Incredible snake tattoos for men and women: beautiful sketches, color and black options, popular locations

The snake in nature differs from other living creatures not only in beauty, but also in witchcraft mystery. That is why the snake tattoo in the form of both men and women, has many meanings. Those who are in love with this cold-blooded creature, do not miss the opportunity to put his variant image on the body. What are the most popular snake tattoos?

The meaning of the snake tattoo: the most unusual interpretations

According to legend, in ancient times, the snake was considered the center of the Galaxy, and therefore it was not left without attention. Many old tribes admired its grace, hypnotic charm, lightning attack and flawless flair. Even now, watching on television scientific and educational programs about snakes, you can see how snake calculates every move, and the steps of the victim he knows as if in advance. Snake venom is not only a dangerous toxin, but also a terrific, effective medicine. In the Bible, the serpent is a source of seduction, knowledge and sexuality. Since different countries perceive the image of the snake differently, the interpretation of the body image should be based on religion, location, color of the snake and the composition as a whole. Remember the lines from the work "Memory" by N. Gumilev:

"Only serpents shed their skins, To make the soul grow old and grow. We, alas, are not like snakes, We change souls, not bodies..."

So the snake tattoo with renewed skin symbolizes resurrection, rebirth and youth. Such a tattoo characterizes its owner as a person who radically reconsidered his position in life. A symbol of permanence, infinity and eternity is a body circular tattoo where the snake swallows its tail. Fire snakes mean prosperity, and the cobra is generally considered a drawing of the Goddesses.

Cyclic and eternal life

According to Native American belief, when the heavens fell to earth, the serpent marked the two worlds and still supports the clouds to this day. According to Aztec belief, the two overriding gods, transformed into an animal, tore the terrible monster in half. From one part of it they made the sky, from the other they made the earth. The Greeks believed that the cyclical nature of life and death fell on the shoulders of Ouroboros, who ate his own tail daily, which later grew back. This kind of snake tattoo symbolizes permanence and eternity.

If the predatory animal sheds its skin, it means resurrection, renewal, youth and longevity. Such a drawing is done by those who have reconsidered their life values and decided to make drastic changes. The image of the fiery serpent is a symbol of purification and a beautiful beginning.

Snake tattoo sketches: perfect drawn variations

A tattoo with a snake always looks attractive. Regardless of the place of application. A competent and meaningful choice of a tattoo sketch can in the most advantageous way emphasize the beauty of the physique, for example, pumped muscles or a skinny waist.

The history of the symbol

Mention of snakes can be found in many chronicles. For example, in 1060 BC in Ancient Egypt, there was a legend about a huge reptile, which was immortal because it ate its tail. Hence the interpretation of the symbol of the snake with its tail in its mouth as "infinity", "cyclicality".

In ancient Greece, the snake was the guardian of the mysteries of death and life. From the myths of the country and originated the sign, which became a symbol of medicine. There are many legends of underground snakes in America. There are peoples who chanted snakes, for example, the Indians considered it a symbol of fertility, the Buddhists - the protector (according to legend, the cobra opened its hood, saved the Buddha from the sun), and the Celts revered the creature as the keeper of the secrets of the universe.

In Slavic countries the attitude to snakes is negative, and most likely this is due to the biblical story. In the Bible you can find references to the snake - the tempter, whose role - negative, he expelled the first people from Eden.

Snake tattoo: photo of color variants

In a colored natal drawing in the form of a snake quite effectively looks the drawing of each scale. The color of the snake chooses the person himself, who dreams to see a beautiful cold-blooded creature on his body. Green, golden, gray, orange, red, blue snake can be performed in a monochrome version, and can be presented in the form of transitions through all the colors of the rainbow.

The manner of execution

The textured snakeskin looks great and realistically transferred to the volumetric painting. Each scale is traced by the master separately, so the real masterpieces come out, similar to the photo. Sketches are made both monochrome and color. Any variant is characterized by originality and uniqueness. It is especially preferable to use:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • gold;
  • green;
  • coral;
  • gray.

Professionals use different styles in their work: watercolor, graphics and other modern trends. The structural realization of the skin creates a striking effect. Snakes turn out expressive, almost alive in appearance. The point of location does not play a role, the main thing is not to be held hostage, feeling the iron grip of the reptile.

Snake tattoo for girls: amazing photos

For many people, the snake tattoo on the body of a girl is perceived as a symbol of human sin, but this interpretation is fundamentally wrong. Girls with the image of a snake look feminine and sexy. Any snake tattoo, located in an open area, attracts attention and fascinates those who are panically afraid of these fantastic creatures. Girls often prefer dark versions of snake tattoos. It would seem that made in color tattoos with snakes look spectacular, but the black snake is still more enchanting.

Female preening, fertility, home

Two snakes paddling each other, applied as a symbol of lasting friendship or great love.

