With love for animals: 10 celebrity tattoos in honor of their pets

Tattoo a dog

Tattoo a dog

Tattoo with a dog Quite a rare phenomenon. However, such a body image can say a lot. These animals from ancient times symbolized loyalty, friendship, the desire to protect loved ones and relatives. In addition, dogs represent a spiritual witness and can warn of all kinds of dangers. Black-colored animals have their own meaning. They signify the demonic companions of witches or wizards.

Tattoo a dog on his back

Tattoo of a dog on the back

Tattoo a dog on my arm - photo

Tattoo a dog on the arm - photo

An ambiguous attitude to the dog was already in ancient times. On the one hand this creature was called cynical and fond of flattery, while on the other hand the dog was said to be an excellent faithful guardian. Thus, often this animal was compared to the guardian of the home.

Tattoo a dog on forearm

Tattoo a dog on the forearm

Tattoo a dog on his finger

Tattoo with a dog on the finger

In Islamic culture, the dog is considered unclean. In security, it was used as a guardian. And the ancient Egyptians often depicted a large dog in the form of the god of death, which in turn speaks of the role of the animal as a spiritual guide to the netherworld.

Tattoo dog on hand

Tattoo a dog on your arm

Tattoo dog on forearm

Tattoo a dog on the shoulder blade

In the Middle Ages, the dog symbolized marital fidelity, and its image can often be seen on the grave stones.

Tattoo dog on his leg

Tattoo of a dog on the leg

Dog tattoo on shoulder

Tattoo in the shape of a dog on the shoulder

In Mexico, these animals were sacrificial animals. All who were lucky enough to be born under this sign, necessarily had to do with domination.

Tattoo a dog on a girl's shoulder

Tattoo of a dog on a girl's shoulder

Tattoo a dog on a girl's side

Tattoo a dog on the side of a girl

In Americans, the dog was the harbinger of rain and thunder. It was considered a divine messenger and protector of people.

The phenomenon of body painting

Drawings on the body were made in ancient times. In those ancient times, when there was no writing, the image on the skin people conveyed a lot of different information about themselves and their race, but today no one thinks about why they need it.

Those who dare to make a drawing on the body do not always think about how it will affect their destiny. But one has to think about it! Even skeptics conclude that the tattoo greatly affects the life of its owner.

Each image has its own energy charge, which is transmitted through the skin to the person. A poorly chosen picture can force the individual to become a carrier of another's will, voluntarily giving up his own. And this is no longer a joke.

Sometimes such mystical phenomena happen to a person, which even scientists cannot explain. And the thing is that a person so "charges" the sketch that it begins to involuntarily influence the future life and destiny.

Jennifer Aniston

Actress Jennifer Aniston is not a fan of tattoos. But she made an exception for the love of a dog. The only inscription on her body is the name of her late pet Norman on a dainty foot.

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Jennifer had some special and very strong bond with her dog. The pet lived with the actress for 15 years and was her faithful friend. To somehow soothe the pain of losing her pet and to pay tribute to his memory, the star got a miniature tattoo of the dog's name on the inside of her right ankle.

Should you get a tattoo?

Which drawing to choose to become stronger, to attract happiness and good luck in your life? And is it worth getting a tattoo? Perhaps the recommendations of psychologists and experienced tattooists will help to make the right decision.

Experts have done a lot of research and came to the conclusion that the same image may have a different effect on different people. Sometimes a person is not even aware of the mystical meaning of this or that tattoo.

Here are examples of the impact of the most popular image - the "tiger. If this picture is spelt by a strong-willed man, he will strengthen his willpower, become more determined and believe in his abilities.

A soft, indecisive person will only aggravate internal conflict. He will want to be strong-willed, courageous, decisive, but because of his inner content, he will not succeed. Then a great disappointment awaits the person. Disillusionment is followed by a mental disorder with dire consequences. Here is an example of the creative and destructive effects of the tattoo.

As another example, if an aggressive person tattoos himself with the same aggressive tattoo, he will be out of favor. He won't be happy about it either, but it's already done. And to get rid of the tattoo is not so easy.

What does the tattoo of a cat mean: good or evil?

