The symbol Valknut: its sacred meaning and the use of amulets

The symbol valknut traditionally attributed to the Scandinavian culture, but in some sources you can find opinions that this sign has ancient Egyptian or Greek roots.

It is also possible to meet an opinion that it is a Slavic amulet. Probably, the researchers were prompted to such conclusion by the discovery of valknut in the fine art of many peoples and its absence in the images of the Scandinavian god Odin, with whom the symbol is actually identified.

The sign is an intertwining line folded into three triangles.

This configuration is also called the "knot of the dead" (or the "chosen ones").

The magical symbol is still used to this day as a talisman, but there are theories about the undesirability of wearing a walnut by a living person.

History of the mark and archaeological findings

The valcnut gives a person a sense of oneness with the world.
It is not known exactly where the symbol originated. According to one version, the Scandinavians were the first to apply the Valknut. According to another, the sign is of ancient Egyptian origin.

Some historians believe the symbol originated in ancient Greece. Archaeological finds with the image of the Valknut are found in various countries.

Although the Knot of the Dead is often associated with the god Odin, there is no official confirmation of this theory. Archaeologists have not found a single image of the deity that bears the symbol.

In the Swiss islands, the Tengelgaard Stone has been found. It depicts a memorial procession, with a rider followed by a man on foot. In their hands they hold rings, bracelets.

Valcnut is depicted between the legs of a horse. Another find from Sweden is the Stora Hammar Stone. Here a warrior is prepared for a sacrifice, a hanging. The symbol is placed next to him. It is not uncommon for archaeologists to find the Knot of the Slain on jewelry. It has also been found on a bed from the Oseberg rook.

Interesting video on the subject

In his video the author talks about the history of the appearance of the sign, the ancient places and objects where this symbol was found, and also describes its possible meaning. Interesting is the legend about the connection of the Scandinavian giant Hrungnir with the image and the name of the amulet, as well as a version about the trinity of the gods of the Nordic pantheon, which found reflection in the form of amulet.

The knot of the dead is an interesting amulet that retains a mystery. Only a worthy and strong character can take advantage of its power, observing certain rules of treatment with it.

What does Valknut and its varieties look like?

The symbol combines several equilateral triangles intertwined in a special way.

There are several varieties of the sign:

  1. Intersecting triangles.. 3 separate figures are drawn so that the first is located at the bottom, and the remaining 2 - the top. The left triangle is slightly higher than the right.
  2. Intersecting Figures .. Visually, all three triangles look like 1 line. The figures do not end with each other, but go one into the other.

Each of these patterns can be depicted as an independent symbol or complemented by a runic circle.

Where to place the tattoo of the three triangles?

Girls prefer to decorate their bodies with small pieces of body art, placing them between the shoulder blades, on the wrist or forearm. Men prefer to get a picture on the hand, forearm or shoulder, underlining their masculinity. The Valknut tattoo is not applied to the heart area. The strong energy of this amulet can provoke palpitations and fear.

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The meaning of the symbol Valcnut

The symbol has several meanings, the main of which is explained in the translation of the name.

In Slavs and Scandinavians.

Valknut literally translated as "Knot of the Fallen". It was believed that those killed on the battlefield go to Valhalla, a structure located in the city of the gods, Asgard.

It was ruled by the supreme god Odin. Because the symbol was most often used when going to war, it came to be associated with the Scandinavian deity.

Proponents of Slavic origin argue that the Chosen knot symbolizes the unity of nature. The Slavs associated the sign with the Tree

Life, uniting heaven, earth, and the underworld. He also points to the valor of the dead in battle. Slavic amulets were applied on stones, carved on trees, embroidered on clothing close to other protective images.

The Chosen One's Knot
The knot of the Chosen is a symbol of unity with nature.

The connection of worlds

Each triangle is believed to point to one of the worlds. The sign united humans (Midgard), gods (Asgard), and the dead (Helheim).

Sacred numbers.

Valknut is associated with the numbers 3, 9. According to one version, it points to the goddesses of destiny: Urd, responsible for the past, Verdandi, dealing with the present,

Skuld, who creates the future. This interpretation arose due to the fact that the figure is based on 3 triangles. Another theory points to the World Tree, covering all 9 worlds. It also links the sign with Odin, who was hung on Yggdrasil for 9 days. The interpretation points to the total number of angles.

Runic Circle

Depending on the runes chosen, the interpretation will vary. The most often depicted with Valknut are Dagas, Tursiaz, Uruz, Fehu, which are periodically repeated. This indicates the addition of experience over time, development with constant progression, and the cyclical nature of life.

Runic Interpretation

Modern runologists often use the Valcnut surrounded by Scandinavian runes, as they believe that the symbol in combination with them acquires even greater magical power. However, this was not always the case.

