Meaning of the tattoo wolf with roses for girls

Tattoo wolf has a multifaceted, deep and contradictory meaning. In ancient times, the source of food was hunting, and people learned the skills of hunting it from wolves, competing with the human race for food.

The animals were extremely intelligent, excellent hunters, cohesive and disciplined. They were characterized by boundless loyalty and strength. Therefore, the wolf tattoo is suitable people permanent in all his endeavors, appreciating friendship and love.

For the hard of spirit, independent, capable of upholding their point of view, this tattoo will be a kind of amulet, supporting and protecting against all adversity and hardship.

Associations with the wolf

Symbolizes courage, fortitude, bravery, strength. It is depicted as a confident animal with a piercing gaze, often with a human face, predominantly Indian. Or a wolf with feathers is stern and unapproachable.

A double drawing is fashionable, that is, the image of half the beast's face and the other half a human face - an Indian.

According to tradition, the Celtic warriors were steadfast and brave warriors, because before each duel they drank wolf's blood, in order to adopt the main qualities of this animal in battle.

The red color in the tattoo symbolizes the cunning qualities of man, his strength and audacity: the qualities inherent in jackals and foxes. The emergence of later tales of werewolves may have something to do with this.

The wolf tattoo for men: seriousness and brutality

On the male body, the wolf tattoo is most often applied in a realistic style and predominantly monochrome. An experienced, skilled craftsman is able, simply by using the play of light and shadow, to convey the special character of the beast!

Pay attention! Of course, there are also colored tattoos. They allow you to fully appreciate the aggression of the animal, to show its predatoriness.

Very attractive look "tattoos", perfectly imitating rock paintings, such as those adopted in the culture of Indian tribes. In addition, many professionals advise to apply such a picture, as a symbolic image. Tattoo a wolf looks good, if it is a large, large picture. Therefore, it should be pricked on the back, in combination with other elements, which will create a complete picture. For example, good options for such a picture would be:

  • An animal on the background of a forest or surrounded by trees;
  • A demonstration of a person transforming into a predator or vice versa;
  • A wolf or werewolf walking under the moon on the streets of the city.


You can often see references to wolves in ancient myths and legends. One legend has it that Genghis Khan's mother was a gray-blue she-wolf who lived in the sky, but one day came down to earth to give birth to the great warrior. Another legend tells how the she-wolf saved a warrior from Turkey, the only survivor of the battle, and showed him the way to new lands.

The legend of the raising of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, by a wolf has been heard by everyone. Because of the blood relationship of young men with the God of War Mars, who was their father, wolves began to be taken as creatures of ruthless and cruel.

The wolf tattoo can mean victory and glory. In ancient Rome, if the fighters noticed the animal before the battle began, it was considered a good sign - a sign of future success. Counted the predator servant Odin Scandinavian Vikings, according to which it is God bestows their strength and stamina.

What does the wolf tattoo mean: a symbol of strength and loyalty

One of the most common among the aforementioned tattoos is the drawing of a wolf image on various parts of the body. The wolf is one of the mysterious, highly organized, especially revered and sacred animals. His heroic image with inimitable charisma from time immemorial was present in fairy tales, legends and myths of all peoples of the world. Many stories, short stories and novels by both foreign and domestic writers are dedicated to this amazing and beautiful animal. The cinematography has also not stood aside and we can think of several films, both fiction and documentary, that have impressed us with their subject matter to the core.

Undoubtedly, a person who draws a tattoo depicting a wolf has or wants to bring in his image and character inherent in this wise animal traits, namely:

  • endurance;
  • speed;
  • strength;
  • impetuosity;
  • leadership;
  • intelligence;
  • courage;
  • loyalty;
  • independence;
  • the ability to overcome the most serious obstacles;
  • purposefulness;
  • nobility.

Depending on the image itself, its angles and accompanying elements, the meaning of such a tattoo may contain a negative connotation, reminding us that in each of us from time to time the image of the "beast" may be born, caused by injustice of the outside world, despair and offenses inflicted, for example:

  • Deep loneliness;
  • inner turmoil;
  • a commitment to unnecessary risk-taking;
  • cruelty;
  • bloodthirstiness;
  • involvement in the otherworldly world and dark forces.

But in any case, the meaning of such an image is diverse and primarily speaks of leadership, pride and independence of the person who chose the wolf for the tattoo.