In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals and objects of universal worship. For the death of a cat or a cat there was an execution, because they were the embodiment of the powerful and wise god Ra, god of the sun, who had unprecedented strength and defeated the mean serpent (symbolizing evil, night and dark forces) and thereby saved all the people living on earth. The inhabitants of ancient Rome and ancient Greece also treated these free-loving creatures with reverence. Cats represented the moon goddess and were symbols of freedom. In ancient Scandinavia, cats were especially revered because they always accompanied the goddess of love Freya and symbolized loyalty and the ability to protect. The ancient Japanese revered their pets for their peace, relaxation and peace, and attributed to them a unique ability to transform.

But in ancient China, for example, cats were treated very differently. They were associated with the Chinese feminine Yin, and therefore symbolized inconstancy, changeability, connection with dark entities, and the ability to rebirth. The Celts had negative associations with cats because they were associated with the burial process, and considered them symbols of the dark earth, night, moon, and wild power. The Native Americans of North America perceived cats as a personification of evil power and thievery. In the Middle Ages in Europe, at a time when the Inquisition was rampant everywhere, cats and their images were perceived as nothing less than the spawn of the demonic forces, as lustful and lazy representatives of darkness and black magic, always accompanying witches and sorcerers and repeatedly burned along with them. Until now a black cat crossing our road is considered to be a bad omen, bringing misfortune and adversity, while among criminal elements it is perceived as a symbol of good luck and is considered the most popular type of tattoo.

Black cat tattoo on hand

Recommendations of specialists of tattoos

If you decide to get a tattoo, choose the one that corresponds to your character and image. Do not try with the help of a sign on the body to appear to be something that you are not. But the right tattoo will help a person to fight against flaws, can even help to develop strengths.

But don't rush immediately to the tattoo parlor. Think about it, won't you regret your ill-considered decision tomorrow?

Here are a few tips for choosing an image:

  1. Avoid writing your loved ones' names and tattooing their pictures. You may fall out of love with the person, then the picture will annoy you.
  2. Choose a tattooist with whom you feel comfortable communicating. Tattooing a sketch is a long procedure, and if the master makes a tattoo with a bad mood, then the image will absorb all the negative. Then this negative charge will spoil your life.
  3. Choose a neutral or universal sketch.
  4. Avoid tattooing a hieroglyph or a sign, the meaning of which you do not know. Doing so could distort your destiny.
  5. Do not mutilate skulls, images of devils or witches in order not to activate their destructive energy.
  6. Pictures of pentacles can lead to disastrous results.
  7. Be sure to consult with your family, and whether it's worth spoiling your body.

A helpful warning!

Does the Rune affect one's destiny? Almost all Runes have two opposite meanings - direct and inverted. And if the Runa will be applied to the hand, its position will be constantly changing, and even the most benign value can change in the other direction.

Today began to apply these signs with washable paints. Once the symbol has fulfilled its purpose, it is deactivated. If this is not done, you can get a major setback.

Many people do protective runic formulas. What can happen to the bearer of that formula? Anything at all! Because the formula changes its protective properties over time, accumulating the negativity directed at its bearer. A large amount of negativity does not bode well.

Let's see another variant. There is a sign of infinity. It will attract the energy of goodness, health, love. Its owner can carry out all the best endeavors. But if such a tattoo appears on a flamboyant individual, all his negative energy will multiply.

Another example. Girls often peck a butterfly. But the butterfly symbolizes rebirth. The mistress of this symbol may begin to transform her character, perhaps not for the better.


Singer Pink has two tattoos dedicated to dogs. On the forearm of her right hand, the name Sergi Corky Moore is written, as well as the numbers "08-03," which symbolize the years of the pet's life. The West Highland Terrier was a loyal friend of the singer for many years, and she was very distressed by his loss.

On the forearm of her left hand there is a portrait of her favorite bulldog. His name was Elvis and he died in 2007 while Pink was on tour. Under the dog's portrait is a biblical inscription. In short, it means that the singer is letting go of her beloved dog, even though she loves and misses her very much.

How the Symbols Affect Health

Indeed, before you apply the signs, you need to think: how do they affect health? Doctors conducted research before and after tattooing. It turns out that a person's immune system decreases. But the worst thing is getting an infection during the procedure itself.

Before daring to take such a step, remember when you were vaccinated against hepatitis, tetanus and other most dangerous ailments. If the tattooist does not sterilize needles, it is easy to catch hepatitis and other infections.

