form, for rapid penetration into the damaged skin and to remove the unpleasant effect: swelling, puffiness. Often, vasoconstrictor components are added to the product, which reduces the amount of blood and lymph after the application of the tattoo.

In a set, which do eyelid tattoo, includes other tools:

  1. A face mask and rubber gloves.
  2. Coloring pigments.
  3. Marker, which is applied to the sketch of the arrows on the eyelids.
  4. Needle tips or spouts.
  5. A container and dispenser for mixing the paint.
  6. Clean needles, their modules.
  7. Apparatus and consumables for instrument disinfection.

Causes of the intensive swelling

So, with what, in general, is connected with the fact that the edema after the tattoo lasts longer than the appointed few days? In fact, the factors of this phenomenon can be named quite a lot, among them:

  • The presence of low quality pigment used for tattooing.
  • Increased skin sensitivity along with a tendency to swelling after various interventions.
  • Allergic reactions to the pigments or to the process of anesthesia.
  • Ingestion of an infection in the body.

All of the above reasons (except the last one) lead to non-hazardous, but very unpleasant swelling that lasts for a long time. Lasting for several days or weeks, it usually gives a lot of unpleasant feelings, forcing a woman to look for ways to combat such negative manifestations.

Meaning, pictures and the best sketches

The arrow tattoo is one of the most ambiguous symbols I have ever seen. On various thematic sites you can read that it is exclusively a man's sign.

In part, we can agree with this. Logic tells us that the arrow is the attribute of the hunter, the provider of the tribe. The bow served man for hunting and protection against raids thousands of years ago. The possession of this weapon implies:

  • serenity,
  • accuracy,
  • coolness.

However, what do we actually see? The vast majority of the owners of arrow tattoos are girls. And, asking some of the owners of this beautiful picture personally, the impression is that each puts its own meaning in her tattoo.

The meaning of the arrow tattoo in a girl can be associated with cupid's arrow and mean the desire to love.In my opinion, if we attribute certain qualities of character to the owners of the arrow tattoo, they will be directness and purposefulness.

Of course, this plot is not supercomplicated for any master. However, there is always a special charm in minimalism. Arrows are often used as geometric and symmetrical tattoos on body parts such as legs and arms. According to statistics, the most popular version of such a tattoo is an arrow tattoo on the arm (forearm, wrist) and on the side. And now, by tradition, we offer you an impressive gallery of photos and sketches. We tried to choose for you the most delicious and juicy. We are waiting for your opinion in the comments!

Photo of the arrow tattoo

On hand

Bow and arrow

On the wrist

On a finger

Rose with an arrow

Arrow tattoo designs

Most Popular

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How long does puffiness usually last?

Based on the above information, we can conclude that the appearance of slight swelling around the eyes is considered as one of the variants of quite normal reaction of the human body. The catalyst for this phenomenon is also the skin itself on the face, because it is characterized by maximum sensitivity to such aggressive influences.

It should be remembered that the swelling of the eyelids after the tattoo is normal to remain up to one day (up to a maximum of two days). As a rule, they are very faint, more like a slight swelling. Swelling occurs within hours after the procedure. It is worth emphasizing that after a few hours, it can begin to decrease and slowly disappear.

Of course, there are numerous opinions in the network about the fact that after the eye tattoo procedure the edema remains for a whole week or even one month. However, in this case, it should be noted a significant abnormality of reaction along with the presence of any error in the performance of the procedure on the part of the specialist or in the rehabilitation on the part of the client himself. Next, let's talk about how to care for eye arrows after tattooing.

Tattoo arrow: meaning, photo tattoo, sketches

Brief meaning of the arrow tattoo

Arrow tattoo can mean strength, unity, war, trust and friendship, alliance, protection from evil, masculinity, archeology and history.

Arrow tattoo on a girl's arm
Arrow tattoo on a girl's arm

The meaning of the arrow tattoo

The arrow has held an important place in almost every culture throughout history. In all Native American cultures, the arrow may have been used as a sign of dreams, history, hunting, war, and other personal symbols. Native American culture by no means has a monopoly on the arrow, as it has been used in a variety of cultures, including the Mongols, the Welsh, and the Persians.