Common meanings in tattoos

A tattoo with a wolf that runs means a love of risk, a thirst for speed, an attraction of excitement. A jumping wolf is able to overcome any obstacle standing in its way.

Another meaning of the tattoo is guardianship and protection. It has long been believed that wolves helped the destitute and powerless people.

Devotion of these animals knows no boundaries. When the male dies, the female remains faithful to him until the end of her days. Therefore, girls should be careful when choosing such a tattoo. Many of them, disappointed in men, get a tattoo as a sign of permanent loneliness.

What styles to choose and how to combine them with other drawings

We have considered in detail the meaning of the tattoo wolf. Now let's talk about what style to choose and how to properly combine the figure with other tattoos. For example, if you look at the pictures of wolf tattoo represented on our site, then you can make sure that one of the most common styles for this type of tattoo is realism. Such a drawing is quite difficult to apply, and therefore only a professional craftsman should be entrusted with this work. He will be able to create a realistic image of an animal by transmitting the play of shadow and light, using only black color.

Note. Although, colored tattoos can also be realistic. They will resemble a true work of art, created by a talented artist.

On the second place in popularity are the wolf tattoos, made in graphic style. They involve a kind of "shading". A large number of lines of different lengths and thicknesses are parallel to each other. Exactly this allows creating a full picture, looking bright and juicy! Of course, such a tattoo should be, if possible, as big as possible. A good option is a wolf tattoo in the old skool style. This is one of the most developing styles. The direction has its own unique features. The style is quite simple, but elegant at the same time. It can even be considered in some way romantic. Its main characteristic is thick outlines, bright colors and contrast. Trabble or tribal involves the use of different shapes and patterns, lines. It is quite contrasting.

Men's tattoos

Among men, a tattoo with three eyes is common, which shows the ability to see to the root, to see what is not subject to the simple eye. The symbol of strength and power is the image of a predator, tearing his prey to pieces.

Men, as a rule, depict the wolf as a symbol of strength, resistance to any test and adversity; a symbol of overcoming obstacles.

The essence of the tattoo

Before the needle with pigment touches your skin, it is worth carefully studying the meaning of the drawing, so that it does not contradict who you are. It makes no sense to apply the image of someone who does not fit your spirit or does not fit your character.

Those who do the wolf tattoo, the one who is used to live alone and fight for his life, this determines the reason for the drawing. If we talk about what denotes the drawing of a wolf, it is:

  • Courage
  • Courage
  • Self-confidence
  • Inner core
  • Independence

It is worth saying that the wolf tattoo will not be to everyone's liking, because its presence suggests that the person has certain qualities. There is an opinion that the picture of a predator is close to those who most of all in his life appreciate the family and really understand what it means. In addition, the meaning of the tattoo changes depending on what else is in the composition, as well as what kind of animal is depicted. For example, if the wolf is depicted with its mouth open and shows a grin - it means that you are against the whole world and are ready to respond to the rudeness with aggression and rage, it is a kind of wolf in sheep's clothing.

Among the sketches of tattoos and photos of already completed works you can often see combined images of a wolf with something else, for example:

  • Feather
  • A knife
  • Dreamcatcher
  • Raven
  • Wings
  • A red heart
  • A variety of lines
  • A rose in his teeth
  • Moon (wolf howling at the moon)

Women's tattoos

Girls predominantly depict the wolf as a symbol of love for family, home and incredible devotion. In addition, it will symbolize eternal loneliness and a predilection for one single for life.

Girls may prefer a tattoo with only the outlines of the animal or with the addition of flowers that can dilute the harsh animal with their tenderness and colors.

Does it matter where you place the tattoo?

Depending on where exactly will be the sketch of a white, gray or black wolf, will change the semantic load of the tattoo. So, if the picture is on your shoulder, forearm, neck, shoulder blades or back, it is a sign that you are ready for desperate steps if they will be necessary. You are always belligerent and it is better not to get into an argument with you, as it will most likely end not in their favor. This can be called a kind of warning, that is, a warning sign, you can not ignore it if you plan to build a relationship with the owner of the tattoo, whatever it may be.

If the wolf is depicted framed by a star, it indicates that the bearer of the picture is an extremely unhappy person who needs to be warmed and caressed, so that his soul could thaw and reveal its full potential. That is, it can also be called a sign that requires mandatory reading and understanding.