And in ancient times, tribes believed that such an animal could cause showers, thus helping the field from drought. By worshipping the snake, Native Americans believed that the predator could stop the storm. In Egypt, the goddess of fertility was associated with the cobra. The snake tattoo for girls symbolizes femininity and sexuality.

Men's snake tattoos: incredible natal drawings

Despite some aggression in the behavior of many snakes, men prefer to use its image as the main drawing in the overall natal composition. It is not uncommon to see a snake crawling over a human skull on a man's body. Another popular male option was the image of the jellyfish Gorgon, whose hair is a snake.

Compositions with other elements

As with many other significant tattoos, the snake has its key subjects for plot compositions and are already traditional. We're talking about combining a reptile with a skull and not necessarily a human skull. The reptile both wraps around its white bones and enters through its empty eye sockets. Often the tandem is decorated with huge blossoming flower buds.

Another object of universal love in the sketch is the dagger. Double-edged, thin as a stiletto, coiled with a snake, the representative of edged weapons fits perfectly into the oblong areas of skin, allotted for the tattoo.

And last, but not least, a popular element is a flower, and in most versions - a rose. The flower or flowers can be used as a decoration, provided they are small, or come to the forefront of the picture, if the size is comparable to the size of the snake.

There are many more quite acceptable elements that, logically and common sense, can combine with the reptile to give the tattoo a savory intricate look.

Black snake tattoos: notes of witchcraft in images

The black snake tattoo indicates that its owner went through a number of extremely difficult difficulties, for example, an illness, but was able to overcome all adversities. Very often the black snake tattoo adorns the hand and is made in a minimalist format. Some instances of snake tattoos in black look much more realistic than the colored version.

Connecting with objects

Reptile with a dagger means confronting flaws and weaknesses. The second interpretation is the destruction of the old to gain something new. This is a good amulet, which is beneficial to the energy. The snake, coiled around the handle, symbolizes medicine, so the sign is common among workers in this field.

The composition of the reptile with a rose states wise contemplation or struggle with negative traits. Passionate beauty of the flower enhanced snake guise and is a symbolic statement of eternal love, as opposed to infidelity. The snake looks beautiful surrounded by flower buds and petals - it is tenderness, a bright mind with a positive charge.

The skull represents otherworldly forces, reminding of the inexorable demise and emphasizing insidious intentions and malice.

The appearance of the individual is directly related to the interpretation:

  • the calm reptile is associated with intelligence and poise;
  • Open mouth implies clear aggression;
  • a snake with an apple suits a tempter and seducer
  • crown and sword - an urge for power.

An individual with a cross - spiritual victory over the flesh. People with a non-traditional sexual orientation, tattoo a snake wrapped around a naked maiden.

Spectacular snake tattoos with flowers

Heavenly life, harmony with himself and the world around him - so interprets the natal composition with flowers, around which the snake is enwrapped. The snake, hidden in a flower, holds a special mystery. Looking at this tattoo, you begin to wonder whether this cold-blooded animal is going to attack or just peacefully basks in the sun, gently swaying on a flower trunk.

Protection and Safety

The Indian belief was that the entrance to the netherworld was guarded by humans, represented by snakes. If you only turn to them for help, they will certainly respond. Rather, these beliefs and contributed to the emergence of different emblems: snake wriggling around the spike - nature protection organization, near the rod of all-powerful Hermes - a symbol of trade, near the bowl - a sign of medicine.

Cute snake tattoos on the hand

On the hands are very often found miniature snakes, made in white or red ink. Such a natal design looks amazing. Both women and men can afford it. Often, the tattoo on the hand is not supplemented with any additional jewelry, because the snake itself looks great.

Graceful snake tattoos on the leg

Not only mini-snake tattoos are depicted on the leg, but also entire large-scale images with the drawing of additional details. In the area of the hip, masters allow themselves to go wild and score a girl something unique and individual. Many snake tattoos on the legs are quite creative.

Very popular snake tattoos on the shoulder

Tattoo on the shoulders with a snake is quite impressive. It is in this area the location of the spectacular tattoo testifies to the wisdom of the owner. Graceful and cunning snakes are usually made in medium size and complemented by a realistic plot.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To impose a tattoo on the body dream of many, but dare for such a deed only a few. This is due to the fact that not every city has a good tattoo salon with an experienced, qualified master. Before choosing a sketch of a snake and thinking where to stuff it, a man must find such a master.

Important! In no case can you turn to private tattooists, leading the reception at home. Such specialists are unlikely anyone checked on the criteria of compliance. Plus, there's every chance of getting an infection, getting a shoddy job, and injuring your body.

Stunning snake tattoo on the back

If the snake tattoo on the back is performed in the form of a calmly crawling creature, it indicates the acquired wisdom and tranquility. Such tattoos give not only positive emotions, but sometimes even inspire fear. Located in the lower back of the snake tattoo in women indicates a strong character, determination and confidence in yourself and the future.

Popular combinations

Many people score composite tattoos, which have their own interpretations regarding the combination. The following combinations are considered the most popular:

Dragon .

