Tattoo Veles - meaning for men, description (including seal and bear paw), impressive sketches, photos and videos

Tattoo Veles

Tattoo Veles

Tattoo Veles - An image of one of the most controversial Slavic gods. Most often, you hear the name cattle god, because Veles was the patron saint of animals. But his functions were not limited to this. Veles was worshiped as the god of wisdom, knowledge and magic. This image belongs to the Slavic tattoo amulets.

The legend of the deity

The Slavic god Veles, according to legends, made this world come into motion, breathed life into it. This forest werewolf god could bestow wisdom, was the patron saint of witches and wizards.

The symbol of Veles is an inverted triangle, a stylized image of a bull's head with horns. The symbol of Veles is an inverted triangle, a stylized image of a bull's head with horns.

However, more often Veles appeared to people in the image of a forest master - a bear. Therefore you can meet his other symbol - a bear's paw or its imprint.

In the world of the ancient Slavs, it was one of the most revered deities of the older generation. Veles patronized agriculture, was responsible for the fertility of soils and forests, guarded cattlemen and their animals. He was also the protector of the family and clan.

Veles was once banished to the world of men, but among them he lived good-naturedly, taught man many useful things - to raise cattle, to work the land. He brought the most talented people close to him and shared his magical knowledge, the secrets of existence, and the secrets of the gods.

Velesovik amulet

This amulet is designed exclusively for men, as a patron of "male" occupations: hunting, fishing, work on the land. It develops in its possessor manliness, fortitude, patience, courage, and determination. It was used both in peacetime and in military conflicts, as Velesovik protects its possessor from physical injuries and dangerous situations.

He will be a guide for those who go on long journeys, enjoy recreation in the woods or mountains, engaged in extreme sports. In any situation, the amulet will guide a man in the right direction and protect him from danger. Best of all, if such an amulet for a loved one will make a woman. So it will be charged with her pure energy and will always help a man to return home.


We study the tattoo of Veles

So, what can be said about the owner of such a tattoo? It is important to remember that the true meaning knows only the bearer himself, who invented, ordered and wears this image. And only after that it is possible to interpret this mysterious symbolism. In a general sense, we can assume that the picture bears the following set of meanings:

  • The owner of a tattoo of Veles - if not a Rodnover, then clearly honors the memory of Slavic ancestors and their heritage, with respect and even religiously refers to the pantheon of ancient Slavic deities.
  • The person is interested in ancient rituals and traditions, especially magical ones.
  • The bearer may consciously or unconsciously, by virtue of his mythological consciousness, refer to the Slavic gods as patrons. In this case - Veles himself. Perhaps he needs knowledge, he longs to know the mysteries of the world and the eternal truth.
  • This person seeks to understand the laws of life, the secret side of the universe.
  • He has developed intuition, even clairvoyance or a penchant for vision. He likes to reflect, to be alone with himself.
  • The tattoo of Veles - the god with the talent of shapeshifting - can mean a longing for nature, reverence for the elements and natural forces. Perhaps the man recognizes its divine nature.
  • Tau Veles - the desire to attract material prosperity in one's life, through the patron of fertility to achieve financial gain.
  • It is a traveler who wants to enlist the support of such a road patron. Veles was a wandering deity, bailing out travelers.

Amulets in the form of paws of animals

Amulet with the image of the paw of a wild animal gives its owner determination and courage. With it, a person can overcome all difficult situations and solve any problems. The symbol brings good luck to a person engaged in trade and commerce. Thanks amulet entrepreneurs easier to make useful contacts and close profitable deals.

Sign Veles repels negativity through strong magical aura. He protects the wearer from spoilage, evil eye, envy. It helps reveal a person's own magical potential, awakens hidden talents. If the owner of such amulet has abilities, he will begin to notice which of the people is in a benevolent mood to him, and who is deceitful or wants to take advantage of him.

Also, the amulet can lift the veil of secrecy of the future, as it develops intuition and the ability to anticipate certain events.

Do you use this amulet?

It is good to use during travel and business trips. The protective properties of the amulet will protect the owner from thieves, cheaters, and other dangerous people. This quality used to be especially appreciated by traders engaged in the transportation of goods from city to city. Thanks to the power of the amulet, their trade was profitable.

