Tattoo wave - sketch options, meaning, places of application, interesting photo ideas

Like any other body marking a wave tattoo can be a simple image that you get because you find it fashionable or a complex design with deep symbolism. Regardless of what you choose or why you have it, waves are still a beautiful totem that is a favorite of tattoo lovers all over the world.

It is one of those tattoos that has always been there and few people bother to understand where it comes from and when it arrived on the scene.

However, you don't have to worry about it because it's cute Totem, and it's also unmistakable, and so you can have it just because you like the way it looks.

With these types of tattoos, then you can not always say with certainty where they came from, because different cultures and societies draw them for thousands of years.

In fact, the wave is one of the most common tattoos with communities that have lived near the ocean for centuries.

There is enough historical evidence to show that seaside and island communities in almost every continent of the world would draw waves and other things they associate with the ocean in caves and later in their bodies.

Wave Meaning.

In ancient Greek mythology, waves were depicted as beautiful girls in light attire, who were called nereids. The splashing nereids were believed to live in the palace of Poseidon. The sounds of the surf were called the conversations of fairy tale girls, who whispered softly to one another in the calm and grumbled angrily and loudly in the storm.

The Polynesians, inhabitants of a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean, had no written language, but a rich set of symbols made it possible to draw an ornament detailing all the events that happened to a person. The islanders drew tattoos beginning in adolescence, the first marking the transition to adulthood, and the rest could be used to read everything that had happened to the wearer. The image of a wave for the inhabitants of Polynesia means continuity through changes of state, the infinity of the life cycle.

The Chinese believed that the waves were the abode of dragons, their rhythmic movements reminiscent of the wriggling bodies of sacred beings. The foam on the crests represented purity, so waves were contrasted with dirt.

The image of a wave is always positive in relation to a person; in many Finnish and Russian fairy tales a drowning person is quite often carried to shore by a powerful but gentle wave, saving his life. In Russian culture, the word "volna" was used as a concept denoting independence, complete freedom, because it was consonant with the word "volna" (getting free). For ordinary people, the image had a secret meaning, uniting all the serfs, yearning to be free from the yoke of the capitalists.

Here are a few ideas for tattoos with the zodiac signs:

  • Zodiac Sign: Use your zodiac sign as the basis of your tattoo. Most often zodiac tattoos use simple symbols that are full of symbolism.
  • Flowers and Animals: You can use images of flowers or animals that relate to your constellation.
  • Element: Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the 4 elements: water, earth, wind or fire. You can combine the zodiac symbol and one of the elements. For example, the element Sagittarius is fire, so you can use an archer with arrows in the tattoo. Other obvious examples are a fish in water or a lion with a mane of fire.
  • Color: Each sign of the zodiac is associated with a color. You can add more symbolism to a tattoo by making the right color dominate.
  • Body part: You can add even more symbolism to a tattoo by placing it on the appropriate body part.
  • Translation: You can translate the name of your constellation into an exotic language. Sanskrit and Tibetan are great for this because both the zodiac sign system and these languages appeared around the same time. They are also very beautiful and elegant fonts that would make a great base for your tattoo.

Richard Ricky Hale more

Richard Hale is a tattoo enthusiast who studies and explores tattoo symbolism, meanings and history.


The meaning and symbolism of water

When it comes to life, nothing can survive without water.Every living animal, human and plant needs it to live. As humans, our bodies are made up of water. In the world of tattooing, this can be very symbolic.In this article, you will learn what symbols associated with water and what they may represent.

  • Many cultures, ancient and modern, believe that water is related and connected to the soul. They believe that it has the ability to purify the body, soul and mind.
  • It has always been one of the most important elements and building blocks of every human, plant and animal life. Without it, life is not possible.
  • It is also one of the four basic elements of the world, along with fire, air and earth.
  • Ancient cultures knew the importance of the early stage. They knew that it was important to every living thing. They also believed that it had the ability to wash away evil and nothing bad. No other culture can be shown this more ancient Celtic.
  • It can also be seen as a Christian symbol that means purification or purity. In Christianity, holy water is used to purify the body and soul. It is also used during baptism, for prayer, for healing, and to ward off evil spirits. For these reasons, water tattoos can also represent protection, healing and purity.
  • It can also symbolize rebirth and regeneration. This can be due to many different reasons. In Christianity, as mentioned, since holy water is used in baptism to cleanse the body and soul and receive forgiveness for your sins, you are eventually born again in the name of Jesus Christ. Because it also brings life to all living things, it can mean creation to others. Water has the ability to bring the living back to the brink of death.
  • As you read earlier, it is one of the four basic elements of the world. In addition, it can also be associated with the moon and femininity. The moon actually controls the movements of the oceans. Because the power of water is undeniable, the tattoo version can represent power and strength. You can see some moon tattoos pass in water, for example.
  • While it has the power to create life, it can also take life away. Water is powerful and can be destructive, as seen in hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis.

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There are many different water tattoos to choose from.

  • You can have one that appears to splash your skin, or you can get one that depicts waves or ripples.
  • Some people may choose to get a full ocean back design, while others may choose a pond, lake, or some other type of standing water.

There are also symbols and animals that can be associated with it.

  • Sharks, whales, dolphins, turtles, starfish, and koi can all be made with water designs.
  • Nautical symbols, ships and boats are also depicted with it.
  • Lotus and other flowers can also be seen.
  • Some tattoo artists may have put their own creative twist on this for you, such as skulls and water, or a moon made of water.

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Meanings and ideas.

There is a huge array of meanings. In cases where another symbol is added, such as a shark or Dolphin, the meaning changes. However, when it is presented as a splash, a wave, or standing, it can be related:

  • Spirituality
  • Cleansing
  • Purity
  • Peaceful
  • Serenity
  • Power
  • Serenity
  • Strong
  • Rebirth
  • Regeneration
  • Life
  • Creation

It can also represent peace, tranquility and serenity.