It is also worth mentioning that the wolf or she-wolf is not necessarily applied to the skin in the form of a drawing of the animal, it can also be an inscription consisting of Russian or Latin letters. Thus, the word "wolf", which is often tattooed on the fingers of the left or right hand, usually has two meanings:

  • "Here - She - Love - What"
  • "Thief - Resting - Legman - Digging."

The latter, of course, applies more to prison interpretations, that is, those made in prison, and does not apply to those who simply want to celebrate their resemblance to a given animal. For this reason, it is still worth giving preference to the drawing rather than the letters, so that you are properly understood in society.

Many, especially men, apply the image of a wolf, as a symbol of their nonchalance and designation of lifestyle, where they rule the world, and nothing constrains their movements. These are narcissistic bachelors who most likely will not bind themselves with the bonds of marriage, as they are not used to taking responsibility for anyone or to consider other people's opinions.

The wolf grin tattoo

Suitable for a man who is fearless, able to stand bravely for his beliefs and for what he holds dear. At the same time will not wait for an attack, and will do it first.

Tattoo wolf: the meaning of popular tattoos

In most cultures, the wolf is directly or indirectly associated with the army, soldiers, military honor and courage. Even the ancient Roman deity of war Mars, in one way or another, was associated with the wolf. However, in the Middle Ages - in the countries of the Old World - the wolf was a symbol of greed, harshness, hostility. It was a dangerous animal that attacked shepherds and their herds, attacked villages and lonely travelers. Although, despite justified fear, many peoples valued the wolf for its courage, respected and even worshipped it. And also, according to the epics of many peoples, the wolf is not particularly interested in generally recognized human values and norms of behavior, but at the same time he does not seek to kill for the sake of killing, destruction for the sake of destruction.

A wolf howling at the moon

The tattoo is a sign of independence, or possible changes in life. In prison, such a tattoo is stuffed as a sign of betrayal to the wearer of such a picture on his body.

Features of the tattoo

What is the peculiarity of such tattoos? The wolf is an animal that has unique, unrepeatable characteristics, such as:

If you want to develop these qualities in yourself, to become more confident, it is worth to put on the body the image of a running wolf or an animal in a jump. After all, this predator is moderately cunning, clever, and his look, looking straight into the soul, will not leave anyone indifferent.

By the way, earlier, a wolf tattoo could not wear on your body every person, because it was considered a special honor and was considered honorable. For example, the Indians such a picture on the body was only the leaders.

If on the body there is a tattoo of a wolf, which is in motion, for example, rushing after the prey or running for his pack, it means that you are a risky person, easily involved in adventures and go to the risk. If the wolf is in a state of flight, that is, his paws are bent and his head is directed forward, it suggests that the owner of such a tattoo is a person who looks to the future with confidence and no obstacles in his way do not scare. By the way, it is photos of such tattoos most often found on the Internet.

If you want to depict only the eyes of a predator, then it is a sign that you are a highly spiritual person, accustomed to look deep into the soul and have a blue-eyed self-consciousness. It is believed that the meaning of the tattoo with a howling wolf on the moon, it is a symbol of a lonely man, who is not interested in the opinion of others, as he is used to live on his own. But it often turns out to be a cry from the soul that loneliness is not the answer, since we all need like-minded people and constant support from friends and family. You need to be aware of this when you see a wolf howling at the moon on someone's body.

It also happens that a wolf tattoo can be found on the representatives of the fair sex. Most often, the meaning of such a tattoo is the desire to escape from the male attention, because in the past a woman had a bad experience in life together or in relationships, that is, it is a kind of protest.

A wolf and a she-wolf.

Will mean an incredible devotion that can be transferred through life. Such a tattoo will suit people with leadership qualities, loyal, ready to fight for their loved ones no matter what.

What do the tattoos on the body mean: wolf, rose and others . The meaning of tattoos with names in guys and girls

Many people do tattoos on their bodies. These can be drawings, some symbols and inscriptions, names. In this article we will talk about what the meaning of tattoos on different parts of the body can be for guys, as well as what meaning is put in the tattoo girls.