Seal of Veles bear clutch: to whom and for what can be worn

Seal of Veles, performed in the form of a bear's paw, is considered a strong magical sign, stopping the negative. It is well suited for the following categories of people:

  1. Unsure of themselves, afraid to show character. The energy of Veles disposes to that the person declared about itself, the abilities openly, and therefore the amulet will be very handy for those who are not able to present themselves, to tell about their skills and talents.
  2. Have an insurmountable craving for alcohol or drugs. Amulet removes the negativity left by poisonous substances, both energetically and physically. It gives its wearer firmness, strength, determination, through which a person can once and for all overcome addictions.
  3. When in a difficult situation. The bear symbol urges not to lose one's temper and helps to mobilize all inner strength. It will be useful for anyone who finds himself in a difficult situation.
  4. Busy building a career. Veles favors success, fertility and wealth. The symbol will help those who are actively working, especially in the field of commercial activities, to achieve success.
  5. Those who have a connection with nature. It is best to use the symbol for those whose profession is directly connected with the influence of natural elements: firemen, rescuers, fishermen, etc. The amulet will help them better feel the situation and orientate themselves in the situation.

Bear Paw
The amulet has a powerful energy, only strong, enduring and strong spirit people can use it constantly. If a person is not characterized by great vitality, it is better to wear a bear claw for a while, otherwise the amulet will bring fatigue, both physically and emotionally.

The symbol meaning - a wolf's paw with a seal of Veles

The seal of Veles in the form of a wolf's paw indicates the constant movement and struggle of man for his place in the world. Such a sign helped the lonely, hardy spirit, choosing your way and going to your goal. The symbol encouraged freethinking, independence and changes in life arising in the course of the movement.

Such amulet fully corresponded to the symbolism of the wolf figure and gave its owner the desire for freedom, the desire to follow his own path, relying on the ancient Slavic laws. The owner of such a seal of Veles could become an expert in the chosen business, a recognized authority, whose words are listened to and respected for professionalism.

Wolf's paw.

The symbol is well suited for people looking for change, seeking to experience life in its full manifestation. It can be used by both men and women, most importantly, have the desire to realize their potential. The energy of the talisman shows strong leadership qualities, gives courage and bravery. It helps to make independent decisions, not relying on the judgment of others, sharpen the desire for individuality and encourages new accomplishments.

Options for sketches

Tattoo of Veles is most often chosen as an image of the god himself - as he is represented by the customer, because there is no unambiguous source. According to ancient descriptions, he is an old gray-haired man who is wrapped in bear furs or in a cloak, with a magic staff in his hand. The staff looks like a club, a cudgel or a thick branch, reminding of the forest element, which is ruled by Veles.

A large, detailed tattoo of a deity with all the attributes are often applied to the back, so that it was easy to read the entire scale and could be quality painted conceived. Often the composition is accompanied by elements of wildlife or a detailed forest background.

Being simultaneously a man and a bear, this god combines animal and human origin. In this vein, bear paw, horned and furry silhouettes without designating a face are often stuffed.

Spells and activation of an amulet

Any talisman needs activation and energetic feeding. When it just gets in hands of a new owner, it is necessary to clear it to remove all present on an object another's energy. For a ritual, it is necessary to use spring water, a candle and an amulet. Make the witchcraft in solitude, so that other people will not bring down the necessary attunement by their energy.

After the owner of the talisman has remained alone, it is necessary to light a candle and briefly immerse the amulet in water. During this, the following incantation is read:

"Veles, almighty God, whose power is strong on Earth and in the sky. You walk at night, appear in the daytime, in your control are sprouts of earthly, human destinies. Come down to me, O great creator, and take away all hardships, and be my watcher. Protect me from enemies, give me strength for the road, patron of wolves, drive away evil from my doorstep. Let your name be weakened.

After purification, wear the amulet for twenty-four hours without taking it off. So it will be charged with new energy and will strengthen the connection with its owner. After that, it is necessary to place the amulet in a certain space. You can do it with the help of natural elements:

  1. Earth. So seal Veles will be sharpened to protect the host from any negative influences from the outside world.
  2. Waters .. The symbol will contribute to a deeper disclosure of intuitive, magical abilities.
  3. Fire .. The energy of the amulet will push people to realize their goals, projects, endow him with firmness and courage.
  4. Air .. This amulet allows a person to use a calm, rational attitude that allows a thoughtful approach to different situations in life.

In order to charge the seal of Veles in a certain way, it is necessary to contact with the selected element. After each lunar cycle, the amulet is discharged, and next time it can be charged with a different energy if necessary.

Who chooses the Veles tattoo

God patronizes travelers, tourists, hikers, geologists and foresters. If your activity has to do with wild or domestic animals, Veles can patronize you.

This is clearly a masculine symbol, it is worn to evoke wisdom and natural strength, as well as the ability to create a large family. A man can be a Slavic pagan, a craftsman and head of his family, the eldest son, a responsible and deep in nature. He can be trusted with secrets, he will support and share his strength of spirit. They are often physically strong, though not necessarily large people.