In Viking times, the symbol was never depicted surrounded by runes, moreover, it has nothing to do with them and is completely independent.

According to runologists, valknut amplifies the effect of runes, which are directed corners of the triangles. For this reason, the sign is used as part of the various runic formulas created for one purpose or another. The most effective combination is considered a combination of the symbol with the runes:

  • Uruz;
  • dagaz;
  • tuzisaz;
  • Fehu.

In the runic circle valknut will not be beneficial - so most experts believe, because this combination has no meaning and direction.

Magical properties of Valknut

Valknut is used to activate other protective symbols, runic stavs or formulas. To do this, the talisman is placed in the center of the Knot of the Chosen, then a standard activation ritual is performed. To enhance the effect of the amulet, leave it on Valknut for 3-4 days.

Esotericists, magicians use the amulet to gain access to sacred knowledge. To do this, it should be regularly worn on a person.

Runologists use Valknut to improve the accuracy of divination, diagnosis, reckoning. Sometimes the runes refuse to give an answer to the client's request, but with the use of the symbol, the magician can determine the person's tasks or find solutions to problematic situations.

Making amulet with your own hands

Most Slavic amulets can be made with your own hands. As for the amulet of Veles, keep in mind that suitable materials for making are considered:

  • silver;
  • wood;
  • cloth and threads (embroidery).

Before making, it is necessary to get acquainted with the meaning of the amulet. Talisman perform in good spirits, with good intentions.

Cloth amulets are more suitable for women. Girls make such products for themselves and for their loved ones. Talisman, given by the mother, has double power. He will protect the child from adversity and misfortune.

For men, it is easier to make an amulet out of wood. In this case, you can use a wooden plate with carved or burned sign of the god Veles.

Wallknuth symbol: a detailed description
Amulet of Veles made of wood with your own hands

To work with precious metals, you need skill. If you have enough skill, feel free to get to work. The amulet will be an excellent gift for a beloved, children, relatives, or will protect the master himself.

How to Use the Symbol

There are several ways to use the Node of the Dead.

As an amulet.

Valcnut is used infrequently in this capacity. The sign is able to take away from the wearer unhappiness, problems, envious people, but only if first the person will endure a number of tests. Amulet will test the owner's determination, strength of mind, the will to win.

Most often, the triple triangle is carved from oak, made of stone or metal. It is believed that silver is capable of enhancing its properties.

Choose a talisman by yourself. Do not take it as a gift or use a randomly found product with the Knot of the Chosen.

Knot of the Killed as an amulet will give courage to its owner.


Esotericists argue about the permissibility of applying the symbol to the skin. Some experts argue that such a tattoo should not be done. Others allow the depiction of the symbol, but with caution, as long as safety precautions are observed.

The tattoo should not be placed in the heart area. So it will attract illness, deterioration of health. It is better to place the sign on the arm, forearm, chest or back.

Suitable for Valknut and the neck. If the body has already been applied to the runes, esotericists recommend abandoning such a tattoo.

The symbol will help gain access to sacred knowledge, but will take its toll. The bearer of the tattoo will be constantly exposed to scrutiny. A person's life can turn into a constant struggle, so it is better to refuse to choose such a tattoo if there is no sense of readiness for tests.

The symbol is only for strong people.


Do not mindlessly buy a piece of jewelry with a Scandinavian symbol. Even if a person does not believe in the power of the sign, Valknut will affect his life, create difficulties, testing the strength of character. When choosing a product, give preference to pendants, bracelets or rings made of natural materials.

Rings with a symbol as a talisman.


The Killing Knot can be embroidered on clothing. However, do not apply it to military uniforms, as the Vikings, who went into battle, knew that they would not return home. Place the image below the solar plexus or on the sleeves.

Embroidery with the symbol of the Killing Knot.

Image on a gadget.

It is considered a less effective way to use the sign, but is also allowed. Put a picture on your home screen so you can look at the Knot of the Dead more often. Keep in mind that such an image will attract difficulties in your life.

Fun historical facts

Quite a few historical facts are associated with the sign of the Walknut and some of them are quite interesting.

Here it is worth mentioning that the symbol was used not only by the Scandinavians, but also by the Celts, the Germans and the Slavs. The meaning of the symbol was somewhat different for each of these peoples.

The meaning of the symbol valknut with the Slavs carried the unity of nature and the fact that valiant warriors who have fallen in battle, be sure to receive their reward in a better world.

With the Scandinavians this sign was considered magical and was applied to various items, including weapons, to win the victory.

With the Celts and Germans valknut was considered a symbol of strength, rebelliousness and defiance. The Celtic symbols were often worn as a talisman by those who wished to possess such qualities.

Not so long ago in what is now England was discovered a ring bearing the mark of the walnut. According to archaeologists, it was made as a protective talisman.

