Tattoo Tiger - The energy of fire and grace Predator embodied in the tattoo

Tattoo Tiger symbolizes strong, bright and dynamic energy. It also means royal dignity, strength, ferocity, fierceness and anger. In the subjects of tattoos, tigers in most cases act in their positive hypostasis. Tattoos with a tiger fit only the brightest and strong-willed individuals who resolutely pursue their goals in life.

Undoubtedly, the beautiful coloring and graceful body of the tiger are very often the reason why so many people want a tattoo with this large predator. We have collected the most beautiful and unpretentious examples of tiger tattoos in our review.


1. Meaning of the Tiger Tattoo 2. Men's Tiger Tattoo Sketches 3. Women's Tiger Tattoo Sketches 4. Popular Tiger Tattoo Styles 5. Popular Tiger Tattoo Plots 6. Popular Tattoo Places to Tattoo the Tiger

Tattoo Tiger - Tattoo of the Tiger - Tiger Tattoo Meaning

Meaning of Tiger Tattoo

The tiger is an animal that is highly revered in the countries where it resides. The image of the tiger is both dark and light. He is a creator and destroyer. Like the lion, the tiger can symbolize both life and death, evil and victory for good. Some gods travel on tigers, demonstrating their power.

In India, the image of the tiger is a military emblem. Tattoo with a tiger can carry the meaning of military valor, fearlessness, honor.

The tiger also has an interpretation of fierceness, passion, anger, rage. The tiger is also interpreted as a symbol of fierce anger, rage, and determination. People whose character bears the traits of a tiger can get a tattoo as a sign that they are stronger than their shortcomings.

Tattoo Tiger - Tattoo Tiger - Meaning of the tiger tattoo

History of appearance

The history of the style begins in the 20s of the 19th century, at that time many sailors got old skool tattoos. These were colorful tattoos that carried a certain meaning. Shipwrights were very mistrustful, they constantly needed amulets and protection, but their profession did not always allow them to wear pendants, rings, etc. That is why men got tattoos symbolizing something.

The most popular tattoos were anchors, roses, swallows and hearts. Due to the fact that sailors were not often at home, they used portraits of their wives for tattoos, enriching them with colors and other symbols.

Men's Tiger Tattoos - Sketches of Men's Tiger Tattoos

The majestic and strong disposition of the large predator often resonates with a male audience of tattoo lovers. Men, as a rule, bring up in themselves the strength of spirit, energy, will to fight and the ability to stand up for themselves. Therefore, the image of the tiger, a large graceful animal, very often becomes the subject of male tattoos.

Female Tattoo Tiger - Sketches of Female Tattoo with the Tiger

Girls are closer to the external beauty of the tiger, his militant grace, extraordinary appearance. As tigers are associated with the fire element, they will be close to girls bright, unusual, bold and extraordinary. Tattoo with a tiger is more likely to suit a rebel, determined lady, whose life does not depend on the opinion of others.

Compositions with other elements

There are many style options for the application of such a tattoo in men and women. Here are the most popular motifs.

Skull with bones. Such an image was first used by pirates in the 18th century. They first put a skull on their flags, in some cases combining it with crossed bones. Such an image was intended to intimidate the victims, forcing them to surrender and not to resist.

Sugar Skull (Calavera). This image is an essential attribute of the rather peculiar holiday "Day of the Dead", celebrated in Mexico on November 2. Household members and friends gather around tables on which special cookies are placed. They are in the form of skulls, which are decorated with flowers and decorative ornaments.

Winged skull. Symbolizes the love of freedom and independence, independence. The best option for those who value their own opinion, giving it preference over the opinion of others.

Hooded Skull. The hooded skull and scythe tattoo, which has a somber appearance, reminds us of the inextricable relationship between death and life. The scythe can be replaced by a less somber object, for example, a guitar. This will bring a touch of humor to the tattoo.

Skull with a rose. Quite a common variant of the tattoo, showing that death and love are closely related and go hand in hand. The bearer of such a tattoo can give some of his own special meaning, putting into the image personal experiences and associations.

Skull with crown. Also a popular tattoo, especially among men. This combination indicates that the bearer of the tattoo seeks to achieve power, to earn honor. In a slightly different interpretation, this symbol can symbolize the desire to become a historical figure, to leave a mark after death, as the crown represents the cultural heritage, for centuries reminiscent of the deceased.

Skull and clock. The most lyrical version of the tattoo with a skull. It has the most pronounced symbolic coloring. The words of this combination is best expressed by the famous phrase in Latin "memento mori" (ie, "remember the death"). A person who gets such a tattoo is reminded (above all, to himself) that life is fleeting. As a result, one becomes aware of the need to enjoy every day that passes.

Popular Tattoo Styles with Tiger

Tattoo of the Tiger in the Newscool style

Newschool implies bright colors and catchy themes, so the tiger tattoo in this style looks very winning and successful.

Tattoo tiger - newskool tattoo tiger - newskool tiger tattoo

Tiger tattoo in the oldskool style

The tiger in the traditional version has long been considered a classic of tattoo art. Tattoo in the style of oldskul differ in their simplicity of lines and forms, but they look very stylish.