From a nice hot bath to the sounds of a peaceful waterfall, it carried the possibility to rest the body, soul and mind.

In the Western Zodiac, the signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are all related to water, so these signs can play a role in tattooing as well. The possibilities are endless.

Depending on which symbol is associated with water, the meaning of your tattoo may differ from pure water. The most common meanings are purity and cleansing. It is used to represent many things in life, so in the end, your tattoo represents what you want.

Important Tip

You should always take your time and research multiple tattoo symbols, designs, and meanings.You want to allow yourself time to understand what your design represents and stands for. Remember, take your time and take your time in getting a tattoo.

If you feel that water design is not for you, there are plenty of other options out there.

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Tattoo waves on the forearm

In the list of gold classics, the wave tattoo ranks at the top of the top 10. It is an essential attribute of the nautical theme, formed with the direction of the old skool. Over the years the tattoo image has grown into a symbolism.

Tattoo meaning for girls

As a symbol of water, the element in which life originated, the image of the wave for girls serves as a talisman, which will help create a strong union with a man, give birth to children, continue family traditions. Realistic pattern of rolling waves is associated with good health, the free flow of blood in the vessels, the liveliness of movement and lightness of character.

Brightly colored tattoos, in which the turquoise wave changes shades against the background of golden sand or sunset sky, like girls who love to travel, learn about the nature of other countries. Closeness to the world around us and the desire to learn through observation leads many to believe in the law of the boomerang, the existence of karma. Tattoo wave denotes the impact of one person's deeds on the state of the other, so the streams of water flow into each other, giving birth to new forms.

Tips for sketches

Raging waves have inspired more than one generation of artists. It doesn't matter if the artist is running a brush over the canvas or a needle over the skin. The energy of the drawing fills the filled area with movement and brings the power of transformation into the wearer's life.

Before you begin, consider sketches of already completed works by recognized masters who have associated their careers with the theme of water. Such sketches are full of expression and original presentation. This will help to let your imagination go on the way of creative search.

Otherwise, water tattoos are depicted according to the laws of a particular style. Before going to the salon, choose one or a couple of them. This will help you choose masters who specialize in this direction.

Recommended reading: Mermaid tattoo

Tattoo meaning for men

The harmony of the wave movement always calms, relieves tension, allows you to make the right decision, despite fears or sorrows. Therefore, for men tattoo wave - a sign of a strong will, the ability to hold his own. The owners of the concise tattoo in the style of minimalism are always rational, keep a steady mood and do not succumb to provocation.

The image of moving waves on the shoulder or back of the head - a symbol of constant self-development, the desire for perfection, the desire to master a lot of knowledge and skills. The owners of the tattoo usually have a wealth of experience, or aspire to it, can give sound advice on any topic. The changeability of the waves, which are always in motion, reminds us that nothing on earth is eternal and the world around us is changing with every second, so it is never too late to learn.


Like the other signs of the zodiac, the Aquarius tattoo comes from ancient Greece. There are two interesting legends about its origin.

1. In ancient times, humanity lost its moral compass. People lived idle, constantly fighting, forgot about their responsibilities. This so bored the inhabitants of Olympus that the chief god decided to destroy the human race. The titan Prometheus, upon learning of this, told his son Deucalion about Zeus' plans. The son of the titan built a ship, stocked up on food and clothing, and along with his wife began to wait for the wrath of the gods. Endless rains came upon the earth, and soon the cities, trees, and even the mountains were hidden under water. After nine days, the rains stopped, and Deucalion and his wife repopulated the earth. It was the soul of Prometheus' son that subsequently ascended to heaven and became the constellation Aquarius.

2. The second legend tells of the incredibly beautiful young man Ganymede. The young son of the king of Troy was so attracted to Zeus that the thunderer, turning into an eagle, carried him to Olympus and rewarded him with eternal youth. Ganymede became the gods' cupbearer. He poured ambrosia from amphorae at feasts, which arranged the inhabitants of Olympus. Many believe that this young man is depicted in the image of Aquarius. After all, it is the athlete with the jug that appears to us at the word Aquarius.

Wave in a triangle meaning

People who choose to sketch a wave enclosed in a triangle for a tattoo are harmonious and well-developed personalities. In the three corners of the geometric figure hides the unity of life, death and new life. The cyclicality of infinite existence is emphasized by the image of the wave, which never stands still, constantly changing color, speed and shape. Beautiful, but at the same time, not shouting bright colors image, indicates the integrity of the nature, a strong spirit of the owner.

For girls, a tattoo in the form of a triangle, which encloses a wave, symbolizes the connection between the three periods of life: girlhood, motherhood and aging. The movement of the wave means that the moral foundations of youth and health will affect the physical and spiritual state later, when children appear, and then grandchildren. Girls with such a tattoo will not allow themselves to offend, but also others will not give offense, their agreement with the inner and outer world allows you to be strong and calm in any environment.

Water as an element.

Seas and oceans occupy most of the surface of the planet. It is in water that life was born. The peoples of Asia and Africa have always been very protective of this element. They deified water, begging the sky for every drop. In China, earth and water symbolize the feminine Yin as the continuation of life, intuition and cyclicality. The water has always been attributed many magical properties. Witches and sorcerers have taken it as the basis for almost all rituals. Christians believe that the baptismal ablutions will wash away the sins and reward good health to all who bathe on January 19. Beauty and benefit will bring the washing before dawn on Holy Thursday. It is also called Clean Thursday. Thanks to the water, both people and their homes shine clean by this day.

marine element


For women

For men