So let's take a closer look at its meaning:

A few arrows

The bundle of arrows has historical roots that symbolize strength, unity, exuberance, and preparedness. For Native American tribes, a bundle of arrows can be seen as a coalition of tribes during war or families during a great hunt. For Mongolian culture, the bundle of arrows exemplifies the Khan's teaching to his sons about unity and family.

Arrow on the side of a girl's body
An arrow on the side of a girl's body

An ancient Chinese battle was decided on the basis of capturing enemy arrows with boats made of straw during a foggy night.

A pair of arrows often symbolized trust and friendship, or war and strife. Two matching arrows could mean close friends in Native American culture. Crossed arrows were most often symbols of alliances or friendships.

On the other hand, arrows that pointed at each other were a symbol of war.

Arrow with flowers on the side of a girl
Arrow with flowers on the side of a girl

One arrow.

One arrow also has many meanings. A sign of a known or unknown path, an arrow can point to an object or direction, or its target can remain invisible. A single arrow can also represent protection from evil. Depending on the decorations, it can have different meanings. The Boy Scouts even use the arrow as a symbol for one of their most respected fraternities. One of the most important arrow symbols is the broken arrow, symbolizing peace and the end of conflict.

Five arrows on her hip
Five arrows on a girl's hip

Other influences

Cupid's arrow is a sure sign of love and falling in love. It can also be seen as a sign of masculinity and war. The arrowhead is often a sign of Native American cultures, although it can also symbolize archaeology and history.

A straight arrow can signify honesty, while an arrow with colorful feathers signifies pride.

Arrow inscribed on the girl's arm
Arrow as an inscription on a girl's arm

Variations of arrow tattoo meanings

Cultural Performances.

All cultural and artistic performances for your tattoo will symbolize the connection of the different cultures and worldviews you have chosen.

You may find that a bow of a certain type can also carry deep meaning. Related symbols such as a horse, dream catcher, chariot, heart or whatever you choose will carry certain ideas and symbolism.

Arrow tattoo with diamond on finger
Tattoo arrow with diamond on your finger


Arrows throughout history and into modern times have been made from a variety of materials for a myriad of reasons. Determining the type of arrow can change the meaning of a tattoo. The shaft and feather will also help bring out your thoughts.

Peacock feathers can signify pride, while plastic wings will give it a modern look. There is no limit to what you can do with your arrow tattoo. Create a mundane tattoo full of historical or cultural meanings, or manifest a fantastic tattoo that exists only in your mind and on your skin.

Arrow with an eye on your hand
An arrow with an eye on your arm

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How do I take care of my eyes after getting tattooed?

As part of the care, twice a day the surface is treated with a solution of "Chlorhexidine". It is sold in absolutely every drugstore and is much cheaper than various ointments and gels. This should be done with a cotton ear swab. At the same time should refrain from the treatment with peroxide, as it significantly lightens the newly made tattoo. You should also refrain from immunostimulatory drugs with local effects, such as "Bepanten" ointment. They provoke the process of rejection of the pigment by the body, and the new arrow can acquire gaps or significantly fade, leaving a very ugly mark in the area of the eyelids.

As part of the eye care after the arrow tattoo, the crust should not be peeled off or washed very intensively. It should be sure to get rid of themselves, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring scars or any gaps dye near the eyes after the absolute healing. Dyes do not adhere very well to scars and repeated touch-ups can have unpleasant consequences, for instance an excessive yellowing.

You should also avoid baths and saunas. This can contribute to a strong softening of the surface of the eyelids, and thus the skin will peel off before its time. It is not worth to sunbathe for a month, as dyes near the eyes begin to fade. And immediately after sunbathing, clients risk getting a completely different color. Thus, in the case of eye arrow tattooing, post-procedure care is extremely important. If the rules were not followed, quite often it is necessary to repeat the procedure. Let's find out what to use after the eye tattoo.

What should be used for eye ointment after the tattoo procedure?