Their union together represents balance, with the dragon expressing the exuberant and ardent half, and the snake the restrained and sly side of nature.

With flowers.

Depending on the combination with a subspecies of flowers, they are interpreted differently.

For example, with the rose is an object of seduction, and with the lotus is a complex interweaving of 2 facets (delicate and passionate, strong and fragile, frightening and attractive).


The combination of these 2 symbols signifies a life of constant struggle.


Reminds of mortality and combines death and decay.


Weapon, entwined with a reptile, is interpreted as a thief, a ringleader in prison.

However, a body drawing can simultaneously mean determination, courage and bravery, resilience, military honor and duty.

Tattoo of a snake on the neck for men and women

Tattoo on the neck in the form of a snake can literally wind this part of the body in a circle, as if strangling. Probably only fearless individuals can afford to make such a tattoo in such an open place. Women more prefer to apply a snake tattoo on the back of the neck, from where the front of the maximum that can be seen is the head or tail of the predator.

What are the most common places to apply

A tattoo on the body is a way of self-expression, a desire to share your worldview and outlook on life. Often the image is a way to remind yourself of important life principles, the pursuit of goals and their achievement. The placement of the tattoo on the body depends on this: it is applied on visible areas or hidden from public view.


Although snakes are mostly attributed female qualities, men much more often choose this image as a body image than female representatives. By choosing this image, men, associating themselves with him, seek to possess the same qualities.

Snake tattoo. Meaning for girls, men, sketches, photos

For someone, the snake is strength of spirit, character and the ability to defend their point of view in any circumstances, thanks to the ability to think quickly. For others, it embodies aggression, predation, or courage and fearlessness. Men prefer to apply three-dimensional drawings on the body, so areas of the body with a larger area are popular.

The body parts used by men for snake body tattoos and their meanings are described in the following table:

Body partMeaning
ArmThe snake wrapped around the right arm is a symbol of protection for the wearer. The wearer is endowed with calm and poise.
The symbol of the snake on the left hand indicates duplicity of the person. At the same time it finds a combination of positive and negative qualities.
NeckSnake around the neck suggests that the person is easily susceptible to emotions and temptations, and the snake is designed to appease these qualities.
ShoulderThe image on the right shoulder indicates that the person seeks to perform only good deeds. The image on the left shoulder indicates the desire to be cunning and self-serving.
StomachSnake, located on the abdomen, symbolizes the merger with the person and the transfer of its qualities.
BackDrawing a reptile on the back affects the subconscious. The more rich in detail the image, the more they affect the character and worldview of the person.
ChestThe closer to the heart the drawing is located, the more passionately the person desires to unite with the image and possess its qualities. A threatening drawing indicates aggressiveness, and a calm image of the snake indicates kindness and wisdom.
LegA snake wrapped around the right leg is a warning for a person not to do things when not asked. A snake on the left leg indicates secrecy and mystery.
BrushThe image on the hand warns the wearer against doing things that were previously peculiar to that person.
FingersA man who painted this image on his body possesses secrets and may be endowed with superpowers.
FaceThe image, which attracts the attention of others, is aimed at warning about the connection of a person with the dark forces.

In addition to the meaning determined by the place of the drawing on the body, the snake image also has interpretations depending on the objects surrounding it, color and nature of the animal depicted. Snake with open mouth symbolizes aggression and is applied to the body to warn others. The image of a cobra has the same meaning. The sight of the resting animal helps one to find harmony with one's inner world and to calm down.


The snake tattoo (the meaning for girls is different from the interpretation of male tattoos) has more graceful versions of the image on the female body. Only a confident girl who associates herself with these animals is able to make a similar tattoo on her body.

Snake tattoo. Meaning for girls, men, sketches, photos

First of all, the snake on a woman's body indicates the sexuality of its owner, her cunning, resourcefulness and dexterity. At the same time, the image of the snake indicates wisdom and loyalty. A woman who possesses these traits seeks to emphasize and enhance them.

An important factor for the creation of tattoos for girls is the aesthetic side. Therefore, it is often the desire to put a spectacular image on the body that dominates the choice of image.

Depending on the location on the body, women's tattoos also have a certain meaning:

  • The snake on the neck indicates the calculating nature of the persona.
  • The location on the leg indicates the betrayal of a loved one.
  • A tattoo in the form of a volumetric image on the hip is made by girls wishing to show their sexuality.
  • The ankle is the place to create a drawing, endowing the wearer with caution, discretion, grace and seductiveness.
  • Drawing on the shin gives peace of mind and prudence, warning against rash steps.
  • An expression of seductiveness is the drawing of a snake on the waist. Such an image endows the wearer with a great reserve of sexual energy.
  • Femme fatale with great potential of sexuality, apply the image of a snake on the pubis.
  • The image of the reptile around the waist speaks of the strength of the human spirit.

Tattoo options for girls can be very diverse.

Snake tattoo on the side of a girl


For women

For Men