Today, many people wonder if it is true that you can get skin cancer? Doctors do not rule out such a possibility. Therefore, as soon as you notice bleeding, excessive redness, increased sensitivity around the made tattoo, the appearance of pus, changes in skin color, do not treat yourself, and immediately consult a doctor.

One more dangerous point: the paint can turn out to be allergenic and toxic for the human organism. Passing through the bloodstream into the liver, it can cause unpredictable changes in that organ. The paints used do not undergo serious examination, so no one can give a guarantee for the consequences in the future.

Effects of tattoos on women's health

The reaction of the female body to the procedure is different from that of men. Tattooing in the lumbar region is especially dangerous. It can distort the diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs. The paint can get into the cerebrospinal fluid through the puncture. What are the risks? Anesthesia will not be possible during a cesarean section. And this is only a small fraction of the harm.

In general, female tattoos can be dangerous for the health of many organs. A tattoo on the hip can affect the health of the genitourinary system, and this list can go on. And the most dangerous is considered to be a black paint, and others do not add to the health. This information is given for thought to all girls, wishing to decorate the body.

Karma and tattooing

Can a tattoo change a person's destiny? Yes, it can, and not always for the better. Some young people are mistaken about the benefits of the symbols. Allegedly, it is necessary to apply a symbol, and the person will become successful, rich and happy. But often happens such a phenomenon: with any symbol in the field of a person is introduced such energy, which brings with it the destruction of all life.

Therefore, before approaching this serious step, look at the impact of the tattoo from an energetic point of view:

  • Tattooing changes a person's aura. To be sure of this, do a diagnosis of your biofield before and after.
  • If there is no energetic and emotional contact with the master, his negative mood may affect your aura.
  • Your thoughts and emotions at the moment of tattooing should be pleasant and positive. But painful feelings are not able to make your emotions joyful and bright. Then the symbols applied will not give the vibration you expected.
  • Christianity is against the placement of any signs on the body, because each line leads to changes in the spiritual consciousness. It is believed that along with tattooing, demons begin to mock the soul and life of people.

But worst of all, the karma of the entire family is changed. Parents are amused, and children, and then grandchildren, pay the price. The descendants will forever atone for the sin of their parents. This is something to think about seriously.

Work and a tattoo

Are they hired to work with drawings on the body? It all depends on what kind of work you'll be doing. If the signs are on your face, arms, legs, neck, many employers will point to the door. If they are hidden under clothing, the employer may not even be aware of them.

Women with tattoos in the hiring process may be looked at bewildered, even contemptuous. More often than not, they are rejected for employment.

In short, if you want to get a serious job, such as in a bank, then think a hundred times before decorating yourself with pictures.

Finally, knowing the effect of tattoos on a person's destiny, you will not be in a hurry to the tattoo salon. If you want to have a tattoo, put a beautiful temporary sticker and the desire will fall away by itself.

Portrait is an original and unique genre in the art of tattooing. The modern youth more and more often makes a tattoo in the form of a portrait.

Let's tell you what it is attractive, what is the meaning of a portrait, what can be transferred to the body, and how best to portray a portrait.

Contents of the article:

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas (main photo)

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas had a husky puppy named Waldo Picasso. He tragically died shortly after the lovers were married. One day, returning from their honeymoon, the couple were taking their usual walk in the park with their pet. But all of a sudden the dog got scared of something, got off its leash and ran out onto the roadway. Waldo died under the wheels of a car that was traveling at high speed and didn't have time to brake. Sophie and Joe were shocked and heartbroken. To find some comfort and pay tribute to their beloved dog, the couple got matching tattoos on their forearms two days later. They depicted a miniature portrait of Waldo.

History of portrait tattoos - portrait tattoo meanings, superstitions and omens

The genre of portrait in the art of tattooing has been known for a long time.

More often than not, people depicted on their bodies relatives and loved ones with whom they could not see. These were sailors, travelers, military men who served away from home.

And in general, since ancient times, people tried to imprint their faces on the walls of caves, drawing the features with chalk.

The first sculptural portraits appeared ...in Egypt, Greece, Rome... in the time of antiquity. Of course, they did not make portraits of ordinary people, but of great emperors, pharaohs, nobles.

The use of the portrait genre in tattoos carries a certain meaning.