It is obligatory to use any therapeutic ointments, suitable for the eyelids and eyes. As a rule, tetracycline ointment is recommended. And when the tattoo is just made, it is necessary to drop "Visin" immediately, which will not let the eyes redden and will protect from the infection.

You can prevent swelling with boric acid compresses. In the summertime it is better to protect the face with sunglasses or hats, making sure that the machine damaged skin during micropigmentation does not get bacteria along with sweat or dust.

In winter, it is necessary to make sure that the crusts do not cling to hats, scarves and sweaters. Such care will allow the arrows to last much longer and avoid negative consequences. Now let's discuss the procedure for re-tattooing.

The importance of tattooing

First of all, it is an expression of finding your true purpose and harmonious existence. The wearer does not swerve from the intended road and does not change his personal opinion. It is a symbol:

  1. Marksmanship, the ability to see the target with concentration.
  2. The ability to wield a weapon.
  3. The desire to defend oneself.
  4. Equanimity, equanimity.
  5. Aggressiveness towards enemies.
  6. Determination.

There is also another side of the coin - an arrow of Cupid. This body signifies femininity and eroticism. Ancient Roman mythology tells of Cupid, equipped with two arrows, one - the embodiment of true love, the second - of discord and parting. In this way, the wearer speaks of his or her love, having finally chosen the one he or she chooses.

Revealing the deeper meaning of the object, we should take into account its location and direction, which states:

  • north - connection with reason, wisdom, knowledge;
  • south - the presence of innocence;
  • east is farsightedness;
  • West - flair and intuition.

The silhouette allows you to learn your own inner world and follow the right path. Although in criminal circles, the cross arrows are a trait of a thief. Influential authority draws a lion surrounded by armor, where the accessory in question is a sign of power. Three cards punched with it indicate a gambler or card cheat.

Repeated tattooing

Unscrupulous maintenance of new permanent makeup is only one of the main reasons to perform a correction. The others include:

  • The inexperienced master factor. The greatest danger is seen when eye tattooing is done by a bad technician. He or she, due to his or her inexperience, may simply choose the wrong pigment when making arrows that are not black, or draw uneven lines. Or the specialist may introduce the pigment too close to the surface, creating asymmetry. All this can be corrected either by some other master, or you can give the chance to correct your mistakes to the same person who made them. There are situations when the working surface begins to swell too quickly during the work. Because of this, the master may miss a small area. With a photo before and after the eye arrow tattoo it is better to get acquainted in advance.
  • The influence of individual characteristics. No matter how much effort was spent on quality care, a banal feature of this or that person can spoil the whole effect. The body of some people is very successfully able to reject a variety of pigments from the dermis of the eyelids. It's all about the immune system taking out foreign bodies or, in other words, dyes. It is quite possible that at the second correction it is necessary to make a tattoo a little bit deeper in comparison with the first time. In addition, many people's clear contours begin to, as it were, float. They should be definitely finalized, otherwise they will look like a flowing makeup.

Recommendations of doctors

Usually, the masters themselves warn about the existing recommendations and contraindications. But it is not unreasonable to visit a doctor before such a procedure. Doctors do not recommend tattooing in the following cases:

  • In the presence of diabetes and pregnancy.
  • Against the background of skin lesions in the form of burns, herpes exacerbations, inflammation, conjunctivitis and so on.
  • During menstruation.
  • In the presence of hepatitis, AIDS, HIV or epilepsy.
  • When the body is prone to scarring.
  • In cases of poor blood clotting.
  • In the background of an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Eye arrow tattooing in the before and after photos can look good. But in real life, the result of the procedure can be disappointing. So before you decide to do such a make-up, it is worth a good weighing of the pros and cons.

Permanent makeup is becoming more and more popular. Many women who made it for the first time, returned to such a master again several years later. This procedure has its own nuances and contraindications, but with the right preparation, for a long time saves a woman from having to wear makeup every morning. Those who are interested in such a possibility, you can view photos of eye tattoo with arrows before and after, which are given in our article.


For women

For men