Date Tattoo

The meaning of a date tattoo can be different, depending on what part of the body the work was done. If you see a name and only one date, it can mean a joyful event: in the family a person had an addition, a baby was born. If there is a date and a dash next to the name, and an infinity sign on the other side, then by that the owner of the body wants to express his love for the other half. It is possible that the date is the day of acquaintance, the first date, the beginning of a relationship or a wedding with a wedding ceremony. And the sign of infinity suggests that love will last forever and will never fade away. They will be together until death do them part. Speaking of death: the meaning of a tattoo with two dates is not difficult to guess. Unfortunately, in most cases, this means that people want to keep a loved one in their memory, to show their appreciation. Therefore, they wear the date of birth of a loved one and the day he or she left this world.

Tattoo of the name on different parts of the body

The meaning of the tattoo on the hand means that the person is proud of the owner of this name and wants others to know about it. He is not shy about his acquaintances and connections and openly declares it. The name under the chest and under the heart is worn by true romantics. For them, the person in question is something personal and intimate, but there is no need to make some kind of public news out of it. Just respect or adoration, which is not done for ostentation, but for themselves.

A tattoo on the foot shows contempt for the person, even hatred. One wants to constantly humiliate and step on him, suppress his personality and trample him into the ground. By the way, don't confuse it with the shin, etc.

Few people get tattoos on or near intimate areas. The meaning of a woman's pubic tattoo may be: I belong to this man and I am not going to cheat on him with anyone. If you see this inscription, get away from me, because I am busy. This is not a made up story or theory, many women have come to tattoo parlors and asked the masters to do the name of their loved one in just such a strange place. You were surprised and out of curiosity asked the reason, and then received approximately the above-mentioned answer. By the way, some masters refuse to beat this kind of tattoo. Tattoos on the buttocks are most often done either for a bet or for fun. Some people find this kind of action funny.

Tattoo of a wolf in the woods.

Denotes a person's desire to subdue the dark side of his being, wandering in that darkness.

Meaning of tattoos

The meaning of tattoos wants to know everyone who has decided to adorn themselves with an indelible drawing for life. Do you want to get a tattoo in Moscow and are choosing the right design? In that case you will probably be interested to know the meaning of the tattoo.

In fact, some definite meaning the picture may not carry, or the owner himself determines for himself the special meaning of the personally developed sketch. We offer the most widespread explanations of popular types of tattoos. Choose! You might need to have your tattoo corrected and renewed as well, if you have decided to change or supplement a boring drawing.

The "message" of your tattoo

"Rose" tattoo: the meaning of this drawing can be different. In Eastern culture, this flower is a symbol of a person's hidden capabilities. Also, such a tattoo can mean love, pride or the desire for power.

Tattoo "wolf": the meaning of the drawing makes it optimal for men. The wolf is a symbol of courage, endurance, bravery. But in northern cultures, this wild animal represents evil.

Tattoo "feather": the meaning of this drawing - courage, bravery, hope for something. Ancient peoples considered the feather a symbol of life.

Tattoo "dragon": the meaning of this tattoo - wisdom, knowledge, spiritual wealth and strength.

In the tattoo "bird" meaning can be associated with such human qualities as emancipation and the desire to find freedom.

Tattoo "cross": the meaning of the figure is different. It all depends on the type of the cross itself. In general, such a tattoo can be a symbol of the path of life or self-improvement.

The meaning of the owl tattoo - wisdom, insight and hidden power.

Tattoo in the form of a bee can mean the desire to find mental harmony, tranquility and comfort.

The orchid is a symbol of serenity and femininity, and the sakura flower is a symbol of fragility of existence and the passing of time.

When choosing a sketch, remember that your tattoo should have a special meaning for you, and most importantly - bring you joy!

We offer you an interpretation of the most widespread and popular types of tattoos. Look through our catalog, learn about the meaning of tattoos for girls and men. Masters of our salon will help you to choose the sketch and will move to any part of your body the image chosen by you, no matter how difficult and how big it is. Come to our salon and make sure: the meaning is not the most important thing. The main thing - the quality!

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Wolf`s head

Symbolizes courage, strength, persistence, sternness.

Wolf paw

On the chest or shoulder means power and steadfastness.

To summarize: how a wolf tattoo will affect your life

Tattoos depicting a wolf are overwhelmingly applied in a realistic style. They very rarely use multiple colors. Often the masters try to use one color, as well as the play of light and shadow, glare. Note that tattoos that mimic rock art look very attractive. If you want to "score" a tattoo depicting a wolf on his arm, in this case, fit a symbolic picture. But a full-scale, realistic picture will look perfect on the back. But a realistic wolf on the shoulder or on the hip will also look good.


For women

For men