However, for all the beauty and power of the symbolism, it is worth bearing in mind that this is a pagan deity. And to do such a drawing on the body only out of "love of art" is not worth it if your faith, especially Christian, means something to you.

More often than not, tattoos of Veles are applied by neo-pagan Slavs, who are quite numerous today. But if such tattoos are worn by a person who is far removed from these beliefs, he or she will get in trouble of all kinds, both from people who respect the god in question and from the god himself (this is reasonable).

It is important to honor nature, to respect the past of our ancestors, to accept other people's beliefs and not to criticize our choice of tattoos. The history of the Slavs has been half-forgotten, but if some of the men still tattoo such images - it means that some spark of faith in the old patrons is still preserved.

Samples of photos and videos from the site, dedicated to tatu-culture - your faithful assistant in choosing the best sketch. Also the master will additionally advise you on all questions concerning the symbolism.

Useful hints

Above-mentioned images can be used as a tattoo or a handmade amulet. In either case, the influence of the amulet will be quite strong, as some esotericists believe. However, Christians should know that the Bible prohibits paganism and the occult. A tattoo with a pagan symbol is incompatible with the Christian worldview.

When choosing a sketch for the tattoo, you must take into account that the symbol should not be too large (up to 3-4 cm). It is better to apply it to the hand (shoulder, wrist, hand). Some people prefer to perform such a tattoo in the chest area.

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According to existing legend, the god Veles launched the movement of life, and the wheel is the embodiment of this. The seasons alternate, and day alternates with night. Such an amulet will help when starting a new business. It will give fertility and financial independence. An active talisman and from its owner will require energetic action, and not passive waiting for the realization of their dreams.

The final part

People often choose a talisman thoughtlessly and immediately begin to make it. You should always remember that unwise tattooing can have a negative effect on your destiny. Mankind knows very many different stories when a tattoo has played a bad joke on a person. Usually, the unwise use of a tattoo can affect any area of a person's life. Some owners of an unwise tattoo have had accidents, ended their lives with suicide, or simply lost their minds.

It is very hard to believe that an ordinary image can affect one's destiny. Unfortunately, this position is wrong and bodes ill for the bearer of the tattoo negative events in life. If you are in trouble, it is better to go immediately to the salon and remove the image. It is likely that the new tattoo is not suitable for you. In principle, it may be your own fault for what happened. But still better to be reinsured, and get rid of the pattern. A Slavic god negatively refers to the fact that there is a feeling of disrespect to him. Therefore, he is able to punish the disobedient person than to cause him irreparable harm.


A very interesting sign is the Rune of Veles. Its meaning is a sacred fire, which purifies the owner of the amulet, and shackles the mind burns the fetters.

The rune is a symbol of balance between the dreams of man and his surrounding reality. By resorting to runes, people can remove existing barriers and move forward towards their goals. Runa clears the path of outdated beliefs that have become not beneficial, but harmful.

Rune embodies the motto of the true warrior, which is that we must win before the fight starts. Runic signs have a powerful magical effect, so use them with caution.

Rites .

The life of the Slavic tribes consisted of numerous rituals. For example, in ancient times people were very reverent about creating a family, believing that it was necessary to get married in order to live together for life.

The wedding ceremony was very beautiful. The leading role in it was given to the bear. The most famous wedding rites are:

  1. "The Bear Song. This rite is a prototype of the modern bride price. The groom is dressed in a bear costume and offered a series of tasks (dance a bear dance, play a musical instrument, sing ditties, to measure their strength). If the groom successfully passes all the tests, he "turns into a person" (a bear skin is removed from him). After that, the bride gives her consent to the marriage.
  2. "Bear Hunt." This ritual game symbolizes male heroism. A young man dressed in a bear costume chases the girls in the clearing. The girls call for help from the groom and his friends. The groom and his assistants kill a bear, performing a battle dance, rescue the girls.
  3. Wedding ritual. The eldest woman dressed up in a bear's skin, and during the whole celebration was next to the newlyweds. This symbolized the protection of the newlyweds from envious eyes and evil tongues, as the bear was associated with purity of thought, wisdom, a sense of security among the Slavs.


The modern style of tattooing is divided conventionally into 3 types:

  • Classical images of the god elder with a staff.

tattoo of Veles

  • Images in the form of animals (wolf, bear, bull).

tattoo Veles the wolf

  • Pagan runic symbols with the letter "A" or the paw of a wolf/bear.

tattoo sign of velez

The realism of the tattoo is achieved by the properly chosen sketch and place of the future application. Photos of all kinds can be found in abundance in the master's catalog or on the Internet.


For women

For men