Also, the valcnut was often depicted on funeral ships, in which the ancient Vikings placed the bodies of fallen warriors. It was believed that the symbol would help them get to Valhalla more quickly.

In Germany this sign became Nazi after Hitler came to power and was actively used as a symbol of the invincibility of the Third Reich. Subsequently, the Walnut became negatively perceived in the states affected by the actions of the Nazis.

Runic Interpretation

How to choose an amulet for yourself

It is recommended to make the amulet yourself. If this is not possible, ask a master who makes amulets with your own hands. If you wish to use a symbol as a protective, give preference to oak or stone.

Silver Valknut is recommended to use for gaining access to secret knowledge. The metal is suitable for magicians, esotericists, and self-developmental personalities.

When choosing, take into account your own feelings about the product. It should not cause negative emotions. If you will feel fear, hostility or rejection, better take another talisman.

Choose a talisman according to your feelings.

Compatibility with other faiths

This is a Slavic amulet. Therefore, it will help people who are descendants of the Slavs. In the extreme case, it is acceptable to use when a person became interested in the Slavic culture, began to follow its traditions and revere deities.

Valknut symbol: detailed description
The Slavs revere the god Veles.

As for religion, the answer is one. Neither Christianity, nor Islam, nor any other religion approves of talismans. Representatives of religious faiths consider it paganism, prejudice and, moreover, a denial of faith, blasphemy.

True Christians look to Christ and the holy martyrs for help, but not to the Slavic deities. Take this fact into account.

Veles, of course, no harm, if the sign will be worn by an Orthodox or a Muslim, but here we are talking about dual faith, and this is a bigger sin than atheism. Decide what you believe.

Cleaning and Activation

To clean the product, you can put it for 1-2 days in salt. It is better to use sea water. If the material does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, it is allowed to clean it under running water.

Some esotericists say that the symbol's own power is so great that it destroys any traces of other people's energy, so it is not necessary to perform special rituals.

You can activate the amulet with the help of biological fluids. Most often saliva is used. A drop of blood applied to the symbol has a stronger effect.

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Valknut symbol: detailed description

An amulet, made of the right material, charged and purified properly, can give its owner

  • strength of spirit;
  • optimism;
  • magical patronage;
  • fertility;
  • health;
  • victory over evil, enemies;
  • protection from negativity;
  • the power of the solar flame.

The power of light and creation, which is carried by the sun, will help a person to achieve and overcome any difficulties, to come out a winner from the battle with evil, to become stronger, healthier, and more fortunate. The power of such amulet can work miracles in the literal sense of the word. But it cannot be used for bad actions, with the purpose to cause harm.


The following magical components of human existence are associated with the Valknut:

  • One who wears it regularly is able to know all the laws of the world around him and those that were the basis of the universe.
  • Before a person, when worn for a long time this mysterious image, higher forces lift the veil of mystery that exists between the sphere of the living and the place where the souls of the dead have already gone. That is why the runes are used when emphasizing the abandonment of the soul of the mortal world and the transition to another reality.
  • Its bright power, which can tear everything in its path, creates a single vector of time for a person. Thus, the connection of everything that happens in three dimensions - was - is - will be. It allows a person to take a fresh look at everything that is happening here and now, to understand the causal relationship of any action and situation in his life and the lives of those around him.
  • Whoever wears this rune can take a fresh look at the relationship between the spiritual and material worlds. He will begin to experience the harmonious influence of each component. Therefore, the holders of Valknut, in most cases, these are people who are not only spiritually developed, but also do not experience in the difficulties of life with the financial security.

Summing up all of the above, it is possible to note that this rune is a wonderful way to combine all areas of human life. It brings a transformation and change in human existence. But only if a person will safely pass the test sent down to him.


An interesting fact is that in the runic symbols Valknut is found depicted in different ways:

  • In the first version it is an interlacing of 3 separate triangles, forming a single chain.
  • The second is a single continuous line that has neither beginning nor end, laid out in such a way that when crossing itself it forms a broken line laid out by triangles.

Wallknuth symbol
Valknut .

Now there is no consensus on the uniqueness of the interpretation of this symbol. In addition, the 2 images are completely differently deciphered:

  • The one that represents 3 independent figures stacked together is seen as the power of the supreme God over the invisible bonds and chains in this world. Only Odin has the power to confuse man by binding his actions, actions and feelings with fear or prejudice. Just as he alone has the power to break down all doubts and enable each individual to develop and move forward.
  • Considering the runes, consisting of a single continuous line, which is intertwined in 3 images of a triangle, it is worth noting that it is generally considered a symbol of fate. This is a symbol that the Norns, spinning a single thread of each person's fate, conditionally divides it into 3 milestones - the present, past and future.


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