Tattoo tiger - tiger tattoo oldskool - Tattoo tiger oldskool

Realism Tiger Tattoo

Realistic tiger images can be divided into two types. The first are bright, colored, tigers are often depicted in the rainforest, in order to shade the bright color with rich green hues. The second option is a black and white tattoo that conveys the grace and exotic coloring of the tiger.

Tattoo Tiger - Tiger Realism Tattoo - Tiger Realism Tattoo

Tattoo old skool characteristic features of the style

Old skool has a unique style. On the one hand the drawings seem lubok, simple and unsightly. On the other hand, to apply an image and make it colorful is a whole art.

The applied drawings look a little playful and deliberately presentable. The roots of the origins of the style can be seen in this kind of expression.

To find out what is old skool, just look at the photos with sailors. The harsh conditions of many weeks of transitions on the water and testing the elements hardens the character.

Perception also undergoes a transformation. Without humor and strong nerves, the sea can break a person. It is this theme that reflects the old school tattoo.

Characteristic features of the style are:

  • the principle of application;
  • the theme of the images;
  • stylistics;
  • choice of color;
  • unique typeface.

While on the ship, the sailor had no access to complex devices. That's why the drawings were stuffed with darning needles.

The paint was wound up to a depth of 3 mm almost to the superficial layers of the muscle. Today's technology is more gentle. But the patterns are still full of fancy colors and nautical themes.

The idea of old skool has spread thanks to vintage fashion. Typical colors:

  • green
  • blue
  • black
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • blue.

The colors have no shades or overtones. Lines are induced with a thick black border. Gradients and penumbra are done with an absence of color or a transparent background.

Old School Tattoo Dagger and Rose
Dagger and Rose Tattoo

Popular Tiger Tattoo Plots

White Tiger Tattoo

The white tiger is commonly referred to as a female tattoo. It is not associated with fire, but with the moon. White tigers are very rare in nature, so they have a special magic of attractive beauty. They embody calm energy, grace.

Tattoo tiger - white tiger tattoo - white tiger tattoo

Tattoo Tiger and Flowers

As we have already noted, it is not uncommon for tigers to be depicted against a background of plant motifs, such as flowers. This helps to make the composition richer in terms of elements and colors.

Tattoo tiger - Tattoo tiger and flowers - tattoo tiger and flowers

Tattoo of a tiger with a snarl

The tattoo of the snarling tiger means readiness to defend himself, inner strength, a strong-willed character. The tiger is often portrayed exactly with a grin, as this once again emphasizes his predatory disposition, fury.

Tattoo tiger - Tiger tattoo - Meaning of tiger tattoo

Popular drawings and their meanings

In today's world, many people do not attach importance to tattoos, they serve as a certain decoration on the human body. But each of the drawings carries some meaning. We offer you to consider the most common tattoos and learn their designations.

Ship .

For sailors, their ship was their second home and their crew was their family. That's why you could see ships on their bodies, denoting hope, freedom and forward movement.

Nowadays, the ship in old skool is painted not only by those people who are associated with the sea, but also by those who honor tradition and history. Over time, the drawing has absorbed the experience of generations.

The owner of such a drawing indicates that he is ready for any circumstances that life will give them and trusts the world.


The significance of the swallow has often been indicative of motherhood. This particular symbol was the sign of the ancient Greek goddess, who was the patroness of all young mothers. But what significance does this have for sailors?

In addition to motherhood, Isis guided the wind and the sky, which is why shipbuilders used this drawing. For some, this tattoo signaled a desire to return home. For others, it was a symbol of love.

Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo with a picture of a swallow, you can choose the meaning that suits you best.


For sailors, the skull was a symbol of overcoming difficult situations. For shipmen engaged in piracy, the drawing spoke of ruthlessness and fearlessness.

In our time such drawings can be seen on the bodies of male rockers or musicians. For them the skull is a kind of amulet. With a drawing they want to show that they are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight them.


A dagger or knife indicates that the person is ready to fight to the last and to keep his honor. The symbol is metaphorical because it speaks of the struggle not with enemies, but with the difficulties in life encountered on the human path.


A sea anchor stuffed themselves those shipwrights, which in the first place sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. He means protection from hardships in life and witchcraft forces encountered in the life of sailors.

Now the meaning of the tattoo anchor has not changed, masters allow only to embellish the drawings and make them an additional ornament.


This drawing has many meanings. The symbol can indicate the presence of a loved one, fortitude, honor or nobility. The heart is painted on any part of the body and is not depicted alone, but with the addition of other attributes. The drawing can be complemented with swords, crosses, shields or birds that signify freedom.

Popular Locations for Tiger Tattoo

Tiger tattoo on Brush

Tattoo tiger - Tiger tattoo on the wrist - Tiger tattoo on the wrist

Tattoo of a tiger on the Leg

Tattoo tiger - Tattoo tiger on my leg - Tattoo tiger on my leg

Tiger on Forearm

Tattoo Tiger - Forearm Tattoo of a Tiger - Tiger forearm tattoo


For women

For men