Portrait tattoos mean:

  • Memory, remembrance. You can depict anyone, whether it's a relative you haven't seen for a long time, or a person who has already passed away.
  • Devotion. Such a tattoo is a great way to declare your love or show your loyalty to your family, a loved one.
  • Life, religious, philosophical and other beliefs. For example, it is believed that a Christian can nab a tattoo in the form of a cross, as it used to do in the distant ancient times, when people were forbidden to wear crosses. Or you can make a tattoo of an important person with whom you have similar life views, beliefs.
  • Interests, hobbies. If you are fond of music, painting, design or engaged in any activity, a great option would be a tattoo of your idol. If you adore movies, computer games, you can "stuff" a tattoo with your favorite actor, character, hero.
  • Approaching power. Depicting on your body the leader, chief, you emphasize his strong qualities and will adopt them, even without realizing it. For example, drawing a portrait of Napoleon, you will emphasize ambitiousness, wisdom, and leadership.

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande has two tattoos dedicated to her pets, her dogs Myron and Toulouse. The tattoo on her leg in honor of Miller the dog appeared in 2021. It is dedicated to a dog that was taken from a shelter by her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller in 2021. A year later, the dog died.

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By the way, the tattoo with Miller's name covers another tattoo. Previously, the name of the father of another ex-boyfriend of the singer, Pete Davidson, was on the spot. But after breaking up with the boyfriend, the singer decided to give this area of her body to her favorite pet.

The tattoo in honor of a dog named Toulouse appeared in 2021. The singer made this inscription on her arm.

By the way, the singer's current boyfriend has as many as 47 tattoos. Two of them are also devoted to animals.

Whose portraits are depicted in tattoos, and what portraits are better not to do in a tattoo?

Addressing to tattoo salons St. Petersburg, you must be sure that you want to "stuff" a portrait to yourself.

There are many different sketches that tattoo studio clients choose.

By the way, makes tattoos in the form of portraits mostly young people.

Let's list what portraits can be portrayed on the body:

1.Portraits of dear and close people

Of course, such tattoos (St. Petersburg) are popular and in demand. They reflect devotion, love, kinship, affection.

Tattoo-portraits are usually done with the memory of someone. Many perform tattoos of wives, husbands, parents, children.

2. Portraits of musicians

Perhaps such portraits are in second place at the peak of popularity. Today, there is not a person who would not listen to music. Young people through such tattoos express their musical preferences, interest in certain styles and genres.

The most common tattoos of personalities who have lit up in the world of show business, for example, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Manson, John Lenon, Freddie Mercury.

These faces don't have to be from "the past." You can choose a portrait of a contemporary musician, singer or songstress, and create a portrait of them.

3. Portraits of actors

Preferences can be given not only to music, but also to the film industry and movies.

If you have an idol, from the game of which you admire, an actor tattoo is an interesting and original solution. So you will be able to emphasize the interests, as well as the strengths of the actor's character, his beliefs, with which you agree or to which you aspire. In such a tattoo, there is definitely a hidden meaning, which is unlikely to be guessed by anyone around you.

For example, by getting a tattoo with Jim Carrey, you will highlight his ambition, charisma, "wackiness" (in a good sense of the word).

  • Popular actor tattoos: Jackie Chan, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jim Carrey, etc.
  • Common tattoos of actresses: Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Megan Fox, etc.

4. Portraits of philosophers, political, scientific figures, leaders, popular personalities.

If you associate your life with any popular person with whom you have similar life views, beliefs, opinions, and he is for you - a leader, then such a tattoo will definitely help you to achieve success.

For example, you can make a tattoo of the famous photographer, businessman, and every day to remind yourself of his success, while you will strive to conquer new peaks.

Of course, there may be other options for tattoos. It is better to choose, based on your preferences.

5. Portraits of movie characters, heroes of computer games, cartoons

For gamers or movie lovers, a tattoo of a favorite hero, character will be an outlet. Mythological heroes can be a reflection of the kind of person the tattoo owner wants to be (St. Petersburg).

  • Often do tattoos of such characters: Darth Vader, Joker, Jack Sparrow, Iron Man, Harry Potter, Terminator, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Wolverine, Deadpool, Dracula, Freddy Krueger. You can also choose any other hero, character.

6. Portraits in the image of God, saints


For women

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